ALL THE NEWS THAT'S FIT TO PITCH FREE Baby" and "Atomic Love." "I was accused of being insane, film documents fifteen years of of being a drunkard, of being efforts by the U. S. government everything that you might ima­ and the media to pacify the pub­ gine a derelict to be," the pi­ DAJ1ClrG Duck and cover. That's all you lic about the dangers of nuclear lot says, "as a result of guilty to do to protect yourself war. conscience for doing this." atom bomb attack, says American soldiers in the Ne­ Filmmakers Jayne Loader, Kevin Turtle, a sprightly vada desert watch an Atomic bomb Rafferty and Pierce Rafferty WESTPORT character. He also tells test and then go in closer for a worked for five years on the Gershwin, Motown, Richard tUJO children UJho under­ bet ter look af ter hear ing a project, which began as a com­ Rodgers, Claude Debussy and the bomb can drop at chaplain describe the blast as prehensive history of American dancers in art deco blacks and and are alUJays on the "one of the most beautiful propaganda but ended up focusing whites and romantic tutus will a place to use as a sights ever seen by man." A con­ on the bomb. In These Times meet and mesmerize an outdoor basic, generic boy cerned father proudly displays quotes Pierce Rafferty as say­ audience at a series of free dOUJn a sideUJalk, the lead-lined snowsuit that ing, "We exhausted the Library performances by the Westport. stop in their tracks will protect his children. A of Congress, the National Ar­ Ballet at the Prospect, 4109 run to "safety," UJhich real estate agent hawks a bomb chives, and dozens of military Pennsylvania, Sunday evenings at fi lm means crouching shel ter saying, "This room is archives. The ratio of what we 8: 30 on June 27, July 11, July a brick building. On a pic- designed wi th an atomic war in viewed to what we ended up using 25 and August 8. Although admis­ and daughter shield mind." Basements are converted was maybe 10,000 to one." sion is free, seating is re­ under a tablecloth. to f ortif ica tions, complete wi th The filmmakers believe the served. Call 816-531-4330 be­ around his periscopes, where life can go on historical material in Atomic tween 9am and lpm two weeks pri­ of just like before. A doctor diag­ Cafe has relevance today. Jayne or to each performance. desks noses Mr. Average Man as having Loader says, "Some of the poli­ as "nuclearosis," meaning too much ticians who were active in pro­ "Manhattan Concerto," which is .. and unwarranted worry about nuclear moting the nuclear arms race in to be one of the featured pieces cover! " war. A civil defense drill is the 1950' s are still making pol­ at the Prospect performances, is . That's what Kansas City audi­ sponsored by a shopping-center icy in Washington today." full of people rushing around, ences can see July 2nd through owner because "shopping centers She may have a point. Accord­ diagonal movements and dancers July 15th when the Bijou will are an expression of the free ing to New York Times' Vincent springing off one another to the show Atomic Cafe, a feature-­ world. " Canby, Esquire wr iter Ed Zucker­ jazz overtones of Gershwin's length film about American atom­ man recently reported that the "Piano Concerto in Fit (choreo­ ic propaganda of the 1940 's and graphed by Elizabeth Hard, West­ Atomic Cafe also includes some U.S. postal service had plans to 1950 'so It was created from issue emergency change-of­ port Ballet Director) • newsreels, television and radio never-be fore-released footage of an Air Force interview with the address cards in case of an all- shows, cartoons, government and out nuclear attack. item on the Westport military training films and pilot of the atomic bomber Enola II such as "Atom Bomb Gay, which destroyed Hiroshima. --Donna Pl'UB .•.. ~~ presents: The K.C. Blues Band and their new album entitled "Too many Drivers" contains new releases: • Pretty Lady · 40 on 20 off Blues · KC Inner City Blues Kansas City's finest rythym & blues sound Send $ 7.ooplus.SOpostage and handUng You should recieve your album within 2 weeks • • .... * ~~-('" maillfOl'II 0.11 to: name .11 4treet Summit Productions, Ltd. , eit., 4tate 9900 Santa Fe Drive Overland Park. KS 66212 (913)648·0217 -----------------------------------------""----"- "- PAGE 3 PUBLISHER ••••••• , •• Hal Brody EDITOR •.••...•.•.•• Charles Chance, Jr. ASSISTING •••.•••••• Rev. Dwight Frizzell Jay Mandeville Production C~ordinator • ••••••••• Rosie Scrivo Typing and Creative Input · ••••••••• Violet Jackson Entertainment Consultant • .•••••••• Dino Chance Advertising Director •••••••••• Bob McConnell Promotion Manager. ~Marc Olson ~~~~~I~~~~~~; Arie He Thomas, Char les Having always consider.ed it disgusting how Chanae, Jr., Violet Jaakson, Chip Sartor­ the PITCH influences our young people to ius, wi l Ue Irie, John Redmond, Jay Mande­ saturate themselves with abominable mind vi He, Rosie Sarivo, Diamanda Ga las, Ed altering music filled with love, sex and Herrmann, Vrotnak, Saul Tuaker, John pinko peace messages, I now find it even Heuertz, Ole Un~e l Bob Mossman, Saott more detestable that you have slithered to o 'Ke lley, Brian Colgan, Rodney Franks, the bottom of the pit of yellow journalism Diak Wright, Jerry Harrington, Corky Car­ with that deplorable article on "Radiation rel Charlie WrobbZe, Rev. Dwight Frizzell Hazards. " NICKS Bro'okes DeSoto, R. Sah Zau.tomeier, Smitty, Dan Conn LeRoi Johnson, Bob MaConnel l, Radiation has never harmed anyone who be­ Kevin pa~uga, Jaak Poessiger, Sid Musso, lieved in the Christian-Judaean Ethic. Roger Naber, Kath leen Kings ley, Chad Mus­ so, Jon Sitter, Patt Hi Uebrant,. Karen NUkeS)O YJUI fl'i I Hende~.son, Mara 0 lson, Shery l N7-"ernberger. Judy Pest ~~~~rge} Haia Sta te Department (Editor's note: albums reviewed in THE KC Washington, DC 2000) PITCH list for $8.98 unless otherwise (Mr. Haig: Thanks for your incite. As you mentioned. ) can see we have used a number of your con­ cepts to create our cover, whereon no one Contents @ 1982 Brody Records is being harmed by something so trivial as an atomic bomb. The joke's on you ... HA ... HA ... and us.) ~ bar Busch $31.99 Budweiser $37.99 ~ United States CONTENTS ~ ~~~~:r~t of LEROI'S AEROBICS ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Nick's Specials MUSSO COMIX.: ••••••••••••••••• , ."." •• , ••• 4 Dear OUB: VIOLA WILLS, ••••• , ••••••••..••. "...•.••• 6 Simi Chenin Blanc 1997S0mI K. C. TOP TEN ......••.....••....•..•...• 6 Thank you very much for sending me the WESTPORT DANC I NG •.•.•••••..•••.••••••.. 7 newspaper article. (PITCH No. 14) I would CHARLIE AT" HtE "MOVIES. ,., .............. 8 appreciate it if you send me the preceding Ten High 9.991.7sliter y~'f'"i"11"°REBE:t!:10fL. ; ..•••.•.•.•..•.••• 8 article and other articles as they are DENVER FILM FEST .......................10 published. I find you column to be quite CORKY'S COR~ER .................•.....• 10 interesting and appreciate you thought- Kentucky Tavern 9.991.75liter ;GiII. Pabst Beer 1.89 120Z bottles I am just about to finish the typescript &pi< cans CLUB" LI STI NGS ••• : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 13 for a USDA Technical Bulletin that will CITY MOVIE CENTER .....................13 deal with the identification of legumes Old Milwaukee 3.2912pk STEP-BUDDY ANDERSON ................... 13 seeds and fruits. The first volume will reg-lite JONATHAN RICHMAN ....•..••....•.......•14 deal with the subfamily Mimosoideae." This METAL ..•.••• , , , ••• , •. , , • , •••.•.••••••• 15 subfamily contains such familiar seeds as ALL THAT JAZZ •••••••••••••••• , •• , ••••• 16 Entada, the sea heart and Enterlobium, BEAT NOIR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•• 16 the ~ar pod. These should remind you of OUB 'S OLD TI MEY JAZZ .................. 18 your work in Palm Beach and perhaps bring URBAN BUSHMAN .• , ••••..•••.•••..•••••.• 18 back additional memories. BLUES LOWDOWN •.•••.•••.••.•••..•••...• 19 REGGAE .•••..••.•..•....•.••..••.....•• 19 Hope you have good spring and that you Andeker 2.29 120Z bottles DIAMANDA GALAS., .•.•••..••.•••••.••••• 20 will continue to send me your interesting SAUL'S COUNTRY, •• , ••••••• , •••••••••••• 21 column. KLEZMOR I MI A •• , , , , ••••• , •• , •••••• , , ••• ,21 Grolsh 3.69 120Z bottles UNCLASSIFIEDS,., •••••. , .• ,', •••••••.• ,23 Sincerely. PUBLI C ACCESS CABLE ................... 23 GIARLES~. GUNN. Botanist Plant Taxonomy Laboratory 'oo.iEl.l) of (ov('~~ -!{)V l WI$l.i ,otJ\E-'30P'! ov, kl'ov-l, T.lH: BvLL­ T£Hrl WOUlp T~Ll- .5,'I\\Lt.'7 WIAf.!V --jov j..;..-.-.\......:.------r."--:---II f'l\ ~ ~ J\I.I'1"'l>~ •••. f'J'\L...\.< y\IM .'" RICHARD SIMMON/Reach Electra 60122 $10.98 list Here's one for the female and gay per­ Well folks, it's dance month at the FRANK WAGNER/Jazz Dancing P suasion. Although there aren' t ~a lot of PITCH and the whole staff is shaking their Gateway 7607 good shots you can still use your collective bootys around here. Not being There's a lot of clothing, but this is imagination. R:l one to be out of step I have decided to a good one for couples. Contains instruc­ delve into the newest, hottest fad that's tions for both men and women. Might be fun DEBBIE/Aerobic Fever I sweeping the nation--jazzer, disco, c1as­ to experiment with. Kimbo 2055 r Debbie gets a full staff for her wonder-' sico, funker, rocko, aerober--CISE. Yes folks it's dancing, getting fit, BARBIE ALLEN/Dance--Excercise fu1 smile and busty personality. (Wink!) feeling good, tummy tightening, thigh RCA AFLi 4283 thinning, cardiovascular conditioning fun Another good one for the couples. Al­ it;~E li~~NSEN/presents Aerobic Dancing I for the whole family. For the kids there's though you can't catch Barbie and her hus­ Mickey Mousercise, for Mom there's Jane band Ed on TV in K. C. any longer (cancel­ Make it through all these exercises and led) you can catch them on the cover of Fondac~se and for Dad there's my favorTtt­ it's certain to leave you limp.
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