~ 01 owan Serville The State rlnit l er~ill/ of /olcn fllld the People of Iowa City Established- In 106& Associated Press Leased . Wire ADd Wirepheto Iowa City. Iowa. Friday. Sepk.'IJlber 11. 1959 ----------------------~----~--------------~--------------------------------------~----------~----------------~--------------------- • • • • e s s I I-ta OSltlve eas Also Reviews Ike's Veto String Snapped; European Trip Public Works Bill Passes On Radio-T.V. Says Talks With 'K' Could Lead To Summit [ House OKs Wants Peaceful SeHlement With China, But- WASHINGTON '" - President Eiaenhower Thursday nlaht caUed President's on Soviet Premier Nlldta Khru h· chev to bring constructi ve sug­ Can/t Be Bullied,-Says Nehru ,estJons for setUiIl( East-Wcst problems with hlnn on his trip to Housing Bill NEW DELHI, India IA'I - Prime Chinese thousands oC square miles nation in their pride and arro­ Minister Nehru said Thursday Rrd of Himalayan territory that India gance. ignoring the rest of ,I> .. the United States next week. Bond Ceiling Raised China can't push India around in has administered for decades. The world." Nehru said. "They valup The President told a nationwide their frontier dispute, but "I wi\! Chinese, for instance, claim near­ India's friendship only aL a very television-radio audlenc that se­ By Representatives always try to find a way to a ly half of the area's 35,000 square low estate in the final analysis. rious exploratory erforts In his peaceful settlement." miles. We value theirs and will continu') Wa hlngton talks with Khrushchev WASHINGTON (.4') - Congress Against the backdrop of a bristl· Red China apparenUy Is seeking to value it." could lead to a Big Four summit snapped President Eisenhower's ing exchange of charges of aggre~­ to bully India, Nehru said. But Parliament members cheer Jd conference_ unbeaten veto string Thursday to sion which the Soviet Union has he dismissed as silly any notion the when Nehru declared Jndia WJIl Slnc_ .,.mllminary .ffott., give Democrats a resounding late­ urgcd the two to settle peaceful I; Chinese can shove India about. maintain a "nonaligned foreign .1",~wlI ..!d. "may ,..." ..1 inning victory. the Indian leader offered one con­ "It sometimes seems as if China policy" in East-West affairs. re­ new oppertvnltles fer practical twwant rameYal ., some . With heavy Democratic major­ cession to lhr Peiping government is acting like some 19th century gardless of the Chinese attitude. prof,.... of Prcmiet Chou En-Iai. ., the c_, of tenIlons." ities in control, the House and world Senate overrode Eisenhower's veto Nehru said he is prepared to ]f the Soviet lewr comes to of a second pork barrel public agree to make Longju a no man's White Only Private Schools the United States with construc­ works money bill :.... the first time land - cleared of the forces of both tive Ideas and suggestions. that they've been able to enact legis­ sides - until its position is clari. could provide the ba Is {or latcr lation over a veto in tbe more fied by negotiation. respon Ible negoUalion on the Is­ Longju is the isolated post which Open In A Virginia County I than 6 ~ years of his presidency. sues, Eisenhower said. Chinese soldiers seized two week~ At the same time. the House Nine Negroes enrolled in first The chief e!(ccullve said his ago in a skirmish with India.c By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS talks with Khrushchev wlll not In­ completed congressional passage border. guards. The Chinese have grades in two more schools in the of a third-round housing bill Private schools for white sLu­ southern part of the state, joining clude any negotiation coDcernln, warned India against trying a subjects that relate directly to Al ­ shaped to meet most of the ob­ dents were opened Thursday in a 18 who entered six schools Wed­ counterattack. lied or other free world 1ntere t~. jections that caused Eisenhower "The matter is serious becau ~o Virgina county wilh no provision nesday. The Presldea, ~ I "" to reject two earlier bills in this I do not know how the Chinese made for educating 1,700 Negroes. Efforts to enLer a Negro girl in fieJd . Both those vetoes stood up. a".al - ..alnet the baclclrouncl mind is working," Nehru said. The answer in Prince Edward Lhe fourth grade of the Oliver J . ., crltlcl.M In some 4Ivamrs ., The President is virtually certain "We must try for all peaceful. County to the U.S. Supreme Court Semmcs School in Pensacola, Fla .. to sign this third-round bill. hi. I"vltatlon to Khrutflcflev - cooperatve methods of settlement ban on school segregation was were rejected by the county school tM Even with Thursday's setback, i ttMt Amerlcln public rec.lve while remaining careful and vig . termed the most serious develop­ board. The board declined to re­ the Kremlin chief clIVr1Mvsly. Eilenhower had an imprel$lve, lant" ment so far in the integration con­ a~ign the child from a Negro 145-1 veto scor. over Congress, The Pre id~nt said that If India's governmenL laid before troversy by Arthur S. Flemming, school, saying th reason for the I<brushchev'S visit brings him which has bNn dominated by the Parliament official notes that had secretary of welfare. request was insufficient. opposition Democratic party for some real appreciation oC the Am ­ heen exchanged brtween New In Tennessee, the first Negro .11 but two of his years in the crican spirit and principle • "thon Delhi and PeIping over the pa,t students in ihe history of Memphis WIIIt. HOUle. • five years on the frontier quarrel, Indeed the venture would be a State University were registered thoulland(old wort.hwhlIe." The House acted first on the which springs from differences that in a surprise action five days U.N. Unanimously . Ike Discusses ~hrushchev Visit started wbile Britain ruled Indill From hi .::tandpolnt, Ei nhow r ahead of registration of 4,000 white President eisenhower pose. in frvnt of hi. mlt:rophone III.t beforl h. bellan hil nationwide televillon­ pledged that "no principle or ra~l~o~o~s12b~~t~~ ~O:i~;D~fff~ and conservatives ran China oe­ stUdents. Dean R. M. Robinson ad­ Welcomes Arms fore World War I. ,adio address Thursday night. In the 15-mlnutt ,petch. ht cilltd on Sovlat Pr.milr Khrusltchtv to fundamental Intereat wllI be placet! two-thirds majority required to vised the three boys and five girls override. Each side accused the other of Talk Resumption brin, constructive su" ...tion. for "Hlin, Ellt-Wes' probllms with him on hi' visit nut wNIc to the upon an auction block" at tho aggression and demanded that the to stay off the campus until class­ conferences_ The result was greeted in the es open Sept. 18. United States_ HI also ur,ed thlt the Americln public r.ceiv. the Kremlin chief cour1Mvsl,.-AP El!lCflhower spoke from bls WhiL.! House ' by an exuberllnt burst of other withdraw its forces (roll I UNITED NATIONS. N. Y., IA'J ~ Wirlphoto. disputed areas. Prince Edward County is the The U.N. Disarmament Commis­ House office. He was seated at hL cheering Crom the Democrats and big desk, wblch was covered wIth silence from the Republican side. At tbe heart of the trouble is first in the nation to abolish public sion Thursday voted a unanimous a mapping problem. education. Eight schools set up by welcome to the Big Four plan to maroon fclt Cor the broadcast. Des Less than two hours later, the pite the heat from camera light , Senate completed the overriding Red China's maps show as the Prince Edward County School resume arms talks in a new 10- Foundation will provide for about nation body in Geneva early next Contract Talks Break Down Bond Pledged the President wore I vest with hJS action by a 73-23 vote, or eight oxford gray suit. more than two-thirds. 1,100 white students. year. Gaitskelt Asks Convocation ceremonies for 400- The action came after a threat­ Chairman J. William Fulbritht Unlike the House. there was no (D-Art. I, ., tfIe s-te Pwoi," applause or other demonstration Central European 500 high school students were held ened small-nation attack on the Between Meat Packers, Swift In Little Rock R.,atlon. ContmittH com- in Ihe Senate. Thursday in a theatre in Farm­ proposal was averted by intense mended EIHnhower fer ". 'Ye\"Y Only last week, the HOIIH - Disengagement ville. The current school term be­ diplomatic efforts behind the CHICAGO lNI - Contract nego- work immediately tei bring the ne­ Bomb Arrest clrtMrYatiyo and ....ibl. by • single vote - upheld Eisen· gan with half-day sessions in scenes. The vote brought to an tialions between Swift &. Co. and gOI iators together again. .,.ech." hower's Vito of an earlier pub~c LONDON (A'I - Labor party churches, lodge halls and other unexpected close a meeting of two Packinghouse unions broke · A mediation session late Thurs LI'ITLE ROCK, Ark . lft - Three "I don·t expect great results wrks bill carryln, funds for leader Hug h Gaitskell called private buildings. the 82-nation disarmament com­ down Thursday night when the day ended when the company re- Littl e Rock residents pledged $200,- from the President's talks with hundredl of navigation. flood Thursday Cor disengagement in The foundation was reported by mission. It had been expected to plied thaL it found nothing new in Premier Khrushchev," Fulbright 000 in property Thursday a bond control, rlclamatlon and other Central Europe. E. Louis Dahl. treasurer to have last two or perhaps three days. company rejected the unions' the unions' counter-propo ai , which told a reporter. "But I hope It IS projects all over thl nation.
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