BAHA'I NEWS BAHA'I ERA NO. 225 NOVEMBER, 1949 YEAR106 shape through the dust and confu­ sion of construction. In the future men will marvel that we had faith. Men will envy us the opportunity we had to be Temple-builders. The Master said the completion of the Temple will "mark the inception of the Kingdom of God on earth." And H e promised: ''Whosoever arises for the service of this build­ ing shall be assisted with great power from His Supreme Kingdom and upon him spiritual and heavenly blessings shall descend, which shall fill his heart with wonderful consola­ tion and enlighten his eyes by be­ holding the Glorious and Eternal God." Every day is important. -NATIONAL SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLY Echoes of European Conference The news received by the Euro­ pean Teaching Committee in letters PROGRESS REPORT: This picture, taken on August 31, ls published w g-.ve a from abroad demoJ11Strates the stim­ clearer idea of the first stages of interior construction. If you will look particularly ulating effect that the recent Brus­ at the columns at the right, you will see how it has been neces>'ary to cut a.way pan sels Conference had on the believers of the concrete in order to apply the cast stone mosaics. More than 75 percent of the isolated round columns were finished by the middle of Ocw1>er. The recirculatin1 in all of our "goal Countries'', firing. ventilation ducts ha.v_e been instilled in the dome, and ducts are being installed on them With a renewed sense of dedi­ the ceiling below the first gallery. Conduit, wiring, etc., is being installed a.s the cation, and with zeal and enthusi­ work progresses. asm. This had tangible expression in the post-Conference two-day meet­ Every Day Is Important . ing, the "echo", conducted by the Baha'is of Holland, }n Bussum (near When the austerity period started, ing to the whole world. The first re­ Amsterdam). This was held directly it looked like a long time. Two years sponse te the Temple Plan was tre­ after the Conference, and was at­ seems a long time. But one fourth mendous. But the crisis has not yet tended by believers from Norway, of the austerity period is now past, passed. We still have much to give. Denmark and Sweden, as well as be­ And events begin to crowd .upon us. In briefest form, this is our finan­ lievers from many other countries. We have won a great spiritual vic­ cial position. On September 30, we This occasion afforded an opportun­ tory in Europe. Too, our Latin Amer­ had $450 ,000 in the bank for Temple ity for real Baha'i fellowship and for ican brothers will soon have their construction. The greater part of this further discussion of basic Baha'i own National Assemblies. has been a single large, non-recur­ Teachings, The pleasure and the The da'ily news brings us a pic­ ring contribution from one individ­ benefit derived from . this little ture of discord and a growing threat ual. ($305,000 is due for construction " echo" was very real, as expressed of atomic war. work in 1949.) About $355 ,000 will be to the ETC in letters and reports. Every day is important, for the needed for construction in 1950. We . One of the happiest surprises for heart of our Temple is being com­ need more resolves and more sacri­ the visiting believers to the recent pleted. While fear may increase, we fi ce to meet the needs of 1950. The Conference was the Baha'i Center re­ have the promise of the Mas­ general budget (regular contribu­ cently established in Brussels (the ter: "Verily the founding of the tions from individuals, groups, and fi rst in Europe under the Seven Year Ma@riqu'l-Adhkar will mark the in­ Local Assemblies) is $16 ,233.87 be­ Plan), This center is so very digni­ ception of the Kingdom of God on hind. This affects our vital non-Tem­ fied and attractive, so effeciently earth." ple activities. functioning and radiating such a We must not falter or hesitate. Otir Day by day, the final beauty of the spiritual atmosphere that all were: daily sacrificial acts can bring heal- Temple unfolds. We can see it take deeply impressed by it. 2 NOVEMBER, 1949 This center has also proven a Public Relations great boon to the Brussels Commu­ As have most Baha'i committees nity, as a great deal of interest in during these times, Baha'i Public the Baha'i Faith has been aroused in that city due to the Conference and Relations has minimized certain the large public meeting held in phases of its activities. These in­ connection with it, and the Center clude national advertising and mail­ affords a most appropriate place to ing of __ the fp,miliar red-bordered meet with inquirers and to hold " World Religion" bulletin. This classes for riewly interested people. month, however, the committee re­ . The Bern, Switzerland Community sumes use of its office at 112 Linden ·bas just acquired a Center of its own avenue, Wilmette. To those friends and it is to be opened most auspi­ who have experienced delays in ciously by the holding of an all-Swiss receiving requested PR materials, Conference on November fifth and this announcement comes as good sixth. The idea of holding this Swiss news. All correspondence should be Conference was inspired during the directed to the PR secretary at this ·Brussels Conference by the desire of office. the Swiss representatives to share Meanwhile, the relations between with the believers at home the spirit the Baha'i community and the pub­ of the Conference and the material lic continued without interruption. used there for the consultations. Jmpressions continued to be made. Latest of national magazine refer­ Those participating will be the Mr. George TownShend, author of THE groups of Wolfhalden and Zurich, the HEART OF THE GOSPEL, THE PROM­ ences to the Faith appeared in the Communities of Geneva and Bern ISE OF ALL AGES, and the introduc­ September issue of the pocket-size and the isolated believers throughout tion to GOD PASSES BY, and many " Negro Digest." The Baha'i Temple others. 1\-lr. Townshend has recently left was displayed on the cover of Switzerland. his position as Canon of St. Patrick's The believers · in our "goal coun­ Cathedral in Dublin and Archdeacon of Ward's "Automobile Topics" and .tries" are very aware of the sacri­ Clonfert, to devote his whole time to well described in the recently pub­ pioneering in Dublin and in writing for lished "American Guide." From an fices that are being made by the the Baha'i Faith. Baha'is on the "home front" in car­ Eastern minister came a request for Temple slides to illustrate his lec­ rying out the objectives of the second "The Old Churches and the Seven Year Plan, and they have a Lure. Information and photographs deep sense of gratitude to them for New W orld-Faitb" were sent to a writer for a book on the bounty of receiving the Faith into George Townshend, former Canon religions he was authoring. From their own countries. A tangible ex- of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin, their vantage point overlooking Chi­ .; pression of this has come in the form formally withdrew from the Church cago, thousands of visitors to the of contributions to our Temple Fund recently. In a published statement towering Board of Trade building printed as a pamphlet, Mr. Town­ from several of these countrie~. were handed pamphlets describing :This indeed represents great sacri­ shend declared his relinquishment the Baha'i Temple, rising promi­ fice, as these struggling new com­ of Orders in the Protestant Episco­ nently to the northward. Elsewhere, munities are ·giving their "all" for pal Church of America into which Baha'i pamphlets were listed in the the promotion of the Faith in their he has been ordained in 1906 in the Vertical File, distributed to libraries home lands. diocese of Utah. and colleges. And plainly marked on Mrs. Mildred Mottehedeh and her Because of its potential signifi­ Rand-McNally maps of Chicagoland two attractive children visited many cance throughout Christendom in the is found " Baha'i House of Worship." of our "goal countries" this sum­ West, Mr. Townshend's statement To the Assemblies last month went mer, and Mrs. Beatrice Ashton was distributed by the British NSA to a special 19-day Feast bulletin. This visited some of them on her return e,100 leaders of thought in religious, time it featured ways and means of from Germany. These visits were of educational. social and cultural promoting the Baha'i Faith on UN the greatest help to the newly estab­ fields. Day, valued by the Guardian for its lished communities, and the ETC Mr. Townshend received a ' ·re­ publicity use. Also included were adds its warmest thanks to theirs markably kind" reply from the Bish­ publicity items of national interest for this assistance. op of Utah. He also had questions with suggestions for local adapta­ After the Brussels Conference Mr. from the Primate of Ireland, an in­ tion. John Robarts of Toronto, Canada vitation to speak to a religious so­ To the public the committee con­ paid a visit to most of our "goal ciety in London with an offer to print tini:ed its selected mailing program, countries", and we have received the address, and a number of pri­ national publicity coverage, re­ glowing reports of these visits from -;ate letters. sponses to queries, aids to colleges all of them.
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