EXAMS IN 4 WEEKS THE CAMPUS EXAMS IN 4 WEEKS OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE VOL. XLVI, NO. 23 MEADVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA MAY 2, 1928 PROMINENT JOURNALIST REBUILT STONE M. E. CHURCH WAS TENTATIVE SCHEDULE JOHN ARTHUR 6IBSON ALUMNUS OF ALLEfillENY DEDICATED LAST SUNDAY MORNING FOR EXAMS ANNOUNCED IS NOMINATED AGAIN STARTED NEWSPAPER WORK AS STUDENTS MUST REPORT ALL ALUMNI TRUSTEE NAMED FOR COMPETITOR ON STAFF CONFLICTS TO OFFICE FOURTH TERM IN OF "THE CAMPUS" AT ONCE THAT OFFICE Monday, May 28 John Arthur Gibson '91, Superintend- 'William Preston Beazell '97, nomi- nated for Alumni Trusteeship, has a A. M. P. M. ent of the Butler Public Schools, was threefold tie with Allegheny, for his Biology II Biology III recently nominated to serve a fourth father was Benjamin F. Beazell, D. D. Economics I Biology IV term as Alumni Trustee by the Alumni '68, and his wife, Isabel Howe '96. Al- Education III English Lang. V of his district. His ceaseless inter- though he did not come to Allegheny English Lit. IX English Lit. II est in the betterment of Allegheny until his junior year he was actively French VII French VI College has gained for him wide popu- identified with college affairs from the Latin I Geology I larity, and this recent honor conferred time of his arrival. He was a member Physics V Mathematics IM upon him by his contingent, is a dem- of Phi Delta Theta, on the editorial Pol. Science H onstration of the trust and confidence placed in him. An educator of note boards of both the Campus and the Tuesday, May 29 since his graduation, he has taken an Kaldron, president of the Oratorical Biology V Philosophy II active part in the progress of the But- Association and a member of the first Chemistry III Philosophy Hi ler Public School system. Once agadn, basketball team that ever represented Economics WI Surveying I his unfailing dependability has held Allegheny. Mathematics I Surveying III Mr. Beazell took his first newspaper him through political campaign after job the day after he took his bache- Thursday, May 31 political campaign in the office of head lor's degree. Allegheny associations Bible IV Economics IX educator of the city. Not only has he surrounded him there, for he worked German I French I been conneoted with scholastic work, with Edwin P. Couse '89, William T. History El French HA but also in constructive campaigning. Mossman '95, and Tensard de Wolf Only recently he saw the results of hie ex-'98. on the Pittsburgh Leader, where Friday, June 1 efforts toward a new Chapter house he remained until, in 1899, he went to English Lang. I Biology VII for Pennsylvania Omega of Sigma the Commercial Gazette. There he Education IV Chemistry IX Alpha Epsilon crowned with success. served as reporter and night city edi- Chemistry II English Lang. H His chairmanship on the building corn- tor until he went to the Times as a English Lit. I political reporter, later becoming an French IV Geology IV Greek I :4:i0.01 ''VeS.,;* • Y•OK.V4'. • ,,,,<•;:,K(SF,iO4„ q.6** Latin V •<" (Courtesy of Tribune Publishing Co.) Saturday, June 2 The famous Stone Church of Mead- and shadow. The side arcades nar- two batteries of concealed reflectors. Bible II Astronomy IB ville, which was destroyed by fire row the auditorium and increase the The organ was built by the Austin English Lang. VI Latin MA March 11. 1927, has been rebuilt. The appearance of soaring height and re- Organ Company of Hartford, Connecti- English Lit. IV Pub. Speaking I new building was formally dedicated , ceding length of the nave. cut. The instrument is 'built on the French V Spanish I Sunday, April 29, 1928. Bishop Fran-' The transition from vertical side Universal Air Chest System which Greek II cis J. McConnell preached the dedica-' malls to sloping ceiling lines is marked gives accessibility to all the mecha- History I tion sermon. • Services of dedication . by a carved frieze of Gothic vine de- nism of the instrument from inside Physics II are being held all week. sign in old ivory against a blue back- the large air chests which can be en- The new building is almost identi-' ground. Other color effects are se- tered by a person at any time. Monday, June 4 cal with the old on the outside. The cured by Gothic ornamental designs The action throughout is electric; Bible I Chemistry IA changes in construction are in the in- in the angles of the trusses. the confection between the console Biology X Economics VI terior. A more strictly Gothic theme : The window-like openings high and organ consists of a cable contain- German II French yin has been followed than was previously. above the side arches, filled with ing hundreds of insulated wires. Physics VII Latin II embodied in the church. The changes tracery, break up the long expanse of The console is a very ingenious Philosophy V in the interior are meaningful and ex- wall and serve as parts of the foree- piece of mechanism, containing thou- Philosophy VIII tensive. The auditorium, 'striking in draft heating and ventilating system. sands of electric contacts for the keys, Mathematics II 1 The narthex, vestibules, and audi- stops, pedals, and various couplers, Its dimensions but without charm, re- Tuesday, June 5 vealing all its details at the first view, : torium aisles are floored with hand- and it i e provided with a large num- Biology VI French II Gothic. only in the pointed tops of the: made Madji tile in varying patterns ber of adjustable combination pistons Chemistry I French III doors and windows and the chancel' and colors. The floor under the pews which instantly give any desired English Lit. V Pub. Speaking IT arch, has been transformed by a well- and in_ the chancel is cork quiet .change in the number of _stops Ire or- •}Iletory PUb. Speaking IV considered plan into a churchly in in color, noiseless, and resilient. ganist wishes to use. Any combina- WILLIAM PRESTON bEAZELL tion desired by the organist can be set Latin A JOHN ARTHUR GIBSON '91 terior. consistently Gothic in all its' The panel work about the chancel, Mathematics IV parts, and vibrant with the spirit of the chancel furniture, and the facing or adjusted on any of these pistons so that one touch of the piston may Philosophy IX mittee of that organization was the editor of the Post, editor of the Index, reverence and worship. The exterior of the gallery are skillfully carved in guiding hand that kept the ship trav- an illustrated weekly, and editor and is now matched 'by a harmonious and rich Gothic designs. This wood-work throw in or out of use any kind of Wednesday, June 6 elling on the road to ultimate victory, manager of the Bulletin, a society and the pews are of white oak finished tonal combination. French IA impressive interior. I Art Appreciation and the beautiful new home of S. A. E. weekly, he left Pittsburgh for New The massive timber trusses, rising' and stained to imitate aged untreated The organ is wired for an echo or- Philosophy VII Italian I is silent proof of the steadiness of York in 1910. from sturdy piers, support the exposed wood. gan, and there are eight blank tablets Physics I Italian II that hand. on the console. Thus the advantage For eighteen years Mr. Beazell has wooden rafters that break up the On the rear wall of the chancel is Spanish II Physics III Coming to Allegheny College as a of an echo organ can be incorporated been on the staff of the New York stretching ceiling space and frame in the organ screen. Only nine pipes student in 1887, he giaduated with at a future date. Thursday, June 7 World, twelve years as a reporter and the panels of acoustic material, dec- are visible. High in the center of the honors and attained his Master's de- Economics II English Lit. VII six years as day managing editor. He orated with Gothic tracery patterns screen is a cross that can `be illurni- The general color effect of the gree in 1891. The degree of L. L. D. Greek VII Greek X traveled widely in the course of this in strong but restrained colors. These noted at will. eleven church windows is the same in was bestowed on him by Westminster. Pub. Speaking Mathematics V work—nearly 100,000 miles altogether lines of piers divide the side walls in- The lighting fixtures are of antique all, with rich shades of red and blue Shortly after his graduation. in fact, —not only in the United States but in to bays. each lighted with a window wrought iron, specially designed, with predominating. The designs have in the same year, he entered educa- other countries. Political scandals in of antique glass, and give varying touches of polychrome decoration. The been chosen so that the whole group tional fields and has since, devoted all Illinois. man-hunts in Canada, inquir- vistas of interest and degrees of light chancel can be flooded with light wth is united in harmonious symbolism. " The Importance of his time to the advancement of edu- ies itsto the Mormon Church (includ- cation. Because of his work in this ing the first interview ever given by Being Earnest Will Conditions in India line he has become a life 'member of the head of the sect) mobilizations of AFFIRMATIVE TEAM NEW CATALOGUES FOR the National Education Association. the army on the Mexican Border, traf- Be Given May 22- 25 He is also a member of Sigma Alpha fic surveys in New York City and as Described in Chapel Epsilon, Phi Beta Kappa, Kappa Phi diversified a range of other assign- 1 GAINS LAST VICTORY CONING YEAR APPEAR Kappa, Butler Rotary Club, and the merits filled his years as a reporter.
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