H5932 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE July 12, 2000 the amendment offered by the gentle- regarding the Tariff Act; the gentle- and the gentleman from South Caro- woman from California (Ms. WATERS) woman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON-LEE) lina (Mr. CLYBURN), the chair of the will be postponed. regarding peacekeeping operations; the Black Caucus, for their leadership in Mr. CALLAHAN. Mr. Chairman, I gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. JACK- putting all this together. move that the Committee do now rise. SON-LEE) regarding Economic Support b 2245 The motion was agreed to. Fund; the gentleman from New Jersey Accordingly, the Committee rose; (Mr. PAYNE) regarding Congo; the gen- I want to say to my distinguished and the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. tleman from New Jersey (Mr. PAYNE) chairman, at last we have found some- LATOURETTE) having assumed the regarding sanctions against Angola; thing to agree on this evening. So I chair, Mr. THORNBERRY, Chairman of the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. support his unanimous consent re- the Committee of the Whole House on PAYNE) regarding peacekeeping oper- quest. I just want to make note that I the State of the Union, reported that ations; the gentleman from New Jersey am not certain in paragraph 3 whether that Committee, having had under con- (Mr. PAYNE) regarding Sudan; the gen- the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD amend- sideration the bill (H.R. 4811) making tleman from New Jersey (Mr. PAYNE) ment is 27 or 28. Do we know what that appropriations for foreign operations, regarding restrictions on assistance to is? export financing, and related programs governments destabilizing Angola; the Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, will the gentlewoman yield? for the fiscal year ending September 30, gentleman from California (Mr. MENEN- Ms. PELOSI. I yield to the gentleman 2001, and for other purposes, had come DEZ) regarding Peru; the gentleman from Florida. to no resolution thereon. from California (Mr. FILNER) regarding Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. It would f Economic Support Fund; the gen- be No. 28 in the printed unanimous con- tleman from Michigan (Mr. CONYERS) LIMITATION ON AMENDMENTS sent request. We completed No. 27. DURING FURTHER CONSIDER- regarding section 558; the gentleman Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I with- ATION OF H.R. 4811, FOREIGN OP- from Massachusetts (Mr. CAPUANO) re- draw my reservation of objection. ERATIONS, EXPORT FINANCING, garding Armenia Azerbaijan peace and The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. democracy initiative; the gentleman AND RELATED PROGRAMS AP- LATOURETTE). Is there objection to the PROPRIATIONS ACT, 2001 from Massachusetts (Mr. CAPUANO) re- request of the gentleman from Ala- garding termination of unilateral agri- Mr. CALLAHAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask bama? cultural or medical sanctions; the gen- Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. unanimous consent that during further tleman from New York (Mr. NADLER) consideration of H.R. 4811 in the Com- Speaker, reserving the right to object, regarding honor crimes; the gentleman and I will not object, but I do ask the mittee of the Whole pursuant to House from Illinois (Mr. JACKSON) regarding Resolution 546, no further amendment gentleman for clarification so that the the African Development Bank; the Members will understand. By con- to the bill shall be in order except: gentleman from Iowa (Mr. LATHAM) re- (1) pro forma amendments offered by tinuing on until 1 o'clock in the morn- garding international financial institu- ing, the amendments as printed will the chairman or ranking minority tion loans; the gentlewoman from Ohio member of the Committee on Appro- come up in that particular order. Is (Ms. KAPTUR) regarding the Ukraine; that our understanding? priations or their designees for the pur- the gentleman from California (Mr. pose of debate; Mr. CALLAHAN. The gentleman is SHERMAN) regarding Child Survival; correct. (2) the following additional amend- and the amendments printed in the ments, which shall be debatable for 60 Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD and numbered Speaker, I then withdraw my reserva- minutes: 7, 9, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25 and 26. One of either the amendment printed tion of objection. Each additional amendment may be The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD and offered only by the Member designated objection to the request of the gen- numbered 11 or the amendment num- in this request, or a designee, or the bered 15; and the gentlewoman from tleman from Alabama? Member who caused it to be printed, or There was no objection. California (Ms. LEE), regarding Child a designee, and shall be considered as The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Survival and Disease Program Fund; read. Each additional amendment shall (3) the following additional amend- Chair would state that it is the Chair's be debatable for the time specified understanding that the amendments ments, which shall be debatable for 30 equally divided and controlled by the minutes: will be considered in the order in which proponent and an opponent, shall not they appear in the bill. The amendment printed in the CON- be subject to amendment, and shall not GRESSIONAL RECORD and numbered 28; f be subject to a demand for a division of and the gentleman from New Jersey the question in the House or in the FOREIGN OPERATIONS, EXPORT (Mr. PAYNE) regarding Development Committee of the Whole. FINANCING, AND RELATED PRO- Assistance; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there GRAMS APPROPRIATIONS ACT, (4) the following additional amend- objection to the request of the gen- 2001 ments, which shall be debatable for 20 tleman from Alabama? The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- minutes: Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, ant to House Resolution 546 and rule One of either the amendment printed reserving the right to object, I make XVIII, the Chair declares the House in in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD and the following announcement: that it is the Committee of the Whole House on numbered 5 or the amendment num- our intention if this unanimous con- the State of the Union for the further bered 6; the gentlewoman from Texas sent request is agreed to that the Com- consideration of the bill, H.R. 4811. (Ms. JACKSON-LEE) regarding conscrip- mittee will reconvene and will con- b 2245 tion under the age of 18; and the tinue working on this bill until 1 amendment printed in the CONGRES- o'clock in the morning. However, any IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SIONAL RECORD and numbered 18; votes will be rolled until tomorrow. We Accordingly, the House resolved (5) the following additional amend- would convene at 9 o'clock tomorrow itself into the Committee of the Whole ments, which shall be debatable for 10 morning and, hopefully, be able to fin- House on the State of the Union for the minutes: ish this bill by 4 or 5 o'clock in the further consideration of the bill (H.R. The gentleman from Nebraska (Mr. afternoon and be able to adjourn for 4811) making appropriations for foreign BEREUTER) regarding North Korea; the the weekend. operations, export financing, and re- gentleman from Louisiana (Mr. BAKER) So I just use the time to make that lated programs for the fiscal year end- regarding Panama; the gentleman from announcement. ing September 30, 2001, and for other Michigan (Mr. SMITH) regarding bio- Mr. Speaker, I withdraw my reserva- purposes, with Mr. THORNBERRY in the technology research; the gentleman tion of objection. chair. from Ohio (Mr. BROWN) regarding Child Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, reserving The Clerk read the title of the bill. Survival and Disease Program Fund; the right to object, I want to thank the The CHAIRMAN. When the Com- the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. BROWN) gentleman from Florida (Mr. HASTINGS) mittee of the Whole rose earlier today, VerDate 11-MAY-2000 07:09 Jul 13, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00086 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12JY7.200 pfrm02 PsN: H12PT1 July 12, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H5933 a request for a recorded vote on the sanctions; Mr. NADLER regarding honor penses to carry out the credit program may amendment by the gentlewoman from crimes; Mr. JACKSON of Illinois regard- be derived from amounts available for ad- California (Ms. WATERS) had been post- ing the African Development Bank; Mr. ministrative expenses to carry out the credit and insurance programs in the Overseas Pri- poned and the bill was open for amend- LATHAM regarding international finan- vate Investment Corporation Noncredit Ac- ment from page 2, line 22, to page 3, cial institution loans; Ms. KAPTUR re- count and merged with said account: Pro- line 17. garding the Ukraine; Mr. SHERMAN re- vided further, That funds made available Pursuant to the order of the House of garding child survival; and the amend- under this heading or in prior appropriations today, no further amendment to the ments printed in the CONGRESSIONAL Acts that are available for the cost of financ- bill shall be in order except pro forma RECORD and numbered 7, 9, 13, 16, 17, 19, ing under section 234 of the Foreign Assist- amendments offered by the chairman 20, 23, 24, 25, and 26. ance Act of 1961, shall be available for pur- and ranking member of the Committee Are there further amendments to poses of section 234(g) of such Act, to remain on Appropriations or their designees this portion of the bill? available until expended. for the purpose of debate and the fol- If not, the Clerk will read. FUNDS APPROPRIATED TO THE PRESIDENT lowing additional amendments, which The Clerk read as follows: TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT AGENCY For necessary expenses to carry out the may be offered only by the Member ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES designated in the order of the House or provisions of section 661 of the Foreign As- For administrative expenses to carry out sistance Act of 1961, $46,000,000, to remain a designee, or the Member who caused the direct and guaranteed loan and insurance available until September 30, 2002.
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