'. ( . -_ ... ' ., .~"::-", . \',' , PAGE 13 PAGE 12 THE J·EWISH POST THE JEWISH POST r ture;, and jet black eyes, his expres­ it· will soon be broken, Anyway, r Florence Brown, Mrs. iii. Brown, Miss lllunity of this city with the opportun­ mes N. Pros·terman, H. iii. Schmer sion never changes. At first glance Max, who hails from the south-west, Hannah Lipetz, lliiss Sada Simon, ity of seeing this famous play, so· ex­ and Z. Natanson. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. A. you wouldn't think that he could saw more J-ews than he ev€-'l' did in his Vegreville . News Miss Mary Waterman and Miss E. cellently rendered, in Jewisli. Sport Notes .life whil" he sat on th" bench in Mr. R. iii. Bernstein creditably per­ .AJbrams, H.' Hy'mnn, }1. Pamovitch smash a derby hat. He looks like a _________________________By Hannah lliiller 1 Wat",·man. college freshman who is very much Brooklyn. l • • • formed the' role of "King Lenr," whUe and S. Sandomirsky. impressed with his new alma mater. * * * The Young Judaea of Vegreville, iiiI'. and Mrs. Marantz ~ntertained Mrs. M. Bernstein took the part of • • • By George Joel . Andy Cohen ill Again, Out Again .. Bruce Flowers took one look at him Alta., was recently r"'organized and at an informal haute dance on Satur­ leading lady as "Taibele." Other A Silver Tea under. the auspices of I and didn't Im()w whcthm' to :Eight him W'hile Reese was doctoring his S01'e gave a tea and court whist par.ty at day evening, in honor of their son, characters wer-e: 1\11f. 1\1:. Bernstein as the HelJrmv Ladies Benovelent S()ciety parts Andy Cohen played secoud base or beg his pardon, but after ten sec­ the Excel Business College, on Sun­ Louis. "Shamai"j Mrs. I. Rudolph as "the was held at the home of the president, Ruby Goldstein Still Fighting 1'011 Kantrou who is the mainstay of onds of the first round had passed, for the Giants and according to the day, May 5th, and entertained their • • • mother"; Mrs. B. Lasovsky as the golf temn. Ibox SC01'es did very well, especially "Etele"; Mr. S. Hecklman as uOhal'­ Bruce only knew that ,he was in for parents and friends of the commun' The Ladies Aid .society of CalgaTY Ruby Goldstein, an East side hero • • • iff"; Mrs. B. Lasovsky 'as "Yaff.e"; one stormy evening. You should with the wi11ow. He mad" ten hits ity. There were niue tables of court are holding a ~iJver tea, at the home and th'e: man who made comebacks- a The Rah Rah Spirit in four games and loolmd great" but Mrs. R. M. Bernstein as '~Gitele", and have heard that crowd cheer. Han-y whist. of Mrs. Manalson next Tu~sday af.ter- paying business is back in the fistic In th" New York Ev<ming Post the "mast€'l'-mind", McGraw, has tak­ Mr. B. Vinogradsky '(ls' "Hoishe Cho­ Grayson of the T·€'l-egram has named After the playing was finished at noon. spqtlight again. Onr favorite light­ Tunis is doing a series of articles on en Andy out again. The latest com­ Berg "The Whitechapel, Limited-no 10 :45, tea was served by th" members • ••• sid." weight who earned a reputation' as a the "Rah Rah Spirit in our Colleges". ment on Andy's lack of popularity Others who deserve credit for mak­ stops this side of the final gong." of the club. Prizes were won by l\h's. C. Zhitlowsky, Ph, D., who has been knockout and then a }'un-out artist) It is his contention that this do or with McGraw is that Cohen is slow on ing the affair such n SUCCCElS Rl'oC: Mrs. Oh, yes, Mr. Kaplan also won. He KJimofi, lady's first; and Mr. iii. touring tbe Pacific 'Coast, is an in­ i .. '­ returned to the ring th" othe.r night die spirit for the dear old alma' mater gave Billy Wallace a thorough trim­ his feet. teresting visitor in the city.. Over th" H. Hiller, Mr. H. HilJer and Mr. Ziven. i:, !:, in Elizabeth, New Jersey and stop­ Shaw, gentleman's first. " . is a thing of the' past and that the ming ther"by malting even the knock­ Copyright -1929, (JTA) w€.ek~end, he gave two lectures on Iii r- ped Gene Johnson of that city ·in the Iheys refuse to take their athletics too out that the sam., Wanace handed to "Jewish Problems of Today" _and r, ' , . ',; II first round of a tenround go. seriouslly. He points out that most him some three years ago in Cleve­ A colored gentleman at a country "Jewish Culture," under the auspices '" r Regina News ,. \; Rugy started in fighting as a bantam of the intense college spirit and land. fair had spent aU his money in riot­ ( Calgary News l' of the Peretz School. 1 Relief for Women By lliiss B. Zoninfeld is assured by the modern hYK"lenic and later fought as a feather and has overemphas.is is caused by unthinking • • • ous l'iding on the merry-go-round . By lliiss Esther Waterman • • • now outgrown even the lightweight di- . ._~J KOTAB Bath treatment. I I alumni who wish to get the yicarious lliax Rosenfeld Released W'hen he alighted from his last' ride, .. ----.,-----~J Mr. S. Helman will be the speaker l Brings certain mental and ph),,_ eft l relief in aU fonna of femalo trou-. vision. If he can 'outgrow his habit of thrill of success out of the winnings Max Rosenfeld, the only Jew on his thrifty wife handed him this one; The Alhambra was the scene of one at the next me£,ting of the Junior Mr. Ben Lesk entol·tained at a bles including irregwar, delayed running out on fights he wiH have ac­ of their college teams. What he says the Brooklyn National LCRgue team "now you spent all yoh money, nig­ of the prettiest sccial affairs of the Hadassah Chapter, on Tuesday even­ Bridge Saturday Evening C9mpliment­ and painful menstrua.tion, leucor.. compllished much more. As usual, rhoea: and falllng of the womb. is not entim1y new and such tenden­ has been released to the Toledo Club gab, wha's you bin 7 season last Tuesday afternoon, when ing', when he ·will give a paper on the ing llirs. T. Lesk who recently re­ KOTAB Is packed 'l~ ~ealc:d C?r­ against a second or third rater, Ruby cy has he-Em apparent for some tim-e of· the American kssociation. With Mrs. M. Markus l'oCceived in honor of Spanish Jew. turned from Los Angeles. Five tables tons bearing no descrlptlvc: readlni looked great. matter of any kind, It can be pur­ but a man of his reputation can give the Dodgers hang.ing on to last place her mother, Mrs. Rosenblatt of Win­ w.eiJ.'e in play, honors going to Mes­ chased from any druggist without • • • added weight to a worthwhile change Max had a chance but llianager R<Jb- dames S. Finkelstein, J. Birl<ental and the slightest embarrassment. Just :1 ·i. THE UNITED HEBREW nipeg. The lovely tea table was cen­ ask for "A Packet, of KOTAB." , {. Benny Bass Find lliacl< Easy. in college life; Col1ege presidents , ertsonshuffled th" cards, and lliax tred by a bouque·t of bright spring M. !Lifshitz. No further explanatton or ,conyer· , :.. : Benny Bass, now fighting as a fea­ RELIEF calls to you­ Edmonton .Notes sation is necessary. Full dlrectlons I encourage intermural sports and dis­ was dealt away. Brooklyn stm keeps flowers. Presiding at the tea and The rooms were prettily decorated ,the,rweight easily took .the measure By Sara Wain berg in each package. I '.,! coui:age intercoUegiate competition. a string on _Max's services but its a REMEMBER the POOR coffee urns were llirs. iii. Goldstein with Spring flowers. The hostess was If your druggrst has none in sto.ck I. ; "'I' I of Petey lliack in a ten round bout The th~ory being that athletics are slender thread and lam afraid that " assisted in serving Iby Mrs. N. ho­ write us enclosing the regular pnce. und Mrs.C. Groberman. Mrs. N. Miss 'Sara Wainberg, 11516-102nd Ave., $3.00, and KO~AB will be fprwarded , r,' l hdd in New York City the other for the benefit of the students and has been appointed Edmonton correspond. sterman, Mrs. M. Prostcrman, Mrs. by return mall under plain 6caled Libin cut the ices, and lliiss Bertha wrapper. --'," !, night. It was Benny all the way and are not to be used to put the college ent of the Jewish Post. All items for Ed­ L. Rosenzw~ig and Mrs. L. Lesko Krandel and lliiss S, Simon assisted monton should he sent to her or phoned to he pklstered lliack around as though over. What Tunis has found at Har­ PLUID-D'OR CO. Ltd. , in serving. 40BO before 6 p,m., or 83098 after 6 p.m. • * " , '," ! , he were a stuffed punching bag, * 47.48 AIKINS BLDG. vard and Yale beal's out this theory DUl'ing the aftemoon Mrs. A. Horo­ !VIis,s Fay Minuk, Bateman, is a Benny's win brings him one step ne­ but J don't think he wilJ find this CANADIAN NATIONAL witz sang severa.] very delightful Those who attended the piano re­ visitor in ·the City. " arer a fight with Andre Routis who K .same attitud,e, in ,our newer and less numbers, accompani.ed by Miss R. cital on Friday evening, 1\lay.' 10 giv­ .
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