UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIRST COMMENCEMENT MAY 2021 3613_BigBook_Text_v2.indd 1 5/10/21 12:05 PM 3613_BigBook_Text_v2.indd 2 5/10/21 12:05 PM Honorary Awards, 4 Honor Societies and Awards, 8 Doctoral Degree Candidates, 11 University Council on Graduate Studies, 11 Doctor of Philosophy, 11 School of Nursing, 12 Doctor of Nursing Practice, 12 Eastman School of Music, 13 Doctor of Musical Arts, 13 Margaret Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development, 13 Doctor of Education, 13 Degree Candidates, 14 School of Arts & Sciences, 14 Bachelor of Arts, 14 Bachelor of Science, 19 Master of Arts, 24 Master of Science, 24 Edmund A. Hajim School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 26 Bachelor of Arts, 26 Bachelor of Science, 26 Master of Science, 29 Eastman School of Music, 31 Bachelor of Music, 31 Master of Arts, 32 Master of Music, 32 School of Medicine and Dentistry, 33 Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Philosophy, 33 Doctor of Medicine with Distinction in Research and Distinction in Community Health, 33 Doctor of Medicine with Distinction in Community Health, 33 Doctor of Medicine with Distinction in Research, 33 Doctor of Medicine, 33 Master of Arts, 34 Master of Public Health, 34 Master of Science, 34 School of Nursing, 35 Bachelor of Science, 35 Master of Science, 36 Eastman Institute for Oral Health, 36 Master of Science, 36 Margaret Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development, 37 Master of Science, 37 The Genesee, 40 3613_BigBook_Text_v2.indd 3 5/10/21 12:05 PM Honorary Awards Eastman Medal The Eastman Medal Doctor of Science George Eastman Medal recognizes individuals James Wyant ’67 (MS), ’69 (PhD) John “Dutch” Summers who, through their out- standing achievement James Wyant is a professor John “Dutch” Summers is and dedicated service, emeritus and the founding an entrepreneur and the embody the high ideals for which the University dean of the James C. Wyant CEO of Graywood Com- stands. College of Optical Sciences panies, a Rochester-based at the University of Ari- global private equity firm zona. The college, where he with more than 50 busi- has been a faculty member ness units in 13 states and 9 since 1974, was renamed in countries. his honor in 2019. Graywood Companies A leader in the field of began as a small tool and optical metrology, Wyant is die business started by a founder of two companies that produce optical mea- Summers’s father and grew to its current scope under suring equipment: the WYKO Corporation, which he Summers’s leadership. Summers continues to be served as president and board chair from 1984 to 1997, actively involved in Graywood Companies while also and the 4D Technology Corporation, which he served contributing financially and in-kind to a wide variety as board chair from 2002 to 2018. of community and philanthropic projects. Wyant has received several awards for his techni- Over the past few years much of his philanthropy cal work and entrepreneurialism, including the OSA’s has been focused on education. His interest in improv- Joseph Fraunhofer Award, SPIE’s Gold Medal as well ing the educational outcomes of our schools and col- as its Visionary Award, the State of Arizona’s Innova- leges and universities is one of his highest priorities. tor of the Year Award, the University of Arizona’s In 2017, he and his wife, business leader and Uni- Technology Innovation Award, and the Distinguished versity Trustee Sandy Parker, were the recipients of the Alumnus Award from Rochester’s Hajim School. Monroe Community College Foundation’s Salute to Wyant has contributed to the life of the University Excellence Award for commitment to public higher in many ways over several decades. He taught in the education and the community. The following year, Institute of Optics Summer School from 1983 to 2015; Rochester Institute of Technology’s Saunders School served on the Board of Trustees from 2012 to 2017, of Business presented Summers with the Herbert W. after which he became a Life Trustee; and honored his Vanden Brul Entrepreneurial Award, an award given former optics professor by establishing the M. Parker annually to an individual who has developed a business Givens Professorship in Optics. that improved the Rochester economy or whose in- He is a member of the National Academy of Engi- novative management skills have changed the course of neering and of the National Academy of Inventors, a an existing business. fellow and former president of the Optical Society of Summers has served on the board of directors of the America, and a member and former president of the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce and was in- International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE). ducted into the Rochester Business Hall of Fame in 2010. Wyant received a bachelor’s degree in physics from Case Western Reserve University before earning mas- ter’s and doctoral degrees in optics from Rochester. 4 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER 3613_BigBook_Text_v2.indd 4 5/10/21 12:05 PM Honorary Awards Charles Force Charles Force Hutchison and William H. Riker University Hutchison and Marjorie Smith Marjorie Smith Hutchison Award for Excellence in Hutchison Medal Medal Graduate Teaching The Hutchison Medal is the highest honor given Alice Holloway Young ’57 (MEd), Brian Brent to an alumnus, recogniz- ing outstanding achieve- ’69W (EdD) Brian Brent is the Earl B. ments and service to Alice Holloway Young is Taylor Professor at the community, state, and a groundbreaking educa- University of Rochester’s nation. Warner School of Educa- tor, community leader, and William H. Riker tion and Human Develop- children’s advocate. University Award for Born in 1923 in North ment. Beginning his career Excellence in Carolina, Young overcame as a certified public accoun- Graduate Teaching the challenges of growing tant, Brent developed an The award recognizes up in the Jim Crow South interest in school finance. a faculty member who before starting her career He entered graduate school has excelled in graduate in education at Cornell instruction, particularly with the Rochester City in the University’s doc- School District (RCSD) University, earning a master’s degree and a PhD before toral programs. in 1952. She was among the first African American joining the faculty of the Warner School. teachers in the district and the first African American During his Warner tenure, Brent has served as the to hold the titles of reading specialist, vice principal, senior associate dean for graduate studies and as the and principal for RCSD. Additionally, she wrote and acting dean. He currently serves as Warner’s faculty supervised the district’s first integration programs, ombudsperson for the University Ombuds Office and including the Urban-Suburban program, the oldest the Ombuds Affiliate Network. voluntary desegregation program in the country. She As a faculty member in the Educational Leadership retired from RCSD in 1985 as supervising director of Program, Brent teaches courses in administrative deci- elementary education. sion making and fiscal issues in schools and universi- Young also served as a founding trustee of Monroe ties. Among his priorities in these courses is providing Community College in 1961 and chaired the college’s students with the methodological skills needed to Board of Trustees from 1978 to 1998. conduct thoughtful decision analyses to improve orga- In March, Young was presented with the 2021 nizational policies and practices. Liberty Medal—the highest honor awarded by the Brent’s research interests include the equity of New York State Senate. The award, given for lifetime district- and school-level human and capital resource achievement and exceptional community acts, recog- allocation policies and practices, equity in the ability of nized Young’s impact on education in Rochester and districts to raise local revenues, and the cost-effective use Monroe County spanning more than 50 years. of education dollars. He has published on these topics She has received numerous other awards and in many forums and served on many editorial boards. recognitions, including a 2019 Icon Success Leader- Brent has received several awards for his scholarly ship Award from the Rochester Business Journal; a 2018 work and teaching, including the University’s Curtis Woman of Distinction honor from the New York State Award for Excellence in Teaching and the Jean Flani- Assembly; the Anne M. Bushnell Memorial Award for gan Award from the American Education Finance As- Special Achievement, the highest honor conferred by sociation. He has served on the board of the American the State University of New York Association of the Education Finance Association and is currently an Boards of Trustees of Community Colleges; and the advisory board member for the National Education Urban League of Rochester’s Distinguished Commu- Finance Academy. He has also served numerous school nity Service Award, among several other accolades. districts and educational institutions as a consultant Young has called her life’s mission “breaking down on financing. barriers so that others may shine.” COMMENCEMENT 2021 5 3613_BigBook_Text_v2.indd 5 5/10/21 12:05 PM Honorary Awards Edward Peck Curtis Award for Excellence Edward Peck Curtis Edward Peck Curtis in Undergraduate Teaching Award for Excellence in Award for Excellence in The teaching prize is Undergraduate Teaching Undergraduate Teaching awarded to a faculty member who has a Reinhild Steingröver Stewart Weaver proven record of classroom excellence Reinhild Steingröver is a Stewart Weaver is a profes- and who shows a professor of German at the sor of history whose teach- willingness to mentor Eastman School of Music ing encompasses a wide other educators. and an affiliate professor of range of subjects, including film studies in the Program global exploration, natural of Film and Media Stud- history, the History of India, ies in the School of Arts & British History, and the his- Sciences.
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