New and Top Ranked Journals Health, Nursing & Medicine 2016-2017 www.sagepub.in Table of The RSM Collection Contents RSM Collection ...............................1-4 Cardiology .......................................5-7 SAGE now publishes all 28 titles of the Royal Society of Medicine Journals. The pDJVKLSJournal of the Royal Society of Medicine (JRSM) is one of the most widely Neurology ........................................7-9 UHDGDQGHQMR\HGJHQHUDOPHGLFDOSHULRGLFDOVSURYLGLQJLQVLJKWLQWRDEURDGVSHFWUXP Psychology, Counselling RILVVXHVIDFLQJPHGLFDOSURIHVVLRQDOV & Psychotherapy ...........................9-19 Subscribe to the RSM Collection and you will benefit from: Orthopaedics ..............................20-21 Surgery ........................................22-23 • 3HUSHWXDODFFHVVWRSDLGIRUFRQWHQW • 5HIHUHQFHOLQNLQJq&URVV5HIOLQNVWRFLWHG • (OHFWURQLFDFFHVVWRSHHUUHYLHZHG DUWLFOHV Radiology .........................................23 IXOOWH[WMRXUQDOV LQFOXGLQJ2SHQ$FFHVV • $GYDQFHGVHDUFKLQJRSWLRQV Pharmacology & Biomedical ......24-29 WLWOHV LQDGGLWLRQWRWKH+DQGERRNRI • 7DEOHRIFRQWHQWVDOHUWLQJVHUYLFH 3UDFWLFH0DQDJHPHQW • 566IHHGVDQGVRFLDOERRNPDUNLQJ Nursing ....................................... 29-32 • +LJKTXDOLW\FRQWHQWLQFOXGLQJWLWOHVLQGH[HG LQ,6,0('/,1(DQGRWKHUDEVWUDFWLQJ • 2QOLQH)LUVWDUWLFOHV Clinical Medicine, Palliative VHUYLFHVDQGGDWDEDVHV • $FFHVVYLD,3DGGUHVV$WKHQVRU6KLEEROHWK Medicine and Chronic Care ...... 32-40 • &2817(5FRPSOLDQWXVDJHVWDWLVWLFV • $UFKLYLQJE\/2&.66DQG3RUWLFR Opthalmology ...................................40 Open Access ..............................40-46 Need additional Health Science content for your users? The RSM titles are also available in the following SAGE Packages: Index ............................................47-48 • 6$*(6FLHQFH7HFKQRORJ\DQG • 6$*(&OLQLFDO0HGLFLQH3DFNDJH 0HGLFDO3DFNDJH(319 titles) (191 titles) • 6$*(+HDOWK6FLHQFHV3DFNDJH(270 titles) Looking for something more specific? Why not ask us about the following Subject Collections? • &DUGLRORJ\ &DUGLRYDVFXODU • 1HXURORJ\ • 3DOOLDWLYH0HGLFLQH 0HGLFLQH&ROOHFWLRQ • 1XUVLQJ 3XEOLF+HDOWK &KURQLF&DUH&ROOHFWLRQ • +HDOWK3UDFWLFH 6HUYLFHV • 2QFRORJ\&ROOHFWLRQ • 3HGLDWULFV&ROOHFWLRQ • 0HGLFR/HJDO • 2UWKRSDHGLFV 6SRUWV • 3KDUPDFRORJ\ %LRPHGLFDO • 0HQWDO+HDOWK 0HGLFLQH &ROOHFWLRQ ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Hand Therapy Editor: Kamran Abbasi Editor-in-Chief: Christina Jerosch-Herold Norwich 12 issues per year | 0141-0768 4 issues per year | 1758-9983 http://jrs.sagepub.com http://hth.sagepub.com The Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine is the leading UK multispecialty Hand Therapy is a peer-reviewed journal aimed at hand therapists and surgeons, medical journal for clinical research, reviews, opinion, and continuing professional occupational therapists and physiotherapists and other hand specialists. Its purpose is development. JRSM also has an international outlook and by leading the debate in the to publish original articles and short reports on the theory and practice of hand therapy specialties of medicine and surgery, JRSM sets the agenda for clinical practice and and related fields. health policy making across the medical world. Annual Institutional Rate: £ 213 Ranking: 51/151 in Medicine, General & Internal Impact Factor: 1.784 2016 Release of Journal Citation Reports (Web of Science Data) Handbook of Practice Management Annual Institutional Rate: £ 486 Authors: Muhammed Ali, Junaid Bajwa, and Niraj Patel all at UK 4 issues per year | 0962-144X Acta Radiologica http://hpm.sagepub.com The Handbook of Practice Management is a reference source for practice managers Chief Editor: Arnulf Skjennald Norway in the UK, which includes information on the latest practice management issues, new 12 issues per year | 0284-1851 legislation, changes to the organisation of general practice and primary care, and the http://acr.sagepub.com new skills and competencies required by practice managers. Acta Radiologica publishes articles from all parts of the world and covers all aspects of Annual Institutional Rate: £ 292 radiology, from clinical radiology to experimental work. The distinguished international editorial board also invite review articles, short communications and technical and instrumental notes. Ranking: 55/124 in Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging Health Services Management Research Impact Factor: 2.009 Editor-in-Chief: Federico Lega SDA Bocconi School of Management, 2016 Release of Journal Citation Reports (Web of Science Data) Italy Annual Institutional Rate: £ 1,004 4 issues per year | 0951-4848 http://hsm.sagepub.com Experimental Biology and Medicine Health Services Management Research is an authoritative international peer- reviewed journal which exists to publish theoretically and empirically rigorous research Editor-in-Chief: Steven R Goodman SUNY Upstate Medical University on questions of enduring interest and concern to health-care organizations and 18 issues per year | 1535-3702 systems throughout the world. http://ebm.sagepub.com Annual Institutional Rate: £ 378 Experimental Biology and Medicine is a peer reviewed journal dedicated to the publication of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research in the biomedical sciences. Published monthly, EBM provides both research and review articles as well as meeting symposia and brief communications. Ranking: 57/124 in Medicine, Research & Experimental Impact Factor: 2.542 2016 Release of Journal Citation Reports (Web of Science Data) Annual Institutional Rate: £ 827 1 ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE Annals of Clinical Biochemistry MEDICO-LEGAL PACKAGE An international journal of biochemistry and laboratory medicine Editor: Edmund J Lamb East Kent Hospitals University NHS Clinical Ethics Foundation Trust, Canterbury, UK Editor: Søren Holm Manchester, UK 6 issues per year | 0004-5632 4 issues per year | 1477-7509 http://acb.sagepub.com http://cet.sagepub.com One of the world’s foremost journals in its field, the Annals of Clinical Clinical Ethics is an important journal devoted to the discussion of key issues Biochemistry publishes fully refereed papers of international authorship that surrounding the application of ethics in clinical practice, research and policy. contribute to existing knowledge in all fields of clinical biochemistry, especially that pertaining to the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of human disease. Annual Institutional Rate: £ 301 Ranking: 11/30 in Medical Laboratory Technology Impact Factor: 2.119 Clinical Risk 2016 Release of Journal Citation Reports (Web of Science Data) Editor-in-Chief: Hilary Merrett Good Governance Institute, UK Annual Institutional Rate: £ 368 6 issues per year | 1356-2622 http://cri.sagepub.com International Journal of Care Coordination Clinical Risk is a peer-reviewed online journal, and is the leading journal in clinical risk. It is an international forum for the exchange of new knowledge and Editor: H J M (Bert) Vrijhoef Visiting Professor, Saw Swee Hock ideas in the fields of patient safety, risk management and medico-legal issues. School of Public Health, National University of Singapore, Singapore and Visiting Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Free University Annual Institutional Rate: £ 493 of Brussels, Belgium 4 issues per year | 2053-4345 Medicine, Science and the Law http://icp.sagepub.com Editor-in-Chief: Bob Peckitt, East Anglian Forensic Services Ltd, The International Journal of Care Coordination (formerly published as the UK International Journal of Care Pathways) provides an international forum for the latest scientific research in care coordination. The Journal publishes peer-reviewed original 4 issues per year | 0025-8024 articles which describe basic research to a multidisciplinary field as well as other http://msl.sagepub.com broader approaches and strategies hypothesized to improve care coordination. Medicine, Science and the Law is an academic journal that publishes peer- reviewed papers on a wide range of subjects of forensic interest. The journal aims Annual Institutional Rate: £ 397 to inform its readers from a broad perspective and demonstrate the interrelated nature and scope of the forensic disciplines. International Journal of STD & AIDS Ranking: 91/147 in Law | 13/15 in Medicine, Legal Impact Factor: 0. 569 Clinical practice in sexual health 2016 Release of Journal Citation Reports (Web of Science Data) Editors: John White Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust Annual Institutional Rate: £ 308 14 issues per year | 0956-4624 http://std.sagepub.com Medico-Legal Journal The International Journal of STD & AIDS provides a clinically oriented forum for investigating and treating sexually transmissible infections, HIV and AIDS. Publishing Editor: Diana Brahams original research and practical papers, the journal contains in-depth review articles, 4 issues per year | 0025-8172 short papers, case reports, audit reports, CPD papers and a lively correspondence http://mlj.sagepub.com column. Medico-Legal Journal is dedicated to promoting Medico-Legal knowledge in all Ranking: 138/150 in Immunology | 69/83 in Infectious Diseases its aspects. It provides an official record of the proceedings of the Medico-Legal Impact Factor: 1.300 Society, and a unique collection of contributions and speeches from eminent 2016 Release of Journal Citation Reports (2015 Web of Science Data) speakers at society events. Annual Institutional Rate: £ 949 Annual Institutional Rate: £ 274 Medico-Legal Package Price: £ 959 2 ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE Journal of Health Services
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