TRUMBUI I. PUBLIC’ SC’l-IOOLS TRUMBULL, CDNNliC1’ICLi1 Regular Meeting — October 2, 2012* Long Hill Administration Building Lorraine R. Smith Assembly Room 7:O() p.m. AGENDA I. PRELIMINARY BUSINESS A. Salute to the Flag B. Correspondence C. Comments and Questions II. PERSONNEL A. Personnel — Mr. lassogna III. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval/Minutes-Regular Meeting — 9/4/12 B. Approval/Financial Reports as of 8/31/12 — Mr. O’Keefe IV. REPORTS A. THS Literacy Reconfiguration — Dr. Tremaglio, Mr. lassogna B. TIIS Renovation & Hillcrest Pool Updates — Mr. Barbarotta, Mr. lassogna C. Oral Reports 1. Teacher Board Representative 2. Student Board Representatives V. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval/Authorized Signature Change Form — Mr. lassogna 1. 1ED099 Child Nutrition Signature Form 2. Check Signatory Form B. Policies — First Reading 1. Transportation, Policy Code 3541 — Dr. Cialfi, Mrs. Carter 2. Student Conduct on Buses, Policy Code 5114.1 — Dr. Cialfi, Ms. Fisher, Mr. Leninger C. THS Trip to Spain — Ms. Giordano D. Approval/Appointment of Board Member to Delegate Assembly of CABE Mr. [assogna, Mr. Wright VI. OLD 13USINESS A. Approval/Policies — Second Reading 1. Curriculum Development. Policy Code -6141 — Dr. Cialt, Dr. Paslov VII. RECEIVE AND FILE A. Pending Litigation — Dr. Cialfi B. Negotiations — Dr. Cialfi VIII. OTHER *At this meeting, it is anticipated the Board, upon two—thirds vote of members present, will move into Executive Session at the end of the Regular Meeting to continue the process of the Superintendent’s evaluation. TRUMBULL PUBLIC SChOOLS TRUMBULL, CONNECTICUT Report to the Board of Education Regular Meeting. September 18. 2012 Mr. lassogna Agenda item Il-A A. Resignations - Ccrtitkd Karagus, Ilissa; psychologist at Madison Middle School since August 2011, resigning effective September 26, 2012 Martin, Thomas; technology teacher at Madison Middle School since November 1969, retiring effective October 31,2012 Recommendation: Accept. A. Appointments — Certi fled The following appointments became effective August 22. 2012: *SI.innick, Kerianne; MA/3 grade 1 teacher at Frenchtown Elementary School. *Kelly. Megan; MA/3 grade I teacher at Tashua Elementary School. Guttman. Amy: MA/6 grade 2 teacher at 1)aniels Farm Flementary School. The thllowing appointment became effective on September 24, 2012: Grady, Kirstin; 6/10 psychologist at Madison Middle School. Recommendation: Receive and file. * Previous Trumbull Intern TRUMBULL PUBLIC SCHOOLS TRUMBULL, CONNECTICUT Report to the Board of Education Regular Meeting— October 2,2012 Mr. lassogna Agenda Item — Ill-A Approval/Minutes Regular Meeting September 4, 2012 Administrative Recommendation: Approve the minutes of the above noted meeting. TRUMBULL PUBLIC SCHOOLS TRUMBULL, CONNECTICUT Regular Meeting September 4. 2012 Long Fiji] Administration Building Lorraine R. Smith Assembly Room The Trumbull Board of Education convened in the Long Fiji! Administration Building for a Regular Meeting. Members present: Members absent: S. Wright, Chairperson (arrived at 7:12 p.m.) R. Seaman, Board Member D. Herhst, Vice Chairperson T. Kelly, Secretary L. Chory, Board Member L. Labella, Board Member M. Ward, Board Member A.zenda Item I — Preliminary Business A. Salute to the Flag - The Public Session began at 7:04 p.m. followed by a salute to the Flag. Vice Chaimian flerbst began the meeting due to Chairman Wright arriving late. B. Correspondence — There was no correspondence this evening. C. Comments — Stacey Tcllis, 40 Valley View Road, expressed concerns with regard to mandated reporting on an incident at Trumbull Early Childhood Education Center (TECEC) and lack of a bus aide on her disabled son’s bus. Superintendent lassogna stated that Trumbull Public Schools (TPS) follows State Statutes with regard to mandated reporting; the investigation of the incident at TECEC is on—going and a personnel matter covered by FERPA. He also noted that when the investigation is completed, appropriate measures will be taken. Agenda Ttem TI -- Personnel A. Personnel — Superintendent lassogna noted that one resignation was received that needed Board action. It was moved (Herbst) seconded (Chory) to accept the resignation of !lissa Karagus, psychologist at Madison Middle School since August 2011, resigning effective September 26, 2012. Vote: Unanimous in favor. Agenda Item Ill Consent Agenda A. Approval/Minutes — Regular Meeting -- 8/21/1 2 By unanimous consent of members present at that meeting, the minutes were approved as presented. Mr. Ward abstained as he was not present at that meeting. At this time, it was moved (Herbst) seconded (Labella) to take Agenda Item lV-A out of order. Vote: Unanimous in favor. Agenda Item IV --Reports A. School Opening/Enrollment/Staffing Update- --Superintendent lassogna conveyed that the opening of school went well and extended thanks and appreciation for the efforts of all staff for ensuring that schools would he ready for opening day. He also gave thanks to Owners’ Reps Al and John Barbarotta, Trumbull High School (Ti-IS) head custodian Ed Bike and the TI-IS custodial staff for their tireless efforts, especially with the ongoing renovation, to ready the high school for the return of staff and students. Mr. lassogna shared that enrollment is now 38 students below projections, primarily at the high school level, with enrollments at the middle and elementary schools on target. He stated that the October 1 enrollment numbers will be forwarded to the State and used as the official numbers for funding and district comparisons. He also noted a growing concern with regard to an increase in enrollment of students with special needs, especially at Madison Middle School. Dr. McGrath, Madison Principal Valerie Forshaw and he will be monitoring the situation as these students’ Individual Education Plans appear to he significant and may require some shifting of staff and/or an additional teacher to pick up the additional caseload. Chairman Wright conveyed his appreciation of the Owner’s Reps, the First Selectman, and the TI-IS administration for their assistance in readying Trumbull High for opening day. Mrs. J-Ierbst shared that she was present on the first day at Jane Ryan and expressed her appreciation of Principal Mary Ellen Bolton and her staff for a wonderful opening. At this time, it was moved (Hcrhst) seconded (Labella) to take Agenda Item Ill-B at this time. Vote: Unanimous in favor. Agenda Item ITT - Consent Agenda B. Approval/Finance Committee of the Board of Education Transfers —The committee met on August 22, 2012 to review financials including transfers for July. There were two transfers for July that required full Board approval. Discussion ensued and it was noted that some monies appropriated for kindergarten furniture were not needed and arc being transferred into curriculum classroom supplies account. Following discussion, it was moved (Labella) seconded (Herhst) to approve July transfers l587x and 159 lx as recommended. Vote: Unanimous in favor. Agenda Item IV Reports B. Trumbull 1-ugh School Post High School Plans-—- Mr. lassogna shared that this report is similar to last year with college acceptances reflecting the many educational and extracurricular opportunities offered to TPS students. Dr. Tremaglio and Ms. 1-lilser reviewed the summary comparing data for the Classes of 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012, noting that 96% of the Class of 2012 is attending higher education. Dr. Tremaglio shared that two students were accepted into the University of Connecticut’s (UConu) 7-year dental program which only accepts a total of 19 students and credited their acceptance to the education received at THS. Ms. Hilser reviewed the college application process and noted that most colleges/universities are using the on-line common application, which allows students to apply to many colleges more easily. Students are given help to personalize their applications since college admissions have become highly competitive. It was noted that 37% of the Class of 2012 are attending Connecticut public universities, with many students beginning their college experience at the community college level due to rising tuition costs; and most community college courses are transferrable to 4-year state universities. Teacher Board Representative Katie Boland shared that some of her former students arc enrolled in honors programs at LTConn and are doing very well. Ms. 1-Jilser also conveyed that the Guidance Department has been restructured so that all counselors have students in all grade levels, with students having one counselor for their 4 years at THS. Mr. lassogna and the Board thanked Dr. Tremaglio and Ms. Hilser for their efforts. C. Teacher Supervision, Evaluation, Professional Learning Plan—Mr. lassogna conveyed that this plan is being updated to reflect initiatives passed by the State of Connecticut. Dr. Cialfi conveyed that the district is in the early stages of developing a new Teacher Supervision, Evaluation and Professional Learning Plan which is a requirement of Connecticut Public Act 12-116. The district has a core committee working on the plan, along with teacher representatives at each school who gather input ftom staff and relay information on the new plan. Components of the plan include multiple indicators of student academic growth and development as well as multiple observations of teachers’ practices from a variety of perspectives. He shared that the plan must be submitted to the Connecticut State Department of Education for approval by January 15, 2013; the approved plan must he
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