PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 1S62-VOL. 33._PORTLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 31, 1896. {g&TOftSSE} PRICE THREE GfcNTS. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. state LOOKING FOR ASSISTANCE. North Carolina, Lnkes Huron and Su- would be a violation of tlie law of the THEIR m APPEAL perior, Deku Mioliigau, Washington, Ore- HATTIE BAIN WRECKED forbidding consolidation by leaso or pur- and chase of linos ot road within A Spaniard Who Thinks An Alliance With gon California. competing .Mr. Wagner, Republican of Pennsyl- the state. The injunction was issuod by England, France and Holland Would Be vania, stated that be bad boon instructed the inferior court and sustained by the LARRABEE’S the on court of This the Most Very Nice. by committee interstate and for- appeals. judgment Distressing of Skin Diseases of the United States eign commerce to report the bill to In- Supremo Court Instantly Relieved by crease the salaries of division superin- affirmed. The opinion deolared that, not Send Us Ammunition Not March Session of Crew Rescued & Nashville com- Sympathy Madrid, 30.—El Liberal pub- Extremely Quiet Congress tendents to $1200 a year, and snrfruen to By English Steamer only was tho Louisville but tho lishes an article, the of which $55 month. He moved to make the pay pany forbidden to purchase, by authorship of Tennessee of which the the Cubans. is of the latter as recommended by his com- constitution Say attributed to Senor Valora, formerly Yesterday. Sheeruess. was mittee, instead of $50 as in the bill. The Chesapeake, Ohio & Southwestern ministor at It ad- to Spanish Washington. motion was rejeoted on the point of or- a citizen, the latter was iuoompetent St. vocates the alliance between Spain, and der. After passing over twelve pages of sell. Congress 'WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS other European powers and the the bill, the oomrulttee rose, and the INTERVIEW MAIL AND expresses PORTLAND HARBOR. I’ WITH belief SUNDRY CIVIL APPROPRIATION House adjourned. WERE LANDED AT TO DEEPEN — A warm bath with Cuticura1 that France, Great Britain and QUARANTINE and a EXPRESS CORRESPONDENT. Holland would not bo opposed to a BILL CONSIDERED IN [516 Soap, single application of HOUSE. PLAN TO FINE CONGRESSMEN YESTERDAY E¥THE FRANCISCO. treaty alliance with Easter of Cuticura Skin Spain, referring Be Given Hear- Special Display (ointment) ,tne great Who Will Not Vote for Free Coinago of Board of Trade Will Cure, followed by mild doses of exclusively to colonial affairs. The writ- er reoalls the assistance Spain rendered Silver. ing Wednesday or Thursday. Cuticura Resolvent the (blood puri- Says Cuban Armies Are Perfectly Or- France in the Coohin-China and Attempts to Increase the Vessel Sprang Aleak in a Fearful Gale- H war, Appropriations Washington,! March 30.—General fier), will afford instant relief, per- ganized and All the the belief Democrat of offered Inviting Fighting— expresses that the co-operation Prove Futile and Twelve Pages of the Wheeler, Alabama, Cargo of Salt Choked the Pumps and Before the House Committee on Rivers and mit in the House a bill that rest and sleep, and point to a They Could Succeed in Three Months If- of he useful to today, providing Spain might again very Bill Are Refused to Were — Passed—Democrats Charge the as as the standard is main- They Work—Signals Harbors Arrangements Made by and economi- the French, British and Dutch. long gold speedy, permanent, Granted Belligerency ltights—Spanish tained in this the salaries of all Hoisted and the Sheerness Correct Styles. Extensive Assort- Reductions Are for Political Effect country, Responded Speaker Reed that Flan of Improve- cal cure when all other methods fail. Forces W'eyler’s Brutality Pleases the Spaniards. officials including congressmen, and ex- Are Already on the Defensive. ■—But There Was No Debate- —Vessel Built at Yarmouth and Hailed On. ment and Prices. Sharp cepting United States judges, be reduced ments Submitted, May Bo Acted Popular Sold throughout the world. British depot: F. New. Madrid, March 30.—The correspondent Bert A Sons, 1, King Edward-#t., London. PottkB New March 30.—El bert Minor Bills Passed by the Senate. to three-fourths the salaries now From This Fort. York, Rappleye, of the 1m parcial in provided TO THE Druq and Cuem. Coup., Sole Props., Boston, U. S. A. Havana, ^telegraphs for law. [3PECIAL PRESS.] the Cuban war correspondent of the Mail that the decrees issued by Gener- by Captain Washington, March 30.—In the Senate Quarantine, S. I., March 30—Steamer March 30.—Word has been SPECIAL al Weyler declaring that those Washington, NOTICES, and Express, rooently expelled from Ha- opposing Mr. of Francisco arrived from ami the will be dealth with the today, Hoar, Republican Massa- Post Office Appropriation Bill Fassed. today Hull, sent to the the arrived on government committee, representing Dress Ooods. here is vana, today the steamship as Everything utmost possible severity, have made a chusetts, reported back f-om the judiciary March 30.—The Senate brought passengers,Capt. Gross, .James Portland Board of that the and desirable. The all Yucatan. In an Mr. Washington, Trade, new, correct, FOSTER’S interview, Rappleye, pood impression in Spanish oiroles In aommittee a House bill to reduoe the committee on re- and James appropirations, today Seil, August Luudrow, Smith, House committee on rivers and harbors, wool are combined in most said: Cuba. Prisoners continue to arrive ia colorings sases in whioh the of death must ported the post office bill. A net Increase seamen of the brig Hattie M. Bain of are Havana in penalty will them a hearing on Wednesday pleasing effects; the Silk and Wools “In General decree large numbers. uf $1,853,006 is made to the House bill, give Forest DYE HOUSE. Weyler’s expelling be Inflicted, and moved it bo Portland, Me, who were picked up at exquisite. the rare and beauti- City Tbe advance guard of the rebel force passed. the total as to the Senate or Thursday on the subject of Portland Among me from the I am called an reported being island, enemy under Maceo is the Ho that in the cases sea 11 the British steamer ful novelties are some new Matelasses, AND skirting northern part explained of $93,171,564. Estimates lor 1897 are $94, February by harbor. The of which of that the of plan improvement, new Dresden effects and new Spain charge being based on the province of Pinar del Bio. The murder and as the and landed at Hull. The Jacquards, treason, rape, capital punish- 817,900; passed by House, $91,819.- rheerness, was sent on some time and has been letters in the Mail leader, Gomez is inactive. He f>57. The estimated ago new Mohairs, new English Suitings, new published and Express, insurgent ment was retained. In ail other postal revenues for Hattie M. Bain was commanded is in very had health. capital by Capt. beforo the oommittee,shows what is need- in com- over 1897 are piaoed at $89,793,120. Vigoureux, &c., &c., charming Steam my signature. Any person, familiar oases, imprisonment at hard labor for life Jross, bound from Turks Island for Prov- binations of fancies and Carpet Mexico is NotkOver-Fond of Spain. The ohief items of increase made by the ed for the harbor, but it is not a govern- color, quaintest Beating with the conditions in existing Cuba, was to be iniflcted where the Sonate are: Clerks in R. with a of salt. On novelties juries post offices, $130,- idence, I., cargo ment or The oommittee in designs and rare beauty of that the St. Louis, Mnrch 30.—A special from survey plans. would know only enmity, if annexed to their verdict the B00; inland mail transportation by rail- 5th the while within all skilfully and harmoniously MACHINES, tho City of Mexico, says: “The of words, February vessel, usually do not aot.lexoept on authorized materials, I’ve shown towards Spain has bean report road routes, $1,000,000; railroad post offloe blended. 13 Preble St. Opp. Preble House. any, a possible alliance of this and “without capital punishment.'’ 150 miles of Sandy Hook encountered a country car service, $100,000; transportation of surveys, made by the government engi- in telling the truth without fear or Spain against the United States is re- At the of Mr. hurricane from the to Black Dress Ooods. We are now suggestion Hale, Repub- foreign mails, $80,000; a reduction of southeast, veering neers. Send Feath- As an sent garded as preposterous in offioial oiroles. large parcels by express, prejudice. impartial observer lican of the bill went ovor until was made on the item for rewards the northwest. The wind blew with ter- showing a beautiful line of Black Dress The of Mexico is to maintain cor- Maine, 610,000 Mr. Reed has, had the matter &c. to and policy tor however, ers, Gloves, Laces, by Car- to Cuba study inform myself, and tomorrow. the detection of post office a Goods. The manufacturers put out all mail, dial relations with the United States, but burglars, rifio fury, creating fearful sea,in which referred to the War for suoh the of I 3to. Department their new and best ideas this season, and pets and Beds by freight. report progress events, unhesitat- even if the government were to A resolution was from the the vessel labored her disposed reported Among the new heavily, causing immediate recommendations as will en- we Sicil- state that within three months the consider such provisions incorporated get them; Crepons, Mohairs, connection. ingly any negotiations, popular oommittee on and in the biil is the ;o aleak. n Telenhone printing unanimously following: Provided spring able the rivers and harbors oommittee to ians, Wool Silk Brocades and cause would he if sentiment is overwhelmingly anti- Brocades, insurgents’ triumphant Theodore F.
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