University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 4-4-1934 Sandspur, Vol. 38 No. 26, April 4, 1934 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 38 No. 26, April 4, 1934" (1934). The Rollins Sandspur. 394. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/394 ROLLINS COLLEGE LIBRARY WINTER i-'ARi\, i'LORlDA Attend Chapel ttoiUnsi^Santi0pur VOLUME 38 WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, MAY 9, 1934 Helen Welch and Jeannette WORLD POETS ATIEND RHEA SMITH HAS Houghton Offer Song Recitals SCHRAGE WINS FLASHES Jeannette Houghton, contralto, Helen Welch, soprano, assisted YEAR'S LEAVE assisted by Vincent Canzoneri, vio­ by Virignia Orebaugh, pianist, PRESIDENCY OF From the United Press linist, gave a senior recital Tues­ gave a senior recital Thursday eve­ Popular History Prof to Study day e/aning, May 8th, at tlv! ning. May 3, at the Woman's Club. For Ph. D. Woman'sClub. Mrs. Emelie Dough­ Mrs. Emelie Dougherty accompan­ FRANCE MAY DEFAULT erty and Lillias Parker accompany ied Miss Welch on the piano. The STUDENT BODY DEBT INDEFINITELY led Miss Houghton and Mr. Can­ program was as follows: Rhea M. Smith, zoneri on the piano. The program Paris: (Copyright) France pre­ 1 assistant profes­ was as follows: pared to continue indefinitely as Davenport, Childs, Parmley, Dans las Gigue Poldowski Washington and Cushman also As­ sor of history at 1 a war debt defaulter unless Roose­ Eldredge, Are Guests of Apres un Reve Faure Rollins College, Voce di donna o d'angelo, from velt was willing to accept a nom­ Florida University Si J'etias Jardinier Chaminade sume Office as Candidates are has been granted "Las Gioconda" Ponchielli inal token payment on installment Villanelle dell' Acqua a year's leave of 2 plan due June 15. It indicated au­ Four members of the Rollins 2 Elected on First Ballot absence so that he Krst Movement from the Con­ thoritatively today that so con­ Waltz in C sharp minor ....Chopin Poetry Society drove to Gainesville may complete his certo in E Minor ..Mendelssohn David C. Schrage, of Oak Park, 111., was elected presi­ vinced is government of national Fantasie Impromptu Chopin last Saturday to attend a meet­ studies at the 3 dent of the Rollins Student Association last Thursday, de­ opinion against meeting full pay­ 3 ing of the various Florida chap­ University o f feating his opponent, Olcott Deming, of Redding, Conn., by ment that it believes it will risk Lascia ch'io Pianga Handel Die Lotosblume Schumann Pennsylvania for the vote of 179 to 132. its life even by making token pay­ ters, which was being held at the L'Heure exquise Hahn his Ph.D. degree, Sandmannchen Brahms Also, Richard Washington was chosen vice president ment. It was said to ask Chamber University of Florida. Unfortun­ Sf^fT-A/ Ouvre tes Yeux blues ....Massenet President Hamil­ Voi lo spaete—from "Cavalleria Dorothy E. Smith with 186 of Deputies to meet the full pay­ O Kuhler Wald Brahms ately the Tallahassee section was ton Holt has announced- Rusticana" Mascagni votes to 134, while Nancy Cush­ ment, amout 41 millions, or pay­ Widmung Schumann unable to go but the Rollins and Mr. Smith joined the faculty in 4 Poetry of Maxeda man assumes the office of Secre­ ments defaulted since December, 4 University of Florida groups car­ history at Rollins in 1930 as an in­ Scherzo in E minor ..Mendelssohn tary with 178 ballots to Katrina 1932 totaling 82 millions. The cab­ On Wings of Song .Mendelssohn- structor. He was graduated from Grillen Schumann Hess Appears In Knowlton's 136. inet said that it believed it would ried on without them. Achron Southern Methodist University at Des Abends Scnumann Though the election and cam­ certainly cause its overthrow and John Davenport, Betty Childs, Sicilienne e Rigauson ..Francoeur- Dallas, Texas, with a B.A. degree Danse Debussy Literary Digest paigning was carried on with none bring a political crisis that might Dorothy Parmley and Marlen El­ Kreisler. in 1928 and from Princeton Uni­ 5 of the usual fanfare and sensation­ precipitate grave disorders. dredge were welcomed on their 5 Literary talent of Rollins Col­ versity with an M.A. degree in Flame Daniel Wolf alism, interest and political mach­ arrival in Gainesville by Billy When Love is Kind ..Old Melody lege again came to the fore, when 1929. Before he came to Rollins he Night and the Stars Townsley ination were at a high pitch, as Blois, treasurer of the Poetry So­ a poem by Maxeda Hess, a junior was a member of the history fac­ arr. by A. L. The Crying of Water ....Campbell- evidenced by the high number of CHICAGO CLUE ciety, and Mr- Mounts, founder of and member of the Kappa Kappa ulty at Southern Methodist for one Swans Kramer Tipton. ballots cast. IN ARIZONA CASE the organization in that college. Gamma Sorority, was printed in year and at the University of Tex­ Shadow March Del Eiego Love Went A-Riding Bridge 311 Ballots Cast During the course of the afternoon the Current Poetry page of the Chicago—Police were told today as for one year. Enough Marsh For the first time in many they watched the swimming meet May 5th edition of Literary Di­ in a mysterious telephone call that At Rollins, Mr. Smith has been Robin, robin sing me a song Spross years all candidates were selected between Rollins and Florida, and Virginia Ann Shrigley, contral­ gest. Miss Hess has for some time six-year-old June Robles, kidnap­ active in dramatics, having played on the first ballot. Before the day were shown around the campus May 15, Bruna Bergonzi, cellist, to will give a senior rectal Thurs­ shown promise as a coming poet­ ed from Tuscon, Ariz., two weeks in several productions under the was over, three hundred and elev­ and town by members of the Theta will also give a recital at the Wo­ day evening. May 10- She will be ess, and recognition by a best sell­ ago, is safe in Chicago. The mar direction of Miss Annie Russell, in­ en students had dropped their votes Kappa Nu fraternity, at whose man's Club. All recitals begin at assisted by Dorothy Edwards ing popular magazine is a great who telephoned police headquar­ cluding "The Thirteeenth Chair," in the ballot box, the greatest num­ house they were staying. 8:15 promptly. Smith, pianist. step up the ladder of fame. ters requested the girl's parents ber of votes ever cast in a Rollins "Hedda Gabler," and others. Mr. Entitled "Breadline," the poem be instructed to bring $25,000 to An informal dinner of the Flor­ student election. The campaign and Mrs. Smith plan to live in Phil- touches a sombre chord in the sym­ Chicago and to obtain further ida College poets was held at the was in great contrast to the elec­ while he is following his phony of modern life. Literary Di­ structions from "Benjamin Frank­ Hotel Thomas in the evening. Dean tion last fall, which was marked graduate studies at the University. gest comments, "That youth is lin" at a large loop hotel. Harry Trusler presided and filled HOLT BACK FROM ROLLINS FROSH by floaters, blaring bands, air­ prone to strike a tragic note." The the role of toastmaster, while Mel planes and general noise and hulla­ Detectives found no one regis­ poem is quoted below. Richard, president of the Florida baloo. tered in the hotel under that name "Breadline" Chapter, and Miss Betty Childs, Schrage is a member of the but questioned Barney Franklin, PLAGE SECOND When Hunger stalks the Day-wind president of the Rollins chapter, Kappa Alpha Order, while Dem­ owner of the popular Rathskeller, And Night is stark and chill, spoke briefly. Mr. Mounts made ing belongs to the X Club. Dick who does live there. Franklin de­ First Year Class is Topped Then marrowbones run hollow. several announcements and called students Meet Train Bring­ Washington of Kappa Phi Sigma, nied any knowledge of the case. Only by Sweet Briar The heart turns numb and still; on Professor Campbell for an im­ ing Him from North received the higjhest number of Song is an empty comfort, promptu speech since the chief For the second consecutive year, votes cast for any one candidate, A large crowd of Rollins stu­ Laughter, an echo-sound; KIDNAP CHARGE speaker of the evening. Prof. Wil­ the freshman class at Rollins Col­ over Dorothy Smith of the Chi Marion Morrow to Portray dents met the 1:10 tiain from the Conformity's a whiplash IS DROPPED lard Wattles, had been unavoidab­ lege has been found to be the sec­ Omega Sorority^ Nancy Cushman Title Role in Famous Play North at Winter Park Monday af­ To drive tame beasts around; ly detained. ond "smartest" first-year class is a Kappa Kappa Gamma, while Los Angeles—^The state's case ternoon to welcome President Ham­ Love runs thin and bitter, among the colleges of the South­ her opponent Katrina Knowlton, against R. C. "Danny" Dowling, After the dinner there was a The cast for "Anna Christie/' ilton Holt after a month's speak­ Faith is a brittle thing, ern Association, according to re­ belongs to the Pi Beta Phi Sor­ film dancer, charged with the kid­ meeting at the Theta Kappa Nu the last of the Student Company ing tour in states along the At­ For—if the stomach's empty.
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