Quaternary Sciences

Quaternary Sciences

9527% ~r2m %@% VO~.27, NO. 2 2007 + 3 a QUATERNARY SCIENCES March, 2007 j PP 1001 -7410(2007)02 - 161 -11 rn 1 x* -zw~ewmwea tEXkk[23,25,31 I%?% 1.@!&% 2.%% 3.&& 4.ESE 5.R%!x%€Ei I JC$Bi%llI@U#f u +$Bi%llIL&3 rnfi+isshwiq NESW~S~ Fig. 1 Map of tectonic units in the Tianshui-Qin'an region ( Compiled after [ 23 ,25 ,31 ] ) 1 La2 D3 D 4 El2 i!iZ~?YkR@~~~~BR~~~ i+WEYR!+;Aj@H 1. th& 2. i%*&%2%3. &i&amk%%% 4. &i&i2@%RFE Fig. 2 Sketch map showing the distribution of the Paleogene pluv~alsandy-gravel deposits El3 X7K -%%#!lLxR+%6tB .liiSR#EW%fi@EI l.Lh+t4&% 2. +%lii- k%tki%k%%k4kk 3. &+%'&Rf@l&i"nE 4..kBl'&d%m2f@l&ER 5. R%&%Wk 4kk Fig. 3 Distribution of the Late Miocene fluvial- lacustrine deposits in the Tianshui-Qin'an regions H 4 £I%%-%?Z%!kitft!~E%63JEQ 1. &% 2.&ztz#Ec9a2 3. +%I&S*4. &.+'%@ - k%@%*%*B@i+4ER 5. %V4t?%$if [email protected] 7. 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