Please P “The country has come to feel the same when Congress is in TAKEFREE! ONE! session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer”- Will Rogers atronize Our Advertisers Interested In Writing For The Observer? - Join Us At Our Public Meeting At Arabica Coffee House (6285 Pearl Rd.) Every Tuesday 7PM Proud Member Of The Observer Media Family Of Community Owned Newspapers & Websites Volume 5 • Issue 1 • January, 2013 Mayor Tim DeGeeter Reflects On A Successful First Year by Jeannie Roberts serves us all,” DeGeeter said. the administration has also When Tim DeGeeter “We think we have created encouraged family friendly meets with Parma residents a good connection with our events, which have been well- one-on-one during his “May- business owners, and we are received. Family movie night or’s In” meetings – this month’s looking forward to maintain- was a huge success, and new will be from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. ing a good relationship with recreation programs aimed at Jan. 30, 2013 – he is reminded them.” tots have been extremely pop- that, as mayor of the state’s sev- That relationship was evi- ular. Beautifying the city has enth-largest city, a lot can be dent in a renewed agreement been on the agenda as well, learned from staying connected with OSG-Sterling Die, which and streetscape improvements with residents. Being accessible granted a 46 percent rebate have included storefront and has been a priority during his on payroll taxes paid to the sidewalk upgrades. first year in office; entering his city for the next 12 years. The “We live here and raise agreement encourages expan- our families here,” DeGeeter second year, he is looking for- Mayor Tim DeGeeter works personally with residents to hear sion and jobs, which could said. “We all want the best for ward to continuing to reap the concerns and search for answers. benefits of that enhanced com- trigger an even more lucrative Parma, and that’s why we’re munication. mayor’s first-year accomplish- Seven Hills that give Parma agreement. working hard every day. We “Staying connected with ments: residents discount rates at While keeping an eye are looking forward to our sec- residents is so important,” The renewal of the police Seven Hills’ recreation center, on the business community, ond year.” DeGeeter says, “because, obvi- levy passed resoundingly, and also for Parma and Parma ously, these are the people ensuring that training and Heights to share summer band Friends Of Parma Theater we serve. We want residents equipment will be kept up to concert venues. Additionally, to understand that, working date and that Parma can look to the city is working collabora- Begin First Of Many together, we really can do con- increase its staffing. The Mayor tively on several projects with crete things to move Parma continued the city’s “Walk- Cuyahoga County, including Fact Finding Tours forward.” about” program, in which he, IT services. While there is still plenty the Police Chief, Safety Direc- Social media efforts have of work left, DeGeeter has tor and Council members go increased residents’ ability to done a lot to move the city door-to-door in each ward to communicate with City Hall forward in his first year. Look- talk personally with residents – the city’s Facebook page has ing back, he feels a sense of about potential safety con- more than doubled its com- challenge and hard work and cerns. Also, the “Meet on the munity in the first year, and satisfaction. “Parmatown has Beat” program encourages uni- City Hall started a Twitter a buyer,” he says, “and that in formed police officers to make account - @ParmaMayor – itself is huge. When you look personal contact with the busi- that has nearly 250 followers. up the hill on Powers Road, ness owners on patrols. Additionally, as the city’s the new library is coming up. Residents can register for contract with Republic Waste We’re hoping that, in a few recreation programs online or is expected to expired at the years, this area will be a vital in person. Online registration end of this month, a new energetic city center.” offers residents a much more contract, entered into with While all that is happen- convenient way to sign up for Republic Waste with the City Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization Execu- ing, he is looking forward to recreational offerings. of Berea, will accomplish some tive Director Jeff Ramsey displaying some of the history of the the challenges he knows will Collaborative agreements very exciting wins for Parma – community to members of the Friends of the Parma Theater. keep coming to his office. with neighboring communi- garbage collection will remain But consider, though, for ties allowed Parma residents to free for residents; recycling by Daniel P. McCarthy house in 1920. The Capitol a moment, some of the rookie share recreation facilities with is expected to rise in Parma, On December 15, the Theatre has become an impor- thus reducing the city’s ton- Friends of the Parma Theater tant anchor for the Gordon nage to landfills; and the city left from the parking lot of Square Arts District in the Recycle Your Christmas could save about $800,000 in City Hall to travel on the first West 65th. and Detroit area, a year when the city’s budget of many planned "fact finding and the experience of revital- Lights! desperately needs it because of missions" for the purpose of izing this area by acquiring, by Mayor Mike Byrne budget cuts out of Columbus. observing and learning from restoring, and re-purposing Parma Heights has a green solution to those piles of broken, In his first year, DeGeeter other groups and institutions, facilities to attract, house and tangled Christmas lights – recycle them at the Service Garage in hosted four economic summit who in a similar fashion were showcase the Arts is what the the Greenbrier Commons on Saturday, January 12 from 9:00 a.m. meetings with the business formed in order to transform Friends of the Parma Theater – 12:00 p.m. community. The feedback existing resources into valu- group came to learn about. We “Residents can bring broken or unwanted strings of lights, from those has been over- able community assets. The were not disappointed, as Jeff electrical cords and power strips,” explained Building, Housing whelmingly positive, and the first stop was at the Detroit Ramsey, Executive Director, and Recycling Coordinator Michelle Teresi. “All of the material dialogue is something the Shoreway Community Devel- led us on a tour of the restored will be taken to the Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District for mayor wants to continue. opment Organization, with the movie theater, complete with recycling, ” she added. “Our business community focus on the restored Capitol beautiful visual displays of his- Residents with questions are asked to call the Parma Heights understands that City Hall Theatre in the Gordon Square toric photos and artifacts from Service Department at 440-884-9607, Monday through Friday, is here to help encourage a Arts District. This beautiful between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. healthy local economy, which space began as a silent movie continued on page 12 Page 2 The Parma Observer Vol 05, Issue 1 January, 2013 Parma Business competitors. In fact, you will also see HEAP to keep us warm. So, if you or the names of suppliers and their con- anyone you know needs this type of The President’s Corner tact information, as well as the terms assistance, please check it out and share by Sean Brennan, and conditions of each supplier’s plans. the information. Parma City Council President As the site states, “As with all contracts, I hope that you find my column Very often residents and family consumers should carefully read and helpful and informative. In fact, my members call me about natural gas understand all terms and conditions hope is that the information will save rates. Over the years, deregulation in before signing any forms or agreeing to you money on your natural gas bill. the natural gas industry in Ohio has enroll with a supplier.” As always, if you have suggestions led to a fair amount of competition and The Apples to Apples site also pro- for future columns, please feel free to the creation of the Ohio Natural Gas vides a “Self-Calculation Worksheet,” contact me at (440) 885-8091 or coun- Choice Program. As a result, residents which allows you to compare what you [email protected]. Stay are now faced with selecting a natural currently pay for natural gas with what warm this winter! gas supplier and rate plan that meets you will pay if you choose to change their unique circumstances, including suppliers. If you have further questions budgetary concerns, time constraints about natural gas choice or the Apples and acceptable level of risk. to Apples charts, you may contact the To assist residents with selecting a Parma City Council President Sean P. PUCO at 1-800-686-PUCO (7826). natural gas supplier, the Public Utili- Brennan The PUCO website also pro- ties Commission of Ohio (PUCO) has vides information regarding energy established a website where you can the Columbia Gas of Ohio’s service assistance programs whether you use The Parma Observer is a com- compare suppliers and their respective area, therefore, you will want to click electricity or natural gas to heat your munity owned and operated rate plans. To check out the site, sim- on this chart. Some residents may be home, including the Home Energy citizen based news source.
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