Maintenance Commands nsrsup ( 1m ) NAME nsrsup - NetWorker command to gather system information SYNOPSIS nsr_support [ −ab:cdef:g:hi:jl:m:no:prst:uvwxz ] nsrsup [ −ab:cdef:g:hi:jl:m:no:prst:uvwxz ] DESCRIPTION nsr_support gathers up information about a system to be used by Technical Support or Engineering for analysis. Although there are a lot of flags, in most cases the default should suffice. The output is gathered into /nsr/tmp/n_supp.pid. If an output filename is provided, the contents are moved there. If output is to be emailed, the output is split into multiple files with appropriate names with the pid as suffix, then it’s tar’red, optionally compressed and then uuencoded for mailing. The output can also be in html format for either saving locally or mailing. PLATFORMS nsr_support is officially supported on the following platforms. It will likely run on other Un∗x platforms as well. Platform names as reported by the uname(1) command. SunOS OSF1 HP-UX Linux AIX IRIX IRIX64 DYNIX/ptx OPTIONS The following options affect the behaviour of nsr_support(1m). Long boolean flags can be turned on with −−flag−name | −−flag−name=yes, and they can be turned off with −−noflag−name | −−flag−name=no. Long non−boolean flags can only be turned of with −−noflag−name. Flags which take arguments require their arguments to be a comma or space separated, quoted list. For single letter options, the uppercase version of the flag turns the behaviour off. -a, --all Turn on all flags. -A Turn off all flags. -b cores,daemons --dbg-cores --dbg-daemons Run debugger on core files and/or daemons. Default is −−dbg−cores. −−all turns on −−dbg−cores −−dbg−daemons. -B Turn off running debugger on cores and daemons. -c, --clients Examine clients. On by default. -C Do not examine clients. -d, --dmesg dmesg(1m) info printed. On by default. -D Do not run dmesg(1m) -e, --env-path Append the PATH from the environment to the default in script. The default is /sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/etc If it exists, /usr/xpg4/bin is prepended. The following are appended, if they exist. /usr/ucb NetWorker 7.3 Last change: Dec 02, 05 1 Maintenance Commands nsrsup ( 1m ) /usr/bsd /usr/sadm/bin /usr/ccs/bin /usr/etc /etc/LGTOuscsi /usr/local/bin /usr/libexec /usr/libexec/sccs /usr/sbin/nsr /usr/bin/nsr /usr/nsrsbin /usr/nsrbin /opt/SUNWspro/bin /opt/networker/bin /usr/opt/networker/bin -f arg, --file-list=arg Tail additional named files. -F Do not tail additional files. -g arg, --grep-list=arg grep(1) logfiles specified with −l. Default is −−greplist=mbuf. -G Turn off grepping of logfiles. -h Print help on the single character flags and exit. --help Print help on the long flags and exit. --hw-conf Attempt to gather some hardware and kernel configuration information. On by default. --html-output, --html Generate html output. Off by default. --all turns it on. -i arg, --mminfo=arg Run mminfo(1m) with the specified flags, do not use the − before arg. Default is −−mminfo=mvV,avV. -I Do not run mminfo(1m). --ipcs-info Run ipcs(1) -a. On by default. -j, --jb-info Display jukebox info, if available. On by default. -J Do not display jukebox info. -l nsr,nsrd,sysmess,nsrres,rapres,lines=nnn --nsr-log --daemon-log --sysmess-log --nsr-res --rap-res --log-lines=nnn Display log files, the nsr res files and query RAP. Default is −−nsr−log −−daemon−log −−sysmess−log −−nsr−res −−log−lines=3000. −−all turns on −−nsr−log −−daemon−log −−sysmess−log −−nsr−res −−rap−res −−log−lines=all. -L Do not display logfiles. NetWorker 7.3 Last change: Dec 02, 05 2 Maintenance Commands nsrsup ( 1m ) -m arg, --mail=arg Set email address to arg. Output will be emailed to named person. The output is going to be multiple files that are tar’red, compressed and then uuencoded. If output is in html mode, there will be only one single file but the above still applies. To retrieve the files use: uudecode -p < file_name | uncompress -c | tar xf - You can replace the uncompress(1) command with gzip -dc. -M Do not email output. On by default. -n, --netstat Run netstat(1m). On by default. -N Do not run netstat(1m). -o arg, --output-file=arg Set output file name to arg. -O Do not set output file name. On by default. -p, --check-path Check for presence of NetWorker executables. Runs cksum(1) and what(1) on binaries. On by default. -P Do not check for presence of NetWorker binaries. --path=arg Add arg to the PATH. See −−env−path as well. -r, --rpcinfo Run rpcinfo(1m) -b 390109 2 to find NetWorker servers. On by default. -R Do not run rpcinfo(1m). -s, --ps Run ps(1). On by default. -S Do not run ps(1). --savegrp Run savegrp(1m) -p on every group --show-pkgs Attempt to show the packages installed. On by default. --subject=arg Set the email’s Subject: field. -t arg, --trace-list=arg, --trace-time=nnn Do a truss(1)/par(1)/strace(1) on specified processes. The default is −−trace−list=’nsr rap save asm’ −−trace−time=20. These are grepped for, they do not need to represent actual process names. -T Do not trace processes. --temp-dir=arg Set temp directory for temporary output files. -u, --user-info Interactively obtain user info, incident #, etc. On by default. -U Do not try to obtain user info interactively. -v, --vmstat Run vmstat(1m)/sar(8). On by default. -V Do not run vmstat(1m)/sar(8). --verbose NetWorker 7.3 Last change: Dec 02, 05 3 Maintenance Commands nsrsup ( 1m ) Set verbose output. Prints the values of the internal configuration parameters. Also prints some info on the progress of the script. -w, --swap-info Get swap info. On by default. -W Do not get swap info. -x, --indexes Print index data. On by default. -X Do not print index data. -z, --compress Compress output using compress(1). Emails are always compressed. -Z Do not compress(1) output. On by default. REQUIREMENTS nsr_support requires a temporary directory to store the data it is gathering. This directory is by default /nsr/tmp or if that does not exist, it is /tmp. This can be changed with −−temp−dir. This is only important if you’re emailing the output or you’re not specifying an output file. EXAMPLES nsrsup [email protected] --nouser-info --html-output nsrsup --path=/usr/mybin:/usr/mybin/sbin NetWorker 7.3 Last change: Dec 02, 05 4.
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