E1912 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 17, 2001 is the behind-the-scenes worker bee, working Georgia. It was very successful. A large num- Inland Empire Council of the Boy Scouts of for what she believes in, not seeking recogni- ber of delegates came from around the America in saluting Debbi Huffman Guthrie as tion of her accomplishments. But I think it is United States and Canada. The convention their Distinguished Citizen of the Year—2001. honored Khalistan Day, the anniversary of time to recognize Elizabeth’s forty plus years the declaration of independence by the Sikh Debbi, a lifelong resident of Riverside, Cali- of community service. Today, we recognize homeland, Khalistan, which took place on fornia, is a third generation owner of a roofing Elizabeth Freeman for all of her good work October 7, 1987. The Council of Khalistan was company established by her grandfather in and as a representative of a very important constituted at that time to serve as the gov- 1921. As a native Riversider, Debbi attended segment of our society, the volunteers who ernment pro tempore of Khalistan and lead Ramona High School and California State Uni- give untold hours of their time and energy to its struggle for independence. versity, San Bernardino. Debbi Guthrie and improve the quality of life of all of us. The convention mapped out strategy to bring about the liberation of Khalistan. her husband have four daughters and four f There was much very inspired, energetic, and grandchildren. intelligent discussion of how to move the Debbi Guthrie has been and continues to be COUNCIL OF KHALISTAN HAS freedom struggle forward. VERY SUCCESSFUL CONVENTION a shining example of a person with passion Delegates also passed several resolutions, and principles who has strived to have a posi- including resolutions demanding a free and tive effect upon her local community. Her ap- HON. DAN BURTON fair plebiscite on independence in Khalistan and the other nations India occupies; de- proach and policy has been a simple one, that OF INDIANA manding the release of Sikh and other polit- a community’s strength comes from just that— IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ical prisoners; to form a Khalsa Raj Party to the community. We must first start close to liberate Khalistan; to let human-rights orga- home and then radiate out if we hope to have Wednesday, October 17, 2001 nizations into Punjab; condemning the at- fulfilling lives and impact others. tacks on Sikhs and other minorities since Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, last Debbi Guthrie has unquestionably become a weekend, October 6 and 7, the Council of the September 11 terrorists acts at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon; condemning leader of women in her community, whose Khalistan held its annual convention down in legacy originates from her company’s history Atlanta. It was very successful. The organiza- the attack on the United States; to raise money for the Washington office; to nomi- of giving back to the community. Her tireless, tion laid out strategies for liberating the Sikh nate Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh, President of engaged action can be seen in an incredible homeland, Khalistan, discussed the political the Council of Khalistan, for the Nobel Prize; array of community life, including: Trustee on situation there, worked on the concerns of naming Dr. Aulakh Khalistan Man of the the University of California, Riverside Founda- Sikhs here in America, and passed several Year; condemning Simranjit Singh Mann and tion; President of the Riverside Community resolutions. I would like to take this oppor- Tarlochan Singh for their betrayal of the Sikh Nation and unwarranted attack on Dr. College/City Task Force; Chair-elect of the tunity to congratulate the Council of Khalistan United Way of the Inland Valleys; Member of on a successful convention. Aulakh; calling on Sikhs, Sikh leaders, and Gurdwaras to support the freedom struggle; the Executive Committee, Monday Morning Mr. Speaker, freeing Khalistan is an impor- and commending convention chairman Dr. Group of Western Riverside County; Chair of tant effort to secure freedom for the Sikh peo- Gulbarg Singh Basi and his wife, Rup Kaur the Roofing Apprenticeship Advisory Board; ple. America was founded on the principles of Basi, for their hard work to make the con- President of the Kiwanis Club of Riverside; freedom and self-determination and these vention successful. They decided that next and, Trustee on the March Field Museum things are the birthright of all people. Yet the year’s convention will be held on Columbus Foundation. response of ‘‘democratic’’ India is to use force Day weekend 2002 in Philadelphia. to suppress the natural yearning for freedom. Dr. Aulakh thanked all the delegates who As a leader among women of the Inland India is a land of massive human-rights vio- came to the convention. ‘‘I am very im- Empire, Debbi has received countless other pressed with the turnout,’’ he said. ‘‘We have lations. Secretary Powell is there now and we awards and recognitions, including: 1993 Riv- many people who took time out of their busy erside YWCA’s Woman of Achievement hope that he can maintain good relations with schedules to come here. They gave this India and that no violence breaks out. But I ATHENA Award, 1994 Entrepreneur of the weekend to the cause of Sikh freedom,’’ he Year/Small Business, Ernst & Young, Inc. also hope he will press the Indian government said. ‘‘Their efforts are noticed and appre- on its abysmal human-rights record and its ciated.’’ Magazine and Merrill Lynch; 1997 United record, until very recently, of anti-Ameri- ‘‘These are true Sikhs,’’ Dr. Aulakh added. States Small Business Administration District canism. It is holding over 52,000 Sikhs as po- ‘‘The Sikh leadership in Punjab would do Small Business Person of the Year; 1998 Fel- litical prisoners without charge or trial, accord- well to emulate the people at this conven- low, University of California, Riverside A. Gary ing to a recent report by the Movement tion. Remember ‘In grieb Sikhin ko deon Anderson Graduate School of Management; Patshahi’ and ‘Raj Kare Ga Khalsa,’’’ Dr. 1999–2000 Volunteer of the Year, Greater Against State Repression. Dr. Aulakh, the Aulakh said. ‘‘As Professor Darshan Singh President of the Council of Khalistan, recently Riverside Chamber of Commerce; 2000 Man- said, ‘If a Sikh is not a Khalistani, he is not agement Leader of the Year, University of wrote to Secretary Powell urging him to seek a Sikh.’ We must keep this in mind when we California Riverside A. Gary Anderson grad- the release of these political prisoners during deal with corrupt leaders such as Badal, his visit to India. Tohra, Chohan, and others.’’ uate School of Management; and, 2001 Presi- dent’s Award, Greater Riverside Chamber of We should insist on full and active support ‘‘This convention has been a significant Commerce. for our anti-terrorist efforts. We should also in- step forward in the effort to reclaim the sist that India begin to respect basic human Sikh Nation’s lost sovereignty,’’ said Dr. Volunteers are critical to fostering a spirit of Aulakh. ‘‘Only then will Sikhs live in free- understanding, good citizenship and good gov- rights. If they do not, we should maintain our dom, dignity, peace, and prosperity,’’ he sanctions on India and cut off its aid. And we said. ‘‘Everyone who came to this convention ernment in the United States and worldwide. should go on record for an end to the ter- should be saluted for making the effort,’’ he Since 1910, the Boy Scouts of America has rorism in South Asia by publicly supporting a said. ‘‘I would like to thank the Atlanta instilled young men with the drive to ‘‘help free and fair plebiscite with international moni- Gurdwara for their input and their hospi- other people at all times,’’ and to keep them- toring on the issue of freedom in Punjab, tality. Special thanks go to Dr. and Mrs. selves ‘‘physically strong, mentally awake, and Khalistan, in Kashmir, in Christian Nagaland, Basi for organizing the convention.’’ morally straight.’’ Debbi Guthrie exemplifies and all the nations that seek their freedom. f these attributes and offers herself as a role Only then can real security, freedom, and model to young men and women, thereby as- peace reign in South Asia. TRIBUTE TO DEBBI HUFFMAN suring that an active interest in the civic, cul- Mr. Speaker, the Council of Khalistan has GUTHRIE ture, social and moral welfare of our commu- published a press release on its convention. I nities is passed on from generation to genera- would like to place it in the RECORD. HON. KEN CALVERT tion. DELEGATES DISCUSS STRATEGIES TO LIBERATE OF CALIFORNIA Debbi Guthrie has gone above and beyond KHALISTAN, PASS RESOLUTIONS FOR IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Boy Scout protocol. I ask of my colleagues KHALISTAN, OTHER SIKH CAUSES in Congress to please join me in honoring Wednesday, October 17, 2001 Washington, DC, Oct. 9, 2001.—The Council Debbi Guthrie for her courage, innovation, and of Khalistan’s annual international conven- Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to commitment to the youth of tomorrow as she tion was held this past weekend in Atlanta, join with the Mt. Rubidoux District California is recognized on October 20th. 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