Local Stores Open Tonight TH\ 9 _ 'ol. LXVUNo. 23. as wcoml cl*»s null mailer m\ CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1959 The Port OMlce at Cranionl.'N. J. 3 Sections, 24 Pages—10c Playground Eveijts Begin Opening Set for Fall Next Monday An institute for non-credit, college-level courses for adults will On Program Here The municipal summer play- be established in the fall by Union Junior College, it was announced ground program, which gets under today by Dr. Kenneth C. MacKay, president. * way next Monday, has been ex- Opening'date, • courses to be offered and other details have not panded this year to include a boys" yet been set. Dr. MacKay said.. For Fourth of July and girls' basketball league ' and The institute is designed to pro- clinic, it was announced today by "idf courses oi general interest in Independence Day will bo celebrated Saturday with the traditional Mrs. Charles F. Schillinger, play- the cultural and liberal arts areas. band concert and fireworks display at the lagoon area of Nomahcgan ground chairman for the Township Dr. M:icK;iy explained. It also will Park. Roy D. Irving, chairman of the Memorial and Independence Day Recreation Committee. provide programs for special joniniitlee, announced Today. Thomas Tipuldi, principal of ;;roups, such as preparation for The welcoming talk wjill be given by Mayor Ira D. Dorian. John Roosevelt School, will be general state examinations for secretaries Jolm<on of Roselle will lead the , — supervisor for the program, which and traffic managers and special will include a regular schedule of programs such as forums and lec- events at each of seven' play- tures. Also planned are industry- Music will be provided from 7 to U IllXCCI V UFlCl grounds. related courses, both on and off 9 p.m. by Local 151, Musicians' In addition to.the new baskef- campus, in such areas as Russian Association. An hour olfireworks ball sotup, lessons will be given lahguage, human relations and will begin at !> p.m. Postmaster , in tennis and there will be roller business law. ch0 skating sessions each week at the "These courses will be on a col- South avenue parking lot. (Fur- lege level, but will require organi- " """ Campaigns ther details on these activities will zation different from the tradi- Police Chief Lester W. Powell Professional residents and the lotal be found on the sports pages of tional pattern of academic work," said those attending the program schools will be covered in this issue.) the UJC^ president explained. may park their cars in the base- special campaigns for the United Open house will be held from Y. "This requires a provision for con- Fund for the tirst time this year, o 11 p.m. each Wednesday at the dderable flexibility and for ade- according to an announcement Walnut Avenue School, where quate opportunity for experimen- yesterday by Robert M. Crane, high school students from the ninth .ation in order to discover the most Five Alarm Blasts chairman for advance campaigns. E WMJJERS—Shown are members of the women's drill team of Capt. N. R. Fiske Post 335, through 12th grades as well as successful ways of meeting the Postponement Signal Dr. Wilmar F. Langc, Dr. John wno to . ° ninth state title in Wildwood Saturday. Left to right in the front row are Mrs! college students may dance to rec- needs of the community and in- Police Chief Lester W. Powell A. Olson and James F. Kcrvick Tlionias Kornei Mrs. Dorothy Lesko (color bearer), Mrs. Frank Degnan, Mrs. John Wadle, Mrs. Ann ords and participate in various creasing the college's services." RAY WARD will be casting his weather eye have been named by Mr. Crane as Merje (color btrer>, Mrs. Robert Hoch, Miss Marianne Boyle, and Mrs. Dale Iirlnkcrhbff, drill mas- games, including ping pong, check- Dr. MacKay said the plan is to aloft Saturday evening to dis- vice-chairmen to handle the can- nr; second rowMri,. Ernest Brandenberger, Mrs. Robert Colston, Mrs.. Louis Klekner and Mrs. Willis :rs and chess. launch the institute with a limited cern whether all is salubrious vass of professional citizens, while Bird; back rov Mrs. Charles Siegfried, Miss Audrey Hessler, Mrs. Thomas Butler, Mrs. Raymond Playgrounds will be open Mon- number of courses in the fall and for the Independence Day band Dr. Clark W. McDermith. superin- Mack -and Mrs.Barbara Marcolus. Miss Peggy Touton was riot present for picture. days through Fridays from 9:30 to expand it as required to meet Boys' Gamp concert and fireworks program tendent of schools, will serve as a.m. to noon and from 1 to 4 p.m. the demand for additional pro- scheduled to gel under way at 7 vice-chairman for the United Fund In case of rain, the playgrounds grams. ' • Staff Ready o'clock. in local schools. will be closed. There is no charge, "While we have been aware for If the weather is rainy or All three of the leaders for the and children from 5 through 17 a long time of the desirability and threatening enough to call off professional campaign are known VFW Units years of age are eligible to' par- necessity of providing services the celebration, five blasts Will locally for their participation in ticipate. other than those required by the For Opening community affairs as well as for Staff members of the Cranford be sounded on the fire alarm' Individual playground supervi- transfer students in our under- system at 6 p.tn. and the display their professional work. Still State sors and their assistants were listed graduate program, we have been Boys' Camp, headed by Ray Ward, ..Dr. Langc, with offices at 19 director, will leave today for the will be held the next clear night by Mrs. Schillinger as follows: unable to establish such a program (exclusive of Sunday). Holly street, has practiced dentis- Champions Walnut Avenue School—Miss because of our limited facilities in camp on Silver Lake, near Hope, try here for a number of years, Adelaide Rosenkoff, who teaches the old Grant School," Dr. Mac- to get things in readiness for the and will handle.the dental profes- The women's drill team and the official opening this Sunday. ball diamond area of the park and men's rifle squad of Capt. Newell at Lincoln Avenue Schcol, is su- Kay said. "There will be ade- sion for the United Fund. A long- pervisor and will be assisted by quate facilities for the institute The 1959 season will be inau- the vacant lot area directly across time resident, he is a member of Rodney Fiske Post 335, VFW, suc- gurated with flag raising ceremon- from the trap shooting range. cessfully defended their state ti- Donald Scott, a student at Run- in our new building, which we will Echo Lake Country Club and the dolph-Macon College in Virginia. occupy in the fall." ies at 2 p.m. Sunday. Stanley There also will be some parking First Presbyterian Church. His tles in competition during the an- Grays-on, a former director of the nual VFW convention in Wildwood High School—Nicholas J. Ster- Dr. MacKay pointed out that paces available in the bandstand undergraduate and graduate work razza who teaches at Brookside the establishment of the institute camp, will be in charge of the area. were both at the University of on Saturday. program, which will include an ad- School is supervisor and will be will enable the college to better During the celebration, park- Pennsylvania. This made it nine times the assisted by Miss Christine Schil- dress of welcome by Patrick J. utilize its expanded facilities. ing will be prohibited on both Dr. Olson will handle the solici- women ' have taken the state linger who will attend Roanokc Grail, president of the camp asso- championship (they haven't lost "We are cognizant of our re- :iation. , sides of Kenilworth boulevard tation of the medical, profession (Continued on Page 2) fContinued on Pec«* 8) for the fund. He practices general since 1954, when they .were de- Roland Graham will represent from Springfield avenue to the medicine at 19 Holly street, and feated by one-tenth of a point), Cranford Post 212, American Le- Kenilworth line and also on and it was the third straight win gion, in the presentation of an Springfield avenue from Kenil- has been active In the - fund as a for the men since they first entered American flag which will fly over worth boulevard to the Nomahc- member of its membership com- the competition three years ago. College Bond Referendum the camp during the summer and gan Park entrance. mittee. He has been active behind The women also were national will be awarded to the boy ad- County Park drive will be closed the footlights with the. Cranford champions in 1954 and 1058, the judged outstanding camper of the to traffic from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. Dramatic Club and as a member only years they entered that com- Speakers Offered by LWV and officer of tho First Presbyter- Letters have been sent to 45 school, civic and service organizat- year. The chief said there will be 50 petition. Director Ward; his assistant. Ed- regular policemen and members of ian Church. In' Saturday's competition, both ions in Cranford, offering speakers to discuss the College Bond ward Conover, and the seven camp the Auxiliary Police on hand to The legal profession will be cov.- men's and women's units attained Referendum at September and October meetings, according to Mrs. councilors all hold Red Cross sen- direct traffic and keep order in the ered in the campaign by Mr.
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