21 Books to Read This Spring 02.26-03.05.2021 plus: nikki haley eyes a 2024 run POWER A record number of GOP women in Congress, among the most conservative ever, are shaking up Washington PLAYERS FEBRUARY 26 - MARCH 05, 2021 _ VOL.176 _ NO.07 FEATURES THAT WAS THEN Former Ambassador to the United Nations 22 34 Nikki Haley (above, at the 2020 Republican National Convention), a possible contender for the *23 nomination in 202, Zas once on the Ready to Rumble Nikki Haley’s 7rump team but has critici]ed him recently Open Field < A record number of GOP women 7 7 ( COVER CREDIT are in Congress this year. They’re The January 6 riot cleared * ʔ $ Photo illustration by Gluekit for Newsweek; / more conservative than their the way for a politician / , Cheney Chip 6omodevilla*etty; 6tefanik 9 ( .im %ill ClarkC4Roll Call*etty; *reene predecessors and ready to push offering Trumpism- ' 2 Caroline %rehmanC4Roll Call*etty 0 hard for what they believe in. without-Trump. 2 6 3 , For more headlines, go to + BY STEVE FRIESS BY BILL POWELL & NEWSWEEK.COM 1 */2%A/ (',72Rʝ,NʝCH,(F _ Nancy Cooper '(PU7< (',72Rʝ,NʝCH,(F _ Diane Harris FEBRUARY 26 - MARCH 05, 2021 _ CR(A7,9( ',R(C72R _ Michael Goesele VOL.176 _ NO.07 (',72R,A/ ',R(C72R _ Hank Gilman ',*,7A/ ',R(C72R _ Laura Davis U6 N(:6 ',R(C72R _ Juliana Pignataro 0ANA*,N* (',72R _ Melissa Jewsbury 2P,N,2N (',72R _ Josh Hammer DEPARTMENTS 6P(C,A/ PR2-(C76 (',72R _ Fred Guterl EDITORIAL In Focus (ditor, NeZsZeek ,nternational _ Alex Hudson Deputy Editor, London Bureau _ Alfred Joyner Associate NeZs Director, London _ Marc Vargas NeZs Editor, London _ Shane Croucher 06 Blagoevgrad, S enior Editors _ PeterbCarbonara, JennybHaward, Bulgaria DimibReider, PhilipbJeffery, KennethbR.bRosen, Prayer Celebration MeredithbWolfbSchizer, ChristinabZhao D eputy Editors _ JenniferbDoherty, 08 Tampa MattbKeeley (Night), ScottbMcDonald (Sports), KylebMcGovern, EmmabNolan Super Celebration (Culture), HannahbOsborne (Politics), DonicabPhifer, RamsenbShamon (Opinion), 09 New Delhi GLOBAL P. 16 BatyabUngar-Sargon (Opinion) <ayoi .usamaŠs Price Protests A ssociate Editor _ David Chiu paintings, sculptures, Copy Chief _ James Etherington-Smith installations and Naypyitaw, Periscope Deputy Copy Chief _ Dom Passantino other Zorks are on Myanmar London Sub-Editor _ Hannah Partos display all over the Asia Editor at Large _ Danish Manzoor 10 The Exhausted Zorld this year Uprising C ontributing Editor, Opinion _ Lee Habeeb Americans Ending “Toxic CREATIVE Polarization” Director of Photography _ Diane Rice Associate Art Director _ Paul Naughton 16 Building Back Better Digital Imaging Specialist _ Katy Lyness Redefining Citizenship WRITERS 18 Misinformation Health Correspondent _ Kashmira Gander DavidbBrennan, DanbCancian, BrendanbCole, Monitor BenMaminbFearnoZ, -ennibFink, DavidbHbFreedman, Europe’s Conspiracy StevebFriess, Aristosb*eorgiou, Christopherb*rou[, Theory Echoes Ale[andrabHut]ler, MattheZbImpelli, -acobb-arvis, SoobKim, -asonbLemon, PhilbMartine], NoahbMiller, SerenbMorris, -asonbMurdock, 7ombOŠConnor, 20 Talking Points EZanbPalmer, AdambPiore, BillbPoZell, Berry Gordy, Willie KhaledabRahma n, KerribAnnebRen]ulli, MeghanbRoos, Nelson and More :instonbRoss, -ackbRoyston, RobertobSaviano, SamuelbSpencer, -amesb:alker, Sophiab:aterɿeld, Marinab:atts, -aniceb:illiams, Kellyb:ynne < Culture 7 7 VIDEO ( * ʔ 7 R 40 Video Production Manager _ Jessica Durham ( % Spring Books % Bangalore Video NeZs Editor _ Nandini Krishnamoorthy , H ʝ The Best New N PUBLISHED BY 2 Fiction and 7 7 Newsweek Magazine LLC U 6 Nonfiction < 0 _ 46 Chief E[ecutive Ofɿcer Dev Pragad ( Uncharted R Chief Content Ofɿcer _ Dayan Candappa ( - ; _ Kusama’s Art Chief Operating Ofɿcer Alvaro Palacios ( N SVP Finance / *eneral Manager EMEA _ Amit Shah , F 48 Parting Shot Chief 7echnology Ofɿcer _ Michael Lukac ; ( / *eneral Counsel _ Rosie Mckimmie A Jodie Foster < _ VP, HR Business Partner Leiann Kaytmaz % VP Ad Sales, North America _ Shaun Hekking N 2 , Director, Content Strategy _ Nalin Kaul 7 A Associate Director, Strategy _ R Adam Silvers 7 NEWSWEEK 6 (ISSNʸʸʻˁ-˂ʿʸʽ) is published Zeekly e[cept one Zeek in -anuary, February, March, April, May, -une, -uly, *lobal E[ecutive Producer _ Alfred Joyner U August, September, October, November and December due to combined issues NeZsZeek is published by NeZsZeek Maga]ine LLC, / / * lobal Head of Programmatic Partnerships _ Jeremy Makin , ʼʼ :hitehall St, ˁth Floor, NeZ <ork, N< ʺʸʸʸʽ Periodical postage is paid at NeZ <ork, N< and additional mailing ofɿces POSTMASTER: Send change of address to NeZsZeek, ʼʼ :hitehall St, ˁth Floor, NeZ <ork, N< ʺʸʸʸʽ For Article Reprints, SVP, Product Business Intelligence _ Luciano Costa P 2 7 Permissions, Licensing, Back/Bulk Issues Newsweek.com/licensing Brian Kolb [email protected] Senior Sales Director _ Chantal Mamboury 0 Head of Subscription Operations _ Samantha Rhodes 2 R NeZsstand Manager _ Kim Sermon F 2 NEWSWEEK.COM +++++ “Journalism I don’t see elsewhere until later, if at all.” NEWSWEEK.COM/TRY SAVE 79% SuFRObM $1s.90c PErR WiEbEK e Rewind The Archives 1971 Newsweek reported, “At a moment when they feel more cause for pride than ever before, American Jews find themselves in the midst of a new, troubling search for identity—as Americans and as Jews.” A Newsweek Gallup poll found that nearly half of the Jewish Americans surveyed supported diplomatic and military aid to Israel. Fast forward nearly 50 years: Gallup reported that 95 percent of U.S. Jews were sympathetic to Israel in 2019, but only 29 percent approved of President Donald Trump, despite his pro-Israel policies. 1981 “Before a joint session of Congress, Ronald Reagan laid out his blueprint for a second New Deal potentially as historic as the ɿrst,Ť according to Newsweek—a plan that included major tax cuts for business and individuals. In contrast, President Joe Biden plans to raise taxes on corporations, for a total hike of $822 billion by 2024. 1998 Regarding rising tensions with Iraq over its weapons program, Secretary of State ʥ Madeleine Albright said in Newsweek, ʤ E V “We want a peaceful solution, but it must I H be a principled one that gives...full and C R A unfettered accessŤ to investigate possible K E weapons of mass destruction. Later that E W S year, the U.S. launched Operation Desert W E Fox, a four-day campaign against Iraq. 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V O N I H C NIKOLAY DOYCHINOV < O D < A L O K I N 6 NEWSWEEK.COM MARCH 05, 2021 In Focus TAMPA, FLORIDA NEW DELHI, INDIA NAYPYITAW, MYANMAR Super Celebration Price Protests Uprising Mike Evans and Rob Gronkowski On February 9, police round up Indian $ police vehicle ɿres water can- of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Youth Congress workers during a protest nons in an attempt to disperse ride in a boat with the Lombardi against new agricultural laws, the rise protesters during a demonstra- trophy during the Tampa Bay of unemployment and increases in the tion against the military coup on Buccaneers Super Bowl Victory prices of goods and services. Farmer or- February 8. U.S. President Joe Boat Parade on February 10. ganizations contend that new agricultural Biden later announced sanctions Tampa Bay defeated the Kansas legislation passed in September shifts against military leaders, includ- City Chiefs 31 to 9 on February 7. power to corporations from small growers. ing their business interests. Ơ JULIO AGUILAR Ơ PRAKASH SINGH Ơ STR 8 NEWSWEEK.COM MARCH 05, 2021 < 7 7 E * ʔ P F A ʔ R 7 S ; < 7 7 E * ʔ P F A ʔ H * N I S H S A K A R P ; < 7 7 E * ʔ R A L I U * A O I L U J 7 F E L M O R F E S I W K C O L C NEWSWEEK.COM 9 10 NEWSWEEK.COM MARCH 05, 2021 “And now what? What does citizenship mean now?” » P.16 POLITICS The Exhausted Americans A growing number of citizens are fed up and want an end to “toxic polarization,” says crisis negotiator Peter Coleman. They may be sufɿciently motivated to change the status Tuo. if president joe biden wants to heal the was overrun and five people were killed,” Coleman divisions in U.S. politics, he needs to stop all says.
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