JJlumh. 43 855 NEW ZEALAND THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1950 Land Set Apart as Provisional State Forest Declared to be Subject Proclaiming Maori Land to be Vested in His Majesty the King to the Land Act, 1948 [L.S.] B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General [L.S.] B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION A PROCLAMATION URSUANT to section 450 of the Maori Land Act, 1931, I, P Lieutenant-General Sir Bernard Cyril Freyberg, the Governor­ N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and I upon me by subsection (2) of section 19 of the Forests Act, declare that the' Maori land described in the Schedule hereto is 1949, I, Lieutenant-General Sir Bernard Cyril Freyberg, the vcsted in His Majesty the King. Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting on the joint recommendation of the Minister of Lands and of the Minister of Forests, do hereby proclaim and declare that the land described SCHEDULE in the Schedule hereto, being portion of a provisional State forest ALL that piece of land containing 40 acres 1 rood 2 perches, more or reserve set apart by Proclamation dated the 16th day of March, less, called or known as Maungatautari 4H 5A 1 Block, situated in 1920, and gazett,tld on the 25th day of that month, is required for Block IX, Maungatautari Survey District, being the whole of the settlement purposes; and, in accordance with the provisions of land comprised in certificate of title, Volume 469, folio 34 (Auckland the said Act, such land shall, from and after the day of the gazetting Registry). hereof, cease to be provisional State forest land, and shall become Crown land available for sale, lease, reservation, or other disposition Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor·General under the provisions of the Land Act, 1948. of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 30th 'day of June, 1950. E. B. CORBETT, Minister of l\faori Affairs. SCHEDULE GOD SAVE THE KING! NELSON LAND DISTRICT (M.A. 1/2/51.) ALL that area in the Nelson Land District, Buller County, con­ taining by admeasurement 414 acres 2 roods, more or less, and Proclaiming a Tribal District Under the lJ.laori Social and Economic being part Section 13, Block VIII, Kawatiri Survey District, being Advancement Act, 1945 portion of provisional State forest, Gazette 1920, page 930, and bounded generally as follows: Commencing at the intersection of German Gully with the boundary of the Westport Harbour En­ [L.S.] B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General dowment (Buller Coalfields Reserve, Gazette 1871, page 150), towards A PROCLAMATION the south-east by the aforesaid Westport Harbour Endowment, URSUANT to section 6 of the Maori Social and Economic towards the south-west by Ballarat Creek, towards the north-west P Advancement Act, 1945, J, Lieutenant-General Sir Bernard by part Section 1 of 12, towards the north by portion of Section 7, Cyril Freyberg, the Governor-General of the Dominion of Now Block VIII, Kawatiri Survey District, towards the east by Stony Zealand, do hereby declare the parts of New Zealand described Creek, again towards the north by Section 4, Block VIII, Kawatiri in the Schedule hereto to be a tribal district for the purposes of Survey District, towards the north· east by thc aforesaid German the said Act, and do hereby assign to the said district the name Gully to the point of commencement. As the same is more particu­ " Taniwharau Tribal District." larly delineated on the plan marked L. and S. 6/1/40A, deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands and Survey, at Wellington, and thereon edged red. (S.O. plan 7462.) SCHEDULE TANIWHARAU TRIBAL DISTRICT Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General ALL that area in the South Auckland Land District bounded by a of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the line commencing at the mouth of the Ohuka Stream in Block III, Seal of that Dominion this 28th day of June, 1950. Coast Survey District; thence proceeding north-easterly along a E. B. CORBETT, Minister of Lands. right line to Trig. Station 72 in Block IV, Awaroa Survey District; thence southerly along a right line to the westernmost corner of Section 1, Block IX, Rangiriri Survey District; thence easterly GOD SAVE lJIE KING! along a right line to the westernmost corner of Section 2, Block XI, (L. and S. H.O. 6/1/40; D.O. O.L. 460.) Rangiriri Survey District and its production to the middle of the A THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No;.43 WaikatD River; thence sDutherly generally up the middle Df that Land Taken for the Putaf"Uf"U - Upper Atiaffluri Railway river to. its cDnfluence with the Mangawara Stream; thence sDuth· easterly generally up the middle Df the Mangawara Stream, to. and [L.S.] B. C. FREYBERG, Gavernar·General up the middle Df the KDmakDrau Stream to. its intersectiDn with the A PROCLAMATION sDuthern bDundary of BIDck VI, KDmakDrau Survey District, and alDng a right line to. the nDrthernmDst CDrner Df LDt 4A, Dn the plan URSUANT to. the Public WDrks Act, 1928, I, Lieutenant· numbered 3916, depDsited in the Dffice Df the District Land Registrar P Genera.l Sir Bernard Cyril Freyberg, the GDvernDr·Genera.1 at Auckland; thence sDuth.westerly alDng the nDrth.western of the DominiDn Df New Zealand, do. hereby proclaim and declare bDundaries Df the said LDt 4A and LDtS 3, 2, and 1, Dn the plan that the land describ~ in the Sohedule heretD.is hereby taken numbered 4472,· depDsited as afDresaid, to. the nDrth·eastern bDundary fDr the Putaruru - Upper Atiamuri Railwa.y. Df Ruakura StatiDn RDad; thence sDuth.easterly along the nDrth. eastern bDundary Df that rDad, to and alDng· the. nDrth·eastern bDundary Df Lisettes RDad and its prDductiDn to. the middle Df the SCHEDULE MangaDnua Stream; thence sDuth.westerly and sDutherly generally dDwn the middle Df that stream, to. and up the middle Df the Waikato Approxim&te· Areas I Coloured on River to. the prDductiDn Df a right line between the sDuthernmDst ot~ Piecesai' Being CDrner Df SectiDn 204, Tuhikaramea Parish in BIDck XII, Alexandra. • Laud Taken. Plan. Survey District, and the sDuthernmDst CDrner Df SectiDn 112, Te Rapa Parish in BIDck VII, HamiltDn Survey District; thenee westerly to. and alDng the said right line to. the sDuthernmost CDrner Df A. R. P. SectiDn204, afDresaid; thence sDuth.westerly alDng a right line to. 0 1 0·6 LDt 1, D.P. 15561 .. .. YellDw. Trig. StatiDn Tahuanui in BIDck II, PirDngia SurveY District; 0 036·5 LDt 2, .. .. thence nDrth.westerly along a right line to the sauth·western co.rner 0 1 0·8 LDt 3, " .. .. " Df MDerangi Ie BIDck in Black XIII, Alexandra· Survey DiStrict. 0 () 37·6 LDt 4, " .. .. " and a right line to. the junctiDn Df PDnds RDad with the KaurDa-Te 0 o 39·3 LDt 5, " .. .. " Mata Main Highway; thence sDuth.westerly alDng a right lkLe to 0 o 37·6 LDt 6, " .. .. " the sauth·western oarner af Sectian 96 (E.R.), Kariai Parish, Block 0 037·4 . LDt 7, " .. .. " VIII, KariDi Survey District; thence nartherly generally to. and 0 1 6·2 LDt 8, " .. .. Blu~ . alqng the sea·caast, acrass the entrance to. WhaingarDa HarbDur, 0 1 0 LDt 9, " .. .. Sepia. and again alang the sea·CDast to. the mauth af the Ohuka Stream. 0 1 0 LDt 10, " ., .. the point af CDmmencement. 0 1 0 .LDt 11, " .. .. YellDw." 0 1 0 LDt 12, " .. .. Given under the hand Df His Excellenoy the Gavernar·General 0 1 0 Lat 13, ,." .. .. " af the DaminiDn Df New Zealand, and issued under the 0 1 0 LDt 14, .. .. " S~alof that D6:minian, this 23rd day of June, 1950. 0 1 0 LDt 15, " .. .. Blu~. E. B. CORBETT, Minister af MaDri Affa.irs. 0 1 0 Lat 16, " .. .. 0 1 0 Lat 17, .," .. .. Sepi:., edge d GOD SAVE l'HE Kmu I sepia. (M.A. 35/71/1.) 0 1 0 Lat 18, .. .. Blue. O· 1 0 Lat 19, " .. .. YellDw. 0 1 10 LDt 20, "., .. .. Sepia.. 0 1 10 LDt 21, .. .. Blue. 0 1 l(J Lat 22, " .. .. YellDw. Proclaiming a Tribal Dietrict Vnder the MaO'l'i Social and Economic 0 110 LDt 23, " .. .. Advancement Act, 1945 0 1 0 LDt 24, " .. .. " 0 1 0 Lat 25, " .. .. " 0 1 0 Lot 26, " .. .. Sepi:. " [L.S.] B. C.FREYBERG, Governor·General 0 1 0 LDt 27, ., .. Blue. 0 1 0 LDt 28, " .. ., A PROCLAMATION 0 1 0 Lot 29, " .. .. Yeli~w . URSUANT to. sectian' 6 of the Maori Sacial and Ecanomic 0 1 0 Lat 30, " .. .. P Advancement Act, 1945, I, Lieutenant·General Sir Bernard 0 1 0 Lat 31, " .. .. Sepia." Cyril Freyberg, the QavernOl'·General af the Dominian af New 0 1 0 Lat 32, " .. .. Zealand, do. hereby-declare the parts Df New Zealand described in 0 1 0 LDt 33, " .. .. yell~w. the Schedule hereto. to be a trioal district fDr the purpDses Df the 0 1 0 LDt 34, " .. .. said. Act, and do. hereby assign to. the said district the name 0 1 0 LDt 35, " .. .. " ".Kaaka.orDa. Tribal District." 0 1 0·8 LDt 36, " .. .. " 0 110·4 Lot 37, " .. .. " 0 1 7·4 LDt 38, " .. .. " SCHEDULE 0 1 4·8 Lat 39, " .. .. " 0 1 1·7 Lot 40, " .. .. " KAOKAOROA TRmAL DISTRICT 0 6 39·2 LDt 41, " .. .. " ALL that area situated in the SDuth Auckland Land Distriot bDunded 0 1 0·5 LDt 42, " .
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