Wright State University CORE Scholar The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities 10-3-1980 The Guardian, October 3, 1980 Wright State University Student Body Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/guardian Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1980). The Guardian, October 3, 1980. : Wright State University. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. October 3, 1980 Issue 14 VolumeXVII Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio Inside Carter : "No draft in Contractors cut powerline; University By BOB MYERS blacks out ' Guard lan Editor page 2 President jimmy Carter brought good news for 18 and 1? year old men with him to his '"town meeting" in Dayton yester- day: he sees no draft upcoming. Koch review "There is not going to be e draft imposed anytime in the foreseeable open hearings future." Carter said. "The only time a draft will be imposed is if our vital interests are threatened, start Oct. 13 • "I'm 'committed to the all volunteer Page 2 force. The registration for the draft does not lead to a draft." Carter, however,- also Bad some bad news. He said the Iranian-Iraq war could Soccer team threaten vital interests of the United States if.it lead to the closing of the Strait of defeats* Hormuz. THE STRAIT IS the only outlet from the Wittenburg Persian Gulf, through which most of the world's oil flows. page 7 "We can get along without oil from Iran and Iraq," Carter said. "But we cannot get along without oil from the rest of the Persian Gulf region: United Arab Emi- rates, Kuwait and Saudia Arabia." C«rte* alio cited hit record on education, college students a tax credit. Off the wire Carter also said the United Stalea wBl listing three kerns be believe* hit Also, Carter said that federal spending ~i . i "use. whatever means are required" to administration hat done to . Improvimprove for higher education had increased by 73 keep the Strait open and. oil going to the rducatioo In the United States. PintFirst, bhe percent during h)s term. He said he would - West. "In the meantime, we win dis- mentioned tie creation of a aeperate,. continue giving education a high priority if courage an V Soviet (nvnh-MilM* In Ira n M Cabinet-level Department' of Education. re-elected. r Economy past ttaq." "Education was buried under Health and' Speaking to a predominately pro-Carter OTHER RAD NEWNKWS for college students Welfare,Welfare."" bhee saidsaid.. audience of about 2,000, Carter used the recession's W&Awas Carter'r*rt«r'sl statemenitalmiMrt bKer kts noMMt* Uin favofawwr nofl opportunity to attack his opponent, Ronald a deferment from the draft for college CAM** ALSAMO SAID that Increaseincreased Reagan. He slammed Reagan's proposed students. Carter said Oat; in the past. f»Bdl«g for financial aid programs had 10 percent tax cut (Reagan/Kemp/Roth worst some upper-income hmHU. had avoided helped improve the availability of higher bill). "E"s one of the worst proposals I've having their MBS participate In the draft bv education. "There is no reason for any ever heard," be said, "one of the moat •aiding them tu college. "I thick they J™"* pe**» to be deprived of a ccflege inflationary things ever suggested to should be drafted like everyone else," he ?ddqttiP0-" be said. But, he said, would Congress." said. ~r • pot Cungreas .give parents at HE SAID ONLY 10 percent of the proposal would go to stimulate the I** * "• AiffMt, MMCdie economy, and that most of the benefits straight aMA af would go to personal tax reductions for the wtmL Sot the •Spate** focMMSta rich. a aaaaeeaUy n^lad 1147.4 Mian waa pale n—y.nd ta the t Carter also blasted Reagan, for his riaa h atei hi Jwfy. ' -J, statement that be would drop the Salt D talks. "This Is the kind of talk or proposal that ia very serious in its consequences. If the American people get the Idea, which is Pa nel deletes mistaken, thM a nuclear arms race on .our aide will caaae the Soviets to stop building nuclear weapons on their side, they are. condemnation amy. WASHINGTON UP! - A S*Mto "Its (shelving Salt II) a very serious paaei wadtag a riw w«k iavaftea I matter. Carter said, "that might aggravate an already difficult situation,." WHILE CARTER WAS ' repeatedly cheered within the Convention Center, many people opposed to his stand on Tin DaMy Gmmrdiaa by Scott abortion, and a group,of people protesting the arms race,' gathered outside. All of the demonstration»<were peaceful. 2 THE DAILY GUAMMAN Oct. 3, IMS Wkere were yon when the lights went out ? By MTKE MILLER could pull some of the air oat," stretches over a long period. VaardiBn Staff Writer Francis said. However, Francis said this Many people were stranded on blackout was too short (one hour) Contractor* working at the elevators, tfut Francis said they to affect Interior conditions great- Ambulatory Care Center' cons- were all rescued quickly. ly- truction «ite cut a feeder cable on He said,the Montgomery Ele- the Wright State main power line, vator Company was summoned to BLACKOUTS often cause on- causipg a University-wide power repair the elevators and fixed the usual problems and this one 1 ss yesterday, according to Dir- problem in a matter of minutes. annoyed one student in particu- ector of Facility Operations Rob- Francis said maintenance and lar • ert Brown. service personnel worked vigor- Tim Waypa, a Handicapped The blackout occurred at 2:55 ously to combat the blackout WSU student, was taking a p.m. and lasted for approximately crisis..' • shower in the Physical Education 59 minutes. building when the lights suddenly All buildings, excluding Oel- "THERE ARE A lot of comp- cut off. man Hall, reopened Immediately; licate^ things they have to do in Waypa was calm at first. however, Bob Francis, executive these {.situations that we really "This reminds me of a dun- director of Campus Planning and don't realise," Francis noted. , geon," he aaid to himself, "Dark, Operations, said p.m. claases Several rumors circulated-some spooky, and damp." were optional. "Teachers were saying that school vas closod for Waypa decided to stt and wait not required to hold their p.m. the entire day-causing students to it out. classes," Francis noted, "we Jet rush for their cars and speed for However, when the lights them use their own discretion." home. No traffic mishaps were remain ded off fbr several min- reported though. utes. he began to panick. CLASSES WERE officially re- While the bookstore, WWSU, "I thought someone might opened at 5:35 p.m. -in every and the Guardian and other come in and moleste me," He Tlu Dmily GmmnUmn ptata by Seett building. facilities were Idrced to dose said, "then I thought maybe this University Fnglnrai , Robert Mariowe explain io Oelman Hall remained dosed down, the Rathskeller and the was the end of the world.' that they'a bees hi the wrong area when they cat the powertine. longer than the other buildings University Center Cafeteria serv- Waypa's frightening thoughts because fumes were being clear- ed candlelight dinners. were pure fantasy of course. ed out. Frauds said that power short- WSU ELECTRICIANS repaired Computer carpool "We were waiting until the ages axe usually followed by a the broken cable and the blackout futne hoods come back on, so we "heat gain", when the shortage ended. - service available By TINA EARNEST ride: GaanUaa Special Writer This fall 616 Individuals have Vice-President for Student Affairs made use of the service. The - A computer carpool service is office of Student Development being jnade available to students, maintains s master list of the review hearings held week of Oct. 13 faculty and staff through the carpool. So if someone didn't sign offke.of Student Development. up and needs a ride they can By JAMES BELL "This project , has been in come in and consult the master GuardUn Staff Writer SOME OF THE responsibilities Kegerreii said he chose two existence' 'for about *1* years and list. Sign up is available each fall of the position indude acting as administrators, from the Student is generated through this office quarter juid the more who sign up Open hearings for the Admin- the spokesperson for students on Affairs Division- M serve on the (Student Developments It's a the more successful it will be istrative ,-Review Committee re- behalf of the president of the Committee. He continued by method -where one individual can along with more options," Risac- viewing Vice-President for Stu- University, developing long range saying he felt that this would come, in contact with another for a her also stated. J dent Affsirs EJanore Koch will be plans outlining development of broaden the scope of the review ride. It has met with minimal held the week oTtJcTober 13. student programs and services, by having persons directly involv- success except for the last two A Ride Finders Service is ma^e1 "Our charge is to evaluate and responsibility in coordination ed in the/functions of the Student years," stated JoAnne Risacher, available during the fall and Mrs. Koch and het performance of • student extra-curricular ic- Affairs division. director of Student Development. spring quarter: The same Infor- for the purpose of making re- tivHies-including all student and .
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