P16-0796 07A POS Landscape Proposals

P16-0796 07A POS Landscape Proposals

KEY: SITE LOCATION EXISTING TREES TO BE RETAINED - In accordance with BS5837:2012 EXISTING VEGETATION TO BE RETAINED 162 PROPOSED GATEWAY TREES AMBY TAV 3 TAVY TAVY TAVY TAV 3 TAVY TAVY TAVY PROPOSED AVENUE TREES 50 162 WESTERN 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 PROPOSED FEATURE TREES WARW NORTH CAR 161 PORT WO 169 169 PROPOSED POS TREE PLANTING AMBY NMRE CONISTON 161 163 163 164 164 165 165 166 166 167 167 168 168 160 CAR 160 170 170 PORT 141 160 140 CAR 171 PORT TREE AND SHRUB BUFFER PLANTING WO 171 171 141 139 WO 140 AMBY WO STRA 141 NATIVE SHRUB PLANTING 138 139 WARW 172 M PART 173 SINGLE SPECIES HEDGEROW PLANTING - forming a boundary (CAT2) 138 140 142 174 172-179 between the attenuation basin area and the development LEAM 142 SP2 PART 175 139 (CAT2) NATIVE MIXED SPECIES HEDGEROW PLANTING - strengthening TAVY F1 M 176 F2 the existing important hedgerow along the eastern boundary 142 PART 177 138 (CAT2) TAVY M 178 143 151-159 GATEWAY SHRUB/HERBACEOUS PLANTING 179 WO 137 143 143 137 144 STORE SHAF F3 CYCLE BIKES) 137 (14 CYCLE STORE 95 144 (14 BIKES) WARW POS SHRUB PLANTING WO WO PART 148 147 (CAT2) TEME 149 WO WO M 96 95 136 BULB PLANTING 136 STRA 136 144 PART (CAT2) CAMB TAVY 150 M 148 147 94 PART SHAF (CAT2) 145 AMBY M 149 AMENITY GRASS 145 YORK 96 145 150 YORK 95 148 147 WO 97 WO 135 96 94 WARW STRA 135 135 AMBY 149 94 101 150 LONG MOWN GRASS WO HARR WO 146 101 146 97 WO WARW 146 ATTENUATION BASIN SOWN WITH WETLAND MEADOW WO 98 97 GRASSLAND - Subject to detailed design by engineer and ecologist. STRA 134 101 130 134 134 GPSS OIL PIPELINE 'LIVE LEAM WO PART (CAT2) 126 6.0m wide wayleave shown WO AMBY 131 M M PART WO 125 SHAF 49 98 100 100 (CAT2) 98 SHAF WO WO 99 132 130 126 CAMB WO AMBY 125 99 100 99 LEAM HARR 133 131 M 130 PART (CAT2) 126 127 ATTENUATION BASIN 132 131 (AREA SUBJECT TO DETAILED PROPOSALS) WARW SHAF 133 GPSS 125 102 WO CYCLE 127 WO OIL (14 STORE 6 AMBY 132 .0M BIKES) PIPELINE 133 127 WIDE 103 102 WAYLEAVE HARR HIG5P 'LIVE' WO 128 F3 103 102 WO 124 104 M SHOWN PART 124 HARR (CAT2) 103 WO 123 124 WO SHAF 122 CAMB 128 74-82 WO F2 WO 129 128 STRA 123 F1 WO WO SHAF 129 129 104 105 111 WO 111 123 WO CAR PORT 83 104 LUDL 111 110 122 CAR WO WO PORT CONISTON83 122 STRA CAR 118 PORT 121 106 110 WO 105 83 121 LUDL HARR HARR 121 72 105 HARR STORE CAR BIKES) PORT WO CYCLE(14 106 BALMP M 84 72 CAR 72 PORT WO 109 110 PART CONISTON84 CAR 106 71 (CAT2) PORT 119 F3 118 84 120 WO CAMB 118 71 F1 108 109 PART 120 (CAT2) WO M WO 70 WARW 108 71 CAMB 107 CAMB WO 85-93 WARW 109 120 73 WO M PART 70 48 SHAF WO (CAT2) F2 HARR 119WO WO 108 70 73 107 73 63 WO SHAF 119 HIG5P SHAF 107 64 69 HARR WO 113 112 69 68 112 WO 65 63 68 112 WO 69 113 117 SHAF LUDL 63 113 68 WARW ROAD AMBY 9 WO 67 LUDL 64 SHAF 8 WO 67 SHAF WO 67 64 9 59 WO WO 114 8 9 HIG5P 65 116 117 WO WO 59 65 M 59 114 PART 60 WO 117 HARR (CAT2) WO WO 66 66 7 CAMB 114 58 WARW SHEERLANDS 60 61 HIG5P STRA BALMP 66 HARR 7 WO10 WO M 8 M 58 PART WO WO (CAT2) M 116 PART PART 58 61 (CAT2) (CAT2) 62 10 116 CAMB 6 LEAM LEAM 10 57 60 WARW 115 47 AMBY 62 115 6 7 57 WO 56 57 WO 115 52 61 11 11 SHAF YORK 6 62 11 AMBY SHAF 56 55 12 BALMP 47 55 YORK WO WO 56 WO 5 STRA 52 HARR 47 55 53 53 5 47 53 5 HIG5P 52 WO 4 12 4 WO 12 46 WO 13 HIG5P 48 13 WO 13 48 54 45 YORK 48 54 STRA HARR WO 4 WARW WO 46 49 54 WO YORK 45 SHAF 14 46 46 WO 3 WO 49 3 45 49 2 3 50 HIG5P SHAF 2 14 WO YORK LEAM 51 M 14 45 44 PART 1 (CAT2) 15 50 YORK 2 HARR 50 1 STRA 42 CAMB M 51 PART 44 1 15 (CAT2) WO 16 WO WO WO51 16 15 44 STRA WO 16 42 TREE AND SHRUB BUFFER PLANTING MIX 17 43 PLANTING SCHEDULE WO HIG5P 43 2 WO GATEWAY SHRUB / HERBACEOUS PLANTING To be planted at 2/m LUDL WO42 GATEWAY FEATURE TREE PLANTING WO 18 38 43 Height/ Ages / Times Species Form Girth Height cm Clear Stem Root Condition Species Habit Root Condition Planting Density /m2 Species Height/ Spread cm Habit Root Condition Spread cm transplanted LUDL 38 SHAF 19 17 37 38 Tilia europaea ‘Pallida’ Semi-Mature 20-25 Min 450cm Min 200cm RB Alchemilla molllis - - 3LC 6 Acer campestre 175-150 Half-Standard 4-6 cm B 18 Bergenia cordifolia ‘Bressingham White’ - - 3L C 6 Betula pendula 175-150 Half-Standard 4-6 cm B WO WO 17 37 Carex oshimensis ‘Evergold’ - - 3L C 6 Carpinus betulus 175-150 Half-Standard 4-6 cm B WO AVENUE STREET TREE PLANTING 18 39 Ceanothus ‘Bluemound’ 30-40 Bushy 3L C 5 Crataegus monogyna 175-150 Half-Standard 4-6 cm B LUDL Ceanothus ‘Skylark’ 30-40 Bushy 3L C 5 Cornus sanguinea 100-125 1+2 Branched B HARR Species Form Girth Height cm Clear Stem Root Condition Corylus avellana 100-125 2x Branched B 19 Chaenomeles speciose ‘Moerloosei’ 40-60 Branched 3L C 4 LUDL 36 Cornus sanguinea ‘Midwinter Fire’ 40-60 Branched 3L C 5 Euonymus europaeus 100-125 - Bushy B Pyrus calleryana ‘Chanticleer’ Extra Heavy Standard 18-20 Min 450cm Min 200cm 100L AMBY Cornus sercicea ‘Flavireamea’ 40-60 Branched 3L C 5 Fagus sylvatica 175-150 Half-Standard 4-6 cm B WO 37 19 36 40 Cornus stolonifera ‘Kelseyi’ 30-40 Bushy 3L C 5 Ilex aquifolium 60-80 - Bushy 3L C 39 FEATURE TREE PLANTING Euonymus fortune ‘Emerald Gaiety’ 20-30 Bushy 3L C 4 Prunus spinosa 100-125 1+2 Branched B AMBY Hebe rakiensis 30-40 Bushy 3L C 5 Rosa canina 100-125 1+2 Branched B 39 Sambucus nigra 100-125 1+1 Branched B Species Form Girth Height cm Clear Stem Root Condition Hebe ‘Mrs Winder’ 30-40 Bushy 3L C 5 CAMB Sorbus aucuparia 175-150 Half-Standard 4-6 cm B M Lavandula angustifolia ‘Hidcote’ 20-30 Bushy 3L C 5 DART Fagus sylvatica ‘Purpurea’ Extra Heavy Standard 18-20 Min 450cm Min 200cm 100L Viburnum opulus 100-125 1+2 Branched B 40 PART Prunus laurocerasus ‘Otto Luyken’ 30-40 Bushy 3L C 4 (CAT2) 36 41 Min 450cm WO Prunus avium ‘Plena’ Extra Heavy Standard 18-20 Min 200cm 100L Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Severn Sea’ 40-60 Bushy 3L C 4 Liquidambar styraciflua Extra Heavy Standard 18-20 Min 450cm Min 200cm 100L Skimmia x confuse ‘Kew Green’ 30-40 Bushy 3L C 4 20 40 BULB PLANTING WITHIN POS Stipa gigantea - - 3L C 5 DART 34 To be planted at 15/m2. 34 POS TREE PLANTING HARR 21 35 Note: all planting should avoid man-made grids and lines, and should group species together in groups of 5-7 plants 21 35 Species Topsize 21 DART 35 Species Form Girth Height cm Clear Stem Root Condition 20 20 WO Acer campestre EHS 14-16 425-600cm Min 200cm 75 L Crocus tommasinianus 5/6 Narcissus pseudonarcissus 6/+ Acer campestre ‘Louisa Redshine’ EHS 14-16 425-600cm Min 200cm 75 L POS SHRUB PLANTING 41 DART 34 Alnus glutinosa EHS 14-16 425-600cm Min 200cm 75 L STORE 41 Height/ 2 CYCLE Species Habit Root Condition Planting Density /m (14 BIKES) Betula pendula EHS 14-16 425-600cm Min 200cm 75 L Spread cm BULB PLANTING ALONG AVENUE F1 Betula pendula (ms) Multi-Stem (3 stems) - 300-350cm - 75 L Aucuba japonica ‘Crotonifolia’ 30-40 Bushy 3L C 4 To be planted at 15/m2. Ceanothus ‘Skylark’ 30-40 Bushy 3L C 4 DART 33 Betula pubescens EHS 14-16 425-600cm Min 200cm 75 L 22-30 Carpinus betulus EHS 14-16 425-600cm Min 200cm 75 L Ceanothus thyrsiflorus v. repens 30-40 Bushy 3L C 4 3 Species Topsize EVERSLEY Corylus avellana (ms) Multi-Stem (3 stems) - 200-250cm - 45 L Ceanothus ‘Bluemound’ 30-40 Bushy 3L C 4 Cornus sanguinea ‘Midwinter Fire’ 30-40 Bushy 3L C 4 Fagus sylvatica EHS 14-16 425-600cm 175-200cm 75 L Crocus ‘Prins Claus’ 5/7 DART 32 Cornus sercicea ‘Flavireamea’ 40-60 Branched 3L C 4 Narcissus ‘King Alfred’ 12/14 F2 Prunus avium EHS 14-16 425-600cm 175-200cm 75 L Cornus stolonifera ‘Kelseyi’ 30-40 Bushy 3L C 4 F3 425-600cm Prunus padus EHS 14-16 175-200cm 75 L Garrya elliptica ‘James Roof’ 30-40 Leader with Laterals 3L C 4 Pinus sylvestris Leader with laterals - 250-300cm - RB 32 Hebe rakiensis 30-40 Bushy 3L C 4 WETLAND WILDFLOWER MEADOW GRASSLAND 32 Quercus robur EHS 14-16 425-600cm 175-200cm 75 L Hebe ‘Mrs Winder’ 30-40 Bushy 3L C 4 33 Quercus rubra EHS 14-16 425-600cm Min 200cm 75 L Hypericum ‘Hidcote’ 30-40 Bushy 3L C 4 EM8 – example of a meadow mixture for wetlands (the exact mix is to be specified by the ecologist to Revisions: 33 suit the conditions) which contains species suitable for seasonally wet soils and is based on the vegetation Salix alba EHS 14-16 425-600cm 175-200cm 75 L Hypericum x moserianum 30-40 Bushy 3L C 4 First Issue- 23/02/2017 RVF of traditional water meadows.

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