Colby College Digital Commons @ Colby Colby Alumnus Colby College Archives 1946 Colby Alumnus Vol. 35, No. 3: January 1946 Colby College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.colby.edu/alumnus Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Colby College, "Colby Alumnus Vol. 35, No. 3: January 1946" (1946). Colby Alumnus. 295. https://digitalcommons.colby.edu/alumnus/295 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by the Colby College Archives at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in Colby Alumnus by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Colby. THE COLBY 0 A L u M N u s TANUARY, I946 KEY T.,O THE HILL COMPLIMENTS OF HOLLINGSWORT H & WHITNEY CO MPA NY Manufacturers of Pulp and Paper MARK Mills at Winslow and Madison, Maine, and Mobile, Alabama r ' j I COMPLIMENTS OF BATH IRON WORKS CORPORATION Shipbuilders & Engineers Builders of NAVAL AND MERCHANT VESSELS Bath Maine .fl (j)IM,eloluj o.& 9-� 9-1Jun4 ===================;i rr==================;i Compliments of W. B. Arnold Co. Compliments of HARDWARE MERCHANTS Home and Hotel Kitchenware Waterville Webber's Inc. Mill Supplies, Sporting Goods Dairy, Electric Refrigeration Fruit & Produce Co., Inc. AUGUST A ROAD Heating and Plumbing Sanger Avenue Equipment Winslow, Maine "Established over a Century" WATERVILLE, MAINE Compliments of COLBY ALUMNI ARE INVITED Compliments of TO BANK BY MAIL WITH Proctor and The Federal Community Bus Line Bowie Co. Trust Company GROVE STREET Bay Street 1 WATERVILLE, MAINE : MAINE Waterville, Maine WINSLOW : \1ember, Federal Deposit Ins. Corp. George H. Sterns, '31 Loring, Short Hayden, Stone Co. Fred J. Sterns, '29 & & Herbert D. Sterns, 39 ' Harmon 477 Congress Street MAINE'S OLDEST AND PORTLAND, MAINE STERNS ����� LARGEST STATIONERS Members New York and Boston WATERVILLE SKOWHEGAN Monument Square Stock Exchange "A Good Place to Trade .. " PORTLAND MAINE New York Boston Springfield Compliments of LEVINES Compliments of Harold W. The Store for Men RED STAR and Boys LAONDRY Kimball Co. WATERVILLE, MAINE 1 0 South Street WATERVILLE MAINE Ludy, '21 Pacy, '27 WATERVILLE MAINE Compliments of Dakin Sporting Compliments of PARKS DINER Goods Co. JOSEPH'S MARKET Supplies for Hunter, Athlete, DON PARKS, Mgr. FRONT STREET Fi herman, Camera Fan 7 4 176 Main Street 25 Center St. 67 Temple St. MAINE Waterville Maine BANGOR WATERVILLE WATERVILLE For Tileston & Emery-Brown Co. SERVICE, DEPENDABILITY and QUALITY - Call Hollingsworth Co. WATERVILLE'S 213 Congress St., Boston, Mass. Allens Drug Store PAPERMAKERS LEADING Robert A. Dexter, Prop. For More Than 140 Years 11 - ME. DEPARTMENT STORE MAIN ST., WATERVILLE, Maine Representative, PHONE 2095; NIGHT CALL 2294 F. CLIVE HALL, '26 Bakers Compliments of of KEYES FIBR E CO MPANY THE STAFF OF LIFE MANUFACTURERS OF Harris Baking Co. Molded Pulp Products Waterville Maine You Can Always Depend on Compliments of FRO-JOY WATERVILLE HARDWARE & PLUMBING SUPPLY COMPANY - 20 MAIN STREET WATERVILLE, MAINE Tel. Waterville 1320 Rolph Good, 'l 0, Mgr. The Waterville R. J. PEACOCK CANNING Morning Sentinel CO MPANY J ' is the paper carrying the Lubec Maine most news of Colby Col­ lege. If you want to keep Canners of in touch with your boys, MAINE SARDINES read the SENTINEL. The massive "Key to Mayflower The Hill" which Dr. Averill is Looking at Colby A1umnus was given to him on his birthday by FOUNDED 191 I the students as a gesture of affection and good will. In a sense, however, 35 15, 1946 Number 3 it might be said that Dr. Averill him­ Volume January self is the key to Mayfiower Hill, for as chairman of the Building Commit­ tee of the Trustees (as well as chair­ CONTENTS man of the Board itself) he has the responsibility for seeing that some The President's Page 4 $11900, oon is turned into the best pos­ The Talk of the College 5 sible educational tools during the com­ The Library and the College Gilmore Warner 7 ing months. For more about the What Kind of a Memorial? Reginald H. Sturtevant, '21 9 Averill Birthday Party, see page 13. The True Memorial . Lester F. Weeks, '15 10 Campus Activities 11 Averill Feted on Birthday 13 Dear Editor: - The arrival of the Alumnus always means a session of The Rare Book Comer ....................... .................. 14 enjoyable reading for that day. The With the Colors .... 15 December number is of especial inter­ More Decorations to Colby Men est because Ed Stevens' article on Capture of a Jap Charlie Pepper has brought me happy Service Personals memories of my own college days. I can see him so vividly approaching the Missions Accomplished campus riding his high-wheeled bicy­ 21 Class Notes about Colby Men and Women cle. He and my classmare, Ralph Milestones 25 Pulsifer, were the only ones in college Necrology 27 at that time who had the temeritv' to Daniel G. Munson, '92 ride that style of bicycle. - CHARLES P. MALL, '86. Theodore H. Kinney, '94 S Princeton, David S. Thurlow, '27 Ill. Anne H. Hinckley, '29 Dear Editor: - The October issue Thomas C. Scott, '48 of the Alumnus has just arrived. have enjoyed receiving it out here im­ mensely. Through its pages I have EDITOR JOSEPH COBURN SMITH, '24 followed the progress of the new BUSI ESS MANAGER . G. CECIL GODDARD, '29 Colby with a keen interest and at the same time have been kept informed ASSISTANT EDITOR . VIVIAN MAXWELL BROWN, '44 of my friends of former years. In­ ADVISORY EDITORIAL BOARD deed it has been a great pleasure. TERM EXPIRES IN 1946 TERM EXPIRES JN 1947 TERM EXPIRl.S IN 1948 Congratulations 0n a really swell job. '15 Marguerite M. Chamberlain, Charles H. Gale, '22 Hugh D. Beach, '36 - CPL. ABNER G. BEVIN, '35, Jane Montgomery Cole, '38 Richard G. Kendall, '32 L. Russell Blanchard, '38 USMCR'. William Finkddey, '43 Diana Wall Pitts, '13 Alfred K. Chapman, '25 H. Warren Foss, '96 Richard S. Reid, '44 F. Elizabeth Libbey, '29 care of Fleet Post Office R. Irvine Gammon, '37 John M. Richardson, '1 6 Betty Ann Royal, '42 San Francisco, Calif. John J. Pullen, '35 Elizabeth F. Savage, '40 Edward F. Stevens, '89 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Dear Editor: - I've certainly en­ joyed receiving all of the Colby litera­ Alfred K. Chapman, '25 Oliver L. Hall, '93 Ervena Goodale Smith, '24 G. Cecil Goddard, '29 Caleb A. Lewis, '03 Joseph Coburn Smith, '24 ture, especially the Alumnus. It can stack up against any college alumni magazine. PUBLISHER-The Alumni Council of Colby College. Entered as second-class mail - DoucLA. C. B R o , '47, RT2jc. matter Jan. 25, 1912, at the Post Office at Waterville, Me., under Act of March 3, 1879. o T ISSUED eight times yearly on the 15th of October, ovember, January, February, USS Hooper Island March, April, May and July. care of FPO, San Francisco SUBSCRIPTION PRICE- $2.00 per year. Single Copies, $.25. Checks should be made payable to THE COLBY ALUMNUS. Correspondence regarding subscriptions or Dear Editor: - The Colby Alum­ 477, Maine. advertising should be addre secl to G. Cecil Goddard, Box Waterville, nus has provided me with many Contributions should be sent to The Editor, Box 477, Vvaterville, Maine. happy hours. It came through very A subscriher who wishes to discontinue his or her subscription should give notice to well while I was in the Pacific. that effect before its expiration. Otherwise it will be continued. -ALDEN D. RIPLEY, '44. Thompsonville, Conn. ).fany <lf our veteran-; ha Ye a:-kecl me thi · fall \\·hether their w rk at Colby .huuld not be made tlJ bear 111lJre directh· on the immediate ancl pressing problem· oi linlilrn()d c1mirnnting them. .\ttem1 t to an ·wer ha,·e led inevitahh · t() a cliscus!>ion uf the familiar . i ·ue of \'OCatiunal yer·u: liberal ....h11oling-. c Perhap· our alumni will be inter­ ested in a ie,,- comments J made •!11 thi-; subject in a recent i ue of the Echo: "It has often seemed t1J me that people talk tuo much of the dif­ ference a· une of subject-matter. when actually the real <li tinction i in method· of in truction ancl ·tmly. 'ubject� \\'hich used to be con­ ·iderecl vocati nal are now clas eel a: liberal and z•icc 7;crsa. But when you tucly for a vocation you Cllnfine your elf to a ·pecial ·et of fact ancl don't try to go beyond them. \\'hen you embark un a Iii era! education you u e fact a. a snrt of ·pring-board for a jump into the realm of meaning , ·igniticance·, and relation­ ship·. \ man ,,·ho i liberally educated houlcl see beyond the problem. of the moment to the princit le: they im1 ly and the larger ituation-; nut of ,,·hich they o-ro\\'. " . ometime· it i aid that vocational training is useful now. wherea a liberal educa­ tion i useful in the long run. Of cour e thi clistinctinn ha· it point, but on occasion a liberal education can be so ·timulating to the imagination that the idea of u efulne' i it elf left behind. Fur example. a boy come· to college \\'ith the idea that he will learn the truth becau ·e it will ·en-e hi purpo e . Dy the time he leaye· he may haye become o ab orbed in the truth that he i led t a k hu\\· he can sen·e the purpo e it ha f r him. Thi 1 what people mean when they ay that ome ·ubject· ..;lrnuld be tucliecl for their 01rn ake and becau e of their 0\\'11 intrin ic worth rather than for their aid in carrying out our pe- cial aim.
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