1917. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 55 Also, a bill (H. R. 7196) granting an increase of pension to By Mr. FUL.LER of Illinois: Petition of Tuthill Spring Co., James Brooks; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. of Chicago, Ill., against repeal of law concerning second-class Also, a bill (H. R. 7197) granting a pension to William J. postage; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Nash; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. .Also, petition of Woman's American Baptist Foreign Mission By Mr. GOULD: A bill (H. R. 7198) granting a pension to Society, favoring prohibition; to the Dommittee on the Judiciary. Susan :U. Gregory; to the Committee on Pensions. Also, petition of Hod Carriers, Building and· Common Laborers' Also, a bill (H. R. 7199) granting a pension to Albert C. Executive Council of Chicago and vicinity, relative to Iegtslation Schuman; to the Committee on Pensions. to facilitate building. industry; to the Committee on Interstate Also a bill (H. R. 7200) granting an increase of pension to and Foreign Commerce. - Charle H. Lakey; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. HAMILTON of Michigan: Petitions of sundry citizens By ~fr. HAYDEN: A bill (H. R. 7201) granting a pension to of the State of Michigan, favoring woman suffrage; to the Com­ Adelbert Lewis; to the Committee on Pensions. mittee on Woman Suffrage. By Mr. KELLEY of Michigan: A bill (H. R. 7202) granting By 1\Ir. KEN.l\TEDY of Rhode Island: Petitions of S. Raymond an increase of pension to James G. B. Lamb; to the Committee Hawthorne, Mrs. William E. Morrison, Emma E. Eldridge, Wini­ on Invalid Pensions. · . fred Thompson, L. B. Watkins, Ida B. Smith, Rhode Island Also, a bill (H. R. 7203) for the relief of John Burke; to the State Federation of Women's Clubs, Isabel MacLeod, Mrs. Frank Committee on Military Affairs. E. Wilhelm, Edith Patterson, Sadie MacGinnins, Rev. George By Mr. LONGWORTH: A bill (H. R. 7204) granting an in­ McClellan Fiske, 1\Irs. George McTroke, Mary E. Arnold, 1\Irs. crea e of pension to Peter Wetterich ; to the Committee on In­ Winslow Upton, Mrs. G. H. Fowler, l\frs. Martha 1\IcBush, Mar­ valid Pension . garet S. Dwight, Marian L. Cooper, Susan l\1. Barnes, Lida Also, a bill (H. R. 7205) granting an increase of pension to Shawkin, Hemy L. Thompson, Charles A. Tompkins, all of John G. Murray; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Providence; Robert Gussman, Pawtucket; and Rev. l\1. S. Kauff­ By 1\lr. McANDREWS: A bill (H. R. 7206) granting a pension man, of Central Fall , all in the State of Rhode Island, favodng to Eliza J. St. Clair; to the Committee on Pensions. passage of national prohibition legislation ; to the Committee on By Mr. MASON: A bill (H. R. 7207) for the relief of the the Judiciary. estate of John C. Phillips; to the Committee on War Claims. Also, petitions of Rev. William Pressey, of Ashton; Bt·other­ By Mr. SHE!tWOOD: A bill (H. R. 7208) to reimburse Ralph hood of Embury Methodist Episcopal Church, Central Falls ; Roger , son and sole heir of Dudley Rogers, for expenses in- Greenville Free Baptist Sunday School; Frank Manion, Sayles­ curred ; to the Committee on Military Affairs. · ville ; Peabody Bible Class of Park Place Congregational Church, By Mr. SIEGEL: A bill (H. R. 7200) granting an increase Pawtucket; Circle Lacordaire, of ·woonsocket; John A. Thomp­ of pension to Joseph D. Donellen; to the Committee on Pensions~ son and 14 others of Pawtucket Young Men's Christian Associa­ By l\Ir. SMITH of Idaho: A bill (H. R. 7210) granting an tion; John Cavelti and 17 others of Pawtucket, all in the State increase of pension to Charles Story ; to the Committee on In- of Rhode Island, in favor of passage of national prohibition valid Pensions. · legislation; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, a bill (H. R. 7211) granting an increase of pension to By Mr. LUFKIN: Petition of citizens of Merrimac, Salem, John Daily; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Beverly, Haverhill, Danvers, and Newburyport, all in the State Also, a bill (H. R. 7212) granting an increase of pension to of Massachusetts, favoring woman suffrage; to the Committee William Emrick; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. on Woman Suffrage. Also, a bill (H. R. 7213) granting an increase of pension to By Mr. l\IERRITT: Memorial of Branch No. 60, National Henry R. Playford; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Association of Letter Carriers, of Stamford, Conn., favoring Also, a bill (H. R. 7214) granting an increase of pensio.o to House bill 1654; to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Humphrey Bay ;. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Roads. By Mr. STRONG: A bill (H. R. 7215) granting an increase of By l\Ir. RAINEY: Petition of George R. Hearne and 174 other pension to Benevell Haugh; to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ citizens of Hancock County, Ill., favoring Purple Cross bill; to sions. the Committee on Military Affairs. Also, a bill (H. R. 7216) granting an increase of pension to By 1\Ir. SNYDER: Petitions of officers and teachers of First John Shoup; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Baptist Church, of Ilion, and sundry citizens of Augusta, N. Y., By 1\ir. TOWNER: A bill (H. R. 7217) granting an increase fayoring national prohibition; to the Committee on the Judi­ of pension to Alfred Holmes; to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ ciary. sions. AI o, petitions of Herodotus Club, of Whitesboro and l!'ort­ Al o, a bill (H. R. 7218) granting an increase of pension to. nightly Club of Remsen,. N. Y., for moral protection of the John Cherry; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Army; to the Committee on l\1ilitary Affairs. PETITIONS, ETC. Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid SENATE. on the Clerk's de k and referred as follows: By the SPEAKER (by request) : Petitions of sundry citizens FRIDAY, December 7, 1917. and chu.rch organizations of the State of Missouri, favoring The Chaplain, Rev. Forrest J. Prettyman, D. D., offered the national prohibition; to the Committee on the Judiciary. following prayer : . Al so (by request), memorial of the Philadelphia Embalmers' Almighty God, we have come together to take counsel how best A ociation, favoring the Purple Cross bill; to the Committee on to give expression to our sense of the sacred obligations of this Military Affairs. place and hour. We turn fir t to Thee, the Source of all wisdom Also (by request), petition of sundry citizens of Floyd County, and of all power. We pray for unity of counsel that we may . Tex.; favoring national prohibition; to the Committee on the stand face to face with the great i sues of the pre ent time. Judiciary. l\1ay our fellowship in the common interests of our country and Also (by reque t), petition of sun<lry citizens of Alabama, of the ·world be a demonstration to all men of our posse sion of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Indiana, Illinois, those spiritual forces that have never surrendered in the history Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missis­ of the world. Bring us together by a common need, by a common sippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Nebraska, North Caro­ danger, most of all by a common devotion to the ideals of our lina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Da­ national life. We ask for Christ's sake. Amen. kota, Virginia, and West Virginia, favoring the passage of the -PETER G. GERRY, a Senator from the State of Rhode Island; Moore Purple Cross bill (H. R. 5410) or the Wolcott Purple WESLEY L. JoNES, a Senator from the State of Washington; and Cros bill ( S. 2692) ; to the Committee on Military Affairs. KENNETH D. McKELLAR, a Senator from the State of Tennessee, By Mr. DALE of New York: Petition of the Pineoleum Co. appeared in their seats to-day. · and the Crockery Board of Trade of New York, against reducing The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of the proceed­ mailing rates of publishers; to the Committee on Ways and ings of Tuesday, December 4, 1917, when, on request of 1\fr. 1\leans. VARDAMAN and by unanimous consent, the further reading was Also, petition of Tenants' Union of New York, favoring Gov.,_ dispensed with and the Journal was approved. ernment operation of all public utilities·· to the Committee on the Judiciary. _ ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY (H. DOC. NO. By "Mr. DYER: l\Iemorial of St. Louis Real Estate Exchange, 613). Cornelius H. Fauntleroy, and Merchants' Exchange, of St. Louis, The VICE PRESIDENT lnid hefore the Senate the annual Mo., relative to time for completion of bridge across the Mis­ L'eport of the Secretary of 1.he Treasury on tlle state of the sissippi River; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ finances for the fiscal year en<le<l .Tune 30, 1917, which was re­ merce. ferred to the Committee on Finance and ordere<l to be printed. ' 56 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-- SENATE. DECEl\IBER -7' ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL (H. DOC. NO. 595). to law, a report of .contributions on account of cooperative work The VICEJ PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the annual with the Forest Service and the amount t·efunded to depositors report of the Attorney General for the fiscal year 1917, which on account of excess deposits, national forest fund, for the fiscal was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary and ordered to year 1917, which, with the accompanying paper, was referred b'e printed.
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