CENTRAL OPERA SERVICE BULLETIN DECEMBER, 1967 Sponsored by the Metropolitan Opera National Council Central Opera Service • Lincoln Center Plan • Metropolitan Opera • New York, N.Y. 10023 • 799-3467 CENTRAL OPERA SERVICE COMMITTEE R. L. B. TOBIN, National Chairman The National Council JULIUS RUDEL, Co-Chairman New York City Opera National Council Directors MRS. AUGUST BELMONT MRS. FRANK W. BOWMAN GEORGE HOWERTON E. H. CORRIGAN, JR. ELIHU M. HYNDMAN MRS. NORRIS DARRELL MRS. JOHN R. SAVAGE HOWARD J. HOOK, JR. JAMES SCHWABACHER, JR. Professional Committee MAURICE ABRAVANEL RICHARD KARP Salt Lake City Symphony Pittsburgh Opera KURT HERBERT ADLER PAUL KNOWLES San Francisco Opera University of Minnesota VICTOR ALESSANDRO GLADYS MATHEW San Antonio Symphony Community Opera ROBERT G. ANDERSON MRS. LOUDON MELLEN Tulsa Opera Opera Soc. of Wash., D.C. WILFRED C. BAIN ELEMER NAGY Indiana University Hartt College of Music ROBERT BAUSTIAN MME. ROSE PALMAI-TENSER Santa Fe Opera Mobile Opera Guild MORITZ BOMHARD RUSSELL D. PATTERSON Kentucky Opera Kansas City Lyric Theatre JOHN BROWNLEE MRS. JOHN DEWITT PELTZ Manhattan School of Music Metropolitan Opera PAUL CALLAWAY GEORGE SCHICK Opera Soc. of Wash., D.C. Metropolitan Opera STANLEY CHAPPLE MARK SCHUBART University of Washington Lincoln Center EUGENE CONLEY MRS. L. S. STEMMONS No. Texas State Univ. Dallas Civic Opera WALTER DUCLOUX LEONARD TREASH University of S. California Eastman School of Music PETER PAUL FUCHS LUCAS UNDERWOOD Louisiana State University College of the Pacific ROBERT GAY GID WALDROP Northwestern University Juilliard School of Music BORIS GOLDOVSKY MRS. J. P. WALLACE Goldovsky Opera Theatre Shreveport Civic Opera WALTER HERBERT MRS. PAUL P. WILSON Houston Grand Opera Mid-South Reg. Director LUDW1G ZIRNER University of Illinois The Central Opera Service Bulletin is published bi-monthly for its members by Central Opera Service. Permission to quote is not necessary but kindly note source. We would appreciate receiving any information pertaining to opera and operatic production in your region; please address inquiries or material to: Mrs. Maria F. Rich Central Opera Service Bulletin Editor Lincoln Center Plaza Copies this issue: $3.00. Susanne M. Low Metropolitan Opera Regular issues: $1.00. Ass't to the Editor New York, N.Y. 10023 CENTRAL OPERA SERVICE BULLETIN Volume 10, Number 2 December, 1967 DIRECTORY of AMERICAN CONTEMPORARY OPERAS This is the Annual Survey Issue of the COS Bulletin, this year devoted to American Contemporary Operas. Regular issues feature news reports and articles pertaining to all phases of opera and include listings of all opera performances in the U.S. and Canada. INDEX Introduction 1 Key to Abbreviations 2 Listing 3 Appendix A (Publishers) 59 Appendix B (Index by Operas) 61 Late Listings 79 INTRODUCTION The frequency of requests for a directory of American Contemporary Operas prompted us to undertake this publication. Once this decision was made, however, a multitude of problems arose. "What is American opera?" "What is contemporary opera?" "Is the listing limited to operas already performed, - to operas published?" Some of the answers at which we arrived may seem arbitrary; however, here are the guide lines we have observed: American includes naturalized citizens and U.S. residents. Not included are operas written prior to American residency; not listed are composers now residing in the U.S., whose operas precede American domicile. Operas com- posed by Americans while living abroad are included. Contemporary includes operas premiered since 1930. Composers eligible under this rule are listed with all their operas, even those preceding the 1930 deadline to show their complete operatic output. Non-performed operas are included only if the source for the material is known or if they complete the list of operas written by a composer listed with other works already premiered. Because of the comparatively small number of published American contemp- orary operas, non-published works are included. Operas available from publishers are so indicated in the fourth column with publishers' keys and addresses listed in Appendix A. Composers who are members of either the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) or of Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI) may be contacted for their unpublished works through the respective organization. Where no source for the availability of the material is given, we suggest contacting the organization which pre- miered the opera. In some cases COS may be of assistance in finding the private address of a composer. Appendix B offers a cross reference, indexing operas by titles. M.F.R. Key to Listings and Abbreviations 1st column: name of composer name of librettist 2nd column: title of opera, alternate title comedy, drama etc., based on book, play, etc. rec.-recorded (label), comm.-commissioned by premiere company, place, date; cone-concert performance, st.pr.-siage premiere 3rd column: number of acts, sets, sc-scenes, FL-full length opera, min-playing time in minutes (only for short works) cast: s-soprano, m-mezzo soprano, c-contralto, t-tenor, b-ban- tone, bs-bass, spk-speaker, narr-narrator, act-actor, ch-chorus, dc (dcs)-dancer(s) orchestration: (first set of numbers) flute/oboe/clarinet/bas- soon, (second set) French horn/trumpet/trombone/tuba; picc- piccolo, Eh-English horn, fl-flute, cl-clarinet, tru-trumpet, tro- trombone, tp-timpani, pc-percussion, xl-xylophone, eel-celeste, cb-cembalo, hpch-harpsichord, p-piano, hp-harp, str-strings, str.qt.-string quartet, vla-viola, vlc-violin cello, 2ps.-two piano accompaniment, red. ver.-reduced orchestra version available 4th column: (see Introduction, sixth paragraph) capital letters - Appendix A for publishers, comp.c/o ASCAP/BMI - Appendix A copy AMC-manuscript or printed copy at American Music Center (Appendix A) for perusal vs-vocal score, os-orchestral score, op-orchestra parts, chp- chorus parts, lib-libretto, st.gd.-stage guide, 2ps-two piano ar- rangement, for rental or sale. — 2 — Composer / Librettist Opera/Gen.Inform./Premiere Length/Cast /Orch. Source Adair, James Isolde of the Shortstop 1 act, 28 min. Baker, Thomas K.. 3s, b Adler, Marvin Brock's Place 1 act Levy, Charles Community Opera,Lib-Mus. of N.Y. cast of 6 Lincoln Center 2/6/67 Adler, Samuel The Outcasts of Poker Flat 1 act, 2 sc, 60 min. TP Stampfer, Judah on Bret Harte s,m,t,b,bs; ch No.Texas U.,Denton,Texas 6/8/62 2222,2200,tp,pc,str Ahlstrom, David Charlie's Uncle 1 act same comedy cast of 3 Cincinnati Mus.Drama Guild,Ohio, 4/54 Ahlstrom, D. The Open Window 1 act same Cincinnati Conservatory,©.,3/1/53 Ahlstrom, D. The Three Sisters Who Were Not 1 act WIN Stein, Gertrude (poem) Sisters s,2m,2t,b;ch Cincinnati Conserv.,Ohio 3/1/53 Albright, Lois Hopitu 1 act Billingsley, M.W. on Hopi Legends Carnegie Hall.N.Y. 2/16/55 Alderman, Pauline Bombastes Furioso 1 act U.of S.Cal.,Los Angeles,Cal.4/30/38 Allen, Gilbert Steal Away 1 act 138 St.,YWCA,N.Y. 7/26/34 Allen, Paul Hastings Cleopatra comp.estate Allen, P.H. II Filtro 1 act same Genoa, Italy 10/26/13 Allen, P.H. The Last of the Mohegans 3 acts, FL Ric.(Milan) Zangarini on J. Cooper's novel s,m,2t,3b,2bs;ch COL Florence,Italy (in It.) 2/24/16 3342,443 l,tp,pc,xf vs str. Allen, P.H. Little Miss Piccolo 1 act comp.estate Allen, P.H. The Love Potion same Allen, P. H. Mamzelle Figaro 1 act, 60 min. same same on E. Golisciani s,t,b;ch Lindenhurst,L.I.,N.Y. 5/20/48 Allen, P.H. Milda 1 act Teatro Rossini,Venicejtaly 4/12/13 Allen, P.H. The Monastery 2acts,2sets,12sc.,6( on Neapolitan poem by diGiacomo s,b,3bs;ch. Florence,Italy,Spring 1912 Am.prem.,NY WHOM 1/11/48 Alspach, Addison Calvario 1 act same on play by Marcus Bach U.of Minn.,Duluth 5/58 Amram, David The Final Ingredient 60 min. CFP on R. Rose, Passover Opera cast of 12, ch. comm.ABC-TV,N.Y. 4/11/65 2222,4230,tp,pc,str. Amram, D. Twelfth Night 3 acts, FL CFP Papp, Joseph on Shakespeare 1011,2110,Eh,tp,2pc, Lake George Opera,N.Y. 7/20/68 str. Anders, Emile King Harald 3 acts Hunter Col.,N.Y.,N.Y. 1/7/48 Angles, Langston Black Nativity 1 act gospel play NY Philharmonic on '62 Europe tour Antheil, George The Brothers 1 act comp.estate same U.of Denver, Col. 7/28/54 c/o ASCAP Antheil, G. Helen Retires 1 act same Erskine, John comedy Juilliard School.N.Y. 2/28/34 Antheil, G. Transatlantic or The People's Choice 3 acts, FL same same political satire Frankfurt, Germany 5/25/30 Antheil, G. Venus in Africa 3sc. same Dyne, Michael U.of Denver.Col. 5/24/57 Antheil, G. Volpone 3 acts, FL WTR Perry, Alfred on Ben Johnson chamber orch. U.of S. Cal.,Los Angeles, 1/9/53 Antheil, G. The Wish 1 act comp.estate same comm.Louisville Symph. c/o ASCAP Louisville.Ky. 4/2/55 Argento, Dominick The Boor 1 act, 55 min. BH Scrymgeour, John Olon opera buffa, after Chekhov s,t,bs-b vs Eastman Sc.,Rochester,N.Y. 5/6/57 1121,2100, pc, p, str. Argento, D. Christopher Sly lact,70min.,lsc.,&Interl BH Manlove, John on Shakespeare's "Taming of the 2s,m,3t,3b,bs Shrew" U.of Minn..Minneapolis llll,2100,pc,p,str. 5/31/67 Argento, D. Colonel Jonathan & the Saint 4 acts, FL BH Scrymgeour, J.O. comedy of reconstruction nar,6s,2m,2c,3t,2b,bs-b ch.,2222,3210,pc,hp,p. str.
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