MAGIC, DIVINATION, AND DEMONOLOGY AMONG THE HEBREWS AND THEIR NEIGHBOURS INCLUDING AN EXAMINATION OF BIBLICAL REFERENCES AND OF THE BIBLICAL .TERMS BY T. WITTON ~VIES, B.A. (LoND.), PH.D. (LEIP.) PROFESSOR oP OLD TESTAMENT LITERATURE, NoRTH WALES BAPTIST CoLLEGE BANG OR ; LECTURER IN SEMITIC LANGUAGES, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, BANGOR; MEMBER OF THE FOLLOWING SOCIETIES ; ROYAL ASIATic; BIBLICAL ARCHA!OLOGY ; GaRMAN ORIENTAL; FRENCH AstATtc; AND FELLOW OF THP. ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE LONDON JAMES CLARKE & CO., 13 AND 14, FLEET STREET, E.C. LEIPZIC M. SPIRGATIS, MARIEN STRASSE, 23 ..3 ::_ . ..?. If· t o;91t1zed by Coogle As. v -;:; s: r'M- ~~ ~,.. ~ ~ ~. Dr1c., ~1Q$ Frea~ ~~.~Lv IJ 19131 ~ LONDON PRINTED BY GILBERT AND RIVINGTON1 LTD. ST. JOHN'S HOUiB, CLBRKBNWELL, B.C. o;91t1zed by Coogle ,· DEDICATED TO MY WIFE WITH AFFECTION AND GRATITUDB DigitiZed by Coogle ·:···~~:· o;11.t,zed by Coogle PREFACE THIS treatise was presented to the University of Leipzig, July, 1897, acc~rding to the rule requiring such a dissertation to be presented and accepted before the candidate is allowed to proceed to the examina­ tions prescribed for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University. The dissertation has to be printed and 200 copies presented to the University within one year from the time when the final examination was passed. The limits of time and of space, and the need that the dissertation should be prir.ted essentially as it was accepted by the Philosophical faculty of the University, made it impossible to introduce much change. Since writing it, however, I have read and thought a great deal about the subjects with which my dissertation deals ; some slight results of that will be seen in the correction of my MS. as well as in references to books newly published. Further results-results too, I hope, of continued reading and reflection-may show them­ selves at a future time. o;91t1zed by Coogle viii PREFACE The "Vita" or " Life " is left at the end, as it had to be printed in the copies sent to the University. I will not close this preface without warmly acknowledging the uniform courtesy and kindness received from the Professors of the celebrated University of Leipzig whose classes I joined. I would like especially to acknowledge my indebted­ ness to Prof. Socin, one of the greatest living teachers of Arabic. Dr. Dillman, of Berlin, and Dr. Socin, of Leipzig, were teachers at least as great as any I have known, and I am thankful to an ever kind Providence to have been able to benefit from their instruction, and from their example of industry and thoroughness. T. WITTON DAVIES. MIDLAND BAPTIST CoLLEGE,} NoTTINGHAM. UNIVERSITY CoLLEGE, Aug. 12, 1898. Digitized by Coogle CONTENTS PAGE LITERATURE xi INTRODUCI'ION • Definition of Magic Magicians a class 2 Black and White Magic, Conjuring, Natural Magic . 3 Magic, wide and narrow sense of 4 Some terms explained • 5 Divination briefly defined and described 6 Necromancy 6 Demonology 7 Common origin of the preceding 8 Magic without Animism or Supernaturalism 16 Sympathetic Magic 17 Magic and Religion 18 Magic and Science 25 Magic and Divination. 27 Magic and Demonology 28 I. MAGIC • 30 Traces and Survivals in the Old Testament 30 Biblical Terms 40 Old Testament Terms 41 Old Testament Words for Magic or in Relation to it. 44 Magic in the New Testament 59 Magic in Post-Biblical Judaism . 6I Magic among Arabs and Moslems 63 Assyrian Magic 67 Illegal Magic 68 Legal Magic 69 Egyptian Magic . 70 o;91t1zed by Coogle X CONTENTS PAGE. II. DIVINATION 72 Fuller Definition and Description 7Z Divination and Biblical Prophecy 73 Methods of Divination referred to in the Old Testa- ment 74 Hebrew terms used in connection with Divination 78 Biblical Necromancy and terms for 85 Divination in Post-Biblical Judaism . 90 Divination among the Arabs 90 MOdes of Divining among the Arabs . 92 Presages 92 IslAm and Divination . 92 Babylonian and Assyrian Divination 93 Egyptian Divination 94 III. DEMONOLOGY 95 Demonology in the Old Testament : Traces and Survivals 95 Demonology in the Apocrypha • Ioo Demonology in the New Testament 102 Antichrist Io6 Demonology of Josephus 107 Demonology of the Pseudepigraphical Writings 108 Demonology in Post-Biblical Judaism 109 Countercharms . I I 2 Sources of Jewish Magic and Demonology 114 Demonology among the Arabs and Moslems I 19 Countercharms • · I25 Assyrian Demonology. 125 Countercharms . 127 Egyptian Demonology 128 Countercharms . 128 Phrenician and Syrian Magic and Demonology . 129 Digitized by Coogle BOOKS AND EDITIONS CONSULTED OR REFERRED TO (WITH ABBREVIATIONS) D'Alviella. (Hibbert) Lectures on the Origin and Growth of the Conception of God. London, 1892. Anz. Zur Frage nacb dem Ursprunge des Gnostizismus Wilhelm Anz. Leipzig, 18¢. Baudissen. Studien zur semitischen Religionsgeschichte von Wolf Wilhelm Grafen Baudissen. Leipzig, 1876 and 1878. 2 vols. Bochartus, Sam. Hierozoicon. Editio Tertire. Lugd. et Traj. 1682. · Bousset. ifhe Antichrist Legend. By W. Bousset. Trans­ lated by A. H. Keane. London, 1896. Brecher. Das transcendentale Magie und magische Heilarten im Talmud. Wien, 185o. Brewster. Letters on Natural Magic. By Sir David Brewster, K.H., &c. London, 5th edition, 1842. Brinton. Religions of Primitive Peoples. By D. G. Brinton, LL.D., &c. London and New York, 1897. Burton. Anatomy of Melancholy. By Henry Burton. London, 1861. Caird. The Evolution of Religion. Gifford Lectures. By Edward Caird. 2 vols. Glasgow, 1893. Caird J. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion. By John Caird. Glasgow, 188o. Caldwell. Dravidian Grammar. By Bishop Caldwell. (Page 518 ff. Demonology among the Dravidians.) o;91t1zed by Coogle xii LITERATURE Charles. The Book of Enoch. By R. H. Charles. Oxford, 1893· Crook. Folk-lore of Northern India. By W. Crook. 2 vols. 2nd ed. London, 18«}6. Delitzsch, Fried. Prolegomena, &c. Von Dr. Fried. Delitzsch. Leipzig, 1886. Delitzsch, Franz (father). Various Commentaries and Articles in Dictionaries. Dennys. The Folk-lore of China. By B. N. Dennys. London, 1876. Doughty. Travels in Arabia Deserta. 2 vols. By C. M. Doughty. Cambridge, 1888. Edersheim. Life and Times of the Messiah. By Alfred Edersheim. London, 1888. Eisenmenger. Entdectes Judenthum. 2 vols. By]. A. Eisen­ menger. Konigsberg, 1711 1 1714 Ency. Brit. Encyclopa!dia Britannica. 9th edition. Ennemoser. The History of Magic. By Joseph Ennemoser. Englished by Wm. Howitt. 2 vols. London, t8S4· Ewald. Die Lehreder Bibel von Gott. 4 vols. Leipzig, 1871-76. Findlay. The Epistles to the Thessalonians, with Introduc­ tion, Notes, &c. By Rev. G. G. Findlay, M.A. Cambridge, 1896. Frazer. The Golden Bough. A Study in Comparative Religion. By ] . G. Frazer. 2 vols. London, I890- Freytag. Einleitung in das Studium der arabischen Sprache. Von G. W. Freytag. Bonn, 1861. Gesenius. 1. Thesaurus. 2. Lexicon. nth edition. Buhl. 3· Hebriiische Grammatik. 26te Ausgabe. (Kautsch.) Leipzig, 18¢. (An English Translation published by Clarendon Press at £I u . has just made its appear­ ance. Why not at a price which students might be expected to afford ? The German edition cost me bound, with discount, about ss. 8d., and the English o;91t1zed by Coogle LITERATURE xiii edition includes no more, though it is better printed and also bound.) Ginsburg. The Kabbalah. London, 1865. Goldziher. Abhandlungen zur arabischen Philologie. Von Ignaz Goldziher: erste Theil. Leiden, 18¢. Granger. The Worship of the Romans. By F. Granger, D.Lit. London, 1895. Grant. The Mysteries of all Nations. By Jas. Grant. Leith, 188o. Grimm. Teutonic Mythology. By Jacob Grimm. 4 vols. (Continuous paging.) English translation. By J. S. Stallybrass. London, 188z-1888. Hegel. Vorlesungen tiber die Philosophie der Religion. zte Ausgabe. Berlin, 1840. Herzog 1 JReal Encyclopidie. By Herzog, &c. 1st and znd Herzog' editions respectively. Hillebrandt. Ritualliteratur. Vedische Opfer und Zauber. Strassburg, 1897. Horst. Zauberbibliothek : 6 Theile von G. C. Horst. Mainz. J8ZJ-J8z6. Hughes. Dictionary of Islam. By. T. P. Hughes. London, 1885. J ahn. Der Aberglaube des bi:isen Blicks bei den Alten. Abhand. der sachs. Academ. der Wissenschaft. 1855· Jevons. An introduction to the History of Religion. By Frank Byrom Jevons. London, 18¢. Joel. Der Aberglaube und die Stellung des Judensthums zu demselben. Von Rabbi David Joel. Parts 1 and z. Breslau, 1881 and 1883. josephus, Works of. English Translation by Whiston. King. Babylonian Magic and Sorcery, being the "prayers of the lifting up of the hands." By L. King. London, 18¢. o;91t1zed by Coogle xiv LITERATURE Kohut. Jiidische Angel. u. Diimonologie. Von A. Kohut. Leipzig, x866. Lane. The Thousand and One Nights. By E. W. Lane. 3 vols. London, 1839. Lang. 1. Myth, Ritual and Religion. By Andrew Lang. 2 vols. London, 1887. 2. Custom and M'th. By Andrew Lang. London, 1897. 3· The Making of Religion. By Andrew Lang. London, 1898. Lenormant. 1. Chaldean Magic. By F. Lenormant. London, 1877. z. Divination, et Ia science des presages. Par F. Lenor­ mant. Paris, 1875· Levy. Neu hebriiisches u. chaldiiisches Worterbuch. Von Prof. Dr. Jacob Levy. 4 vols. Leipzig, 1876 to 1889. Lyall. Asiatic Studies, Religious and Social. By Sir Alfred C. Lyall, K.C.B., C.I.E. London, 1882. Meiners. Geschichte aller Religionen. By Prof. Meiners. 2 vols. 18o6. Michaelis, J. D. Commentaries on the Laws of Moses. From the German. 4 vols. London, 1814. Mtihlau. De Prov. Aguri et Lemuelis. Leip. 1869. Nevius. Demon Possession and Allied Themes. By J. L. Nevius. London, 181)6. N. T. New Testament. 0. T. Old Testament. Prym and Socin. Der neu-Aramiiische Dialect des Tur'Abdin. Von Eugen Prym u. Albert Socin. Text u. Ubersetzung. Zwei theile. Gottingen, 1881. Renan, Ernest. History of the People of Israel. 3 vols. London, 1888--1891. Riehm. Riehm's Handworterbuch des Biblischen Alterthums. 2nd edition, 1894. o;91t1zed by Coogle LITERATURE XV Roskoff. Geschichte des Teufels von Gustav Roskoff.
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