APPENDIX 12 Antivirals publications, 2010–2011 1. 2009. [Black triangle down] Tamiflu – the wrong message? Drug Ther.Bull. 47:97. doi:47/9/97 [pii];10.1136/dtb.2009.08.0034 [doi]. 2. 2009. A caution about giving Tamiflu to children. Child Health Alert. 27:4–5. 3. 2009. Antiviral drugs for influenza. Med.Lett.Drugs Ther. 51:89–92. 4. 2009. Campus response to novel influenza H1N1. J.Am.Coll.Health 58:281–289. doi:U6265414166J437M [pii];10.1080/07448480903482510 [doi]. 5. 2009. Case management for influenza. J.Indian Med.Assoc. 107:528–530. 6. 2009. Epidemiology of seasonal, avian and pandemic influenza. J.Indian Med.Assoc. 107:506–507. 7. 2009. Foreword: this issue of the Seton Hall Law Review presents contributions to Preparing for Pharmaceutical Response to Pandemic Influenza, a two-day Symposium held at Seton hall University School of Law in the fall of 2008. Seton.Hall.Law Rev. 39:1103–1109. 8. 2009. Pandemic preparedness. Alta.RN. 65:20–27. 9. 2009. Update on oseltamivir-resistant pandemic A (H1N1) 10. 2009 influenza virus: January 2010. Wkly.Epidemiol.Rec. 85:37–40. 11. 2010. [Technical report on the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic]. An.Pediatr.(Barc.) 72:81–35. doi:S1695-4033(09)00614-6 [pii];10.1016/j.anpedi.2009.11.002 [doi]. 12. 2010. [Treatment with antiviral agents]. An.Pediatr.(Barc.) 72:81–85. doi:S1695-4033(09)00621-3 [pii];10.1016/j.anpedi.2009.11.009 [doi]. 13. 2010. 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) in pregnant women requiring intensive care – New York City, 2009. MMWR Morb.Mortal.Wkly.Rep. 59:321–326. doi:mm5911a1 [pii]. 14. 2010. A pandemic of hindsight? Nature 465:985. doi:465985a [pii];10.1038/465985a [doi]. 15. 2010. Fatal H1N1 infection in an HIV positive woman. Negative flu tests, HIV infection delay treatment. AIDS Alert. 25:9–10. 16. 2010. Influenza activity – United States and worldwide, June 13–September 25, 2010. MMWR Morb. Mortal.Wkly.Rep. 59:1270–1273. doi:mm5939a3 [pii]. 17. 2010. Outbreak of 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) on a Peruvian Navy ship – June–July 2009. MMWR Morb.Mortal.Wkly.Rep. 59:162–165. doi:mm5906a3 [pii]. 18. 2010. Outbreaks of 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) among long-term-care facility residents – three states, 2009. MMWR Morb.Mortal.Wkly.Rep. 59:74–77. doi:mm5903a3 [pii]. 19. 2010. Patient education series. Seasonal influenza (the flu). Nursing. 40:33. doi:10.1097/01. NURSE.0000387238.05776.38 [doi];00152193-201009000-00011 [pii]. 20. 2010. Patient information. Influenza. Am.Fam.Physician 82:1097. doi:p722 [pii]. 211 WHO PUBLIC HEALTH RESEARCH AGENDA FOR INFLUENZA 21. 2010. Patients hospitalized with 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) – New York City, May 2009. MMWR Morb.Mortal.Wkly.Rep. 58:1436–1440. doi:mm5851a2 [pii]. 22. 2010. Update: influenza activity – United States, 2009–10 season. MMWR Morb.Mortal.Wkly.Rep. 59:901–908. doi:mm5929a2 [pii]. 23. 2010. Update: influenza activity – United States, October 3–December 11, 2010. MMWR Morb. Mortal.Wkly.Rep. 59:1651–1655. doi:mm5950a4 [pii]. 24. 2011. [Susceptibility of pandemic influenza virus A 2009 H1N1 and highly pathogenic avian influenza virus A H5N1 to antiinfluenza agents in cell culture]. Antibiot.Khimioter. 56:3–9. 25. 2011. Antiviral drugs for influenza. Med.Lett.Drugs Ther. 53:1–3. 26. 2011. Infectious disease. Antiviral agents for the treatment and chemoprophylaxis of influenza. Ann. Emerg.Med. 58:299–303. doi:S0196-0644(11)01304-7 [pii];10.1016/j.annemergmed.2011.07.007 [doi]. 27. 2011. Recommended composition of influenza virus vaccines for use in the 2011–2012 northern hemisphere influenza season. Wkly.Epidemiol.Rec. 86:86–90. 28. 2011. Update: influenza activity – United States, October 3, 2010–February 5, 2011. MMWR Morb. Mortal.Wkly.Rep. 60:175–181. doi:mm6006a4 [pii]. 29. Aardema, H., J. E. Tulleken, R. J. van den Biggelaar, B. A. Wolters, C. M. de Jager, C. A. Boucher, and A. Riezebos-Brilman. 2010. [Fatal pneumonitis due to oseltamivir-resistant new influenza A(H1N1) in the case of an intensive care patient]. Ned.Tijdschr.Geneeskd. 154:A1634. 30. Abdel-Rahman, S. M., J. G. Newland, and G. L. Kearns. 2011. Pharmacologic considerations for oseltamivir disposition: focus on the neonate and young infant. Paediatr.Drugs 13:19–31. doi:3 [pii];10.2165/11536950-000000000-00000 [doi]. 31. Abdo, A., C. Alfonso, G. Diaz, M. Wilford, M. Rocha, and N. Verdecia. 2011. Fatal 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) in a bone marrow transplant recipient. J.Infect.Dev.Ctries. 5:132–137. 32. Abed, Y., P. Simon, and G. Boivin. 2010. Prophylactic activity of intramuscular peramivir in mice infected with a recombinant influenza A/WSN/33 (H1N1) virus containing the H274Y neuraminidase mutation. Antimicrob.Agents Chemother. 54:2819–2822. doi:AAC.01681-09 [pii];10.1128/ AAC.01681-09 [doi]. 33. Accinelli, C., M. L. Sacca, J. Fick, M. Mencarelli, R. Lindberg, and B. Olsen. 2010. Dissipation and removal of oseltamivir (Tamiflu) in different aquatic environments. Chemosphere 79:891–897. doi:S0045-6535(10)00168-2 [pii];10.1016/j.chemosphere.2010.02.022 [doi]. 34. Acosta, E. P. and D. W. Kimberlin. 2010. Determination of appropriate dosing of influenza drugs in pediatric patients. Clin.Pharmacol.Ther. 88:704–707. doi:clpt2010173 [pii];10.1038/clpt.2010.173 [doi]. 35. Acosta, E. P., P. Jester, P. Gal, J. Wimmer, J. Wade, R. J. Whitley, and D. W. Kimberlin. 2010. Oseltamivir dosing for influenza infection in premature neonates. J.Infect.Dis. 202:563–566. doi:10.1086/654930 [doi]. 36. Adalja, A. 2009. Optimization of antiviral prescribing for influenza. J.Hosp.Med. 4:E28. doi:10.1002/ jhm.538 [doi]. 37. Adalja, A. A. 2010. Hematemesis in a 2009 H1N1 influenza patient. Am.J.Emerg.Med. 28:846–4. doi:S0735-6757(09)00636-6 [pii];10.1016/j.ajem.2009.12.012 [doi]. 38. Adams, S. and C. Sandrock. 2010. Avian influenza: update. 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