The Hebron ournal $100 J Volume 147, Issue 2 egister 12 Pages, One Section, Plus Supplements Wednesday, January 9, 2019 Serving the communities of Alexandria, Belvidere, Bruning, Byron, Carleton, Chester, Davenport, Deshler, Gilead, Hebron, Hubbell and surrounding areas www.hebronjournalregister.comR Tidbits Health Infl uenza activity widespread in state care The latest report of fl u activity in the U.S. shows infl uenza rates are continuing to increase, and “Close to fl u activity in Nebraska is at the wide-spread level. During the last week of 2018, Home” almost 31 percent of ALL the fl u The “Close to Home” campaign, tests done in Nebraska were set to launch by Thayer County positive. This is a sharp increase Health Services, encourages peo- from the previous week, and ple to stay in the home area for while there were less than 700 health care. positive fl u tests during this same Throughout the campaign, the week last year, there were 1315 hospital will advertise on radio positive tests this year. spots and online to emphasize In addition, there have been access to care. seven fl u-related deaths in the Marketing director, Kassi state, including one pediatric Hartley, developed the campaign. death within the PHS district. If Hartley is from the Sandhills. this trend continues, we could be Hospital executive director, David in for a rough fl u season. Burd, said Hartley realizes the val- With this in mind, Public ue of a critical care access facility Health Solutions is strongly en- because she grew up near one. couraging individuals and fami- “She realized the importance lies to get a fl u shot. Flu vaccine of having a facility close to home is the single most effective way and once it’s gone, you don’t get The Deshler Robotics team, along with Humboldt Table Rock Steinauer and two other teams from it back,” Burd said. “We’re right to prevent hospitalization and here in the county.” Lincoln and Hall County, had a practice run for the First Tech Challenge state competition at the Thayer death due to infl uenza. Revenue was slow in November, According to public health County Activity Center Jan. 5. The competition will be held in Columbus Feb. 9. On the Deshler team are but the hospital saw an increase nurse, Kate Lange, fl u vaccine is Chloe Mosier, Luke Reinke, Caleb Jalas, Mira Eschliman, Landon Lowery and Cameron Czekai. The team is in volume after a slow start to recommended for everyone six sponsored by Reinke Manufacturing. December. months or older who does not “People just weren’t sick in have an allergy to the vaccine or November,” Burd, who talked with a history of a serious reaction to Robotics team readies for state surrounding hospitals that had the a previous dose of fl u vaccine. The state competition for First together. is to create a robot to act on its own. same problem, said. “That seemed In addition, health care pro- Tech Challenge in robotics is Feb. “This is the fi rst robotics group It takes two drivers controlling to be a common trend.” viders, pharmacies, and others 9 and for the second time, the from Nebraska,” Coach Hal Hock- the robot to move things around December saw a wave of fl u should continue to give flu Deshler team was able to practice ersmith said about the challenge. on the fi eld,” he said. patients and Burd said that will vaccine through the end of with its alliance, a team from “It’s an offi cial scrimmage and a In addition to construction and continue. February, especially if fl u activity Humboldt Table Rock Steinauer. dry run for state.” programming skills, the teams January has been busier and remains high. The teams are working on Hockersmith said the teams must also use “gracious profes- surgeries are rising with the most For more information on infl u- robots — from building to pro- used the day to fi nesse their robots. sionalism,” Hockersmith said. volume in 2018, the fi rst bump in enza or if you or anyone in your gramming and operating, team “We’re working on program- There are 12 robotics teams in fi ve years. family are uninsured and cannot members must work closely ming and construction. The object Nebraska. Burd attributes the rise to the afford a flu vaccine, please new specialists TCHS brought in, contact Public Health Solutions such as ear, nose and throat and at 402-826-6691. oncology. The existing specialists increased their volumes as well, Linton served 14 years as chief and rehabilitation remained steady Planning and Zoning to In his 14 years as Hebron fi re for the fi scal year. meet Jan. 17 chief, BJ Linton saw the depart- “We receive lots of positive The Thayer County Planning ment increase equipment, and calls feedback on the specialists related Commission will meet to have a since Highway 81 went from two to the breath of services available lanes to four. public hearing on two proposed locally,” Burd said, adding the “When the four-lane went fi rst chemotherapy treatment was cell towers. The fi rst is for the through, we had a bad time, about Viaero Wireless Tower. The recently completed. four to fi ve fatalities in short order Also showing an increase was second is for U.S. Cellular. at that intersection,” he said about The meeting is Jan. 17 in the the amount of employees using Highways 81 and 136. the fi tness center as the hospital club room of the Thayer County As the outgoing fi re chief, Linton started an employee bonus program courthouse at 7:30 p.m. was presented with a plaque at last year. The hospital is currently the city council meeting Monday tracking employee usage. Library story time evening and thanked for his years As of Jan. 1, hospitals were re- “Wild About Winter” of service. quired to post medical charges on- The Hebron Secrest Library Wayne Kugel, a captain and line as part of the Patient Protection will hold “Wild About Winter’ 26-year member, was elected and and Affordable Care Act of 2009, story time Jan. 19 at 10 a.m. began serving as fi re chief Jan. 1. and TCHS has standard charges in Linton spent time at the depart- a machine-readable format. The ment while growing up because his hospital is working with a vendor Zabokrtsky to speak at dad served. He joined the depart- Hebron Mayor Doug Huber presented outgoing Hebron Fire Chief, BJ on the task and will continue to Fairbury museum ment as soon as he was eligible, Linton, with a plaque for his years of service. Linton served as chief for improve the tools for patients to right after high school 28 years ago. Mitch Zabokrtsky will speak 14 years. help them be more informed. about early settlements in Jef- At the time, he was the youngest Burd said that while the trans- dance and dinner for the July 4 dedicate themselves to complete ferson County at the Fairbury member. parency of medical charges was celebration, fall gun raffl e and the class, he said. City Museum. Some of them The department was close to full part of the 2009 Act, there were no for the last 11 years, annual golf As a rule, Hebron Fire sends two were Whisky Run, Rose Creek back then, Linton said. Its limit used regulations in place to implement it. tournaments. EMT’s and a driver out. City and Jenkins Mill. to be 40 members and then it was “At some point, our hope is to Kugel said he isn’t sure about “That’s our department policy,” The history program is Jan. changed to 45 due to a waiting list. add more comparisons to other the dance this year because July 4 Kugel said. “The state is one EMT, 13 at 2 p.m. Linton, an emergency medical hospitals and give patients tools technician for more than 20 years, falls on a Thursday. ours is two.” to estimate what they would owe said equipment upgrades over the Last year, the department served On scene training includes after insurance,” Burd said. Hebron years include air packs, the ladder a meal to about 600 people on burning houses down. Drills are Majestic Theatre truck, ambulances, Jaws of Life July 4. on the third Wednesday of every 402-768-6061 and pumper trucks. The number varies from year to month. Meetings are on the fi rst - Cinema I - He went to work on organizing year, Kugel said. Wednesday. Theater 7 p.m., Sunday 2 p.m. the budget and building the sink- In addition to being a captain, “We’ve burned a lot of houses Spider-Man: Into the ing fund. Kugel has overseen, in part, emer- down in training,” Kugel said. Spider-Verse “It wasn’t up to where it should gency management services for The 34-member fi re department group to Rated PG be. Our fi rst couple of ambulanc- about 10 to 12 years. The depart- had 176 calls in 2018 with 151 of - Cinema II - es we had to go door-to-door for ment has 11 EMT’s, with at least them medical calls, Kugel reported one member taking online courses 7:30 p.m., Sunday 2:30 p.m. fundraising,” he said. to the council. through Southeast Community perform Bumblebee Now, upgrades are part of the “We’re fortunate to have good College. Rated PG-13 budget and planned out for the next The Thayer County Commu- Certifi cation for an EMT can be equipment.
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