NOTICE OF MEETING School Admissions Forum Tuesday 8 December 2009, 6.00 pm Function Room, Fifth Floor, Easthampstead House, Town Square, Bracknell To: School Admissions Forum Schools (Community & Voluntary Controlled): Robert Elsey, Headteacher, Edgbarrow School Alan Harding, Headteacher, Birch Hill Primary School Schools (Voluntary Aided): Church of England Diocesan Board Gordon Anderson Representative: Roman Catholic Diocese Representative: Parent Governor Representative: Representatives of the Local Community: Olivia Denson, Chlidren's Education Advisory Service Local Authority Representatives: Councillor Alan Kendall, Executive Member for Education & Libraries David Watkins, Chief Officer: Performance & Resources (Social Care & Learning) ALISON SANDERS Director of Corporate Services EMERGENCY EVACUATION INSTRUCTIONS 1 If you hear the alarm, leave the building immediately. 2 Follow the green signs. 3 Use the stairs not the lifts. 4 Do not re-enter the building until told to do so. If you require further information, please contact: Liz Sanneh Telephone: (01344) 352233 Email: [email protected] Published: 1 December 2009 School Admissions Forum Tuesday 8 December 2009, 6.00 pm Function Room, Fifth Floor, Easthampstead House, Town Square, Bracknell AGENDA Page No 1. Welcome and Apologies 2. Minutes of Previous Meeting To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 5 1 - 2 May 2009. 3. Matters Arising 4. School Admission Appeals Report To receive a report on School Admission Appeals (papers to follow). 5. Annual Admissions Arrangements Consultation 2011/2012 3 - 48 6. School Admissions Forum Constitution To receive a report and recommendations on the School Admissions 49 - 58 Forum Constitution. 7. Special Educational Needs To receive a report 59 - 60 8. Looked After Children To receive a report on admission arrangements for looked after 61 - 62 children. 9. Dates of Future Meetings Agenda Item 2 SCHOOL ADMISSIONS FORUM 05 MAY 2009 (5.30 - 6.25 pm) Present: Councillor Kendall (Chairman) Alan Harding, Headteacher, Birch Hill Primary School Gordon Anderson, Church of England Diocese David Watkins, Chief Officer, Performance & Resources Lesley Adams, Pupil Services Team Leader Priya Patel, Democratic Services Officer Apologies for absence were received from: Robert Elsey, Headteacher, Edgbarrow School Olivia Denson, Children’s Education Advisory Service 21. Welcome The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. The clerk reported that Stephen Litson would be standing down from the Forum and that Andrea Griffiths and Michael Gibbons would be leaving their posts and so would also be standing down from the Forum. 22. Minutes of Previous Meeting The Minutes of the meeting held on 5 November 2008 were agreed as a correct record subject to the following amendments: Minute 18, penultimate paragraph should refer to the School Admissions Appeals Code. 23. Updated School Admissions Forum Constitution The Forum considered a report that sought approval to a revised constitution for the Forum reflecting the changes required by the new School Admissions Code published by the Department for Children, Schools and Families in February 2009. The Forum asked that the clerk add two Local Authority representatives to the membership of the Forum as they hadn’t been included formally in the constitution and that the clerk write to the Head teachers Associations to seek members to fulfil existing vacancies. The clerk also agreed to write to ‘schools members’ to ask them to stand down from the membership of the Forum. The clerk agreed to check the wording of paragraph 3.4 which referred to primary school children aged two. The Forum asked that once amendments to the constitution had been made, that the document be sent to the Chairman to be approved on behalf of the Forum. The Forum agreed that they did not wish to submit an annual report to the Schools Adjudicator this year, but may do so in future years if they felt necessary. It was agreed that the template and the Local Authority’s Report would be circulated to all members of the Forum. It was RESOLVED that the Forum; 1 i i) agreed the revised constitution attached as Appendix 1 to the agenda papers, subject to the amendments detailed above and subject to the Chairman approving the final version of the constitution, ii) agreed that the clerk would write to the Headteacher Associations to seek members for the existing vacancies on the Forum. In addition the clerk would write to Schools members to advise them that they could stand down from the membership of the Forum. 24. Admissions Briefing Note The Forum considered a report that informed them of both Primary and Secondary admissions processes for the current admission year. It was reported that it had been a difficult year and that pressures on school places had remained constant. In terms of secondary school places, four of the Borough’s secondary schools were full and the fifth – Easthampstead Park was close to becoming full. It was the first year, that appeals had been received for the Brakenhale School, this reflected the good progress made by the school over the past few years. In terms of primary schools, the deadline for appeals had not yet passed, however it was known that one hundred households in the Borough with primary school aged children had not made any application for a school place. This was despite the School Admissions team delivering presentations in a variety of settings including Children’s Centres and providing lots of information through nurseries. The School Admissions Team would continue to try and contact these families. The Forum noted the report. 25. Date of Next Meeting 5 November 2009. CHAIRMAN ii 2 Agenda Item 5 SCHOOL ADMISSONS FORUM 8 December 2009 ADMISSIONS ARRANGEMENTS REPORT (Chief Officer: Performance & Resources) 1. PURPOSE OF DECISION 1.1. It is a requirement of the School Admissions Code that Local Authorities consult annually on their admission arrangements. Prior to going out to consultation the arrangements must be considered by the School Admissions Forum. The admissions arrangements have to include co-ordinated schemes for primary, secondary and in year applications. It must also include the Published Admissions Numbers for all schools. 2. RECOMMENDATIONS 2.1. The Forum should consider the effectiveness of the authority’s proposed co- ordinated admission arrangements. 2.2. The Forum must also promote the arrangements for children with special educational needs, children in care and children who have been excluded from school. 2.3. The Forum must monitor the effectiveness of the local authority Fair Access Protocol. 3. SUPPORTING INFORMATION 3.1. The details of the co-ordinated admission arrangements are attached at Appendix A – E. The key changes are highlighted in the body of this report. 3.2. A consultation (Appendix F) to change the designated area of the Jennetts Park area from The Brakenhale School to Easthampstead Park School and therefore set Jennetts Park School as a feeder school for Easthampstead Park School. 3.3. Summary of Changes to the Annual Admissions Arrangements 2011/12 3.4. Appendix A Co-ordinated Arrangements for Infant, Junior & Primary Schools 3.5. It is proposed that the Strong Social/ Strong Medical criteria be removed from the published admissions criteria for community and voluntary controlled schools within the borough. The School Admissions Code 2.29 states ‘that supporting information should set out why the school in question is the most suitable and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school’. The difficulty in defining ‘most suitable’ has led to misinterpretation which leads to the Local Authority being vulnerable to challenge. This change is reflected in the new criteria published in Appendix A. 3.6. If there are more applicants than places within the same criteria a tie-breaker is used which is based on radial distance as defined in Appendix A. However if, in the event that two or more children live at the same distance from school (for example for families living in flats) and there are fewer places available then random allocation will be used to decide which child will be allocated the remaining place(s). The process will be drawn and scrutinised by people who are independent of the Council. This is reflected in the new criteria published in Appendix A. 3.7. Prior to 2011/12 applications for admission to primary school were made to the maintaining Local Authority (LA) however from 2011/12 parents must apply to their 3 home LA. This change to primary school admissions by the Department for Children Schools & Families via the School Admissions Code has been reflected here. 3.8. The School Admissions Code has also made it compulsory that primary admission booklets must be made available to parents from 12 September in the year prior to admission. 3.9. In order to process applications made to the home local authority but for schools in other local authorities, data for primary admissions must also now be exchanged electronically with these authorities. This must continue until the last working day of March prior to the admission. This is reflected in the offer date. 3.10. The DCSF is consulting on changing the age admissions authorities must admit children into school. They propose that admissions authorities for primary schools must provide for the admission of all children in the September following their fourth birthday. The results of their consultation will not be known until after the compulsory start date of this admissions arrangements consultation. 3.11. It has been suggested that there may be higher priority given to siblings within the admissions criteria. This would be a departure from the existing criteria which supports local schools for local children. We would welcome your comments on this. 3.12. Appendix B, Co-ordinated Arrangements for Secondary Schools 3.13. It is proposed that the Strong Social/ Strong Medical criteria be removed from the published admissions criteria for community and voluntary controlled schools within the borough.
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