JO~ s /' • I' • ... ' 1/' t$ 6. ~ n'" t 14.GS: .f.~~?[; . • 5ft' RPI 105 C.) STATE OF ILLINOIS DWIGHT H. GREEN, Govtrnor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION FRANK G. THOMPSON, Dirtctor DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY M. M. LEIGHTON, Chit/ URBANA REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS-No. lOS I-SUBSURFACE RELATIONS OF THE MAQUOKETA AND "TRENTON" FORMATIONS IN ILLINOIS BY E. P. Du BOis I , ' II-PETROLEUM POSSIBILITIES OF MAQUOKETA AND "TRENTON" IN ILLINOIS BY CARL A. BAYS PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS 194S STATE OF JLLINOIS DWIGHT I-I. GREE , Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION A D EDUCATION FRANK G. THOMPSON, Director DIVIS!O OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY M. M . LEIGHTO , Chief URBA A REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS-No. 105 I-SUBSURFACE RELATIONS OF THE MAQUOKETA AND "TRENTON" FORMATIONS IN ILLINOIS BY E. P. Du BOis II-PETROLEUM POSSIBILITIES OF MAQUOKETA AND "TRENTON" IN ILLINOIS BY CARL A. BAYS PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS 1 9 4 5 ORGANIZATION STATE OF ILLINOIS RON. DWIGHT H. GREEN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION HON. FRA K G. THOMPSON, Director BOARD OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION RON. FRA K G. THOMPSON, Chairman NORMAN L. BOWEN, PH.D., D.Sc., Geology ROGER ADAMS, PH.D., D.Sc., Chemistry LOUIS R. HOWSON, C.E., Enginuring *WILLIAM TRELEASE, D.Sc., LL.D., Biology EZRA JACOB KRAUS, PHD., D.Sc., Forestry ARTHUR CUTTS WILLARD, D.ENGR., LL.D. Prnident of the University o/ Illinois GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION M. M. LEIGHTON, Chit/ (83335-2,500-6-45) ~2 SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL STAFF OF THE S TATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION 100 Natural R esources BuildinK, Urbana M. M. LEIGHTON, PHD., Chief ENID TowNLEY, M.S., Assistant to the Chief VELDA A . MILLARD, j unior Asst. to the Chief HELEN E. McMORRIS, Secretary to the Chief EFFIE HETISHEE, B.S., Geological Assistant GEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Stratigraphy and Paleontology J. MARVI ·W ELLER, PH.D., Geologist and H ead Coal CHALMER L. CooPER, M .S., Assoc. Geologist G . II. C\ ov, Pn.D., Senior Geologist and H ead L. C. McCABE, Pn.D., Geologist (on leave) Petrography R. ]. lhLFI;>;ST!:-IE, M.S., Alech. Engineer RALPH E. GRIM , Pu.D., Petrographer CHARLES C. BoLEY, M.S., Assoc. Mining Eng. RICHARDS A. R owLAND, PH .D., Asst. Petrographer HEINZ A . L o\\ENSTA~t, PH.D., Assoc. Geologist (on leave) BRYAN PARKS, M.S ., Asst. Geologist WILLIAM A. WHITE, B.S., R esearch Assistant EARLE F. TAYLOR, M.S., Asst. Geologist (on leave) Physics RALPH F. S·1RETE, A.M., Asst. Geologist R . ] . PIERSOL, PH.D., Physicist M. W . PuLLEN , ,IR. , M.S., Asst. Geolo gist_ B . J. GREE:-IWOOD, B.S., 1\II ech. E ngineer R oBERT M. K osANKE, M.A., Asst. Geologut RoBERT W. ELLIN<.WOOD, B.S., Asst. Geologist GEOCHEMISTRY GEORGE M. WILSON, M.S., Asst. Geologist ARNOLD EDD INGS, B.A., R esearch Assistant fRANK H. R EED, PH.D., Chief Chemist (on leave) ELIZABETH R oss MILLS, M.S. , R esearch Assistant R AYMOND SIEVER, B.S., R esearch Assistant (on leave) Coal JoHN A. HARRISON, B.S. , R esearch Assistant G. R. YouE, PH.D., Chemist (on leave) HERMAN S . LEVINE, B.S ., R esearch Assistant MARY E. BAR XES, B.S., Research Assistant MARGARET PARKER, B.S., R esearch Assistant Industrial Minerals ELIZABET.II LoHMANN, B.F.A., T echnical Assistant ] . S. MACHIN, PH.D., Chemist and H ead DELBERT L. HANNA, A.M., Asst. Chemist Industrial Minerals Fluorspar J. E . LAMAR, B.S., Geologist and H ead J l. B. WIL LMAN, PH.D., Geologist G. C . fiNGER, PH.D., Chemist R oBERT M. GROGAN, Pu.D., Assoc. Geologist OREN F. WILLIAMS, B. ENGR., R esem·ch Assistant R ouERT T. ANDERSON, M.A., Asst. Physicist RoBERT R. R EYNO LDS , M.S., Asst. Geologist X-Ray and Spectrography l\1,\RGARET C . GoDwiN, A.B., Asst. Geologist W. F. BRADLEY, Pu.D., Chemist Oil and Gas Chemical Engineering A. II. BELL, PH.D., Geologist and Head H. W . ]ACKMAN, M.S.E., Chemical Engineer CARL A. BAYS, Pn.D., Geologist and Engineer P. W. HENLINE, M .S., Assoc. Chemical Engineer FREDERICK SQUIRES, B.S., Petroleum Engineer ]AMES C. McCuLLOUGH, R esearch Associate ·TEWART FoLK, M.S., Assoc. Geologist (o n leave) ]A~IES H . HANES, B.S., R esearch Ass-istant ERxEsT P. DuBois, PH.D., Assoc. Geologist (on leave) DAviD H. SwANN, PH.D., Assoc. Geologist L EROY S . MILLER, B.S., R esearch Assistant VIRGINIA KLI NE, Pu.D., Assoc. Geologist (on leave) PAuL G. L ucKHARDT, M.S., Asst. Geologist (on leave) Analytical W.\YNE F. MEENTS, Asst. Geologist 0 . W. R EEs, PHD., Chemist and Head ]AMES S. YoLT0:-1, M.S., Asst. Geologist H owARD S. CLARK, A.B., Assoc. Chemist RouERT . M . URASH, B.S., Research Assistant L. D. McVICKER, B.S., Chemist .:\IARGARI::T SA NDS, B.S., R esearch Assistant WILLIAM F. WAGNER, M.S., Asst. Chemist CAMERON D. L Ewis, B.A., Asst. Chemist Areal and Engineering Geology HERBERT N. HAZELKORN , B.S., R esearch Assistant \VILLIAM T. ABEL, B.A., R esearch Assistant GLORGE E. EKBLAW, Pn.D., Geolo gist and H ead MELVIN A. R EBENSTORF, B.S., R esearch Assistant RI CHARD F. fiSHER, M.S., Asst. Geologist MARIAN C . STOFFEL, B.S ., R esearch Assistant j EAN L Ois R ossELOT, A.B., R esearch Ass·istant Subsurface G eology MINERAL ECONOMICS L. E. WoRKMAN, M.S., Geo logist and Head CARL A. BAYS, P11.D., Geologist and Engineer W. li. VosKUlL, PH.D., Mineral Economist C. L ELAND lloRuERG, Pu.D., Assoc. Geologis t DouGLAS F. STEVENS , M.E., R esearch Associate R oBERT R. SToR,t, A.B., Assoc. Geologist INA HAMRICK , A.B ., R esearch Assistant AR:-~OLI> C. MAsoN, B.S., Assoc. Geologist ETHEL M. K ING, R esearch .4ssistant (on leave) :\1ERLYN B . Bt: IILE , M.S., Asst. Geologist PUBLICATIONS AND RECORDS FRANK E. TIPPI E, B.S., Asst. Geolo gis t GEORGE E. EKBLAW, PH.D., Geologic Editor PAUL H ERBERT, jR., B .S ., Asst. Geologist CuALMER L. CooPER, M .S., Geologic Editor CnARLES G. ] o ii :-.SON, A.B., Asst. Geologist DoROTHY E. R osE, B.S., T echnical Ed·itor (on leave) MEREDITH M. CALK ti<S, Geologic Draftsman J'v[ARGARET CASTLE, Asst. Geologic Draftsman BEULAH fEATI!ERSTONE, B.F.A., Asst. GeoloK·ic MARVIN P. MEYER. B.S., Asst. Geologist Draftsman R oBERT :-..!. l\11. URASH, B.S., R esearch Assistal:l WILLIS L. B uscH, Principal T echnical Assistant ELIZABETH PRETLER, A.B ., R esea1·ch Assistant PoRTIA ALLYN SMITH, T echnical Files Clerk R un I E. R oTH, B.S., Research Assistant L ESLIE D. VAUGHA N, Asst. Photographer Consultants : Ceramics, CuLLEN W. PARMA LEE, M.S., D.Sc., and RALPH K. H u RSH, B.S., University of Illinois lvf.echanical Engineering, SE ICH I K oNzo, M.S., UniVersity of Illinois T opographic Mapping in Cooperation with the United States Geological Survey. This report is a Contribution of the Oil and Gas and Subsu rface Geology Divisio ns. May I, 1945 CONTENTS I-SUBSURFACE RELATIONS OF THE MAQUOKETA AND "TRENTON" FORMATIONS IN ILLINOIS, BY E. P. Du Bors PAGE Introduction .. 7 Maquoketa formation .. 7 Galena (Kimmswick ) formation ........... .. ...... .. .... ................ .. .. ....... 17 Decorah formation . ......... .. .. ....... ... .......... ... ..... ......... 21 Plattin (Platteville) formation . 23 Joachim formation . 25 Dutchtown formation. 27 Discussion of cross-sections . 28 Regional interpretation of the pre-Decorah beds . 29 II-PETROLEUM POSSIBILITIES OF MAQUOKETA AND "TRENTON" IN ILLINOIS, nY CARL A. BAYS Maquoketa possibilities . 35 Galena possibilities .... ... ...... ... ....... .. ....... ..... .. ........... .... ....... 35 Decorah-Plattin-Joachim possibilities . 37 Dutchtown possibilities ..... ..... .. .... .. .. 37 Exploration ........................ ..... 37 Summary ...... ...... ... ......... ... .. ... .. .. ........ 38 ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE P AGE Isopach map of the Maquoketa formation .. 8 2 Diagrammatic sections and correlation of the Maquoketa formation in Illinois and Iowa .. 9 Maps of the facies of (A) upper Maquoketa, (B ) middle Maquoketa, and ( C ) lower Maquoketa formation in Illinois 10 4 Correlation chart of the Middle and Upper Ordovician strata in Illinois and eastern Missouri . 18 Isopach map of the Galena formation . 20 6 Isopach map of the strata from the base of the Galena to the base of the Dutchtown formation . .. 30 7 I sopach map of the strata from the top of the Galena to the base of the Dutchtown formation . 31 Diagram showing transgressive relations of the St. Peter sandstone and superjacent formations in Illinois . 32 9 Area of possible occurrence of sandstones in the Maquoketa formation 34 10 Petroleum possibilities of Galena st,ra-t;l . 36 1~. PLATE Cross-section through the Maquoketa and "Trenton" strata in Illinois from north to south . PocKET Cross-section through the Maquoketa and "'I renton" strata in Illinois from east to west . P OCKET SUBSURFACE RELATIONS OF THE MAQUOKETA AND "TRENTON" FORMATIONS IN ILLINOIS BY E. P. Du Bors INTRODUCTION limestone, Divine3 limestone and Thebes• sandstone have been applied locally to parts This report is a brief discussion of the of the Maquoketa formation but it appears subsurface stratigraphy and relations of the that none of these, except possibly the Maquoketa, Galena, Decorah, Plattin, Divine limestone, are consistent strati­ Joachim, and Dutchtown formations in graphic units. Illinois, based on information derived Instead, the formation generally, es­ principally from studies of samples of well pecially in northern and central Illinois, cuttings and from electric logs. appears to be divisible into three principal AcKNOWLEDGMENTs parts: an upper part that is dominantly green shale, a middle part that is domi­ The writer is indebted to several member: nantly limestone or dolomite, and a lower of the Geological Survey staff for sug­ part that is dominantly brown shale, in gestions and criticism in the preparation places calcareous (fig.
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