14 » Netting Success 16 » New Theater Director 23 » A Lifetime of Dedication June 2014 Serving Tarrytown, Sleepy Hollow, Irvington, Scarborough-on-Hudson and Ardsley-on-Hudson Vol. IX No. 6 President Obama’s Visit Activates Local Security Measures Photo by Sunny McLean Sunny Photo by by Robert Kimmel fixing potholes, he explained. About three days of work were put into tidying up the When the President comes to town, it area. Sleepy Hollow’s Police Department sets a lot of wheels in motion. As expected, also worked closely with the Secret Service that is what happened when local authori- to ensure the President’s safety in the area ties learned that President Obama had of the village. chosen to use the Tappan Zee Bridge and “We were pretty busy,” he noted. Po- the new bridge construction as his back- lice also rode with Secret Service person- drop last month to push Congress to ap- nel in securing the area, Giaccio said. “A prove his $302 billon transportation infra- fire truck stood by at the request of the structure plan. White House. The route from the landing Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow were giv- to Tarrytown had to be blocked off, and en about five days to prepare for President some streets were closed off with the vil- Obama’s visit. Sleepy Hollow Administra- lage’s garbage trucks before the landing,” tor Anthony Giaccio was alerted by the according to Giaccio. “There was a signifi- Secret Service the Friday before Obama’s cant amount of overtime incurred.” Wednesday, May 14t visit. “They wanted Fifteen Tarrytown police officers were as- to know whom to contact at General Mo- signed to help the Secret Service to ensure tors to get permission to land,” Giaccio the President’s safety in that village, Ad- said, referring to the vacated GM water- ministrator Michael Blau said. Preparing President Obama made his first visit to Westchester in Tarrytown on May 14. front site where the President’s helicopter, for any eventuality, the Secret Service also Marine One, would set down. selects an appropriate hospital to which “Both the police Department and the the President would be rushed should he ran Road, and that was the most direct Tuesday, that on Wednesday there would Department of Public Works were very sustain an injury or become ill. That was route to the hospital, so they were con- always be a way to have an ambulance get much involved in the preparation for the Westchester Medical Center because it was cerned about having clear access to the across to where we were doing the work, landing,” Giaccio, added. The DPW got a trauma hospital, Blau explained. hospital,” he said. “We guaranteed them so the President could get to the hospital involved in clearing the site of debris, and “We were replacing a culvert on Nepa- that if the work was not completed by Continued on page 11 Another Large Joe Golden Photo by PAID PRSRT STD Irvington Tract Up U.S. POSTAGE U.S. PERMIT NO. 971 PERMIT NO. WHITE PLAINS, NY WHITE PLAINS, for Development by Barrett Seaman The sale of any large tract of land in the rivertowns is always a sensitive issue—especially in Irvington, where increasingly rare open spaces and vistas are prized and large-scale development projects viewed with suspicion. So it was only prudent that Jerry Carrafiello brought a pair of well-known land-use attorneys and a landscape engineer to the May 5 village board meeting to sound out trustees’ reactions to a trio of selling options for his eight-acre tract before he made any commitments. Carrafiello and his three sisters own the Winterly Cor- porate Campus, the centerpiece of which is a 35,000 sq. ft. white clapboard Colonial crowning a manicured swath of green that sweeps down from the east to Broad- way. The campus, built on the grounds of the old Wil- liam B. May estate, “Winterly,” was created by their Special Event: An athlete is cheered on during one of the competitions at the father, Lou Carrafiello, who employed more than 100 2014 Hudson Valley Special Olympics: Spring Games East at Sleepy Hollow High people at the Carrafiello-Diehl & Associates advertising School. For more photos, see page 13. agency, on the site. After the ad Continued on page 6 www.thehudsonindependent.com Phelps Intends to Link with North Shore LIJ Health System by Robert Kimmel and population health. These are things year, 2014, add up to $3.3 million in re- friendly facility that attracts clinical talent that a community hospital cannot partici- duced reimbursement for the same patients and patients from throughout the area,” In a move designed to augment its re- pate in as an independent organization, and we took care of last year,” he explained. “The North Shore-LIJ President and CEO Mi- sources and better cope with the “changing it is a something that a big health system cuts are going to increase next year and the chael J. Dowling stated. healthcare environment,” Phelps Memorial can do very effectively and joining with LIJ next year, and every year beyond. It really Phelps has grown under Safian’s leader- Hospital Center is aiming to join the North will permit us to accomplish.” is a game changer for hospitals and with ship. Since he took over as its top executive Shore-LIJ Health System. If successful, Accountable care organizations are com- community hospitals smaller and having, in in 1989, its operating budget has risen from the action would link Phelps to New York prised of primary care physicians, specialists our case, a large proportion of Medicare pa- $40 million to $200 million, and an 11% State’s largest group health care employer and hospitals that work collaboratively and tients, we are substantially effected by this operating loss in 1988 has turned into sur- and make it the North Shore LIJ System’s are collectively accountable for the quality legislation change.” pluses in all but one year of his tenure. Its first Westchester affiliate. of care and costs of care for a population of Richard Sinni, chairman of the Phelps medical staff has increased from 189 to 460 Phelps Board of Directors last month patients, a growing concept in the medical Board, described the objective for “seek- and total employees have doubled to 1,600. approved a letter of intent to explore the field. It is becoming particularly associated ing partnership with an academic medical North Shore, LIJ Health System, which linkage with North Shore, and apparently with the health of Medicare patients. center has been to continue to provide the embraces 16 hospitals, including Lennox the Long Island based health system is opti- Safian said the relationship with North same, if not enhanced, quality services that Hill in Manhattan, two long term care fa- mistic about the prospect of integrating the Shore LIJ would help Phelps, “...expand its our community has come to depend upon.” cilities and a large research center, has more Sleepy Hollow facility into its organization. programs and services to better meet the “By working in an integrated and collab- than 48,000 employees and some 400 out- However, a due diligence period and nego- needs of our community, and a big system orative way with clinical and administrative patient physician practices, and is New York tiations are expected to last several months like North Shore has resources and expertise staff at Phelps Memorial, and investing in State’s largest integrated health care pro- before a final agreement would be executed, that they can share with us, and can help us new initiatives and programs, we look for- vider. It was formed in 1997 when North possibly by late summer. expand faster than Phelps can expand on its ward to building on the hospital’s unique Shore Health System merged with Long “Our Board Affiliation Task Force looked own. “ operating niche as a physician- and patient- Island Jewish Medical Center. at all of the alternatives, potential partners in Financial stability is a factor as well, ac- the Metropolitan area, and felt that North cording to Safian. While noting that “Phelps McLean Sunny Photo by Shore LIJ was the best partner for Phelps,” has been very economically successful over Keith Safian, the hospital’s President and the years,” he cited several Westchester hos- CEO, told The Hudson Independent. “And pitals that over the last decade or so have we are extremely pleased that they felt the closed their doors; United in Port Chester, same way, that Phelps would be their first South Shore in Mt. Vernon and St. Agnes affiliate in this county. It is mutually benefi- in White Plains that demonstrate, “...in- cial, a great opportunity.” dividual community hospitals are in some “There are a number of levels where the economic jeopardy.” relationship is going to be very helpful to The Affordable Care Act has also cut into Phelps,” Safian said. “One is dealing with Phelps’ revenue. “One of the ways they are the new era of health delivery, meaning paying for that act is by reducing reimburse- dealing with accountable care organizations ment to hospitals,” Safian said. “Cuts this Dr. Elio Ippolito received the Salvation Army Lifetime Service Award last month. Joining him were captains Noel and Angeelica Rodriguez, Ellen Lynch, Janet Her- rara, Diane Lopez and Don Whitely. 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