Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 6-3-1968 The Ledger and Times, June 3, 1968 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, June 3, 1968" (1968). The Ledger & Times. 5987. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/5987 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. — L r - - Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper The Primary —03MIThr- - Largest Paid f-addrese Source of News In Murray and Circulation BOOK- Both In City WAGERS Calloway County SEND s3 '00, LOS Ilt And In County United In Our 1111th Year Press International Murray, Ky., Monday Afternoon, June 3, 1968 10* Per Copy Vol. LXXXIX No. 132 Is George Hart Memorial Free X-Ray Clinic Helen Keller Dies Kathy Rowlett In Culpep- Seen&Heard Golf Planned Wednesday Rev,. and On Saturday State Tournament Many At Calloway Winners pper of At Health Center ,ave Stn.' Tournament Is Wednesday EASTON, Oonn. (UPI) — The Miss Kathy Rowlett, daughter Around of is, to SM. The Calloway County Health body of Helen Keller, whose Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rowlett Of College Scholarships eist Con- Department will give chest struggle to overcome blindness of Murray, played in the Ken- The first annual George hart free rothy Holland, Annabelle Reed, x-rays on Wednesday, June 5, tucky Girls Tennis Tournament Memorial Golf Tournament for Individual Murray Ethel Humphreys. from ten a.m. to 12 noon and on Friday in Louisville. scholarships a n d attend Murray State university ladies will be held by the lady honors were 9:17 Grace Nell Smith, Bob- one p.m to three p.m. at the The Murray girl played in presented to sen- and one of 20 girls in Kentucky golfers of the Calloway County iors of bie Davis, Carol Hibbard, Jean Health Department, located at the first round and was defeat- Calloway County High to receive a $300 FHA scholar- ,Tho Hollyhocks in front of Mrs. Country Club on Wednesday, School at McCartney. North 7th and Olive Streets. ed by Nancy Bargo of Elizabeth- the Class Night pro- ship to attend any college of IlLeHeys on South Plourth Street June 5, with tee off time at gram on 9:24 Ruth Pace, Louise Bin- Tuberculosis is still one of town. Friday evening. her choice. Other honors are (UPI) — Ore up again this year. Another eight a.m. Scholarship ford, Bobbie Buchanan, Glen- the dreaded diseases of the The Murray girl played in winners were: being named salutatorian, most partment hunch that is up is located at Many special prizes have been Gary Adams, da Hughes. time and it is spread from one the first round and was defeat- son of Mr. and outstanding senior, most out- ixth ma- ahe corner of the Municipal donated by the leading mer- Mrs. 9:31 Tyra Wesson, Jerlene person to another, a s-pokesinan ed by Nancy Bargo of Eliza- Rubin K. Adams, $200 phy- standing in home economics, to corns lIartiog L. chants of Murray and each sics scholarship Sullivan, Essie Caldwell, Grace said. One way to control the bethtown. and $350 fed- Who's Who in American High participant has a good chance eral James. disease is to be x-rayed regul- Miss Rowlett is an ardent scholarship, both to at- School students, National For- IS • Bob White right behind the of taking home some of these bought 9:39 Margaret Shuffett, Kathy arly. sports woman and has entered tend Murray State University. ensic League degree of honor, 100; the house giving out wilt every- valuable prizes. He was Rowlett, Kitty Elliott, Nell Persons eighteen years o f in many sports activities. She named outstanding stu- Quad State Music Festival, Na- nated by "). ng he had. Late yesterday The Calloway golfers said dent in Roach. age or over should be x-rayed. is the new president of the physics and received tional High School award for sociatios. averring a W'hippoor-will call- they considered it a privilege the 945 Martha Sue Ryan, Sadie Persons under eighteen Murray High School Student Quad State Music Festival excellence in intellectual and Wd from over the MI. to name their invitational tour- or who Nelle West, Murrelle Walker, are Council. Certificate and National Foren- social values, certificate for be- nament pregnant may be x-rayed in honor of Mr. Hart Inus Orr. sic League Certificate degree of ing in school every day for The Blue Jay who has a nest only upon request a their phy- four who was an exceptional citizen 11:30 Miriam Bennett, Betty Helen Keller merit. years and certificate fish up in the Poet Oa caught sician. and gold of Murray. Wallace, Anna Mary Adams, Shirley Bazzell, daughter of megaphone for being varsity OUT attenticin yesterday u she The public is urged to take Mr. Hart died in August 1967 Betty Stoltz. and deafness inspired millions Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Bazzell, cheerleader. sat an the nest. She WOO eat- advantage of this free x-ray only 42 days after his retire- 11:37 Charlotte Boyd, Julia of handicapped persons, was to Accidents Are receives a scholarship award by ing something and we got the clinic. KeLso, daughter ment from the presidency of Williams, Nancy Fandricti, be cremated at nearby BridgeBridge-- Sigma Delta Pi, national hon- Judy of Mr. CI field glasses to see just what. Kelso, the Bank of Murray and spent Mary Alice Smith, port today. orarY Spanish fraternity, to at- and Mrs. Glen one of 20 .. Turned out it was the shell, Kentucky receive most of his life serving the 11:42 Alice Komorowski. Public funeral services for Reported tend Murray State University girls in to AM which the lade Jays were On FHA scholarship to attend any public. He served 12 years as Mary Ruth Parker, Euldene Ro- Faxon School Miss Keller, who died Saturday , Her other honors are National bitched. Many birds do this, college of choice, and $100 Circuit Court Clerk before go- binson, Mabel Rogers. following a mild heart attack, High School award for excel- her either eat them or carry them home conomics scholarship to ing with the Bank of Murray. 1149 Mary Colburn, Doris will be held Wednesday in lence in intellectual and social away. The reason is that a new- The tournament Weekend attend Murray State University honored man Rose, Charlene Doss, Flo Kin- Graduation Washington's National Cathed- values, Quad State Music Fes- ly opened egg attracts snakes. was known as "Mr. Democrat" caid. ral. tival certificate, outstanding Other honors are most outstand- The egg Mel' is either eaten of Calloway County because of ing member of FHA chapter, 11:58 Ruth Winslow Mollie Miss Keller, who was 87, Three traffic accidents were student in Spanish, certificates or carried away and dropped his participation in politics. Faicen Elementary School Who's Who Among American He Jones, Marie Weaver, Frances The "died gently with a smile on reported on Saturday and Sun- for service on the year book 11101sewhere to keep from at- grad- High School students, was president of the Kentucky Miller. will hold its eighth grade her face," according to her day, aciairding to the reports staff and for being in school gold meg- darting snakes to the nest Bankers Association. Mayor of Lotion exercises on Tuesday, aphone and certificate for 12:03 Masa Reed, Val Dow- physician, Dr. Ferrick Chick. filed by the investigating of- everyday this year, PTA sen- where they would devour the eight p.m. at the cheerleading for four years, Murray for 20 years, MSU land, Bettie l'hompson. June 4, at Her ashes will be placed in ficers of the Murray Police De- ior award for earning 17 or young birds Board of Regents for 18 years, school National High School award, 12:10 Edna Knight, S us a 'ierypt in the cathedral follow- partment. No injuries were re more merits, and selected as ! State Board of Education mem- Carta Elkins will give the ported. Beta Girl this year. certificates for being in school We have Brown, Betty Hinton, Norma ing the reading of a eulogy by read about such o.I her, Kentucky Colonel by three valedictorian's address and Pat- Sunday at 2:45 p.m. a two Rita Brandon, daughter o f everyday this year, and f or •ings Frank, her longtime friend, Sen. Lister on but this is the first! governors, voted "The Disting- ricia Byerly the salutatorian's car accident occurred on Main Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Brandon, young leader of America. time we Hill, D-Ala. have ever witnessed uished Fenn Banker" of the address. Roger Runyon, presi- Street as Charles William Cald- ACT scholarship of $400 to at- Stan Key, son of Mr. and it. This nest is about twelveI South East Region of United dent, will speak and the invoca- well, 703 Chestnut Street, driv- tend Freed-Hardeman College. Mrs. Calvin Key, Athletic scho- feet out on a ikob where the States. tion will be by Pat Ross. ing a 1968 Cadillac two door Jerry Mac Burkeen,'son of larship at University of Ken- limb divides. The nest is in the Mr. Hart helped organize and Canon's The school principal. Bill Out- hardtop owned by Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Burkeen, tucky. Other honors: Highest "V" and apparently the new Senior honor was a director of the Murray- land, will give his address and Club Cars, was going east on Main $1000 scholarship over a four ever paid to an athlete at birds just hatched out.
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