International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development Online ISSN: 2349-4182, Print ISSN: 2349-5979; Impact Factor: RJIF 5.72 Received: 20-05-2019; Accepted: 22-06-2019 www.allsubjectjournal.com Volume 6; Issue 7; July 2019; Page No. 92-99 Status of available nutrients of soils under vertisols from washi tahsil of Osmanabad district of Maharashtra, India Priyanka B Patil1*, Prabhakar R Jatkar2, Prabhakar B Adsul3 1-3 Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Latur, Maharashtra, India Abstract The present research work was carried out during the 2012-13 to study the Status of available nutrients of soils under Vertisols from Washi tahsil of Osmanabad District of Maharashtra. For this purpose total 60 representative soil samples were collected from 30 villages and two soil samples from each village of Washi tahsil were collected according to their representative depths. From each village 2 soil samples Vertisols (>30 cm) were collected. In physical analysis Bulk density, Particle density, Porosity were studied. Average bulk density, particle density and porosity was ranges from 1.24 to 1.95 Mg m-3, 2.00 to 2.96 Mg m-3 and 13 to 55 per cent respectively. In chemical analysis viz., pH, EC, organic carbon, free calcium carbonate, macronutrient and micronutrient were analyzed. Available N, P and available K were varied from 62.50 to 619.00 kg ha-1, 5.30 to 44.80 kg ha-1and 142.20 to 944.60 kg ha-1. Exchangeable Ca++ and exchangeable Mg++ content ranged from 20 to 53 cmol (P+) kg-1 and 2 to 28 cmol (P+) kg-1, respectively and available S ranged from 2.99 to 67.94 mg kg-1. The DTPA- Fe, DTPA- Mn, DTPA-Zn and DTPA-Cu in soils varied from 1.26 to 6.36 mg kg-1, 1.06 to 12.6 mg kg-1, 0.12 to 1.60 mg kg-1 and 0.48 to 9.17 mg kg-1, respectively. HWS-B ranges from 0.03 to 1.18 mg kg-1. Keywords: physico-chemical properties, macronutrients, micronutrients, vertisols Introduction nutrients of soils under Vertisols from Washi tahsil to The extreme southern part of Marathwada is occupied with improve agricultural production by supplying required Osmanabad and Latur district. Geographically, Osmanabad quantities of nutrients through different fertilizers. district is located between 18o 28’ to 19o 28’ North altitude and 76o 25’ to 77o 25’ East latitude. The geographical area of Materials and Methods Osmanabad district is 7512.40 sq.km. The climate of the Out of 54 villages of Washi tahsil 30 villages were selected area is hot and dry having average annual rainfall 767.5mm. for this study. The villages were selected randomly in such These soils has light medium and heavy texture with way that it should cover whole area of the tahsil. Sixty soil undulating topography and varying in soil depth. This samples were collected from Vertisols of 30 villages of district comprises 8 tahsils, out of these, Washi tahasil is Washi tahsil. The selected villages from Washi tahsil of selected for study. In this tahsil, there is cultivation of Osmanabad district viz., Mandava, Junner, Dasmegaon, different cereals, pulses, oilseed and horticultural crops. Ghodaki, Gojavada, Gambhirwadi, Sarola, Para, Average annual rainfall was 715.6 mm Lakhangaon, Shendi, Bramhagaon, Pimpalgaon, Rui, The physico-chemical properties like pH, EC, calcium Pargaon, Shelgaon, Vijora, Bangarwadi, Ghatpimpri, carbonate and organic carbon play important role in relation Vesvandi, Bhaykundi, Washi, Golegaon, Sonarwadi, to availability of nutrients in soils and thereby on crop Khanapur, Indapur, Bori, Terkheda, Umra, Kadaknathwadi growth and production. The organic carbon is the store and Khamkarwadi were identified for collection of soil house of all plant nutrients. It provides good aeration, samples. These soil samples were dried and processed. The increases microbial activity, water holding capacity; samples were analysed for particle density and bulk density maintain the soil pH, CO2 level and calcium carbonate by Pycnometer and clod coating methods, respectively (Das content in the soils. (Malewar,1995) [11]. and Agrawal, 1997). pH and Electrical conductivity (E.C.) Every primary and secondary nutrient play important role in in 1:2.5 soil water suspension (Jackson, 1978) [8]. Organic soil to maintain the soil fertility and agricultural production. carbon estimated by modified method of Walkely and Black The physico-chemical characteristics, available macro and (Piper, 1966) [15]. The free calcium carbonate was micronutrient status in the soil profile helps in determining determined by rapid titration method as outlined by Piper the soil potential to supply nutrients for crop growth. (1966) [15]. Macronutrients (N,P and K) and micronutrients Available nitrogen was analyzed by using alkaline (Zn,Fe,Mn,Cu and B) are important soil elements that potassium permanganate method (Subbiah and Asija, 1956). control soil fertility. Soil fertility is one of the important Available phosphorus was determined by using 0.5 M factor controlling yields of the crops. The present sodium bicarbonate as an extractant by Olsen’s method on investigations were undertaken in Washi tahsil of spectrophotometer (Jackson, 1978) [8]. Available potassium Osmanabad district (M.H.) to know status of available 92 International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development was treated with normal ammonium acetate and potassium Results and Discussion was determined from the extract by using flame photometer Physical properties (Jackson, 1978) [8]. Exchangeable calcium and magnesium The data on physical properties of soils viz. bulk density, was analyzed by ammonium extracts of soils by titration particle density, and porosity of soils under Vertisol are with EDTA (Jackson, 1978) [8]. Available sulphur was presented in table 1. The results indicated that the particle -3 determined by using 1:5 soil and extractant, 0.15 per cent density of soil ranged from 2.0 to 2.96 Mg m , with mean -3 CaCl2 solution on spectrophotometer (Willams and value 2.39 Mg m . The particle density was higher, it might Steinberg, 1969). be due to large amount of heavy minerals such as magnetite, Micronutrients were estimated as per the procedure limonite and hematite are present in the soil. With increase described by Lindsay and Norvell (1978) [10]. For this 10 g in organic matter of the soil, the particle density decreases. finely sieved soil (0.5 mm) was taken in 20 ml of 0.005 M Singh and Mishra (2012) reported that the particle density in DTPA solution (Diethylene Triamine Penta Acetic Acid) Chairaigaon block of Varanasi district in U. P. soils varied containing 0.1 M triethanol amine and 0.01 M calcium from 2.0 to 2.6 g cm-3. Bulk density of soils under Vertisol chloride, adjusted to pH 7.3 with HCl for two hours and order ranged from 1.24 to 1.95 Mg m-3, with the mean value -3 [2, 9] then filtered and filtrate was subjected to measurement on 1.53 Mg m . Jagdish Prasad (2010) observed that the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS-200), at bulk density of soil was ranged from 1.39 to 1.76 Mg m-3 in different wavelengths for Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu. Available Nagpur district of Maharashtra in different horizons. boron was determined from soil samples by using Porosity of these soils varied from 13 to 55 per cent with Azomethine-H on spectrophotometer at 420 nm wavelength mean value 35.95 per cent. (Gupta, 1979) [7]. Table 1: Physical properties of soil from Washi tahsil of Osmanabad district under Vertisol Sr.no Vilage sample no Bulk Density (g cm-3) Particle density (g cm-3) Porocity (%) 1 Mandava 1 1.79 2.28 22 2 Mandava2 1.81 2.24 20 3 Junner 1 1.43 2.13 33 4 Junner2 1.33 2.34 44 5 Dasmegaon 1 1.42 2.43 42 6 Dasmegaon 2 1.55 2.42 36 7 Ghodaki 1 1.68 2.30 27 8 Ghodaki 2 1.37 2.23 39 9 Gojawada 1 1.79 2.37 25 10 Gojawada 2 1.33 2.00 34 11 Gambhirwadi 1 1.47 2.61 44 12 Gambhirwadi 2 1.41 2.03 31 13 Sarola 1 1.24 2.39 49 14 Sarola 2 1.65 2.65 38 15 Para 1 1.58 2.10 25 16 Para 2 1.38 2.14 36 17 Lakhangaon 1 1.43 2.25 37 18 Lakhangaon 2 1.38 2.51 46 19 Shendi 1 1.82 2.20 18 20 Shendi 2 1.69 2.29 27 21 Bramhgaon 1 1.50 2.31 36 22 Bramhgaon 2 1.50 2.41 38 23 Pimpalgaon 1 1.45 2.18 34 24 Pimpalgaon 2 1.75 2.60 33 25 Rui 1 1.48 2.36 38 26 Rui 2 1.37 2.54 47 27 Paragaon 1 1.53 2.26 33 28 Paragaon 2 1.34 2.30 42 29 Shelgaon 1 1.40 2.70 49 30 Shelgaon 2 1.53 2.41 37 31 Vijora 1 1.34 2.96 55 32 Vijora 2 1.52 2.80 46 33 Bangarwadi 1 1.44 2.62 46 34 Bangarwadi 2 1.48 2.65 45 35 Ghatpimpri 1 1.58 2.50 37 36 Ghatpimpri 2 1.53 2.80 46 37 Vesvandi 1 1.64 2.66 39 38 Vesvandi 2 1.80 2.30 22 39 Bhaykundi 1 1.62 2.63 39 40 Bhaykundi 2 1.53 2.37 36 41 Washi 1 1.71 2.45 31 42 Washi 2 1.33 2.20 40 43 Golegaon 1 1.47 2.44 40 93 International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development 44 Golegaon 2 1.62 2.56 37 45 Sonarwadi 1 1.50 2.12 30 46 Sonarwadi 2 1.63 2.50 35 47 Khanapur 1 1.42 2.23 37 48 Khanapur 2 1.36 2.26 40 49 Indapur 1 1.45 2.82 49 50 Indapur 2 1.55 2.73 44 51 Bori 1 1.95 2.24 13 52 Bori 2 1.37 2.08 35 53 Terkheda 1 1.81 2.19 18 54 Terkheda 2 1.76 2.35 26 55 Umra 1 1.60 2.45 35 56 Umra 2 1.69 2.36 29 57 Kadaknathwadi 1 1.58 2.05 23 58 Kadaknathwadi 2 1.36 2.20 39 59 Khamkarwadi 1 1.42 2.36 40 60 Khamkarwadi 2 1.47 2.63 45 Range 1.24-1.95 2.00-2.96 13-55 Mean 1.53 2.39 35.95 SE± 0.020 0.028 1.14 CV (%) 10.34 9.12 24.56 Physico-chemical properties The data on organic carbon and organic matter content in -1 The data on pH, EC, Organic carbon and CaCO3 in soils of these soils were ranged from 0.60 to 10.40 g kg with a Washi tahsil are presented in table 2.
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