Notes 1 A GORBACHEV EPIPHANY 1. Interview with Reagan in Washington Post, 26 Feb. 1988, A18. 2. A. W. DePorte, Europe Between the Superpowers: The Enduring Balance (New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1979), xii. 3. With some exceptions, for example, Michael Howard, 'The Gorbachev Challenge and the Defense of the West', Survival (Nov.-Dec. 1988). 4. Time, 4 Jan. 1988, 16. 5. New York Times, 16 May 1989, AI, A10. 6. Nezavisimaia gazeta, 8 July 1994, 1. Gorbachev's account of the 'political trial of the ex-President' is in his Memoirs (New York and London, Doubleday, 1995), 681-3. 2 THE OLD REGIME OF THE SOVIET COMMUNISTS: FOREIGN POLICY IN THE COLD WAR 1. Quoted in B. H. Sumner, Russia and the Balkans, 1870-1880 (Oxford Uni­ versity Press, 1937), 98. V. P. Potemkin (ed.), Istoriia diplomatii (Moscow, Gosudarstvennoe sotsialno-ekonomicheskoe izdatelstvo, 1941),470-71 trans­ lates Gorchakov's original French se recueille as sosredotochivaetsia (to be concentrated, fixed, focused). 2. Arkady N. Shevchenko, Breaking with Moscow (New York, Knopf, 1985), 156. Jon Jacobson, When the Soviet Union Entered World Politics (Berkeley, Los Angeles, University of California Press), 104. 3. Andrei Gromyko, Memories, trans. Harold Shukman (London and Sydney, 1989), 342-3. 4. Voprosy istorii, No.1 (1945), 4. 5. Khrushchev Remembers: The Last Testament (New York, Little, Brown, 1976), 393. 6. A. W. DePorte, De Gaulle's Foreign Policy, 1944-1946 (Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 1968),29-44. Georges Bidault, Resistance (London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1965), 147-9. 7. E. S. Varga, Izmeneniia v ekonomike kapitalizma v itoge vtoroi mirovoi voiny (Moscow, 1946), 226-68. 8. E. S. Varga, Anglo-amerikanskie ekonomicheskie otnosheniia (Moscow, 1946), 17-18. 9. E. S. Varga, 'Demokratiia novo go tipa', Mirovoe khoziaistvo i mirovaia politika (March 1947), 14. 10. Ibid., 10. 11. Ibid., 13. 12. Milovan Djilas, Conversations with Stalin (New York, Harcourt, Brace, 1962), 113. 13. Zhdanov's speech in Leningrad, 6 Feb. 1946, text in Pravda, 8 Feb. 1946, 3. 14. Ibid. 15. Text in Bolshevik, No.3 (Feb. 1946), 2. 356 Notes 357 16. 'Prikaz' of the Ministry of the Armed Forces, signed by Stalin, text in Pravda, 7 Nov. 1946, 1-3. 17. Zhdanov's speech of 6 Nov. 1946, text in Pravda, 7 Nov. 1946, 1-3. 18. Ibid., 2. 19. Stenographic record of the discussion in a supplement to Mirovoe khoziaistvo i mirovaia politika (Dec. 1947). 20. K. V. Ostrovityanov, '0 nedostatkakh i zadachakh nauchno-issledovatelskoi raboty v oblasti ekonomiki', Voprosy ekonomiki, No.8 (1948), 71-2. 21. Varga's testimony in a discussion in Voprosy ekonomiki, No.3 (1949). 22. E. S. Varga, 'Protiv reformistkogo napravleniia v rabotakh po imperializmu', Voprosy ekonomiki, No.3 (1949), 83-4. 23. Speech by Grosz on Hungarian television, FBIS-EEU (88-172),5 Sep. 1988, 19. 24. See Boris Nicolaevsky, 'SSSR i Kitai', Sotsialisticheskii vestnik (May 1955), 79-82. Also Boris Souvarine, 'L'Ordre des preseances au Politbureau sovietique', BEIPI (16-30 June 1953), 1-5. 25. Wang Ming, Mao's Betrayal (Moscow, 1979), 63-4. 26. Molotov's speech to the Moscow Soviet, 6 Nov. 1948, text in For a Lasting Peace, For a Peoples' Democracy, 15 Nov. 1948, 1. 27. Khrushchev Remembers (New York, Little, Brown, 1970),400-5. 28. Acheson's Testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 11 Sep. 1950 (Washington, US GPO, 1974), 374. 29. Sherman Adams, Firsthand Report (New York, Harper and Bros., 1961), 124. 30. J. V. Stalin, Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR, supplement to New Times, 29 Oct. 1952, 14. 31. K. V. Ostrovityanov, 'Sotsialisticheskoe planirovanie i zakon stoimosti', Voprosy ekonomiki, No.1 (1948), 30. 32. Edward Fursdon, The European Defense Community: A History (New York, St Martin's, 1980), 272-3, reviewing the ample evidence for this widely held view. 33. Mohamed Heikal, Cutting the Lion's Tail: Suez through Egyptian Eyes (New York, Arbor House, 1987), 104. 34. E. S. Varga, in a discussion in Voprosy ekonomiki, No.9 (1948), 54. 35. George Modelski, Atomic Energy in the Communist Bloc (Melbourne, 1959), 181-4. 36. Khrushchev Remembers, 498. 37. See Richard Lowenthal, World Communism: The Disintegration of a Secular Faith (New York, Oxford University Press, 1966), 79-80. 38. Anwar el-Sadat, In Search of Identity (New York, Harper and Row, 1978), 147. 39. See Tito's letter of 19 April 1957, text in Steven Clissold, Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union, 1939-1973: A Documentary Survey (London, Oxford University Press, 1975), 273. 40. People of the World Unite! Strive for the Complete Prohibition and Thorough Destruction of Nuclear Weapons, text in Peking Review, No. 32 (9 Aug. 1963), 11. 41. Maurice Couve de Murville, Une politique etrangere, 1958-1969 (Paris, Pion, 1971), 32-3. 42. David Schoenbrun, The Three Lives of Charles de Gaulle (New York, Atheneum, 1966), 291-4. Also, Alfred Grosser, La politique exterieure de la Republique (Paris, Editions du Seuil, 1965), 142-3. 43. For a colourful thesis of a Franco-American 'Cold War', in the currency markets, see Paul Einzig, The Destiny of Gold (London and Basingstoke, 1972), 84-90. 358 Notes 44. Apparently seeking US clearance to attack them. See H. R. Haldeman, The Ends of Power (New York, Times Books, 1978), 90-91; Henry A. Kissinger, White House Years (Boston, Little, Brown, 1979), 183-5. 45. Gromyko, Memories, 282. 46. Kissinger, White House Years, 1049. 47. Speech by Suslov in Tashkent, text in Pravda, 23 Oct. 1974, 2. 48. Ibid. 49. T. Timofeyev, 'Znamia revoliutsionnoi bor'by proletariata', Kommunist, No. 6 (April 1975), 99. Timofeyev was at the time director of the Academy of Sciences' Institute of the International Workers' Movement. Stalin's formula had been: 'As a result of the first crisis of the capitalist system of world economy, there issued the first world war; as a result of the second crisis of the capitalist system of world economy, there issued the second world war.' Speech of 9 Feb. 1946, text in Bolshevik (Feb. 1946), 2. 50. A. Mileikovskii, 'Bluzhdanie v potemkakh', Izvestiia, 17 Dec. 1974,3. 51. Timofeyev, 'Znamia revoliutsionnnoi bor'by', 105. 52. L. Agapov, 'Uspekhi sil demokratii', Izvestiia, 30 April 1975, 2. See also the interview with Cunhal in Pravda, 14 May 1975, 5. 53. S. Salychev, 'Revoliutsiia i demokratiia', Kommunist (Nov. 1975), 220-21. 54. 'Znamia revoliutsionnoi bor'by', 102. The slogan of the Offensive had been used by Bukharin, Bela Kun, August Thalheimer, and others in Germany before the disastrous March rising of 1921. 55. See Terry McNeill, The Specter of Vosnesenskii Stalks Suslov,' Radio Lib- erty Research, 338/74 (11 Oct. 1974). 56. L. Brezhnev, report to the Twenty-fifth Congress, Pravda, 25 Feb. 1976, 2. 57. Ibid., 4. 58. See William G. Hyland, Mortal Rivals: Understanding the Pattern of Soviet­ American Conflict (New York and London, Simon and Shuster, 1987), 131-5. 59. Korotich's memoirs, as excerpted in Nezavisimaia gazeta (July 1991), 15. 60. Mikhail S. Gorbachev, 'No Time for Stereotypes', New York Times, 24 Feb. 1992, A13. 3 HERO OF THE HARVEST 1. Martin Walker refers to Gorbachev's conversations in Britain on his 1984 visit in which he told reporters that his father had died in the war. Waking Giant: Gorbachev's Russia (London and New York, Pantheon), 1988, 2. Dev Murarka, Gorbachov: The Limits of Power (London and Melbourne, Hutchinson, 1988), 40, maintained, correctly, that he died in 1976. Gorbachev, Memoirs, 33, says that he was only thought to be dead in the Carpathians in 1944. 2. Interview of a classmate of Gorbachev's with the author, 1 June 1989. 3. 'Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev,' Pravda, 12 March 1985, 1; Ezhegodnik Bolshoi Sovetskoi Entsiklopedii (Moscow, 1987), 558. 4. Moscow Radio Home Service, 19 Sep. 1986, quoted in Murarka, 41. 5. Zdenek Mlynar, 'II mio compagno di studi Mikhail Gorbachev', L'Unita, 6 April 1985, 9. 6. Quoted in Wall Street Journal, 12 March 1985, 28. 7. Zhores Medvedev, Gorbachev (New York and London, Norton, 1986), 54-5. 8. Mlynar, loco cit. 9. Valery Boldin, Ten Years That Shook the World: The Gorbachev Era as Wit­ nessed by His Chief of Staff (New York, Basic Books, 1994), 175. Gorbachev, Memoirs, 97, says simply that he died of heart failure. Notes 359 10. On the decline of Kirilenko as 'Crown Prince', see Abdurakhman Avtorkhanov, Dela i dni Kremlia: at Andropova k Gorbachevu (Paris, YMCA, 1986), 61-2. Also Myron Rush, 'Succeeding Brezhnev', Problems of Communism (Jan.­ Feb. 1983), 3. 11. For the effects of the bombing, see Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan (London, New York, Cambridge University Press), 1986, 197-8. 12. Viktor Golyavkin, 'Iubileinaia rech", Avrora, Dec. 1981, 75. According to Elena Klepikova, who was an editor at Avrora before 1982, Romanov exer­ cised extremely tight control of content at the review. See Vladimir Solovyov and Elena Klepikova, Behind the High Kremlin Walls (New York, Berkeley Books, 1986), XVII-XVIII. 13. Interview with Kuzichkin, Time, 22 Nov. 1982, 33-4. 14. Gorbachev, Memoirs, 142-3; Amy Knight, 'Soviet Politics and KGB/MVD Relations', Soviet Union, Vol. 11, part 2, 1984, 157-81. 15. For example, Joseph Kraft, reporting on discussions with Roy Medvedev, in 'Letter from Moscow', The New Yorker Jan. 31 1983, 106. 16. According to a statement of negotiator luli Kvitsinsky, on Brezhnev's death. See Strobe Talbott, Deadly Gambits (New York, Vintage, 1985), 159. 17. Foreign Report (1766), 3 March 1983,5. 18. According to reports reaching Seweryn Bialer. See The Soviet Paradox: Ex­ ternal Expansion, Internal Decline (New York, Vintage, 1986), 95. 19. With Gromyko and Ustinov exercising a 'dual regency' (dvoekratiia) over the country, according to Gorbachev adviser A.
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