SECRETARY ’S PAGES MISSION STATEMENT The American Kennel Club is dedicated to upholding the T ATENTION DELEGATES integrity of its RMegIisStrSy, IpOroNmo ting the spSorTt Aof TpEurMebrEeNd dT ogs and breeding for type and function. ® NOTICE OF MEETING TFohuen Admederiin ca1n8 8K4e, ntnhelAKC Cluba nisd dites daicffailtieadte td o ourpghaonlidziantgio nths ea idnvteogcarittey foofr iths e Rpeugriset brrye, dp rdoomgo atisn ga tfhame islyp ocrot mofpapnuiroenb,r ead vdaongcs e acnad nibnree ehdeianlgthf oarndty pwe elal-nbd eifnugn,c wtioonrk. to protect the rights of all Fdougn odwedneinrs1 a8n8d4 ,ptrhoe mAKCote raensd piotns saifbflieli adtoegd orwgnaenrizsahtipio. ns advocate for the pure bred dog as a The next meeting of the Delegates will be held family companion, advance canine health and well-being, work to protect the rights of all dog owners and 805prom1 oAtrec ore Csopropnosribaltee dDorgiv oew, Snueirtseh 1ip0. 0, Raleigh, NC 276 17 at the Doubletree Newark Airport Hotel on 101 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10178 8051 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 100, Raleigh, NC 276 17 Tuesday Raleigh, NC Customer Call Center ..............................................................(919) 233-9767 260 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 , September 10, 2019. For the sole pur- New York, NY Office ...................................................................................(212) 696-8200 Raleigh, NC Customer Call Center ..............................................................(919) 233-9767 Fax .............................................................................................................(212) 696-8299 New York, NY Office ...................................................................................(212) 696-8200 pose of conducting the vote for the Delegate Website ..........................................................................................................www.akc.org Fax .............................................................................................................(212) 696-8299 Standing Committees, the meeting will be called Website ..........................................................................................................www.akc.org BOARD OF DIRECTORS WILLIAM J. FEENEY, CHAIRMA N•PATRICIA M. CRUZ, VICE CHAIR to order at 9:00 a.m. After those present at that BOARD OF DIRECTORS CLASS OF 2020 CLASS OF 2022 RONALD H. MENAKER, CHAIRMA N•DR. THOMAS M. DAVIES, VICE CHAIRMAN PATRICIA M. CRUZ CHRISTOPHER L. SWEETWOOD time have voted, the Delegate Meeting will recess WICLLLAIASMS OJ.F F 2E0E1N8 EY HAROCLDA S“SR EODF” 2 T0A2T0 RO III KAROJLYANMNEES MR. DMOCK ATEER PATARNINCI AW AML. LCINRUZ to begin the Forum (approximately 1 hour in dura- DR. J. CHARLES GARVIN WILLIAM J. FEENEY ROCNLAALDS SH O. MF E2N02A1KER KAROCLLYANSNSE OMF. 2M0C2A3 TEER tion). The Delegate Meeting will reconvene fol- RITA J. BIDDLE DR. J. CHARLES GARVIN CLASS OF 2019 CLASS OF 2021 DOMINIC P. CAROTA STEVEN HAMBLIN DR. CARMEN L. BATTAGLIA RITA J. BIDDLE lowing the conclusion of the Forum at which time DR. THOMAS DAVIES DANIEL J. SMYTH, ESQ. DR. THOMAS M. DAVIES DOMINIC P. CAROTA THOMAS POWERS ANN WALLIN THOMAS POWERS anyone who had not yet voted will have the oppor- RONALD H. MENAKER, ChairmaHnA ERmVEeYri tMu.s WOODING DDEENNIIS B. SPRUNG, Ex Offffiicciioo tunity to do so, then the polls will be closed. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS EXECUTIVE OFFICERS DENNIS B. SPRUNG GINA M. DINARDO JOSEPH V. BAFFUTO, JR. DELEGATES CREDENTIALS DENNPIrSe sBi.d SePnRt UNG EGxIeNcAu tMiv.e DSIeNcArRetDaO ry JOChSiEePf HF iVn.a BnAciFaFl UOTfOfic, eJrR. Chief EPxreecsuidtievne t Officer Executive Secretary Chief Financial Officer Chief Executive Officer Mary Grace Buckwalter, Ambler, PA, Belgian VICE PRESIDENTS Sheepdog Club of America JAY WAKS VKICIRES PTREENS BIDAEHNLTKSE BRANDI HUNTER Senior ExecutiKvIe RSTEN BAHLKEV,i cPeu rPerberseidd eCnotnsumer DemanPdublic Relations & Steven Lisker, East Rockaway, NY, Akita Club Vice PresidentC & YNTHIA BPEuAreGbLrEeSd, CAosnssiustmaenrt DGeemnearnad l CounseCl ommunications General Counsel MARK DUNCNY, NETxHecIAu tBivEeA GVLicEeS President DOUG LJUNGREN of America ALEXANKDERITAH A FLREASZKIOEVRS, KEYxecuAtivssei sVtiacnet P Grenseidreanl tC, oBuunssienless SuppSoprto Srtesr &vicEevsents Executive Vice President & SHEILA GOFFE , Government Relations Cynthia Meyer, Allentown, PA, Lehigh Valley Chief Growth Officer MARK DUNN HEATHER MCMANUS BRANDI HUNTER ,S Peunbiolirc V Riceela Ptiroenssid &enCt ommunDiecaptuitoyn Gs eneral Counsel Kennel Club THEREDSOAU CGH LINJUNGREN, ExecuRteivgei sVtircaeti oPnre & sident, Sports & Events Senior Vice President Customer Development MARI-BETH O’NEILL HEATHER MCMANUS, Deputy General Counsel Planning & Operations Sport Services Anne Midgarden, DVM, Wapakoneta, OH, MARI-BETHK OE’INTHE IFLRL,A SZpIEoR rt Services AIDEN COLIE PAULA SPEBCuTsOinR e, sCso Srpuoprpaotret Services ELIZABETH SOROTA Lima Kennel Club Senior Vice President Services/NC Facility Ops Marketing Technology DAPHNA STRAUS , Business Development Heather Reid, Troy, VA, English Toy Spaniel TIM THOMASSH,E JILuAd gGiOnFgF OE perations DAPHNA STRAUS JAY WAKS, Senior ExeGcouvteirvnem Veicnet RPreelastiidoenns t & GeneBruasli nCeosusn sDeelvelopment Club of America TRIAL BOARDS Victor Whitaker, Archdale, NC, Carolina Dog APPEALS TRIAL BOARD TRIAL BOARD CHAIRS APPEALS TRIAL BOARD TRIAL BOARD CHAIRS RALPH DEL DEO, ESQ., CHAIR THERESA DOWELL, ESQ. Training Club RMAALRPTHH DAE FLE DLTEEON, SETSEQI.N, ,C EHSAQIR. TBHAERBEASRAA D POEWNENLYL, ,E ESSQQ. MBAARRTBHAAR AF EWLT. EMNIESNTERIN, ,E ESSQQ. LBAAURRBIEA RRAA YPMENONYD,, EESSQQ.. BARBARA W. MIENER, ESQ. LADUARNIIEE LR ASYMMYOTHN,D E, SEQS.Q. TRIAL BOARD MEMBERS TRIDARL. BKOLAURSD AMNESMELBM ERS PPEERFORMANCE TRIAL BOARD DRC.H KALRALUESS AFNOSLEYLM DDAAVIID HOPKINS, ESQ., CHAIIR You can also read the Secretary’s Pages in the RCOHGAERL HEASR FTOINLGEEYR TIIM CARWILE, ESQ.. RMOEGDEORR HAA HRATRINPGEER R JOHN RUSSELL DMRE. DRORBAER HTA MRPYAELRL ALTERNATES BDERR.N RAORBDE SRCTH MWYAARLTLZ MIIKE NECAISE BETTY-ANNE STENMARK BILL TEAGUE BETTY-ANNE STENMARK BILL TEAGUE JAMES WHITE Click here to read the J uly 2019 issue! AKC GAZETTE 1 JULY 2019 SECRETARY ’S PAGES NOTICE NOTICE As a result of an Event Committee determi - Mr. Dan McCallum (Auburndale, FL) Action nation the following individual stands sus - was taken by the Macon Kennel Club for con - pended of AKC privileges. It should be noted duct at its May 11, 2019 event. Mr. McCallum that this determination may still be appealed was charged with inappropriate, abusive or and may be reversed. Upon expiration of the foul language. The Staff Event Committee appeal process, an appropriate notice describ - reviewed the Event Committee’s report and ing the status of the individual’s suspension, if set the penalty at a reprimand and a $100 fine. any, will appear in this column: (Bulldog, French Bulldog) Ms. Bethany Pearson (Elko New Market, MN) NOTICE Ms. Susan Naffziger (Albany, IN) Action was NOTICE taken by the Muncie Obedience Training Club Mr. Aaron Goldfinger (Saint James, NY) for conduct at its May 11, 2019 event. Ms. Action was taken by the York Kennel Club for Naffziger was charged with inappropriate, abu - conduct at its March 15, 2019 event. Mr. sive or foul language. The Staff Event Goldfinger was charged with inappropriate Committee reviewed the Event Committee’s public criticism of a judge, not disruptive, but report and set the penalty at a reprimand and demonstrating a lack of sportsmanship. The a $100 fine. (Multiple Breeds) Staff Event Committee reviewed the Event Committee’s report and set the penalty at a NOTICE three-month event suspension and a $300 fine. Ms. Jackie Rothenberg (East Liverpool, OH) (Multiple Breeds) Action was taken by the Trumbull County Kennel Club for conduct at its May 24, 2019 NOTICE event. Ms. Rothenberg was charged with inap - Mr. Mel Faust, Jr. (Amite, LA) Action was propriate public criticism of a judge, not dis - taken by the Sabine River Beagle Club for con - ruptive, but demonstrating lack of sportsman - duct at its March 24, 2019 event. Mr. Faust was ship. The Staff Event Committee reviewed the charged with inappropriate, abusive or foul Event Committee’s report and set a penalty at language directed personally to a judge. The a reprimand and a $50 fine. (Pug) Staff Event Committee reviewed the Event Committee’s report and set the penalty at a NOTICE two-month event suspension and a $100 fine. REPRIMANDS AND FINES (Beagle) Notification of reprimands and/or fines AKC GAZETTE 2 JULY 2019 SECRETARY ’S PAGES imposed on clubs for late submission of appli - PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE RULES APPLYING cations. TO DOG SHOWS Chapter 2, Section 4 & 9. CHAPTER 7, Section 12 – Judges The AKC Board has endorsed the following Atlanta Golden Retriever Club .....................$60 amendment to CHAPTER 7, Section 12, of the Columbine Dachshund Club ........................$60 Rules Applying to Dog Shows, based on a pro - Lake Shore Great Dane Club .......................$60 posal by the AKC Board and endorsed by the Delegate Dog Show Rules Committee. This will Notification of reprimands and fines be voted on at the September 10, 2019 imposed on clubs for late submission of Delegates Meeting. judges’ panel, Rules Applying to Dog Shows CHAPTER 7 Chapter 4, Section 1. SECTION 12. Any club or association that holds a dog show must prepare, after the Alaska Hound Group Association ................$60 entries have closed and not before, a judging Anderson Kennel Club .................................$60
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