Quarterly Issue 4, April 2012 Advancing Peace & Reconciliation for Somali People

Quarterly Issue 4, April 2012 Advancing Peace & Reconciliation for Somali People

UN POS Quarterly Issue 4, April 2012 Advancing Peace & Reconciliation for Somali People UNPOS relocates to Mogadishu UN POSPO From the desk of the SRSG SRSG Augustine P. Mahiga elcome to the fourth edition of the 2#3$:%,$''$G*-$'HI'.$ Q27%64#,2R$V$30%2#$;0%$*,#$=#&#[36&8$:,%<$ UNPOS Quarterly Magazine. It If there is a key point that has emerged #R74%636&8$30#$7,%3,*"3#5$"%&\6"3$30*3$0*2$ Wpleases me to be writing to you from the Garowe process, which has been 7,#1*64#5$ 6&$ @%<*46*$ %1#,$ 30#$ 7*23$ 3;%$ from Mogadishu, where I relocated my of- =,%*54-$6&"4+261#$*&5$0*2$,#46#5$0#*164-$%&$ decades. Let me emphasize an important ["#$%&$'($)*&+*,-.$/$0*1#$2#334#5$6&$30#$"*76 - 30#$6&7+3$*&5$6&\+#&"#$%:$*$;65#$*,,*-$%:$ point: there is a role for all people of good- tal where our close proximity to and daily "6164$ 2%"6#3-$ <#<=#,2C$ 63$ 62$ 30#$ ,#*46>*36%&$ will in the political process. Those who do engagement with our Somali interlocutors that the transitional processes are neither ex- not want stability in Somalia or who are is helping us to “make up for lost time.” I "4+261#$&%,$3%7$5%;&.$K$B%&2363+#&3$K22#< - 3,-6&8$3%$"6,"+<1#&3$30#$7%4636"*4$7,%"#22C$$ continue to encourage other members of bly that looks like Somalia – with as many ;0#30#,$8,%+72$%,$6&56165+*42$*&5$,#8*,5 - the international community to join us here *2$ICHHH$@%<*462$:,%<$1*,6%+2$"%<<+&636#2$ 4#22$ %:$ 30#6,$ 7%4636"*4$ %,$ ,#4686%+2$ *:[46* - without delay to show their continued en- – will be established. Representation will 36%&2C$ <+23$ =#$ 65#&36[#5$ *&5$ 5#3#,,#5.$ /$ gagement with Somalia and to be on the come from the grassroots. This will require remain deeply concerned by the conscious 8,%+&5$3%$0#47$*51*&"#$30#$7#*"#$7,%"#22. an enormous amount of work to meet the #::%,32$=-$8,%+72$*&5$6&56165+*42$3%$5#,*64$ 90#$7*23$:#;$<%&302$0*1#$=##&$:+44$%:$ 5#*546&#2$30*3$0*1#$=##&$2#3.$90#$;%,45$62$ the Roadmap, engineer another extension 5,*<*36"$ #1#&32.$ 90#$ "%+&3,-$ 0*2$ =##&$ ;*3"06&8$*&5$;#$0*1#$&%$36<#$3%$4%2#. %:$30#$3,*&2636%&$*&5$3%$%=23,+"3$6&"4+261# - embroiled in a parliamentary crisis which L630$@#"+,63-$B%+&"64$M#2%4+36%&$'HNO$ ness which the Roadmap and the Garowe 0*2$:,%>#&$#1#&$30#$<%23$=*26"$*"361636#2$ P''$ ?#=,+*,-$ 'HI'Q$ #R7*&36%&$ %:$ *&5$ 30#$ process seek to accomplish. of the lawmakers. Despite the sobering SAR2$2+77%,3$3%$KG/@TGC$30#$KS$:%,"#2$ This is a remarkable time for Somalia: backdrop of the current situation, it is will be in a position to further stabilize there is a new sense of energy in the air as also a moment of great opportunity. We the security situation in Mogadishu and we work to meet the high benchmarks set *,#$2+""#22:+44-$<##36&8$268&6["*&3$<64# - beyond. Already AMISOM has made sig- for the country. It can be felt in the inter- stones in the Roadmap to end the transi- &6["*&3$8*6&2C$*&5$;630$30#$*55636%&$%:$30#$ national fora, such as the London Confer- 36%&.$?%44%;6&8$30#$[,23$@%<*46$A*36%&*4$ Kenyan Defense Forces, we expect that this ence, which injected a fresh momentum B%&2+43*361#$B%&2363+36%&*4$B%&:#,#&"#$6&$ trend will continue. As the number of re- *&5$ 5#<%&23,*3#5$ 30#$ 4#1#4$ %:$ *<%&823$ Garowe, Puntland State, in December, we "%1#,#5$*,#*2$8,%;2C$63$;644$=#$*$7,6%,63-$3%$ the international community. It can be held a second successful Constitutional support the TFG to promote social recon- seen amongst the Somali actors who are Conference from 15-17 February. This ciliation, restore law, order and justice and ,#6&168%,*3#5$;630$*$2#&2#$%:$+,8#&"-$*&5$ #1#&3C$D&%;&$*2$E*,%;#$//C$*,36"+4*3#5$*$ encourage the timely formation of local direction leading to the end of the transi- "4#*,$1626%&$:%,$@%<*46*R2$:+3+,#$8%1#,& - *5<6&623,*36%&2$ 30,%+80$ "%&2+43*361#$ *&5$ tion and a new phase of Somali history. ment, comprising a federal system with an 6&"4+261#$7,%"#22#2.$K2$/$0*1#$%:3#&$2*65C$ The Somali status quo will change and upper and lower house and membership 30#$@%<*46$7%7+4*36%&$<+23$:##4$30#$=#&#[3$ the way forward is being led by you, the comprised of at least 30 per cent women. %:$30#$7#*"#$56165#&5$*2$2%%&$*2$7%226=4#.$ Somali people. We stand beside you and Adoption of the draft Constitution by the Another message I shared with the Se- shall continue to do so. ! National Constituent Assembly has been curity Council was a word of warning to SRSG Augustine P. Mahiga 2 Quarterly Newsletter - Issue No. 4, April 2012 UN POSPO In this issue 2 SRSG Letter to the Somali People 4 SRSG for Somalia moves to Mogadishu after 17 year absence 5 Burmese hostages head home after a year held by Somali pirates 6 !"#$%&%$'()*"+,-)\/0),-/&1)#+23%/2 7 Civil Society calls for Roadmap involvement 8 Somali archives in danger of disappearing 9 41(&'$15)!"#$%&2)61"7&(&'8)/0,1$"1(&'$15)2/17&3/2 10 9%&):+2/)M)!$7&'8)%&7/2)+'(/1)[1/)=>?@ 11 Aid level in Somalia must be sustained 12 TFG moves to prevent the recruitment of child soldiers 13 Leadership learns to delegate at Garowe conference 14 Somali women’s efforts pay off at last 15 UN Secretary General visits Somalia 15 Update on Joint Security Committee 16 International Meetings roundup 17 DDR for a stable and durable peace in Somalia Contact: !"#$%&'()*+,-./%+)'0*[&23'4)%/25'6./%+)7'!+$%/%&.$'0*[&2'*+,'8+-.$%. Email: [email protected] Website: www.unpos.unmissions.org Quarterly Newsletter - Issue No. 4, April 2012 3 UN POSPO SRSG for Somalia moves to Mogadishu after 17 year absence By Nick Birnback, Chief of Public Information, UNPOS *$4*,8#$*+56#&"#$%:$@%<*46$%:["6*42C$567 - lomats and the media and then held pri- 1*3#$562"+226%&2$;630$*$&+<=#,$%:$@%<*46$ 0680V4#1#4$%:["6*42. K:3#,;*,52$0#$3,*1#44#5$=*"D$3%$30#$/& - 3#,&*36%&*4$K6,7%,3$3%$,#16#;$*$E+*,5$%:$ Honour of the African Union troops and 7*-$3,6=+3#$3%$30#$2*",6["#2$%:$=%30$30#$KS$ *&5$@%<*46$@#"+,63-$@#,16"#2$6&$*51*&" - ing the cause of peace. The SRSG also spoke by phone to the UN Secretary-General to inform him of 062$ *,,61*4.$ /3$ ;*2$ 30#$ @#",#3*,-VE#&#,*4$ ;0%$*&&%+&"#5$5+,6&8$062$4*&5<*,D$16263$ to Mogadishu last month that UNPOS Ambassador Mahiga meets with President at Villa Somalia. Credit: Stuart Price AU/UN IST would be relocating to Mogadishu. 0#$ @7#"6*4$ M#7,#2#&3*361#$ %:$ 30#$ said that being based in Mogadishu would The last SRSG to be based in Moga- Secretary-General for Somalia, help UNPOS work more closely with its 5620+C$ )*<#2$ \6"3%,$ E=#0%$ %:$ E0*&*C$ TDr. Augustine P. Mahiga, formally 7*,3&#,2$ 6&"4+56&8$ 30#$ @%<*46$ E%1#,& - %7#&#5$30#$SAWT@$%:["#$6&$G%8*5620+$ <#&3C$SA$*8#&"6#2C$"6164$2%"6#3-$*&5$%, - %&$9+#25*-C$'($)*&+*,-$'HI'.$ dinary Somalis. He praised the foreign X,.$ G*068*C$ ;0%$ \#;$ 6&3%$ 30#$ 6&3#,&* - diplomats based in Mogadishu and said he tional airport with a delegation from the UN hoped that more embassies and UN agen- W%4636"*4$T:["#$:%,$@%<*46*C$2*65$0#$;*2$5# - cies would be inspired to join them. 46803#5$*&5$0+<=4#5$3%$=#$*=4#$3%$<%1#$30#$ O/$0%7#$30*3$30#$SAWT@$<%1#$3%$@%<* - G6226%&R2$0#*5Y+*,3#,2$3%$G%8*5620+$*:3#,$ lia will herald the beginning of a new era a 17 year absence. “Now UNPOS should of cooperation and political engagement,” &%$4%&8#,$23*&5$:%,$30#$W%4636"*4$T:["#$:%,$ 2*65$X,.$G*068*.$OL#$0*1#$*$4%3$%:$;%,D$ Somalia but should now be known as the to do. In the next few months, the Soma- W%4636"*4$T:["#$6&$@%<*46*CP$0#$2*65. lis will agree on a new constitution along K2$30#$SA$\*8$;*1#5$6&$*$23,%&8$/&56*&$ with the reform of Parliament and other T"#*&$=,##>#C$30#$@M@E$;*2$861#&$*&$#& - key tasks that form the basis of a Road- thusiastic welcome by the Somali Prime <*7$30*3$;#$*,#$0#476&8$30#$E%1#,&<#&3$ Minister Abdiweli Mohamed Ali and a to implement.” 4*,8#$ 8,%+7$ 6&"4+56&8$ @%<*46$ %:["6*42C$ 90#$@M@E$30#$3,*1#44#5$3%$\644*$@%<* - Mogadishu- and Nairobi-based diplomats lia, the Presidential Palace complex where Locals dance and sing traditional songs during the and the Deputy Force Commander of the he presented his credentials to President arrival of SRSG. Credit: Stuart Price AU/UN IST African Union Peacekeepers. Dr. Mahiga Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed in front of was with the UN Operations in Somalia //$ PSA/@TG$ //Q$ *&5$ 4#:3$ 6&$ #*,4-$ I]]^$ when the mission concluded. UNPOS, based in Nairobi, was established shortly *:3#,;*,52.$_%;#1#,$23*::$:,%<$%30#,$SA$ agencies remained in Somalia throughout the following years and there are currently <%,#$30*&$]HH$SA$#<74%-##2$6&$@%<*46*.

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