California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Coyote Chronicle Special Collections & Archives 2-10-1993 February 10th 1993 CSUSB Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/coyote-chronicle Recommended Citation CSUSB, "February 10th 1993" (1993). Coyote Chronicle. Paper 325. http://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/coyote-chronicle/325 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections & Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Coyote Chronicle by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. •5T Be The Weekly HRONICLE California State University, San Bernardino Volume 27, Issue 14 February 10,1993 Parking lot employee abducted at gunpoint According to Sgt. Stephen C. by Natalie Romano The on-duty employee had Nowicki of the Public Safety Of­ been driving through the Physical Chronicle staff writer fice, theattendantreceivedapunch Education parking lot when a male in the stomach, an injury to h^ with a backpack waved to her for A university paiidng ccmtrol head by being pushed against a assistance. agent was forc^ off campus at campus vehicle's window, and the "He told the attendant he was gunpoint Feb. 2 at approximately threat of sexual assault before the unabletolocatehiscar," saidCam- 6:19 p.m. by an unknown male. male fled on foot. see"ABDUCTtON",page8 Art show features CSUSB prof Official City Police rendition of the suspect as described by the victim. ASI withdraws from CSSA Lack of vision, cohesion, direction cited by Elizabeth Akins student body presidents, or their designees, to come together and Chronicle staff writer share common ccmcems and in­ terests. The Board of Directors of Ideally, the CSSA functions the Cal State, San Bernardino as the collective voice of the stu­ Associa^ Students, Inc. (A.S.I.) dents to the state i>olicymakers. moved that it withdraw from the The CSSA has professional lob­ California State Student Asso­ bying status in the affairs of the ciation (CSSA). CSU and the Legislature. A paid This decision was finalized staff of lobbyists works directly on Feb. 2,1993 after months of with the Bo^ of Trustees, the deliberations. Chancellor's Office, the State The CSSA was originally Legislature, and the Govemor's comprised of all 20 of the Cali- office to formulate policy. fomiaStateUniversity campuses. The recent ineffectiveness, The purpose of the association is of the association's lobbying 'Land Revisited,' a multi-media art exhibit featuring the collaborative works of CSUSB Art Professor Sant toprovidean oppOTtuniQ' forCSU Kha^a and Charles Moorehead. The show runs through Feb. 20 at The Art Works, in Riverside see'ASI,'page 7 see REVIEW, page 6 The Weekly ALENDAR The week of Wednesday, Feb. 10-Tuesday, Feb. 16 — COMEDY SHOW. "Voices —BASKETBALL. The basket­ IF®lbfftsa3iiry ll® — A Night on the Edge of Com­ ball teams will be playing Cal IFsIbrmaiir^ IS edy." It will be held at 8 p.m. in Poly Pomona here. The women's the Recital Hall. Admission is team will be playing at 5:45 p.m. free. and the men's team will play at — JOB SEARCH STRATE­ 8:05 p.m. — GLBU. Movie night in the ~ SOCIOLOGY SERIES. The GIES. Paul Esposito will be pre­ Eucalyptus Room of the Lower Sociology DepL and Sociology senting a workshopon job search Commons. Regular meeting at 6 ClubiH^esent "Clinical Sociologi­ strategies from 1 to 2 p.m. in UH p.m., movie will begin at 6:30 cal Perspectives on Counseling 232. For more information, call p.m. and Ther^y" in the Pine Room 880-5250. of the Low^ Commons from 8 to SaftTmircaay — ENVIRONMENTAL 9:45 p.m. — IBA. Meeting in the Pine COMMITTEE. Meeting of the IF^lbirifiiiiiry IB Room of the Lower Commons Environmental Committee in the from 2 to 3 p.m. For more inform ASI office at 8 p.m. Volunteers ation, call Naomi Hannum at 880- are needed for projects to come. — BOB MARLEY B-DAY 8035. For more informtuion, call the CELEBRATION. At the Long ASI office at 880-5937. IFcfilbirtsiiury 112 Beach Arenabegiimingat 1 p.m.. Lover's Rock Day with Maxi Priest, the Wallers, Freddie TTiPKeacdlay McGregor, Micheal ROSCT'CD- coa Tea, Ed Robinson, Wendy IFtfiTbmairy IT lb TOI ITS (day — FREE WORKSHOP. ORE Shaw, and LLoyd Parks & We IF®Ib)inaisi]ry Ut and Graduate school information the People. For more infcama- workshc^ sponsored by Project tion, call the festival hotline at 1000 and the Graduate Studies (310)515-3322, or call — FOCUS. Meeting in UH 262 Office at CSUSB. Get inside in­ Ticketmaster at (213)480-3232, from 12 to 1 p.m. All are wel­ formation on how best to prepare come to join. For more informa­ —SAILWORKSHOP.Pairicia (714)740-2000. tion, call Greg Bennett at Hays will be holding a workshop for the GRE. It will be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Panorama (619)956-7546 onMW. on Surviving and Succeeding in — BLOOD DRIVE. Sigma Phi Room of the Loww Commons. College. It will be held in UH 397 Epsilon will be holding a blood RSVP, seating is limited. For —FMA. Meeting at 5:30 to 6:30 from 12 to 1 p.m. FOT more infcff- drive to benefit the American Red more information, call Project p.m. in the Eucalyptus Room of mation, call 880-5921. Cross. Meet in frijnt of Univer­ 1000 at 1-800-327-4893 or Dr. the Lower Commons. For more sity Hall at 9 a.m. for transporta­ Julius Kaplan at 880-5058. information, call Dr. Vaziri at —SEMINAR. "Estaieplanning: tion to the San Bernardino Clus­ 880-5718 or Kim Brosamer at Strategies for the 90's.''Presented ter of the American Red Cross. 242-4827. by CSUSB and local law firm —ENGLISH CLUB. The Worst tf * of the Best. It will be held at 4 Best, Best, & Kriegar. Registra­ " ASSERTIVENESS TRAIN­ tion 3:30 p.m., seminar at 4:30 p.m. with free admission. Look at the B uUiten Board for location ING WORKSHOP. There will p.m., reception at 6 p.m. in the be a assertiveness/listening skills Recital Hall. RSVP, seating is in front of the English Depart­ ment workshop held in Joshua Hall limited. Admission is free. For 1141 TV Room in Serrano Village. more information, call 880-5006. — BOB MARLEY B-DAY Professor Risa Dickson in the CELEBRATION. At 6:30 p.m. Communicatoins Dept. and — VIETNAMESE STUDENT Michelle Vandraiss. It will begin ASSOCIATION. Meeung at 6 in the Long Beach Arena will be the Lover's Rock Night It will — BOB MARLEY B-DAY at 6 p.m. Come and leam to be p.m. in UH 57. For more infw- CELEBRATION. At the Long assertive and listen to others. mation, call Tony at 862-3548, feature Cutty Ranks, Tiger, Co­ coa tea, Tony Rebel, Lady Levi, Beach Arena at 1 p.m.. Roots Tung at 886-4885, or Steve at and Preacha Call the Festival n'Culture Day with Maxi Priest, 888-8507. Hotline for more information or the Wallers, Half Pint, Andrew ticket sales locations at (310)515- Tosh, Donovan, Foundation, — LECTURE. Prof. Raymond 3322, or call Ticketmaster at Wailing Souls, Bo<xn Shaka, Soul V Franklin, of Queens College, City (213)480-3232, (714)740-2000. VilH-ations, and Loyd Parks & Happy S University of New York, will We the People. For more infw- present "Shadows of Race and —ENGLISH CLUB.Film: The mation, call the festival hotline at Valentine's*^ Class: A Contemporary Analy­ Awful Truth starring Carey Grant (310)515-3322, or call sis of Movements for Change." It It will be presented in PS 10 at Ticketmaster at (213)480-3232, Day will be held in the Sycamore 7:30 p.m. Admission is $1.50 at (714)740-2000. Room of the Lower Ctxnmons the door, or advance tickets for from 7 to 9 p.m. Fw more infw- $1 from the English Club the mation, call 880-5500. week befwe the show. In the Opinion of The CHRONICLE... Metzger no-show was right decision Campus Police Need Support By Dr. Mildred Dalton Henry, Metzger's racist, hate-mongering talk 20th century reality rather than Does Cal Slate, San Bernardino need its own police force? A associate professor. ideas. 19th century theory. silly, rhetorical question. The answer is obviousiof course we need Those ideas "cannot be freely Advanced Studies, CSUSB The concern about security cops on campus. exchanged at university forums was legitimate, and was not only The real question should be: do we have enough police protection The following is an excerpt from without generating concems about rased by"various student groups." on this campus? a reply to an editorial pul)lishedin the security" because those of us who Fellow faculty members,staff, stu­ In the past three months, a campus officer has been shot by a Jan. 27 San Bernardino Sun. We re­ are the objects of Metzger's in­ dents and community residents fleeing murder suspect, a telephoned bomb threat made it necessary print it here as part of the continuing flammatory hate-baiting, violence- expressed alarm that the Univer­ to evacuate two campus buildings in the middle of a class day, a dialogue on the Tom Metzger contro­ advocating rhetoric will no longer sity would legitimize a professed heckling rhubarb turned a basketball game into a near-riot,a student's versy: sit quietly by while racists spew hate-monger. With reference to car was stolen and vandalized, and a student parking attendant was their poison under the guise of free Metzger's statement that "every I offer an opposing view to abducted at gunpoint.
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