The original documents are located in Box 31, folder “Presidential Meetings with Members of The House of Representatives, 9/1/76-9/22/76” of the Loen and Leppert Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 31 of the Loen and Leppert Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library SCHEDULE PROPOSAL THE WHITE HOUSE DATE: September 1, 1976 WASHINGTON THRU: Max Friedersdorf~ Charles Leppe~ FROM: Tom Loef £ le.t"(\....... VIA: Bill Nicholson ~'1EETING: Rep. Dan Rostenkowski (D.-Ill.) DATE: Next Congressional Hour PURPOSE: Opportunity for Congressman Rostenkowski to present a golf club to the President FORMAT: The Oval Office 5 Minutes PARTICIPANTS: The President Rep. Dan Rostenkowski Tom Loeffler (staff) SPEECH MATERIAL: Talking points will be provided PRESS COVERAGE: Announce to Press as part of Congressional Hour White House Photographer only STAFF: Tom Loeffler BACKGROUND: 1. Congressman Rostenkowski wants to personally present this golf club to the President. 2. The Congressman's golf pro gave the club to Rostenkowski and said the driver would improve the President's driving distance on the fairways. APPROVE DISAPPROVE ... THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON September 1, 1976 MEMORANDUM FOR: MAX FRIEDERSDORF FROM: CHARLES LEPPERT, JR.~· SUBJECT: Priorities on Congressional Hour Attached is a list of pending schedule proposals. Pursuant to your memo of August 30, I have listed below the priority requested based on those individuals or states which can be helpful during the next 60 days. 1. Democratic Research Organization 2. Manuel Lujan - New Mexico 3. Robert Stephens - Georgia 4< James Quillen - Tennessee 5. Bizz Johnson - California 6. Shirley Pettis - California 7. Clarence Miller - Ohio 8. Dick Schulze - Pennsylvania 9. Dan Rostenkowski - Illinois 10. Paul Findley - Illinois THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON September 1, 1976 MEMORANDUM FOR: MAX L. FRIEDERSDORF FROM: CHARLES LEPPERT, JR. SUBJECT: Pending Schedule Proposals The pending schedule proposals in our off ice for Members of the House of Representatives are as follows: Rep. James Quillen (R. - Tenn.) - To present John Allen Maxwell and Clifford E. Maxwell to the President. The Maxwells are nationally known artists and are introducinq Revolutionary War commemorative plates in honor of the Bic~tennial and have reserved plate number 38 for tha President as the 38th President of the U. S. Schedule proposal dated 5-23-75. Rep. George Hansen (R. - Idaho) - To introduce the 1975- 76 Miss National Teenager pageant winner. Schedule pro­ posal dated 9-24-75. Rep. Margaret Heckler (R. - Mass.) - To introduce five leaders of the Lebanese-American Heritage Group. Schedul.a proposal dated 10-29-75. Rep. Tennyson Guyer (R. - Ohio) - To present Dr. Hancho Cris Kim and a portrait of the President. Schedule pn'­ posal dated 1-5-76. Rep. Elford Cederberg (R. - Mich.) - To introduce met\\~)~\ ;t of the Michigan High School Coaches Association and ~\\¢ the President an honorary membership. Schedule propo~~\ dated 1-5-76. Pending Schedule Proposals Page 2 Rep. Manuel Lujan (R. - N. Mex.) - With Senator Domenici to discuss problems in New Mexico. Schedule proposal dated 1-22-76. Reps. Wolff, Murphy, Gilman, Rodino, and Rangel - To dis­ cuss trip to Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Panama and the drug situation. Schedule proposal dated 2-2-76. Democratic Research Organization - To meet on a variety of legislative and political subjects. Schedule proposal dated 3-24-76. Rep. Floyd Hicks (D. - Wash.) - To have Mr. Ron Reme pre­ sent the President with painting of Northwest landscape. Schedule proposal dated 3-13-76. · The Candlelighters - To present President with scroll to thank him or Mrs. Ford for their efforts in the crusade against cancer. Schedule proposal dated 3-13-76. Rep. William Ketchum (R. - Calif.) - To present hand made flag and letter. Schedule proposal dated 3-21-76. Rep. Dan Flood (D. - Pa.) - To have color photo with the President. Schedule proposal dated 3-26-76. Rep. William Walsh (R. - N. Y.) - To present a Bicenten­ nial table made from 350-year-old tree. Schedule proposal dated 5-12-76. Rep. Harold T. Bizz Johnson (D. - Calif.) - To present plaque and resolution from the Kanawha Water District, California. Schedule proposal dated 5-14-76. Rep. Carlos J. Moorhead (R. - Calif.) - To present greet­ ings from the Glendale School children in honor of the Bicentennial. Schedule proposal dated 5-14-76. Rep. Ed Eshleman (R. - Pa.) - To introduce representatives of Train Collectors Association and present the Bicenten­ nial Train Special No. 1. Letter to MF dated 5-11-76. Rep. Clarence Miller (R. - Ohio) - To introduce John Cronin and present ceramic plaque of the President. Schedule pro­ posal dated 5-17-76. Pending Schedule Proposals Page 3 Rep. William Whitehurst (R. - Va.) - To introduce Edwin Walter, 14-year-old, 8th grader who made study of Presi­ dents. Schedule proposal dated 5-17-76. Rep. Paul Findley (R. - Ill.) - To present a Bicentennial quilt from 5th grade students of Rochester Elementary School. Letter dated 5-22-76. Rep. Richard Schulze (R. - Pa.) - To present a tapestry depicting the Conestoga Wagon Train. Schedule proposal dated 7-20-76. Rep. Robert Stephens, Jr. (D. - Ga.) - To present a Bicen­ tennial quilt made by the 7th grade students of the Clarke Middle School in Athens, Georgia. Schedule proposal dated 7-20-76. Rep. Gary A. Myers (R. - Pa.) - To present a Bicentennial birthday card on which Mr. Devon Smith has gathered over 15,000 signatures. Schedule proposal dated 7-20-76. Rep. James H. Quillen (R. - Tenn.) - To present a Lincoln cabin which has been handcrafted. Schedule proposal dated 7-28-76. Rep--~ Shirley Pettis (R. - Calif.) - To present items from Brownie Troop 416 of Hemet, California. Schedule proposal dated 8-9-76. GOP Candidate Jerry Lausmann {for 4th District, Oregon) - To have picture taken with the President. Schedule pro­ posal dated 8-24-76. Rep. Dan Rostenkowski (D. - Ill.) - To present a Bicenten­ nial golf club. Schedule proposal dated 9-1-76. Thursday, September 2 8 - 9 a.m. in the Cabinet Room. NW Gate. (selected members of the House Wednesday Group and Senate Wednesday Group) Re campaign. ~ Frenzel ~:<C71 ~ Pritchard ~~II ~O Mrs. Heckler (i'c/3g~ /~ Mccloskey !!)stf II {!,µ McKinney 5~t/I ~ Cochran s~ t- - Regula G"'8t'/(7~ Wednesday, September 8 9:00 a.m. - meeting with President for 15 minutes in the Oval Off ice to discuss federal judgeship for the western district of Virginia. NW gate. Caldwell Butler 5431 William Wampler 3861 Ken Robinson 6561 Charlie -- Nancy has asked me to confirm with the following Congressmen their appointment this morning with the President at 11:00 in the Cabinet Room (enter thru NW Gate) with the House Study and Senate Steering Groups -- Crane 3711 ~ r; Derwin ski 3961 ~ ft: Paul 5951 4&; t - Burgener 3906 ~ r Armstrong 4422 ~~/' Janet 9/9 - 9:15 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON September 9, 1976 MEETING WITH SENATE REPUBLICAN STEERING COMMITTEE AND HOUSE REPUBLICAN STUDY GROUP Thursday, September 9, 1976 / 11:00-12:00 noon (60 minutes) The Cabinet Room From: Max L. Friedersdorf I. PURPOSE To discuss the campaign. II. BACKGROUND, PARTICIPANTS AND PRESS PLAN A. Background: 1. The President has approved a series of three meetings with the Republican Congressional leadership; the House and Senate Wednesday groups, and the House Republican Study group and the Senate Republican Steering Committee, to discuss the campaign. 2. The President has met with the leadership and the Wednesday groups. 3. Representative Marjorie Holt (R-MD) is Chairman of the House Republican Study group and Senator Jim McClure (R-IDAHO) is Chairman of the Senate Republican Steering Committee B. Participants: See TAB A C. Press Plan: Announce to the Press; White House photos only. III. TALKING POINTS 1. I wanted this opportunity to discuss the campaign with all of you. 2. We can answer your questions about the campaign, but it would be of great assistance if we could have your comments, ideas and suggestions. 3. So, let us begin by having comments by Marjorie and Jim, and then we will call on the others. PARTICIPANTS ·The· President ~he Vice President SENATE Bob Dole ,...Jim McClure Bill Brock .,......Uake Garn ~Roman Hruska Cliff Hansen Strom Thurmond Milt Young .,,_,Jesse Helms Carl Curtis Paul Fannin ,,. Bill Scott HOUSE _Marjorie Holt A>hil Crane Ed Derwinski .;Ron Paul .;Clair Burgener STAFF Bob Hartmann Jack Marsh Dick Cheney Jim Cannon Jim Lynn Max Friedersdorf Brent Scowcrof t Bill Seidman Alan Greenspan Bill Baroody Dave Gergen Jim Baker Stu Spencer REGRETS Rog Morton Roy Hughes Sen. Buckley - out of town Mary Louise Smith Sen. Goldwater - out of the country Bill Kendall Charlie Leppert THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Jack Marsh met with this group in the Rose Garden on ~ay 21 .and accepted the gifts on behalf of the President. Vera 9/14 (spoke with Donna) THE WHITE HOUSE SCHEDULE PROPOSAL WASHINGTON DATE: April 6, 1976 THRU: Max Friedersdorf FROM: Charles Leppert, Jrf?. VIA: Bill Nicholson MEETING: Rep. J. Kenne-th Robinson {R-Va.} DATE: . May 21, 1976 PURPOSE: Present to the President hand made gifts from the Nelsbn County Senior Citizens Center.
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