IPage 5 t---- Page 6 Page 9 Whose Money? Heart ariif Rome Code Blue Small cast brings wealth of Writer reveals the rewards Nursing students participate in experif!nce to Takena stage. of retum' to hi$ roots IocaJ mock disastf!r drill .". THE COMMUTER~u~:ion I VoIuW24INumber 3 Jackson rips Republicans at Corvallis rally this year when Bush visited a modem supennarket Jackson claims Bush can't understand in Florida, Jackson said "of course Bush didn't rec- ognize a grocery scanner because he's never had to the pain of unemployment because he .__ e.- shop for groceries. Quayle can't spell potato because never had to hold a job in his life he never had to eat one as a serious meal," Jackson continued. By ShaUDdaAmUD~D AuCoin, who is running against Republican in- Of the Commuter cumbent Sen. Bob Packwood, was also endorsed by It was a miniature Democratic convention in Jackson. Corvallis on Monday and the Rev. Jesse Jackson was "I now know where the name 'Packwood' came the frontman. from. He's been packing out the wood and sending it The crowd roared as Jackson finally made his out of state," Jackson commented. "He agreed with appearance at OSU'sMcAlexander Fieldhouse about . a proposal to give big lumber companies a hundred- 3:30 p.m. After speeches were made by two OSU million dollar tax break" and took logs and jobs out students along with Rep. Mike Kopetski, D-Ore., of the state to "tote them to Japan and China." and Rep. Les AuCoin, D·Ore., the room was almost Jackson and AuCoin then led the crowd with a full .with around 300 people anxious to see the "No on 9" chant. AuCoin said the controversial charismatic leader ofthe Rainbow Coalition. measure: which would forbid the government from "Rebuild America" and "Keep Hope Alive" were encouraging promoting or facilitating homosexual- Jackson's themes. He endorsed the Clinton/Gore ity, pedophilia, sadism or masochism, is the most ticket by saying Clinton represents hope and is "a important issue to vote on in November. step in the right direction." During visits to MedfOrd, Ashland, Eugene and He also endorsed the Democrats by criticizing Corvallis in the past four days, Jackson emphasized President George Bush and Vice President Dan that every vote counts and that voters have the Quayle. power to make a difference in society. "!te's insulated from pain," Jackson said of'Bush. "We're going to change America by hope and help, "He can't understand the pain of unemployment . Photo by Linda Wall ece not by hurt and hate. We're going to make America because he's never had ajob. Quayle has always had better because people need it," Jackson concluded as positions and privileges. The Rev. Jesse Jackson amy8S at OSU Monday he asked the audience to volunteer to help with the Referingtoanincidentduringtheprimariesearlier with Stacy AuCoin, daughter of Les AuCoin. elections and make a difference in the community. Me8itlre9pt; toconsider New voterreqlstratlon soars aftlnnlngnon-d~OJ1_1es in Linn and Benton counties wmreaftirmtheaistmrpolieiIBin ~ to dillCdl/llhatiOil and aea· By Lori Turner just the presidential election to con- c1fmdc fteedmD Of The Commuter sider. The voters will also be deciding '"1'he _h.....i1llage in ret "OIl Linn and Benton County clerks are on state, county, and city offices· and totaki1I(poJWeallltandaitatitab overwhelmed with the highest voter nine controversial measures. Thornhill here" eaicl CanlahaiL '1'bll PUlP lie registration tum out in history. said she couldn't stress the importance orthe rflII')Jvtion it to "JulIna ex· The Linn Coimty Clerks Office said of "getting out and voting!" this Nov. 3. iatinc policiur proeedwel. aad they were amazed at this year's tum priDcip1es relating to the fu"dions out of thousands more voters than ex- of the coD• .- Caiuban ...... • pected. The petition drive for Ross Perot The topi(l atM. .tIjl t WIllI"" in Linn County was a factor for in- enlC1 at the board'_ Jut wlllblulp. creased registration according to Steve becauIB the ~ e-mumty Druckenmiller, the Linn County Clerk. Colle&e ~ iSIIWld a preM The standing count is 54,957, but an releallll stating oppoaiton to the accurate number couldn't be given be- measure: Camaharll"'bnJtted that fore the final tally. LBCC probably wouldn't have As of Wednesday, Oct. 19, Benton ~ a r88Olu.tiOll if the OCCA County had 43,466 registered voters, had not taken a lItand on me&lIUl'e. beating the record set in 1984 of41,936. Carnahan ill not wonied about The Benton County Elections office· Measure 9 aft"ecting LBCC', "We, said they hadn't counted the last week 1DemocraIB beirigthe collep, willCOlltinueto do of~egistration. Although the numbers what _lIaveJJeeri doing and what 2 RepublIcans _ feal illJiabt. were not being released, OSU had a .: 3 Independent high tum out this year. Carnahan also lItrelllllld the fact The voter registration drive at the = that there.,. a\ready 6lcu1tyeen- state's public colleges and universities t.raci& in p\ace whichpnhibit 4ilI- has produced more than 15,000 new criminatiOll inhiring~. a· voters, according to the AP. I_ equa\ oppbrtunity ettiploy- ment and aftimative action and Holly Thornhill, from the Student IlUpports academic freedom. Programs office at LBCC,' said they The board meeting illbeing held , received around 165voter registration P.... 1dent Jon carnahan Will Wednesday, Oct. 21 at the Lebanon cards this fall and over 200 last spring P!'I1I1lI a pnlpOUl to the LBCC Center, 550 Main St. and illopen to when representatives from both the BOlIId of Educa...,n tonight In the public. The board will vote to Democratic and Republican Parties INPOIIM to ..... lInt 9. adopt or deeliRe the relIt1ution. carne to Linn Benton. Thornhill said there is more than 2 The CommuterlWednesday OCt. 21,1992 ------------- This will be a public service announcement. AIId if it is heeded, thousands ofpeople - maybe millions- might be spared emotional misery. It was suggested to me by a man who is the father of two children, ages 5l!J1d 1.We will call him Jim. He doesn't want his identity revealed because he doesn't want to hurt the feelinp ofwell.meaningfriends and rtllatives. "But if you write about this problem,· he said, "maybe they will see it and get the message.· Itis about tOys. I mlk "Basically, there are two kinds of toys,. Jim says. e 'There are noisy toys, and there are toys that are not •• r••o.y.k_o.... noisy." ' Now, who buys noisy toys? Do parents buy noisy toys? Of course not When you have a child, the child is noisy enough. So why would you buy it sometbingthat will make even more noise? "All you have to do is go in a toy store and w&tch people. Those who are parents are buying quiet toys . • Soft dolls, board games, coloring boob, thingB that rattle quietly. " Then go over and look at the people who are buying noisy toys. Thinp thatrequireb8tteriesand when the child pressesabutton it makes a sound = like World War m is breaking out. rn tell you who they are. They are friendsorrelativesofsomebodywhohasacbild,andtheyarebuyinganoisy toy for that child, the dumb (deleted). "Then they C01lle over and give the kid the toy, and they laugh at how happy the Jdcl is because when he presses a button it makes a noise like a ftreengine,and when he~anotber button, it makes anoise like a 747 is landing on the roof. And they say: 'Look, he loves it.' "Of course he loves it.And he'll love it even more when he notices that his parents hate it. It will beoome hislaverite toy. But they go home and leave you there with t'he kid and the noisy toy. BO whatare you going to do? Take it away from him and put it on the floor and jump on itand crush it? Of course not, because you'll traumatize him. It is now his favorite toy. To hell with the quiet jigBaw puzzle. "You'D get in the car and tie pulling out of the driveway, when all of a sudden you hear machine-gun bullets ~ .... to your ear, and you almost run into a light pole, and itis your kid in the back seat pressing the buttAIn with the thing next to your ear. "And drums. No sane parent would buy his kid a drum or a set of drums. "But the people w 0 gave im rums or ~es won't1l~. They bring misery into your life, and they move on. "Another one is the pIastic tricycle that goes clickety-elack. Yeah, someone dropped one of those on us. "On each of the back wheels, there is something that goes clickety·clack when the wheels tum. You can hear it a'block away. Of course, if you're takingyour kid to the playground, you aren't a block away: you're right next to it. And when you walk past people sitting on their porch, they look at you like you are some kind ofidiot. "And what makes this thing even worse is that you have to put it together yourself. Which reminds me of something else. Did Isay there are two kinds of toys? ~cl, there are four. The other two kinds are toys that you don't have to put together and toys that you have to put together, and you have to be a damn engineer to figure them out. "I never buy toys1;hat I have to put together because-I end up stabbing ,myself with the little kitchen knife that I'm using because} can never find the Phillips screwdriver.
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