PhD-FLSHASE-2015-12 The Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education DISSERTATION Defense held on 27 March 2015 in Luxembourg to obtain the degree of DOCTEUR DE L’UNIVERSITÉ DU LUXEMBOURG EN SCIENCES POLITIQUES by Andreja PEGAN Born on 1 February 1985 in Koper (Slovenia) An Analysis of Legislative Assistance in the European Parliament Dissertation defense committee: Dr. Philippe Poirier, dissertation supervisor Université du Luxembourg Dr. Christine Neuhold Professor, University of Maastricht Dr. Robert Harmsen, Chairman Professor, Université du Luxembourg Dr. Cristina Fasone European University Institute Dr. Olivier Costa, Vice Chairman Professor, Centre Emile Durkheim Sciences Po Bordeaux, College of Europe Brugge Acknowledgements I would like to thank my supervisor Philippe Poirier for giving me the opportunity to do this PhD. Thank you also to Robert Harmsen, David Howarth and Anna-Lena Högenauer from the Political Science Institute. I am grateful to Olivier Costa who served on my Assessment Committee (CET). Morten Egeberg kindly hosted me at the Arena Centre for European Studies and provided me with valuable comments on my research. Assistance given by Guy Vanhaeverbeke has been a great help in the field stage of my research. I am particularly grateful to all the respondents who took the time to speak with me or participated in the online survey. This research was supported by the National Research Fund Luxembourg (FNR) under the funding scheme Aides à la Formation Recherche (AFR) (Project number 1080494). My family and several individuals helped me organise my whereabouts. Small gestures speak volume. Kdor še ne zna zajezditi konja, Those who don’t know how to ride a horse, naj se čimprej nauči should learn quickly ukrotiti iskro žival, how to tame the fiery animal, obdržati se svobodno v lahkem sedlu how to ride freely in a light saddle, in uloviti ubrano mero drnca, how to catch the harmony of the trot, predvsem pa vztrajati v slutnji, and above all to persist in the premonition, kajti naši konji so pridirjali od daleč for our horses came galloping from far away, in so dalečnamenjeni, and they still have far to go, motorji radi odpovedo, motors tend to break down, sloni prevečpojedo, elephants eat too much, naša pot pa je dolga our road is a long one, in pešje predaleč. and it is too far to walk. Lipicanci, Edvard Kocbek The Lippizzaner, Edvard Kocbek Translation by Sonja Kravanja Hvala. Thank you. Contents 1Introduction 15 1.1 ResearchStatement................................ 19 1.2 MethodsandData ................................ 27 1.3 ContributionoftheStudy . 28 1.4 Plan of the Study ................................. 29 2 Literature Review: Legislative Staff31 2.1 StaffasSocialActors .............................. 31 2.2 StaffasActorsinthePoliticalSystem . 34 2.2.1 Studiesinthe1990sand2000s . 35 2.2.2 Studiesin2010s ............................. 36 2.2.3 EP’s Parliamentary Administration in Perspective . 40 2.3 Conclusions .................................... 41 3TheoreticalApproach 43 3.1 WhatTheoryandForWhatPurpose? . 43 3.2 ApproachestoInstitutionalDesign . 45 3.2.1 Seeking Complementaries . 50 3.3 The Effects of Organisation on Behaviour: Organisation Theory . 52 3.3.1 FormalOrganisationalStructures . 53 3.3.2 The Effect of Formal Organisational Structures . 54 3.4 Conclusion..................................... 56 4DataandMethods 59 4.1 DataCollection.................................. 59 4.1.1 Qualitative Data ............................. 59 Preliminary Interviews (May to September 2012) ...... 59 Interviews (September to November 2013) . 60 4.1.2 QuantitativeData:Survey . 61 Estimating the Population . 61 Sampling . 61 Problems ............................ 63 5 6 CONTENTS Procedure ........................... 63 Outcome ............................ 64 4.2 Methods...................................... 65 4.2.1 Analysing Qualitative Data . 65 Analysing Quantitative Data . 66 ITheDesignofLegislativeAssistance:Form,Origin&Change 69 5TheFormofLegislativeAssistanceintheEP 71 5.1 TheoryApplication................................ 71 5.2 LegislativeAssistanceinState-Legislatures. 73 5.2.1 CentralAdministration . 74 5.2.2 Political Group Staff........................... 79 5.2.3 Personal Staffof the Members of Parliament . 80 5.3 LegislativeAssistanceintheEP. 82 5.3.1 Central Administration: Secretariat of the EP . 82 Committees Assistance . 85 LegalAssistance . 87 Research Services . 89 5.3.2 StaffinPoliticalGroups: PoliticalAdvisors . 90 GeneralOrganisation . 91 EPPoliticalGroupDiversity . 92 5.3.3 MEPs Personal Staff.......................... 96 Constituency and Parliament Staff.............. 96 Accredited Assistants . 98 MEPs’ Personal Offices . 99 5.3.4 JobComparison ............................. 99 FormalAspects......................... 101 InformalAspects. 103 5.4 Discussion: The EP as a State-Legislature? . 104 5.5 Conclusion..................................... 107 6 TheOriginofLegislativeAssistanceintheEP 109 6.1 TheoryApplication................................ 110 6.2 TheCommonAssemblyoftheECSC(1952-1958) . 112 6.2.1 OrganisingtheFirstSession . 113 CouncilofEurope ....................... 113 TheUnitedKingdom . 113 JeanMonnet .......................... 114 6.2.2 Form of the Common Assembly Administration . 116 NationalAspect ........................ 116 CONTENTS 7 SupranationalAspect . 116 Allowance for Political Groups and Members . 119 6.3 Discussion..................................... 120 6.4 Conclusion..................................... 122 7 The Changing Nature of Legislative Assistance in the EP 125 7.1 TheoryApplication................................ 125 7.2 EuropeanCommunitiesinthe1960s . 128 7.2.1 CentralAdministration . 129 7.2.2 PoliticalGroups ............................. 130 7.3 The Decade of the Budget and Direct Elections (1970s) . 131 7.3.1 CentralAdministration . 132 7.3.2 PoliticalGroups ............................. 133 7.3.3 Members’ Personal Staff......................... 134 7.4 LegislativePowers(1980sand1990s) . 134 7.4.1 CentralAdministration . 137 7.4.2 PoliticalGroups ............................. 138 7.5 Reformsin2000s ................................. 139 7.5.1 Attempts to Reform the Central Administration . 140 7.5.2 Political Group Advisors and StaffRegulation Reform . 141 7.6 Recent Developments (2010s) . 142 7.6.1 CentralAdministration . 143 7.6.2 Members’ Personal Staff......................... 145 7.7 Discussion..................................... 146 7.8 Conclusion..................................... 149 II The Effects of Organisation in the EP’s Administrative System of Legislative Assistance 151 8OrganisationTheoryandtheEP 153 8.1 TheoryApplication................................ 153 8.2 OrganisationalStructuresintheEP . 155 8.2.1 VerticalSpecialisation . 155 8.2.2 HorizontalSpecialisation. 156 8.3 ControlVariables................................. 160 8.3.1 Demography ............................... 160 8.3.2 Institutionalisation . 165 8.4 ConcludingRemarks ............................... 166 8 CONTENTS 9 LegislativeAssistanceasBehaviour 169 9.1 TheArgument .................................. 169 9.2 LegislativeTasks ................................. 172 9.3 TheActivityofLegislativeAssistance . 172 9.3.1 Principal Component Factor Analysis .................172 9.3.2 Scale.................................... 178 9.4 Results....................................... 180 9.4.1 LegislativeTasks ............................. 180 9.4.2 ScaleDefinition.............................. 181 9.5 Conclusion..................................... 183 10DoesOrganisationMatter? 185 10.1 Task Variation . 186 10.2ScaleVariation .................................. 192 10.2.1 Reduced Form Regression . 192 10.2.2 RegressionoftheFullModel . 196 10.3Discussion..................................... 201 10.4 Conclusion .....................................205 11 Conclusion 207 11.1 Synthesis of the Theoretical Arguments and Empirical Findings . 207 11.1.1 Effects .................................. 207 11.1.2 Design................................... 210 11.1.3 Design and Effect............................. 212 11.2Implications.................................... 214 11.2.1 Theory................................... 214 11.2.2 Practice .................................. 214 Division of Labour and Human Resources Distribution . 214 Bureaucratisation . 216 FurtherProfessionalisation . 217 Inter-InstitutionalRelations. 217 11.3 ContributiontotheLiterature. 217 11.4FutureResearch.................................. 219 Appendix Appendices 222 Appendix A Survey 223 Appendix B Survey Data 233 Bibliography 235 Literature........................................ 235 Interviews........................................ 254 List of Tables 1.1 Number of StaffintheEUInstitutions . 17 1.2 SummaryofHypotheses ............................. 30 2.1 ResearchonEP’sAdministration . 32 4.1 First Phase Interviews: Respondents’ Profiles . 60 4.2 Second Phase Interviews: Respondents’ Profiles . 60 4.3 SamplingCriteria................................. 63 4.4 ResponseRate .................................. 64 5.1 OrganisationofLegislativeAssistanceintheEP. 86 5.2 Number of Staffper Committee in 2013 . 87 5.3 Organisation of Political Groups’ Secretariats (2013) . 95 5.4 Legislative StaffintheEP ..........................
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