Attend We The Farmers Want Festival Blood VOL. XIV, No. 7—SIX PAGES PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, R. I., NOVEMBER 14, 1951 10 CENTS A COPY Players To Present No Reward Resolution, " The Man" Friday,Varsit y Harriers To Race Nov. 30 In Lounge Blood Donation Plan Head In IC-4A Cross Country After a week of casting, Tom Kelly, '52, president of the Pyramid Players, Congress Meeting Agenda has announced that the cast for the forthcoming production of The Man, Meet Monday In New York on Friday, November 30, in the Stu- Main items on the agenda for the second Student Congress dent Lounge of Harkins Hall, has been meeting of the year which will be held Thursday, in Room 300, selected. By Jim Marshall of Harkins Hall at 3:30 p.m. are promotion of the Student Blood Taking part in the psychological Next Monday the Friars journey to New York to meet the nation's best cross-country runners in the I.C.-4A's at Van Cort- Donation Plan and a "no recompense for students engaged in murder mystery by Mel Dinelli will land Park. Mentor Harry Coates is planning to start, Bill New- function" resolution proposed by six congress representabe: Lawrenc- e Jones, '55, as Howard; class man, Bill Hennigan, Bill Horridge, Dick Lee and Dick Johnson. tives. Herbert Benn, '52, as Mr. Franks; A1 This will mark the initial appear- The resolution states: "No Provi- McKitis, '53, as Mr. Armstrong; Rich- ance of P.C. varsity harriers in a meet dence College student engaged in ard Buckley, '53, as Doug; Leonard of national importance. A year ago class functions shall receive any re- Leonard Brothers Conlon, '55, as Mr. Stevens. Friars Formal Set Providence entered one man in the compense in the form of free bids, In addition to these male actors, I.C.-4A varsity run and a team of actual money or any other compen- two young ladies will also be included For December 7 freshmen in the yearlings race. Prov- sation in any other form." To Be Featured in the cast. Joan Langton, veteran of idence will be running against such Sponsoring the resolution are: James several Providence College presenta- Burke Announces top-flight opposition as Manhattan, Marshall, junior representative; Wil- At Farmers Festival tions, will portray Mrs. Gillis and Army, St. John's, Pennsylvania, New liam J. Conway, president of the Lillian Zelano, a newcomer to P. C., York University, Princeton, Michigan junior class: Ludger Gomez, treasurer The Senior class will present its fea- will represent Ruth. Announcement of the Friars For- State, and a host of others, probably of the Student Congress; Richard ture attraction of the year, the annual The Rev. John B. Larnen, O.P., club mal to be held Friday evening, De- numbering well over fifty. Buckley, junior representative and Farmers Festival dance, on this Sat- advisor, will supervise and Tom Kelly cember 7, in the Harkins Hall audi- A talented Army five will be heavy secretary of the Congress; James J. urday evening, November 17th, at 8:30 will direct The Men. torium was made yesterday by Robert favorites to "cop" the title. Sughrue, junior representative, and p. m. The scene of this affair will E. Burke '52, Providence, Friars Club Rated right behind the Army club, Charles Schlegel, junior representa- be the Harkins Hall Auditorium and president. In making public the date as strong contenders, are the Orange- tive. the Student Lounge, and the price of and committee, Burke emphasized the men of Syracuse who earlier in the admission is $1.50 per couple. To Hold Placement need for stronger student support of Also on the agenda of the meeting season lost to the Army harriers by the club, the college hospitality group. are the Inter-College dance which is Dancing will be to the music of the the scant margin of two points. The In order to carry out effectively the being co-sponsored by the NFCCS and Leonard Brothers' Orchestra, in an Conference Friday (Continued on Page 4) purpose of the group, that of making the Congress, and the adoption or re- atmosphere whose prevailing note will pleasant the stay of visiting athletic jection of a steering committee, a mat- reflect the gaiety and festivity of the The first in a series of senior place- clubs and representatives of other ter which was referred to the legis- harvest season. Dress will definitely ment conferences will be conducted colleges, additional revenue is needed lative committee for study and rec- NE 1st Army Chief be informal with one reservation. The by Maurice J. Timlin, College Place- and the dance is the only method of ommendation of action at the last Con- girls are expected to wear skirts in- ment director, on Friday, November raising funds for the club, he stated. gress meeting. To Inspect ROTC stead of slacks or jeans. For the square 16, and Tuesday, November 20 in Burke expressed the hope of sponsor- The Congress plans to have a cam- dance numbers a professional caller Room 210 at 12:30 p.m. More will be ing more student pep rallies before Major General Charles G. Helmick, paign for blood donors from the has been hired for this occasion. held after Thanksgiving, and they will the athletic contests, and providing commander of the New England Sub- school. A bloodmobile is coming Special feature will be the awarding continue as long as there is a demand better reception for visitors to the area of the First Army, will visit Prov- from the Newport Naval Station of a door prize and a special prize for for them, Mr. Timlin stated. college. "This can be done only if idence College Tuesday, November 20. to collect at least 650 pints of whole (Continued on Page 5) The purpose of these conferences is this dance, the only on-campus formal The purpose of General Helmick's blood for the armed forces. The Con- to make the senior start thinking dance during the entire year, has visit is to confer with the Very Rev. gress is to plan the campaign for about his post-graduate employment the general support of the student Robert J. Slavin, O.P., president, and donors and the method of operation far enough in advance to minimize any body," he concluded. to make an informal inspection of of this drive at this meeting. Openings Present possible period of unemployment after the ROTC unit. In order to raise money for the sup- For U.S. Army OCS Commencement, Mr. Timlin pointed Thomas V. Sullivan,'52, Providence, The General is expected to arrive of the NFCCS on campus the port out. was appointed general chairman of the at 2 p.m. and it is planned to have Congress is cosponsoring an intercol- an honor guard and the ROTC band Students of Providence College not The topics planned so far include annual affair. The dance committee legiate dance with the women's col- formed at the entrance to Harkins participating in the ROTC program "Operations of the Placement Office," includes: Advertising, Charles Schle- leges in the vicinity. The dance will Hall. General Helmick's itinerary will and students taking ROTC but not ' Interview Etiquette," and "Sources gal, chairman, John Conlon, William be run along the lines of the Student include inspection of the guard, a formally enrolled are eligible for ap- of Job Opportunities." Seniors are Congress dance held last April. McMahon, William Conway and meeting with Fr. Slavin, and a visit plication for officer candidate schools, strongly advised to wear suit coats Legislation before the congress for Thomas Haxton; Tickets, William to the various ROTC activities and it was announced yesterday by and ties to the conferences. At the action at this time comprises only the (Continued on Page 6) facilities. (Continued on Page 6) proposal by senior representative Colonel Roy P. Moss, PMS&T at Faulkner that the congress set up a P. C. steering committee. This body would The following telegram was received receive proposals to be made to the by Colonel Moss from the Army Com- McGrath Awarded Distinguished Guest congress and make up a calendar fomanderr : "Allocation of spaces for tit business of the meeting. For this classes through December has ex- Scroll At Dinner (Continued on Page 3) (Continued on Page 6) Attorney General J. Howard Mc- Grath, Providence College, '26, was honored at a testimonial dinner at the The Blood You Can Spare Can Hotel Commodore, New York, last Wednesday night by the New York Help Save Your Freedom Club of Providence College. Nearly 1,000 friends of the college attended the $20 a plate dinner, the proceeds By Bob Finneran the daily paper, some poor soldier was from which will go to the club's I offer nothing but blood, sweat, lying on the battlefield in need of scholarship fund. and tears." Those are the words blood. He needed blood! But it wasn't In honor of the occasion McGrath which Winston Churchill addressed to there, or should we say there wasn't was given a scroll which read: "It is the English people a few years back. enough to be administered to him. The indeed refreshing and encouraging to Blood, sweat, and tears is still the need for blood for these brave men is find an unassuming man whose question of the hour. Today the stu- urgent. genuine citizenship, untarnished pub- dents of Providence College are not Our armed forces have fought lic service and honest gentlemanly being called upon to offer their valiantly for the past year and four conduct have so well merited from his sweat, or tears, although some un- months defending the hills and rice friends and associates this signal mark fortunately, have been called upon to paddies in Korea.
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