Appendix 4. Public Realm Concept Design Report - ARM and TCL ADELAIDE RIVERBANK PRECINCT PUBLIC REALM CONCEPT DESIGN REPORT PREPARED FOR DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, TRANSPORT & INFRASTRUCTURE NOVEMBER/2015 SD_ARC_0100Ί02 TCL ARM ARCHITECTURE LEVEL 11/ 522 FLINDERS LANE MELBOURNE VIC 3000 AUSTRALIA T/ 03 8613 1888 F/ 03 8613 1889 W/ WWW.ΝARMARCHITECTURE.COM.AU PROJECT NAME/ ADELAIDE RIVERBANK PRECINCT PROJECT NUMBER/ 0972 AUTHOR/ RM,SC,AP FILE NAME/ 151130_CONCEPT DESIGN REPORT.INDD PRINT DATE/ 01ͳDECͳ2015 ADELAIDE RIVERBANK PRECINCT / 0972/ CONCEPT DESIGN REPORT /II CONTENTS 3.7 STATION ROAD 50 3.8 FESTIVAL DRIVE 54 1. INTRODUCTION 3 4. ANALYSIS 57 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 1.2 INTRODUCTION 5 4.1 PLANTING STRATEGY 58 1.3 THE SITE 5 4.2 EXISTING PUBLIC REALM NETWORK 62 1.4 SCOPE OF WORKS 5 4.3 MOVEMENT 64 1.5 EXISTING BUILDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE 7 4.4 EXISTING & NEW ART 74 1.6 PROPOSED PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT 10 4.5 EVENTS 82 WALKER DEVELOPMENT 10 4.6 CRIME PREVENTION THROUGH ENVIRONMENTAL CASINO EXPANSION PROJECT 11 DESIGN ΈCPTEDΉ 92 4.7 PUBLIC AMENITY 96 2. GUIDING PRINCIPLES 13 4.8 LIGHTING 98 2.1 EVOLUTION OF MASTERPLANS ͳ PLACE PRINCIPLES 14 4.9 TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS 100 2.2 INFOMRING AXES 15 4.10 MFS ACCESS & SERVICES 106 4.11 SHADOW DIAGRAMS 110 3. PLACES 19 5. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 115 3.1 KING WILLIAM ROAD 20 3.2 THE SQUARE 24 ELEMENTS 27 ACTIVATION 28 ARBOURS 30 PAVING 32 WATER FEATURE 32 AFC LOWER FORECOURT AND ENTRY 34 3.3 COURTYARD GARDEN 36 3.4 DUNSTAN PLAZA 38 3.5 STATION ENTRY 42 3.6 PROMENADE & ELDER PARK 46 CONCEPT DESIGN REPORT / 0972 / ADELAIDE RIVERBANK PRECINCT TCL /1 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Adelaide Riverbank FesƟ val Plaza Precinct Public Realm development is the realisaƟ on by the South Australian Government of a long held ambiƟ on. The project involves improving and reinvigoraƟ ng the public amenity and open space surrounding the Adelaide FesƟ val Centre, StaƟ on Road and FesƟ val Drive. The project comprises approximately 26,000 m2 of public open space with an approved capital budget of $126 M. It is a driver for signifi cant private investment. The Public Realm development will deliver: • A new square adjacent to the Adelaide FesƟ val Centre on grade with North Terrace, StaƟ on Road, the AFC and the southern interface with King William Road. • A pedestrianised StaƟ on Road and improved axial connecƟ on to Dunstan Plaza and Elder Park • Grade separaƟ on of FesƟ val Drive from the Torrens River Footbridge/Train staƟ on pedestrian link • Reinstatement of the FesƟ val Centre ceremonial axis • Reinforcement of the King William Road axis and improved links from the CBD to Elder Park. • RejuvenaƟ on of the Adelaide FesƟ val Centre promenade including widening and on-grade pedestrian connecƟ on to new entries to the FesƟ val Centre, the Dunstan Theatre and the Space Theatre • Refurbishment of the exisƟ ng AFC kiosk, toilets, and Elder Park interface The Public Realm facilitates: • The extension of Sky City Casino • A 1500-space underground car park • The Walker Retail development to the southern face of the Square • The Walker Commercial Tower development on StaƟ on Road • The Adelaide FesƟ val Centre refurbishment. The Adelaide Riverbank FesƟ val Plaza Precinct Public Realm is a dynamic, sƟ mulaƟ ng, and innovaƟ ve public open space. It makes the most of the South Australian climate with comfortable spaces that have trees, arbours, water features and grass. It represents a careful response to its context and an astute reinterpretaƟ on of the sites history. It is highly integrated with the networks of the greater city and when complete, the Adelaide Riverbank FesƟ val Plaza Precinct Public Realm will be signifi cant place for current and future generaƟ ons. PROJECT SITE FIGURE 1 ADELAIDE RIVERBANK PRECINCT / 0972/ CONCEPT DESIGN REPORT /4 1.2 INTRODUCTION 1.3 THE SITE The Adelaide Riverbank Fes val Plaza Precinct is The project site is shown in fi gure 01. It is located over prominently located between King William Road, mul ple tles which is defi ned by the tle boundary with North Terrace and the River Torrens. The precinct North Terrace and King William Road, the Policy Boundary is home to the Adelaide Fes val Centre, Fes val to Elder Park and the building line of Parliament, Old Plaza, Parliament and Old Parliament, the Adelaide Parliament, the Train Sta on / Exis ng Casino and the Train sta on, the Casino, Elder Park and the Torrens Intercon nental Hotel. River Footbridge. The precinct is one of Adelaide’s most culturally and historically signifi cant places but 1.4 SCOPE OF WORKS remains structurally problema c. Following a number of Master Plans, Feasibili es and Technical Studies PRECINCT the state have approved a major rejuvena on of the The precinct scope of work comprises four separate but precinct incorpora ng public and private investment highly integrated works packages. In totality, the scope and development. The following Concept Design of work for the precinct comprises of demoli on of the Report deals with the Public Realm, the Public Open exis ng Hajek Plaza and AFC Carpark, the crea on of a new Space which links the precincts various tenants. fi ve level below ground car park, a new retail and offi ce Separate Concept Design Reports are being prepared development, a new expansion of the SkyCity Casino, a for the Adelaide Fes val Centre Refurbishment works refurbishment of the AFC, and a refurbishment of the Public (Hassell), the Sky City Casino Expansion (Buchan) and Realm featuring reinstatement of the AFC Plaza as a new the Walker Corpora on Carpark, Retail and Offi ce Tower public square. Figure 02 shows the extent of these packages Development (Bates Smart). The Public realm is highly diagramma cally. integrated with the various proposals that make up the precinct. As the enduring public asset the Public Realm PUBLIC REALM leads the design outcomes of the precinct. The scope for the Public Realm works involves demoli on of aspects of the exis ng AFC beyond the requirement for the Walker Carpark, Retail & Tower development, and demoli on works to Sta on Road, Fes val Drive and the footbridge. This work is shown in drawings SD-A0501 & SD-A0502. The scope FIGURE 2 includes all new public realm work, generally to the façade line of the proposed buildings and building refurbishments. The scope of the new works is shown in the drawing package- consis ng of drawing numbers SD-A1010 through to SD-A8015. There are impact works required outside the project site such as reloca on of the King William / Fes val Drive intersec on and traffi c signals, internal modifi ca ons to both the Intercon nental Hotel and Parliament to address changes to loading loca ons, and a modest protrusion into Elder Park by the AFC promenade. These works are shown on the Public Realm drawings. A minor part of the work falls into the Parklands zone, this work will form a separate planning applica on. CONCEPT DESIGN REPORT / 0972 / ADELAIDE RIVERBANK PRECINCT TCL /5 ADELAIDE RIVERBANK PRECINCT / 0972/ CONCEPT DESIGN REPORT /6 1.5 EXISTING BUILDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE THE ADELAIDE FESTIVAL CENTRE The Adelaide Fes val Centre is the cultural focus of the precinct, perhaps the city. The Fes val Centre was completed in 1973 and was listed as a State Heritage Place for its cultural associa ons with the community and the establishment of the Adelaide Fes val of the Arts. Various altera ons and addi ons since its incep on have been detrimental to the integrity of the original design and have contributed to undermining the use of the plaza as a public space. Flightpath Architects have been engaged as a heritage consultant to the Public Realm design team and have prepared a report detailing how the proposed design responds to the signifi cance of the State Heritage Place. The AFC is highly integrated with the public realm. The Public Realm Concept Design deals with all external public open space elements of the AFC. It is the intent of the Public Realm Concept design to: • Reinstate its ceremonial axis • Reconnect the centre to the Square • Enhance the Centres connec on to Elder park and the River • Revitalise the northern promenade In addi on to the public realm AFC works there is an AFC refurbishment package of work which deals with its building facades and interiors. Hassell Architects have been engaged directly for this work package and it is part of a separate Concept Design Report. The public realm design has developed alongside the AFC works with Hassell contribu ng to the public realm as a specialist design consultant. VIEW OF FESTIVAL CENTRE FROM PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE CONCEPT DESIGN REPORT / 0972 / ADELAIDE RIVERBANK PRECINCT TCL /7 OLD PARLIAMENT HOUSE Old Parliament House is located on the corner of North Terrace and Sta on Road and is a brick and limestone building commenced in 1843 with a second stage in 1855. It currently serves as a subsidiary building to Parliament with func on capabili es. The buildings frontage to North Terrace is currently rela vely inac ve and the frontage to Sta on Road with a steel fence and level change is inac ve. The public realm creates an immediate environment that respects its scale and detail and allows the building to be a more ac ve contributor to the precinct. PARLIAMENT HOUSE Parliament House is located on the corner of North Terrace and King William Road and is a Greek revival building constructed in two phases from 1874 through to 1939.
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