Microsoft Azure StorSimple Appliance 8600 Hardware Installation Guide Contents Unpack your device ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Unpacking your device ............................................................................................................................................... 3 Rack-mount your device ................................................................................................................................................4 Site preparation .............................................................................................................................................................4 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Rack-mounting rail kit ................................................................................................................................................. 5 Install the EBOD enclosure on the rails ................................................................................................................. 5 Mounting the EBOD enclosure in the rack .......................................................................................................... 7 Mounting the primary enclosure in the rack ...................................................................................................... 8 Cable your device ............................................................................................................................................................. 9 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................................... 9 SAS cabling ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Power cabling ...............................................................................................................................................................11 Network cabling ...........................................................................................................................................................13 Serial port cabling .......................................................................................................................................................15 Unpack your device This section provides clear, detailed instructions on how to unpack your Microsoft Azure StorSimple 8600 storage device. This device is shipped in two separate boxes, one for the primary enclosure and other for the EBOD enclosure. Prerequisites To unpack your device, follow these guidelines. WARNING! %HIRUH\RXEHJLQHQVXUHWKDW\RXKDYHWZRSHRSOHDYDLODEOHWRKDQGOHWKHZHLJKWLQFDVH\RX DUHKDQGOLQJLWPDQXDOO\$IXOO\FRQÀJXUHGHQFORVXUHFDQZHLJKXSWRNJ OEV 6HWWKHWZRER[HVRQDÁDWOHYHOVXUIDFH Unpacking your device Perform the following steps to unpack your device. 1. Inspect the boxes and the packaging foam for crushes, cuts, water damage, or any other obvious damage. If the box or packaging is severely damaged, do not open the box. Please contact technical support to help you assess whether the device is in good working order. 2SHQWKHWZRER[HVDQGXQSDFNWKHSULPDU\DQG(%2'HQFORVXUHV7KHIROORZLQJÀJXUHVKRZV the unpacked view of your storage device. 6 5 4 3 ACCESSORIES AND CABLES 2 1 Figure 1 Unpacked view of your storage device 3 Label Description 1 Packing box 6$6&DEOHV LQDFFHVVRULHVDQGFDEOHVWUD\ 3 Bottom foam 4Device 5 Top foam 6 Accessory box 3. After unpacking the two boxes, ensure you have: D SULPDU\HQFORVXUH WKHSULPDU\HQFORVXUHDQG(%2'HQFORVXUHDUHLQWZRVHSDUDWHER[HV b. 1 EBOD enclosure. F SRZHUFRUGVLQHDFKER[ G 6$6FDEOHV WRFRQQHFWWKHSULPDU\HQFORVXUHWR(%2'HQFORVXUH e. 1 crossover Ethernet cable. I VHULDOFRQVROHFDEOHV g. 1 serial-USB converter for serial access. K VLQJOH46)3WR6)3DGDSWHUV L UDFNPRXQWNLWV VLGHUDLOVZLWKPRXQWLQJKDUGZDUHHDFKIRUWKHSULPDU\HQFORVXUH DQG(%2'HQFORVXUH LQHDFKER[ j. 1 tamper-proof T10 screw driver k. Getting started documentation. If you did not receive any of the items listed above, contact technical support. The next step is to rack-mount your device. See the Rack-mount your device for details. Rack-mount your device This section includes the steps required to install your Microsoft Azure StorSimple 8600 storage device in a standard 19-inch rack with front and rear posts. This device comes with two enclosures: a primary enclosure and an EBOD enclosure. Both of these need to be rack mounted. The installation consists of multiple steps each of which is discussed in the following procedures. Site preparation The enclosures must be installed in a standard 19-inch rack that has both front and rear posts. To prepare for rack installation, ensure that: 7KHSULPDU\DQG(%2'HQFORVXUHVDUHUHVWLQJVDIHO\RQDÁDWVWDEOHDQGOHYHOZRUNVXUIDFH RUVLPLODU 7KHVLWHZKHUH\RXLQWHQGWRVHWXSKDVVWDQGDUG$&SRZHUIURPDQLQGHSHQGHQWVRXUFHRUD UDFN3RZHU'LVWULEXWLRQ8QLW 3'8 ZLWKDQXQLQWHUUXSWLEOHSRZHUVXSSO\ 836 2QH8 ;8 VORWLVDYDLODEOHLQWKHUDFNZKHUH\RXLQWHQGWRPRXQWWKHHQFORVXUHV 4 WARNING! Ensure you have two people available to handle the weight in case you are handling it manually. $IXOO\FRQÀJXUHGHQFORVXUHFDQZHLJKXSWRNJ Prerequisites The enclosures are designed for installation into a standard 19-inch rack cabinet with: 0LQLPXPGHSWKRILQFKHVIURPUDFNSRVWWRSRVW 0D[LPXPZHLJKWRINJIRUWKHGHYLFH 0D[LPXPEDFNSUHVVXUHRI3DVFDO PPZDWHUJDXJH Rack-mounting rail kit A set of mounting rails will be provided to use with the 19-inch rack cabinet. The rails have been tested to handle the maximum enclosure weight. These rails will also allow installation of multiple enclosures ZLWKRXWORVVRIVSDFHZLWKLQWKHUDFN6WDUWZLWKWKHLQVWDOODWLRQRIWKH(%2'HQFORVXUHÀUVW Install the EBOD enclosure on the rails )ROORZWKHVHVWHSVWRVDIHO\LQVWDOOWKH(%2'HQFORVXUHRQWKHUDLOV :LWKWKHHQFORVXUHRQWKHZRUNVXUIDFHUHPRYHWKHOHIWDQGULJKWIURQWÁDQJHFDSVE\SXOOLQJ WKHFDSVIUHH7KHÁDQJHFDSVVLPSO\VQDSRQWRWKHÁDQJHV 7KHVHUDLOVDUHLQVWDOOHGDWWKHIDFWRU\,IWKHVHDUHQRWWKHQLQVWDOOWKHOHIWUDLODQGULJKWUDLO slides to the sides of the enclosure chassis. They attach using six metric screws on each side. To KHOSZLWKRULHQWDWLRQWKHUDLOVOLGHVDUHPDUNHG´/+)URQWµDQG´5+²)URQWµDQGWKHHQGWKDW LVDIÀ[HGWRZDUGVWKHUHDURIWKHHQFORVXUHKDVDWDSHUHGHQG 1 2 Figure 2 Attaching rail slides to the sides of the enclosure 5 Label Description 1 0;EXWWRQKHDGVFUHZV Chassis slides 3. Attach the left-rail and right-rail assemblies to the rack cabinet vertical members. The brackets DUHPDUNHG´/+µ´5+µDQG´7KLVVLGHXSµWRJXLGHWKHXVHUWKURXJKFRUUHFWRULHQWDWLRQ D /RFDWHWKHUDLOSLQVDWWKHIURQWDQGUHDURIWKHUDLODVVHPEO\([WHQGWKHUDLOWRÀWEHWZHHQ the rack posts and insert the pins into the front and rear-rack post vertical member holes. Be sure the rail assembly is level. b. Secure the rail assembly to the rack vertical members using two of the metric screws provided. Use one screw on the front and one on the rear. c. Repeat these steps for the other rail assembly. 4 2 5 1 3 Figure 3 Attaching rail assemblies to the rack Label Description 1 Clamping screw Square hole front rack post 3 Left front-rail location pins 4 Clamping screw 5 Right front-rail location pins 6 Mounting the EBOD enclosure in the rack Perform the following steps to mount the EBOD enclosure in the rack using the rack rails that were just installed. 1. Using an assistant, lift the enclosure and align it with the rack rails. &DUHIXOO\LQVHUWWKHHQFORVXUHLQWRWKHUDLOVDQGSXVKLWFRPSOHWHO\LQWRWKHUDFNFDELQHW Figure 4 Mounting the enclosure in the rack 3. Secure the enclosure into the rack by installing one provided Phillips-head screw through each ÁDQJHOHIWDQGULJKW ,QVWDOOWKHÁDQJHFDSVE\SUHVVLQJWKHPLQWRSRVLWLRQDQGVQDSSLQJWKHPLQWRSODFH 7 1 )LJXUH,QVWDOOLQJWKHÁDQJHFDSV Label Description 1 Enclosure fastening screw Mounting the primary enclosure in the rack $IWHU\RXKDYHÀQLVKHGPRXQWLQJWKH(%2'HQFORVXUH\RXZLOOQHHGWRPRXQWWKHSULPDU\ enclosure following the same steps. NOTICE It is possible to have a few empty slots in the rack between the primary enclosure and the EBOD HQFORVXUH8VHWKHSURYLGHGP6$6FDEOHWRFRQQHFWWKHSULPDU\HQFORVXUHWRWKH(%2'HQFORVXUH NOTICE There are no constraints in terms of the relative placement of the head unit with respect to the EBOD. As such, the primary enclosure can be placed in the top slot and the EBOD enclosure below—or vice versa. The next step is to cable your device for power, network, and serial access. See Cable your device for detailed steps. 8 Cable your device This section includes instructions to cable your device for power, network, and serial connection. Prerequisites Before you begin the cabling of your device, you will need: <RXUSULPDU\HQFORVXUHDQGWKH(%2'HQFORVXUHFRPSOHWHO\XQSDFNHG SRZHUFDEOHV HDFKIRUWKHSULPDU\DQGWKH(%2'HQFORVXUH WKDWFDPHZLWK\RXUGHYLFH 6$6FDEOHVVXSSOLHGZLWKWKHGHYLFHWRFRQQHFWWKH(%2'HQFORVXUHWRWKHSULPDU\HQFORVXUH $FFHVVWR3RZHU'LVWULEXWLRQ8QLWV 3'8V UHFRPPHQGHG 1HWZRUNFDEOHV 3URYLGHGVHULDOFDEOHV 6HULDO86%FRQYHUWHUZLWKWKHDSSURSULDWHGULYHULQVWDOOHGRQ\RXU3& LIQHHGHG 3URYLGHGVLQJOH46)3WR6)3DGDSWHUV 6)3FDEOHV SAS cabling <RXUGHYLFHKDVDSULPDU\DQGDQ(%2'HQFORVXUH7KHVHHQFORVXUHVQHHGWREHFRQQHFWHG together
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