t. ], Arthur Viscount Dungtmnon. • scartner," M fStt^iately ran •• towards the- James Viscount3^!&Mtt}. spot> when a "~ * was fired at ,bJm : the Henry Welbore Vis«e*Wit CMlen-. ive: been tittered by th,e Thomas Viscodnt CretBfldfBe, to '3Hr/Wd^s having Hayes Viscotftit Dola^faite. 66seIJbf!T :; Thomas ViscoiTfct Nbj^Uind. J-MV 1TUU3C3 ui cct lor^H^ ^ F : Henry Viscount Arhurton. ol having forcibly fentlfRJ hi3' !cOtta£e .at ' atn Cornwallis Viscount Hawarden. aforesaid, and strip:pe&<! Charts John Viscount Mounljoy. property which, it coril/ained {exct J ! r ; Hugh Viscount Canton. hlture): ' *»••••<• -f ' • ' ." ^ • Rfchai-d Visc&uilt- Bantry. His Royal Highness, for thfe%dfee#.''app«tefeend- Henry Stanley Viscount Monck. ing and bringing to justice the persons concerned John Vis count Kilwarden. In s'ncli atrocion's act,'ts'u'Er^Jp^sw;iTr<rtrt;in'anle Cornelius Viscount Lismore. *• and on the behalf of His Majesty, to promise His Robert Viscount lx>ifc&a. '. Majesty's nitfst grliGfeftsi^ixion to arty one of theai John Baron KinsaJfe. '(except tlie person or ^ei-sons who* actually fired Randal Baron Dunsany. such ^\m or pistol), who shall discover his, her, Thomas Baron Louth. or their accomplice or accomplices therein, so that Richard Baron Galihv * he, she, or they may be apprehended arid convicted Andrew Thomas Lord* Bl&ney. thereof. •• • -,, .SII^^OUTH.. Francis Seymour Baron Comvay and Kil- And, as'a further, ,eHcp.ujragemenit, ^, rewa^-d pf lultagh. • f FOHWY: POyNDS,^, ^reby.-^red, ^y-t^e said JoVm Baron Carbery. Mr. Richard West,,Ttbr "an^rj toej?scai (eifcept as is Matthew Baron Aylmer. before excepted) wlio shaft discover his, her, or 1 Henry Baron Mulgrave. their accomplice' oi st'ccti^pliijes therein, so that Cfesrhes George Baron, Arden. he, she, or they may be -apprehended and convicted Robert Tilsqn Baron Muskeny. thei-eof, Or to av»y person loiv pe»so»s wfeo sfeail; ap- John Baker. Baron Sheffield. pi-ettend ant! brmg the said oft€ii(d$rs,i w a«y lof r thenk, tt> •convictiohil «¥ «QtMeH&e'^i^«n^ ?e^ a'ay »f William Baron Riversdale. >: Richard Barou Sunderlin. them, so to be appr«J*eatM a»4r;'feiMiti€!bed as James CaulfieH Baron Kilmaine. aforesaid. ••»;,- Valentine Baron Cloncurry. , George Baron Callan. SCHEME ot the TijH-4 .fiottory Sampson Baron Bardley. To begin drawing 5tfe April 4.81-5 Luke Baron Clonbrock, , Secoml Day Richard Baron VVatevpark. Thii-d Day George Augustus Bar«n llancliffe.. of Warner William Baron Rossmore. 10,000.. George Baron Keith. 1,050'.. .'.'» <•'. 5,250 William Baron Hotham. i 500.. James - Baron Tyrawley. I .; . 300. 2,400 Charles Henry Baron, Castlecoote. • 1; 200,. ...... Clotworthy Baron Langford. ....;. , ;(W?.. Ix>dg« Bavon Frankfort. « 50.^ _______ 1,250 Rfchard Baron Adore. 15,. _____ ..45,000 Thomas Baron Ventry, William Baron Ennisuaore. 3,073 Prizes. £ 150,000 Henry Baron Dunally. 11,927 Blanks. John Baron Tara. 15,000 Tickets. Maurice Baron Hartlaud. : John Baron Clanmorris. First drawn Prize above .=€),OoO' - . t€20 ,000 Second drawn Prize above ,Jl,OoO William Baron Radstock. : John Baron Norbury. Third drawn Prize above jgl,0SO. Frederick Baron Ashtown. 5th and 15th Blank 1st Day, eaoh - ,€ 1,050 John Baron Rendlesham. 10th, 20th, and 3 Oth Blank 2d> Day, each -£ 1,050 William Baron Castlewiaine. T. Tho. Boiirchier; . Glei-k Crown, Ireland, pro. tcmp, After our heai'ty coinmendatio-rts, -kavi^g dered the aforegoing Seliems of •Mijs^fe^f)! JLottery ; January 28, 1815. to be drawn pursuant to thejjij--«vi^ioins^jian Apt, rHereas it hath been humbly represented passed in the fifty-fourth}'. yjpar of; Hig,, Majesty's T T unto His Royal Highness the Prince Re- reign, we do hereby signify', to you F- consent gent, that, about six. of the clotk in the evening and approbation thereof. or' Saturday the 7th instant, as Mr.. Richard Whitehall, Treasury-.Chauibei'S,, it day of West, of Sydenham-Common, was walking February 1815, . , , in his garden, a pistol was fired ati.him, the ball of which passed very near his headj and the ,, ., , ... , ,, . person firing exclaimed " That's for die house To, the Managers and Directors of the Lottery..
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