The Suspense Continues World Ranking List 2007/2008 If 2007 was labelled a landmark year for materials handling industry, the same could also be said for great stretches of the fiscal year 2007 respectively 2007/2008: the number of units sold increased as did turnover. Some were even able to register larger profits. The burning question is how will this continue in future? The same also applies to the technical segment. Never before have developments been driven by energy efficiency and environmental as well as safety aspects. Yet, no one seems to know exactly where the “technical trip” will lead. By Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Degenhard World Ranking List of Materials Handling Vehicles Forecasts can be a bit tricky. Had dle such phases. we still suspected a year ago, that Worldwide Deliveries of Industrial Trucks in 2007 Division by Continent in Per Cent the total number of units of ma- Technical demands (Values in Brackets: Changes Compared to the Prior Year) terials handling vehicles amoun- Initially, technical demands are Europe ting to approximately 855000 orientated towards market de- 42% (+2) picked up by the market in 2006 mands, and these can vary great- would increase by about 6 per ly. While companies based in cent, reality would have taught Western Europe tend to attach us otherwise. The growth rate great importance to ergonomics, was not 6, but 11 per cent, corre- design and/or environmental im- sponding to a respectable number pact when purchasing materials America of approximately 950000 units in handling vehicles and are there- 25% (-3) 2007. This is an absolutely record fore willing to pay more, the sit- Asia Australia Africa 29% (+1) figure. Of course not all regions uation is quite different in China 2% (±0) Oceania 2% (±0) were able to equally share in this and the USA. In these countries, success. North America, for ex- a forklift is simply considered a ample, saw a decrease of 10 per piece of equipment for work pur- cent in number of units. This oc- poses and a tool for handling a Worldwide Deliveries of Industrial Trucks in 2007 currence seems to be consistent high volume of goods – nothing Division of Number of Units by Country in Per Cent with the forecast. The Asian mar- more. The larger manufactu rers Others USA ket experienced the most growth have adapted to this fact and of- 28% 19% with 17 per cent, followed by Eu- fer different machines to suit the rope with 16 per cent. various markets. This is also a rea- son, why sales for used machines, South Korea What is the trend for the number for example in Eastern Europe, 3% Japan of units in 2008? After figures for have been booming. This is one 10% incoming orders among manufac- side of the coin. China Germany turers of materials handling vehi- 12% France 8% Canada Spain Italy Great Britain 7% 2% 3% cles initially bode well, it soon be- The other side of the coin shows 5% 3% came clear that the world econo- the pressure towards more en- my would not be able to stop the ergy efficient and environmen- dynamic speed of growth. Our re- tally safe products, as dwindling search suggests that the total oil fields, stricter emission stand- Industrial Truck Model Types number of units sold will increase ards and global competition call Distribution of Worldwide Production in Per Cent 2007 by a moderate 3 per cent. This for new alternatives. This was es- (Values in Brackets: Changes Compared to the Prior Year) would be equal to about 980000 pecially clear at the CeMAT 2008, Industrial Trucks with IC Engine Electric Forklift Trucks units. Asia is expected to be the the world’s leading trade fair for 45% (+1) 18% (±0) market leader again with a plus intralogistics, in Hanover, Ger- of 11 per cent. For Europe, we ex- many. Manufacturers of materi- pect no increase. North America als handling vehicles presented is set to be the worst performing designs and prototypes with new market: This time around, a minus propulsion technologies and en- of 6 per cent is forecast for this ergy management systems. Nev- Turrest Trucks region. It should be mentioned at er before has such a high level of 10% (-1) this point that while every effort concentration at a trade fair of Electric Pedestrian Trucks is taken to ensure these figures this format been observed. Much 27% (±0) are as accurate as possible, they of what was on display in Hano- cannot claim to be fully exhaus- ver, is not yet ready for the market Global Development of the Number of Units Recorded by tive as a “number of undisclosed due to economical and/or techni- the Most Important Associations since 2003 cases” also needs to be consid- cal factors, yet new solutions were ered. That said, the estimated fig- presented which integrate alter- ures do point to trends which are native propulsion systems or new helpful to manufacturers of ma- battery concepts. terials handling vehicles for mar- ket development purposes. It is currently not possible to say for sure which technical solution In whichever direction the trend will be the most efficient. As a re- in the materials handling vehicles sult, some companies are follow- market may develop, it remains ing different approaches simul- clear, that overall, international taneously with the aim of devel- trade is on the rise and thus also oping the greatest potential of the logistics sector which is de- use for materials handling vehi- pendent on materials handling cles. Here are just a few exam- vehicles. Incidentally, economic ples: Toyota is currently research- (*) No results of the previous years slowdowns are unavoidable, and ing two methods. One is with most companies are able to han- fuel cells, where much of the re- 2 _ 12/2008 (Special Print) burg harbour respectively. Jung- slowing down economic growth Worldwide Deliveries in 2007: Industrial Trucks with IC Engine heinrich is presently looking into to a certain extent. Distribution of Number of Units by Country in Per Cent whether direct methanol fuel cells Others are an economically and techno- For a few companies listed in the 29% USA logically feasible alternative pro- world ranking, a strong euro also 19% South Korea pulsion system for materials han- brought with it drawbacks. The 5% dling vehicles. They are also us- higher the market rate, the more ing machines which run on lithi- the turnover in euro dropped. This um-ion batteries as well as direct affected companies in the USA in drive. Nissan is likewise looking particular, as well as for example, Japan into materials handling vehicles manufacturers in South Korea China 10% Germany with built-in lithium-ion batteries. who calculate deliveries in part in 22% France Canada Spain Italy Great 4% Britain 3% In this case, the Automotive Ener- US dollars, as we were informed 2% 2% 1% 3% gy Supply Corporation (AESC) has during our enquiry. For this rea- promoted the development of this son, the main table not only in- Worldwide Deliveries in 2007: Electric Forklift Trucks type of technology via a joint ven- cludes euro rates but also foreign Distribution of Number of Units by Country in Per Cent ture between Nissan Motor Co., currency rates. Changes in turn- Others NEC Corporation and its subsidi- over for those foreign companies 23% USA ary NEC Tokin Corporation. affected can only be represented 18% South Korea clearly with this data. The rates in 3% In the end, the technology which euro alone would reflect an inac- China will ultimately prevail will stem curate picture due to the variable 8% from the company which is suc- exchange rate. cessful in bringing energy effi- Canada Japan 2% ciency, environmental safety and Continuous changes 13% Spain 5% demands for low lifecycle costs Reactions from our readership and Italy Germany 10% Great Britain France 9% (Total Cost of Ownership – TCO) our own research result in contin- 3% 6% in line. uous changes being made to the world ranking list. Last year at this Worldwide Deliveries in 2007: Turret Trucks The strong euro stage, we had expected that it Distribution of Number of Units by Country in Per Cent The world ranking list for motor- would be primarily Asian compa- Others ised materials handling vehicles is nies who would make it onto our 26% USA issued in Germany, thus the eu- list. This proved to be true. New to 22% rozone. For this reason, we state the world ranking list is the Chi- South Korea 1% turnovers in EUR. We do this al- nese manufacturer EP (East Pow- China though the countries which do er). Despite the help of coopera- 4% not belong to the eurozone are tive European companies, it is not Canada 2% required to present their financial easy to obtain the information Spain 3% statements in the national cur- necessary for our list. We would Italy 4% Japan rency according to local laws. In have liked to include the Chinese Great Britain 20% France Germany these cases, we have converted company Ningbo Ruyi Joint Stock 5% 6% 7% the currency in accordance with Co., Ltd. However, after several at- the conversion table provided. tempts on our part, the Chinese Worldwide Deliveries in 2007: Electric Pedestrian Trucks ultimately decided not to provide Distribution of Number of Units by Country in Per Cent Not shown in the conversion ta- us with company figures. ble are the sharp fluctuations in Others 30% USA rates. For example, in 2007, the The company Genkinger-Hub- 19% euro hit a record low of 1.2893 on tex has “left” our world ranking South Korea 12 January and a record high of list as a separately named compa- 0,1% China 1.4874 on 27 November against ny.
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