J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-22-02-21 on 1 February 1914. Downloaded from JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. <torps mews. FEBRUARY, 1914. HONOURS. The King has been graciously pleased to confer the honour of Knighthood upon Protected by copyright. Surgeon-General Arthur Thomas Sloggett, C.B., C.M.G., K.H.S., Director Medical Services in India. The King has been graciously pleased to give orders for the following appointment to the Most Honourable Order of the Bath: To be Ordinary Member of the Military Division, or Companion of the said Most Honourable Order: Surgeon;General Harold George Hathaway, Deputy Director of Medical Services, India. ESTABLISHMENTS. Royal Hospital, Chelsea: Lieutenant-Colonel George A. T. Bray, Royal Army Medical Corps, to be Deputy Surgeon, vice Lieutimant-Colonel H. E. Winter, who has vacated the appointment, dated January 20, 1914. ARMY MEDICAL SERYICE. Surgeon-General Owen E. P. Lloyd, V.C., C.B., is placed on retired pay, dated January 1, 1914. Colonel Waiter G. A. Bedford, C.M.G., to be Surgeon-General, vice O. E. P. Lloyd, V.C., C.B., dated January 1, 19]4. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ Colonel Alexander F. Russell, C.M.G., M.B., is placed on retired pay, dated December 21, 1913. Colonel Thomas J. R. Lucas, C.B., M.B., on completion of four years' service in his rank, retires on retired pay. dated January 2, 1914. Colonel Robert Porter, M.B., on completion of four years' service in his rank, is placed on the half-pay list, dated January 14, 1914. The undermentioned officers from the Royal Army Medical Corps to be Colonels :­ Lieutenant-Colonel Neville Manders, vice A. F. Russell, C.M.G., M.B., dated December 21, 1913. Lieutenant-Colonel Cecil Birt, vice W. G. A. Bedford, C.M.G., dated January 1, 1914. Brevet-Colonel Robert S. F. Henderson, M.B., K.H.P., vice T. J. R. Lucas, C.B., ratired, dated January 2, 1914. J..Jieutenant·Colonel Michael W. Russell, vice R. Porter, M.B., to half pay, dated January 14, 1914. on October 2, 2021 by guest. ROYAL' ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur R. Aldridge, C.S.I., M.B., retires on retired pay, dated January 3, 1914. The undermentioned officers to be Lieutenant-Colonels :- Major James C. Jameson, M.B., vice N. Manders, dated December 21, 1913. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-22-02-21 on 1 February 1914. Downloaded from 24 Brevet·Lieutenant·Colonel Edgar M. Pilcher, D.S.O., vice C. Birt, dated January 1, 1914. Major William G. Beyts, vice E. M. Pilcher, D.S.O., supernumerary, dated January 1, 1914. The undermentioned Supernumerary Lieutenant·Colonels are restored to the establishment :- T. du B. Whaite, M.B., vice R. S. F. Henderson, dated January 2,1914. Herbert E. Winter. vice G. A. T. Bray, Supernumerary, dated January 20, 1914. Major George St. Clair Thom, M.B., to be Deputy Assistant Director of Medical Services of a Territorial Division, dated December 13, 1913. Major John V. Forrest, lILB., to be a Deputy AssistlLnt Director·General (attached to the Department of the Directo~ of Milit'aryOperations at the War Office), vice Major C. E. Pollock, dated December 29, 1913.' ' Major William D. Erskine, M.B., retires on retired pay, dated January 3, 1914. The undermentioned Captains to be Majors ;- Leonard Cotterill,M.B., qated December 5, 1914. William J. S. Harvey, dated January 14, 1914. The undermentioned supernumerary officers are restored to the establishment :­ Captain Richard J. C.Thompson, dated December 12, 1913. Captain William E. Marshall, M.B., dated January 1, 1914. Lieutenant Bernard Woodhouse, dated January 1, 1914. Lieutenant Percival D. Warburton, dated January 24,1914. HIGHER RATE OF PAY.-Lieutenant·Colonels C. J. MacDonald, R. W. Wright, and E. Eckersley have been selected for the increased pay under Article 358, Royal Wa,rra:nt for Pay and Promotion. Protected by copyright. ,ARRIVALS HOME FOR DUTY.-From India; on December 30, Lieutenant· Colonel N. Faichnie, Major H. K. Palmer, Captains C. W. Bowle and A. C. Elliott; on January 8, Lieutenant·Colonel C. W. H. Whitestoue, Major E. F. Q. L'Estrange, Captains D. de C. O'Grady, W. Mitchell and W. E. C. Lunn. From Hong Kong: as on December 17, Major F. S. Penny. From Mauritius: on January 13, Major V. J. Crawford and Captain A. N. R.'McNeill. From Straits Settlements: on January 13, Captains R. Rutherford and E. V. Vaughan. ARRIVALS HOME ON LEAVE.-Lieutenant-Colonel G. G. Adams, Majors J. MeD. McCarthy, H. S. Roch, J. H. R. Bond, J. G. Foster and T. B. -Unwin, Captains T. B. Nicholls and S. McK. Saunders. ' POSTINGS.-·Northern Command: Captain A. N. R. McNeill. Western Com­ mand: Lieutenant·Colonel N. Faichnie, Major J. D. G. Macpherson, Captains R. Rutherford aud W. Mitchell. Aldershot: Captains A. H. Heslop and W. E. C. Lunn, Lieutenant H. C. D. Raukiu. Eastern Command: Captains D. de C. O'Grady and A. C. Elliott, Lieutenant F. C. Cowtan. London District: Lieutenants W. V. Corbett and' N. T. Whitehead. Queen Alexandra Military Hospital, London: Lieutenant http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ R. B., Price. Irish Command: Majors F. S. Penny and E. F. Q. L'Estrange, Cap­ tains G. R: Millar, E. D. Caddel1, , J. R. Foster and C. W. Bowle. Southern Command: Lieute,naut·Colonel C. W. H. Whitestone, Majors F. E. Gunter, H. K. Palmer and V. J. Crawford, Captain E. V. Vaughan_ TRANSFERS.-To Woolwich: Lieutenant·Colonel A. L., F. Bate, from Preston. To Aldershot: Lieutenant·Colonel H. C. Thurston, C.M.G., from the Royal Military College. To the Royal Military College: Major C. B. Martin, from Cahir. To the Royal' Army Medical College: Captain A. C. H. Gray, from Dublin. TRANSFERS TO THE HOME ESTABLISHMENT.-From India, on February 3, Captain J,' R. Foster; on February 8, Captain A.H. Heslop. APPOINTMENTS.-Colonel M. W. Russell, Deputy Director of Medical Services Malta. Brevet·Colonel Sir W. B. Leishman, Kitt., K.H.P., Member of the Army Medical Advisory Board (as Expert in Tropical Medicine). Lieutenant-Colonel A. L. F. Bate, Medical Examiner of Recruits, Woolwich. Lieutenant-Colonel C. W. H.White· on October 2, 2021 by guest. stone, charge of the Military Hospital, Hilsea. Territorial Force. Captain R. H. MacNicol, Specialist in Dermatology, Malta. Captain T. H. Gibbon, Clinical Pathologist, Dublin. RETIRED PAY APPOINTMENT.-Major C. J. Holmes, MedicM Charge at Lancaster. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-22-02-21 on 1 February 1914. Downloaded from 25 o EMBARKATIONS.-:-For India: on December 7, Lieutenant-Colonel B. J. Inniss (at Mauritius); on January 10, Lieutenant·Colonel T. du B.Whaite,. Majors R. L. Popham and R. McK. Skinner, Captains F. C. Lambert and T. C. C. Leslie, Lieu­ tenants C. M. Ingoldby, S; J. Higgins, G. A. Blake; L. Dnnbar and H. E. Panton ;on January 21, Lieutenant-Colonel H. E. Winter, Major E. E. Parkes, Captains A. H. Hayes and M. Keane, Lieutenants R. Davidson, A. G. Biggam, R. K. Mallam, W. McNaughtan, D. T. M. Large, M. Burnett, A. Hood, C. J. Blaikie, J. R. M. Frobisher, W. Stevenson, J. L. Ritchie, D. T. Richardson, R; W. Vint and A. A. M. Davies. For Gibraltar; on December 23, Captain J. B. Meldon (by exchange). For Bermnda; on January 1, Lieutenant-Colonel G. W. Tate. For West Africa; on January.. 7, Captain J. H. Douglass. For Malta; on January 24, Colonel M. W. Russell, Captains J. G. Garmichael and R. H. MacNicoI. For Egypt: on January 24, Lieutenant W. L. Webster. RESULT OF EXAMINATIONS.-The following results of examinations are notified for general information :- Passed for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel ;- In Appendix xiv, K.R., Part ii; Majors M. Boyle, R. J. Blackham, C.I.E., H. Hewetson, G. H. Goddard and J. W. Leake. Passed for promotion to the rank of Major ;.- In Appendix xi, K.R., Subhead (b); Captains C. W. Holden, H. T. Stack, C. R. Sylvester.Bradley, T. C. Lucas and C. Scaife. In Appendix xi, K.R., Subhead (c) ii: Brevet·Major A. B. Smallman, Captains W. F. Ellis, G. H. J. Brown, A. L. Otway, N. Low; R. K. White, D. de C. O'Grady, P. S. Stewart, W. K. Beaman, O. R. McEwen, G. Petit and G. S. Parkins on. In Appendix ix, K a., Subhead (d) ii; Captain L. Cotterill. Passed for promotion to the rank of Captain;- Protected by copyright. In Appendix xi, K.R., Subhead (c) ii ; Lieutenants T. J. Hallinan, G. O. Chambers, B. Biggar, W. L. Webster, R. K. Mallam, W. McNaughtan, C. 'J. Blaikie, C ..M. Ingoldby, S. J. Higgins, E. C. Lang and J. C. Sproule. WARRANT 'OFFICERS, NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS, AND MEN. DISCHARGES. 9890 Qmr.-Serjt. Perry, C. .. .. 27.12.13 Termination of second period. 5692 " Miller, H. G. .. 30.12.13 After 3 months' notice. 9915 Staff.Serjt. Thuillier, E. .. 20.1.14 Termination of second period. 13666 Serjeant .. Hughes, W. C. .. 31.12.12 Free after 12 years. 9977 .. Walden, W. C. •. 15.1.14 Termination of second period. 9911 " .. Boulton, J. H. R ... 17.1.14 16303 Corporal • . Cunningham, H. •• 11.12.13 Fr'~e after'12 years. 9784 •. Hughes, C. .. .. 28.12.13 Medically unfit. 2027 Pri~~te .. Coney, E. H. .. 19.12.13 16851 .. Olendinning, W. J .. 16.12.13 Ter~ina tion' ~f first period. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ 5096 [ . Beattie, H. .. • . 24.11.13 Payment of £18.
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