QUORNDON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of Quorn Parish Council held on Tuesday 2nd July 2002. PRESENT Cllr J Hutchinson Cllr K Croysdale Cllr Mrs E Harrison Cllr D Cawdell Cllr P Child Cllr Mrs M Gamble Cllr I Bexon Cllr T Tyler Cllr R Jessop County Councillor T Kershaw Borough Councillor R Shepherd Borough Councillor D Slater Mr C Felts – Midlands Rural Housing Mr J Patman – East Midlands Housing Association K Paterson – Clerk to the Council 02/78 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillors J Maltby & Mrs J Backus 02/79 NATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE YEAR AWARD The Chairman reported that Quorn had won the National Council of the Year award. Letters of congratulations have been received from Andy Reed MP, Police Inspector Steve Boulton, Barbara Veall, Chairman of the Leicestershire & Rutland Association of Parish & Local Councils and Debbie Green, Mayor of Charnwood. Charnwood Borough Council has offered to commemorate the success by presenting a gift to the Parish Council. It was agreed after discussion to suggest a display cabinet with a plaque noting that the gift had been presented by Charnwood Borough Council. Cllr Child offered to redesign the council’s letterhead to incorporate the 2000 success as ‘Environment Village of the Year’ and the National Council of the Year award. 02/80 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 11th JUNE 2002 The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed as a correct record. 02/81 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Hutchinson declared an interest in planning application 02/1757 17 Meeting Street as 1 a near neighbour and Cllr Jessop declared an interest in planning application 02/1646 as it relates to his property. Neither Councillor was present during discussion on these matters. 02/82 POLICING MATTERS There were no policing matters 02/83 AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN QUORN Mr Craig Felts from Midlands Rural Housing and Mr Jim Patman from East Midlands Housing Association were welcomed to the meeting and invited to discuss the lack of affordable housing provision in the village. The discussion focused on the area of land known as ‘Jubilee Gardens’, opposite The White Hart. This land, in the ownership of the Parish Council, has recently been granted outline planning permission. Mr Felts and Mr Patman work with local authorities to assist them in providing affordable housing. Charnwood Borough Council is aware of and welcomes their involvement with Quorn Parish Council. The Jubilee Gardens project was intended to improve the whole area including landscaping and parking provision and to upgrade the entrance to the Church Rooms. It was anticipated that the revenue from selling part of the land for housing would provide for this part of the scheme. It was noted that if a full value price for the land is required, the housing association would probably not obtain a grant from the housing corporation. Another potential problem is the interest of the County Council which had placed a restrictive covenant on the land. The Council is willing to lift this covenant at a cost of 50% of the development value of the land. The Clerk will copy and supply Mr Felts and Mr Patman with the outline design brief for the land and the deed detailing the covenant. They will then return to the Council with costings and options. A subcommittee of Cllrs Mrs Harrison, Bexon and Hutchinson was formed to consider these options and report back to Council. The Clerk will obtain a valuation on the land. 02/84 MATTERS ARISING 1 Village Hall a) The Minutes of the subcommittee meeting held on 17th June were ratified. It was agreed that Cllr Croysdale will act as liaison with the hotel. He will arrange a meeting with the manager to discuss issues such as flooding; repairing their downpipe; use of and access through the village hall car park; the permanent fixing down of their fire escape and the discharge from the kitchens onto the car park. The Clerk will also attend the meeting and take notes. 2 Lease of the land to the rear of the old school, School Lane The lease has been 2 completed and returned by the solicitors acting for the Church Council. The company offers assistance with stamp duty requirements and registering at the Land Registry. It was noted by Members that as leaseholders, the Parish Council does not need to register. 3 Golden Jubilee. The budget was £5,000. The concert in the park invoices amounted to £2,211.40; the commemorative spoons - £1,150 and the flowers for the flower festival £138.92. A thank-you note has been received from Christopher Dale (aged nearly 5) for his spoon. Cllr Child still has 43 spoons that have not been collected. He has a list of persons keen to purchase spoons. If the remaining spoons have not been collected by the next Council meeting, he will offer them to those wanting to purchase them. 4 Environmental Improvements The Clerk has prepared a draft brief inviting tenders for the design and implementation of landscaping improvements to the entrances to Stafford Orchard and Cave’s Field. Cllr Mrs Gamble warned that on- going maintenance must be taken into consideration. With the addition of a contact point, tenders will be sought for the work. 5 DTLR Cllr Bexon has considered the document which is a consultation paper as to proposed procedures for investigating misconduct allegations. He felt that the proposals were reasonable fair. 6 Roy Kershaw, parliamentary assistant to Andy Reed MP Mr Kershaw apologises for being unable to attend this meeting of the Council. The date has been rearranged for the August meeting. 7 Village Entrance signs A meeting with the contractor has been arranged for 8th July. Millennium Woodland Cllr Child brought to the Council’s attention sales particulars for 96 acres of field and plantation at Mill Farm. The asking price is in excess of £2,500 per acre. It was agreed to write to the Director of Property at County Hall, with copies to the Chief Executive, the Leader of the Council and Andy Reed MP requesting the exploration of a joint purchase of all or part of the land as county/parish recreation area. The agents would also be contacted and the parish council’s interest registered. 9 Behaviour of Rawlins students This matter, which had been brought to the attention of the Council by a group of residents is due for discussion at next week’s college/village liaison group. 3 02/85 COUNTY COUNCIL MATTERS. 1 Proposed changes to ‘The Slabs’ footpath. The County Council proposed changes to this path now has to include lighting for safety purposes. The County Council now asks whether the Parish wishes the officers to formally consult on the new scheme, or cease work on the proposal. A letter from Mr Tim Rodgers of the working party was read out to Members. He strongly recommends dismissal of the scheme now that it includes non-negotiable lighting. An e-mail has also been received from the Charnwood branch of the CPRE, questioning the need to change the path. Cllr Mrs Gamble noted that she has received a phone call from a resident concerned that by encouraging cycle use, the path will be made dangerous for pedestrians. After a brief discussion it was proposed by Cllr Croysdale, seconded by Cllr Jessop and agreed to reject the changes and recommend that the County Council ceases work on the proposal altogether. 2 Cycle parking The County Council intends to install new cycle parking facilities at the Library at Rawlins. 3 Flesh Hovel Lane sewerage works Cllr Mrs Gamble noted that there is a suggestion that the outflow from these works is to be directed into a new ditch, rather than the river. She suggests that there will not be enough flow and that the outflow should revert back to the river. Cllr Kershaw agreed to make inquiries. 4 Bus shelter New bus shelters are being installed. There have been complaints about the proposal to place one on Leicester Road, by the phone box. The working party had recommended consultation with residents. 5 Disabled parking provision It was noted that at long last, two disabled parking spaces have been marked out on Station Road 6 Footpath problems as reported by Mrs L Callahan will be passed to the highways department at Melton Mowbray. 02/86 BOROUGH COUNCIL MATTERS 1 Charnwood News A request has been received for copy from the villages. It was suggested that the Council of the Year award, the opening of the new playground and Open Gardens could be forwarded for inclusion. 2 Performance Plan Circulated for information. 4 02/87 CORRESPONDENCE 1 Rural Community Council A request for grant assistance has been made. Agreed to contribute £60. Notice of a ‘funding fayre’ to be held on 19th September at Burton Overy Village Hall has been received. Cllr Jessop agreed to attend 2 Rawlins Youth Club. A letter has been received from Marcia Douglas, youth tutor noting that the young people involved with the youth club wish to clean up the brook through the park as a community project. It was agreed to donate £100 towards equipment hire. It was recommended that the Club should approach Wilson Homes for a donation as much of the rubbish in the brook has arisen from the Mill development. 3 The Countryside Agency has forwarded a pamphlet concerning Parish Councils responsibilities under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. It was agreed to contact the Borough Council for more information and also to ask for police comment. 4 The Quorndon editorial team has written to the Council inviting Members to attend St Bartholomew’s Church on 13th July where the scarf knitted by villagers to raise money for the Rainbows charity will be wrapped around the church.
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