V V THE VEV: VORK HERALD SUNDAY. XOVF:ISEf. 38. 1920. 7 15 = r- v ^ \ t f-i i 11 gte n. 1 Pi!# ftp y.If ^ Ml JUL Envelope puree. a'..:j:ator ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a'lnr»»rt" anvatnrta niiraa. fli.n Flexible cigar caae. calfskin. silk linlnt, Attractive ellk duvetyn baK, mounted email Cigarette case, 9 to Bottle t«t: 3 bottles. four uornpartir.entj, train with gilt clips. Handsome beaded and silk Bill fold: bill pocket full "Loose-leaf" Memo. with celluloid cork cigars fitting full framed coin compartment with tilt embroidery, satin Of calfskin In ootors, CROSS and bold a package of 'Fa- leather. duvetyn bag, "Monte Carlo" of case, four card book: alphabetical full Tan madlengthv. stoppers. tilting length. in centre, two extension deslfned tortoise- »»1c lining; mirror, memo pad design, shown open and two stamp pockets. Tan pig- index page, pencil. ir.na cjga.rcu.eo. length into a leather »kln, leather lining;pig*k0" Untnff, » at 3 inches wide. Size: 7x3 & , . .an<. 1 framed movable cover shown case. Case fitted with 5ak pockets. sheI1 ce51ulo,(l frame, soft gilt pencil: attached closed, draw-string opening, skin or black ©in Persian Tan or black leath- 7x8x1 Inches closed. Inches. handle at ;oJ n side. Glazed calfskin three bottles. Mi high Strap compartment; strap han- fitted with mirror and leathers. Three sizes. *3.75 crs. 4 sizes. Spe- Inches. gl3 Case «.. » Assorted back, Q14.U3. Velvet calf- handle. Pitted with mirror tlle back. Slae: I*ix3*i tached atat Initials 93.75 leather. 95.75 In!).lais with four bottles. 7x blade seal leathers, purse. Colored top I OQ D a. Cm. $4.23, $3,410 stamped daily priced. akin. 915,73 and attached purse. 939.93 inches. 935.20 with Japanese design. 94S.75 uuuuuu UJ ncgcru j ,8Bc per line. 94.50, 95.25, 95.75 stamped 30c extra STixl^fc Incites. (Mr, *7.a."» ' w I/ 20% ^ Z7') I'HH'I . REDUCTION ON MANY C:ross articles regul,AR STOCK . watch Bottle sett 4 g.ass botties in Dollar is and Travelling Tobacco pouch. "Tray" desiga, 1 ^ ^ Shetland wool Bliawl; French art i convalescing, may re. "Roil-up1' manicure case, *llt fit- glazed calfskin case, movable nickel cases preventing [)a9e full-rubber flei, Kasel back fVkcMif iW(j Jeatlier lining tinge: cuticle knife and pusher, nail photo- morocco leather case, folding now l ook in the face wi IIIUULwjth gplj tooling, leakage; morocco 1<lather caee, preserving flavor of tobacco; snap filo and scissors, cuticle scissors anybody size S'-x-i antique leather In design, silk lining, gilt snap fas- a 40-hour sold tooling, 914.50 Tan pig- fastening. Tan pigskin. arid com knife, leather backed colors, fitted wfxb unfitted flSJKt picture .emng. size e;i inches square ashamed of its own weal CnCSS without old tooln- inches dored, orange etlcka and emery b" probuffer, plain xlW watch. Caso skin case s black peal leathers 30.TS. Assorted boards. folded. «7.50 BlacU * Colored morocco. Strap and patent /""'L 1 S'ixftk lnche3 closed »t.%.50 Initials sta with- (.f.-ri j/4i seal $11. Pipes and cig<Colmpedt- and buckle fasteninr. 913.00 iuet^lmperlalPaaet. »4. m. ar.r,« leather case, no.pi V^liriSl mas is coming the Variety is iiClC. (* .'?.30 out charge >. f»n* noider* extra. | Aw Gift has an added flavor whe n "It C'omes From mark crc)SS" V * A Gift Box ; of Cross Gloves uzy L j i.j Silk covered water with Desk set: stand fitted "Jewel" or 'Tarty" case, "Loose-leaf" address * colored morocco Col'.ar box, or b'ack cobra pctual calendar, stamp and perbottle;pen "Cabin" design; made of book, shown open and "J'lhet'* travelling "Up- Suit oa*e. for wo>T>en. maac rorirouo writing »se. ori-i leather case, silk lin- colored velvet calfskin closed. hide leather, colored satin case ivith shirred pocket inside lid. design. made with stationery. tor men; both k eIastlc ,mnfJ ^ pen Alphabetically IT, pera, ing, sue 8!1ix4 V4 silk shirred ranged pages: Colored lining. pocket for buttons >,0,1 slippers are made of two shirred pockch at sides. card and stamp pockets, adjust b mcU1 lining, arleather, or black rruehable Htrorg locks and banidle. Black able loops for pens, etc.; stiff ; gilt snap fastening 1'- *1"6 gilt Size morocco. "Addresses" at back. Btrap handle at tan silk blotter lock and inches ln^ pockets, clasp. Biz* 8**7«it3». glove leather, silk lininr. ur colored morocco Ieither, pad. key. $9. Tan case tray. Size: filsxSfixulfe inches Inches. *13 Size on cover. Size: top. inches; lining, specially prto 14-<lnclt dally priced. Tan hido leatlier,Speed. pigskin stamped . caa* n**»H Inches 7<-uhigh closed.,a*Bpe- j.izee 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Bpe- I32.no1 ltf-lnch sart.r.r, 13x10'4 inches. Unfitted. *'0 high over all. 920.00 5x3«l inches, *14 Inches. *14 withiOUt diarf. a..'i Black cobra hide, *'M For Women: clally priced *13.7.1 1 ially priced fP.O* Tni'ials stamped Box No. 1-8, 12 and 16-button length, one each in black or colored o pair of white, r"." f 4 (12button,w hite and black,only $26,00kidskin 1 Box No. 2. Tan capeskin; "slip-on" mocha, ' ~~ « > colored kidskin: one pairof each style.$10.75 ^ <at> I Box l\o. 5- lan capcsxin. colored kidsKm l'".: \... i UTl. and mocha; one pair of each style $9.10 ^ Box No. 4- White doeskin, one-button: "" capeskin. 6-inch strap wrist; coloredcolored mocha. 1 clasp: one pair of each style.$13.25 . jfL For Men: --- Box No. I.Tan or brown Handsome Tabic Decoration. Of fin- Cigar humidor, sultablit toi x. desk. r.efreshment set, cut iryM.il, capeskin, gray "Madl- Week-end djm for women: black nickel Size: 6 muddler tan with knit one Fruit?!lV,cr p,'atf- D?t'-\h 8l,lversize: solid mahogany. prising: pitcher, glasses, coinlining. raybuck, capeskin lining; inside *°® dealgn : Mack seal leat.ier, mo- er.amelide. e^'.k lining, shirred pocket bowl, (centre) 10%x7 ^ extensive and hide, leather lining, shirt pocket inches high. Unfitted 934.SB Ar- incnes, 91 £ An stirring spoons. Spoons made pair of each style $13.75 lid, complete white celluloid toilet and reen Ilnln?. complete white cellti inside lid. ^ro side pocket*. Kotir tiflclal fruits extra. Candlesticks line of clear and cirarette humidor* vvitli colored glass tops. Complete i-iaea: 18, 20. 22, 24 inches. St manicure articles; size it-Inch, loM an« flaw toilet and manlciire ar Specially to match. size 18 Inches Un- . .. 7.3© An extensive line refreshment, Box No. 2.White tan cape, with htgh. and smoker* <.r»tr>Uaa. tides dri lepiayefl on pin howl tea and coffee sets capeskin. English priced ail4.HA Fitted Mclfs (18 iza t f-liiCi,i, spc- priced 910.25, *2»». 920.75, .*21.50 fitted, each 92.1.20 ate, displayed or mode buckskin: one of each amber or tortoise-shell celluloid epedallyf\* pieces). Decorated candles each JlOr » Mcatanine i loor. os our Mezzanine floor. gray pair 942.9ft Initials painted without harge style $13.25 t!nzy. l oeciallv priced 91224IK dally priced I Other boxes made up according to your own 1 selection. CROSS ENGLISH n TAN CAPESKIN FOR WOMEN, from $2.85 FOR MEN, from $3.75 1 11 WHITE WASHABLE DOESKIN " For Women, from $3.25 For Men, $2.50 I fi I I i <7 on # ^ w'u i i^l itiia.ua, iv* ttviiivii* y i «vv ti fT"B § £» FRENCH GLOVES IN i CROSS H card table with foldiog lees. Xvory- ta n stolid ntshegairy book wagon, made ... ... riaying .sewing stand, Adjustable r cretonne !« English wicker, leat. ,Sl reading SHORT AND LONG LENGTHS. enamel finish wood, covering. with book shelf at top. and two jan,p> black or 80 Inches square, 27 Inches htgh. Unfitted J- Luncheon bafil.et, of tan Enslleh Collepalble Kit bag. for nion. Am *] $e£* eeirtn g acc!lw<>- extra ehelvea underneath for hooka green lacquered French kidskin. for Women, from $2.50 wicker, leather lined cover, fitted abort, th'* bag when nor :i -tee foM» *ri »xt«n«Iv« n« o^rmnrn *r,d S*..V». Metal box, leatherette finish, rice, removable trs 1 rex '°rA' -.e l: <l 0.1 cigar and magazinea. etc. Rubber-tire lnetal floral French suede, from $4.50 completely for two. four, and and comp. to one-half It* else and f bpellna, fpoolaUy r>v nplayeduiu. Specially prteed 88.80. Doable cigarette containing thread decoration; "bell" persons. Compartment* for Tact- inch thlelcri***. taking no "V"* ft iiiafn floor. '"a:i©. from *.l.s« to *1«m nheeia. Size C»*a inchea hlfh over Mot bottlee.epecla.il>' priced aUH.in. lh.g. Ta:. bide leather, k, \ ,;> jjt»inr, UtTii-vrltm for nioii. fro n 9U.50 to *:t«t box. to match. Specially priced 88.75 Smol<- inches llag,rn sha(Ie. An extensive line of lined gloves for Men lock- ana *3^ "htg: *41.GA. d.VJ.Ua rang ha:.die. ,j,r t,*.i 'oteiiui for tvurfji IroOD NJ* ( era' set to match. Specially priced 8«.?n a.to.oe Alt. Specially priced ti&oo rja.r#o and Women. Thermos bottler «*tia H-lt»cb. ta.t.Tns 20-Inch, e-i.v::.> Ttt.ort ... / v ,t N-'i Downtowi 1 lhfi Worlds Greatest Leather Sto res Boston 404 Fifth Avenue o. 253 Broadw ( Af 'TViirfu.9»vi»n! K 145 0 riv i iiii wv»vf»*.« ww.
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