WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1986 FACE THlRlV-SIX r Averaie Daily Nat Praaa Ron Tito Wfatlwr iS iim rl;p0ter lEv^nins l^rraUi ? « r Um WeMt HnfUd OeSebw t. ises Fsreeaet ad 0. ItmOOm Herbert Kingsbury, eon of Mr. Member* of the Legion Aux­ Shir, net tm mat MMglA m About Town and M n. H0|;^rt Kingsbury of iliary are Invited to a Joint In- 14,452 4A6BI pwMr SMM « DurMn St. la a committee Btallatlon of Thompeonville Poet iiatirhwtpr lEtrmttm Bpralii mam, y to. Th* Om>r Shrin* Club derree MeaeNr eC « m AnM BMrrmr. Mgh SB-Ill tMin will have a rehearsal to­ chairman for the Danbury State and Unit No. 164 Saturday at morrow nlirht at 7:30 In the College annual FVUl Weekend 7:30 p.m. at the Polish National Ifewefcester 4 CUy of Vittaga Charm small lodfe -room at the Ma­ Nov. 4 to 6. He is a senior mu­ Home, Uhurch St., Thompson- sic education 'student. He will viUe. sonic Temple in prepartlon for (CtaMlfM AemtMag «• Pe^g IV) its visit to ^endshlp Lodge of Se In charge of a seml-formal •ARNIR MAKIt THOM VOL. LXXXV, NO. 12 ;(TWERTT PAOI8) MANCHESTOL CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1986 PRICE SEVEN CN N Il Masons on Thursday, Oct. 21, to dance, the final event of thd •Miss Judith E. Frlthsen,' OLD RUOS LOOK UKI present the Hlntored Apprentice weekend. daughter of Mrs. A. R. FTIth- degree. sen of 64 Elsie Dr. ia enrolled NIW AOAM ' VFW wdll sponsor a Seafood as a freshman at Vasaar Col­ State News Draft Quota The kiCgion Auxiliary will Night for members and guests lege, Poughkeepaie, N.If. ^>onsor a Himmage .sale Tues­ Friday from 6:30 to 12 p.m. at Jumps Again day at 7 p.ni. at the Legion' the po.st home. St, Francis Xavier Mothers Circle will meet tonight at 8:30 Convention Hard Fight Rages Home. Mrs. Clifford Walker and WASHINOTON (A P)— at the home of Mrs. James Mc­ 6 and Mrs. Theodore Fairbanks are Tytcr Circle of North Metho­ UPHOLSTERY The Defense Department co-chnirmen. l>onatlons may be dist Church has postponed Its Veigh. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. OKs Ban on requested today a draft brought to the home Monday at Friday meeting until Oct. 22 at Francis Vendetta 8md Mrs. Har­ CLEANING quota of 45,234 men tai De­ 7:30 p.m. Tho.‘»e wishing pickup !»:30,a.m. The Rev, Earle Custer ry Yorgensen. cember, the biggest quota service may call Mrs. Walkw at will be Uie sjieaker. CALL Segregation since the Korean War, 76 Phelps Rd. An anniversary high Mass for 649-1752 or 643-5747 HARTFORD (AP)-The Cbn> This comparies with S6,« The Past Chiefs Club of Me­ Elizabeth M. LIpgens will be In Mekong Delta 600 called for in the No­ Representatives of all Man­ celebrated tomorrow at 7:45 a. neoUout oonitituUonel oonvea- morial Temple, Pythian Sisters, vember quota. chester Catholic MoUiers Cir­ m. at St. James' Church. will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. Uon approved unanlmouety to­ SAIGON, South Viet Ight, but U.g. authorities oon-Sent that the enemy had OboMn 14 cles will l«ivc a combined meet­ The Marine Corpa, which at the home of Mrs. Nonnle day en antl-eegrogaUon olauee, Armed only seven dead. flea rather than flght. He aalfl ing Wi-dnt'tKfay, Oot. 20 at 8 resumed draft calls with Nam (AP) — Heavy fight­ Hildlng. 313 Charter Onk St. Aviation Machinist's Mate The U.S. spokesman aald the Intelligence reports Indloatad a p.m. at St. Bartliolonicw's Third Class John O. Boukus, U. then drove toward paaeaga of the November quota, re­ ing broke out in the Me­ This meeting had been original­ a proposod Bill of RlgMa quested 5,024 men for De­ kong River delta during the ranger battalion was reinforced large Viet Cong force had iMeo Uhurcli. ly scheduled for last Friday S. Navy, son of Mrs. Veronica by at least (our other battalions, amendment. cember. night, and thousands of In the area. night. Boukus of 10 Proctor Rd., is and they came under almost But the elr eavalry’a tmth The Mgregatlon matter waa The Army's Share of the serving with Air Anti-Subma­ U.S. combat troops com­ continuous fire during the night. mander, Maj. Oen. Harry brought up by Um Connecticut December quota is 40,300. rine Squadron 21 at Naval Air pleted giant sweeps north U.S. casualties In the action The next trip of the "Sunshine Council of Churchea, Mra, Oraa The Navy, which had re­ nard, aald the operation was a Station, Quonset Point, R.I. of Saigon and in the cen­ were described as light. success because it was mo(« a Buses” to Norwich Hospital Is ao aald. Wedneeday aftainoon'i quested 4,600 men In the scheduled for Sunday. Buses Democratic delegate caucth tral highlands, a U.S. mili­ Remaining elements of the measure of pacifleaUon than aa The new Square Dancing November quota, made no will leave Central Row, Hart­ went along with it. ' request for December. The tary spokesman reported U.S. 1st Cavalry Division, Air­ attempt to klU large numbers ot ford. at noon and leave the ho.sp- Class, sponsored by the Man­ ,The change would go Into a today. mobile, encountered sporadic Viet ciong. chester Square Dance Club, will Air Force, as has been its ital at 4:16 p.m. The .‘w-rvlce Is propoaed aeotion of the etata custom, also requested no TSie spokesmen said a large sniper (Ire Wednesday night as Klnnard said the area, the meet on Tuesday at 8 p.m. at sponsored by the Capital Region eonetitutlon which would ban touluctees. government force suffered they ended their big operation Suai Ca Valley 35 mtlea aovtlv Mental Health A.s.sociatlon, Inc. the Waddell School and not on diaciiminatlon on the basle of "moderate" casualties In the in the central highlands and be­ west of An Khe, had been It is avrailable every other Sun­ Wedne.sdays as printed in error race, religion or national origin. delta battle 66 miles southwest gan withdrawing to their base brought under government in­ day and serves Manchester resi­ in yesterday,p Herald. Contact Most of these are already cov­ of Saigon, near (Jan Tho. The camp at An Khe, 260 miles fluence for the Arst time Mnea dents. For reservations, contact Mr. luid Mrs. Paul Bourque, 40 ered by state laws, end the con- 44th Vietnamese ranger battal* northeast of Saigon. the war began. Lyndale St., for more informa­ the group's office at 217 Farm­ etitutlon would merely oonetniot U.S* Orbits ion met atiff resistance from an Between 12,000 and 14,000 U.S. Troope of the iTSrd Airboma tion. i . i- ington Ave., Hartford, by to­ a constitutional foundation un­ estimated 500 Viet Cong. and Vietnamese troops took Brigade supported by Austra­ morrow. der them. Associated Press photogra­ lian soldiers eAded another M« Members of the Manchester # % < Odd, New part In the offensive that began pher Huynh Thanh My, 29, a last Sunday. These included 8,- search operation In the Iron The Zipser Club will have Its Emblem Club will meet at the Fire Hits Qiurch Triangle 80 mllee iwctfaweet at Elks Home tonight at 6:30 and Vietnamese was killed in the 000 of the 1st Cavalry Division. annual ijidies Night Saturday for a new bathroom ? riff ■■ ■ Spacecraft action. He had been wounded In Thirty-four Viet Cong were Saigon. An Australian spokes­ at the club. A bratwvirst supper ' go to Burke Funeral Home, 76 FAIRFIBLD (AP) — A etUb- man sold Viet Cong fortiflfia- THANKS TO YOU Prospect St., Rockville, to pay Sisters (^ther Props for South Methodist Fair bom Are, believed to have been the arm and was waiting to be reported killed and 100 suspects will be seiwed at 6 p.m. There VANDENBERO AIR FORCE evacuated when Communist were captured. U.S. losses were tlons In the area had been Homeless Children Find New respects to Mrs. Anna Willeke, Daughters of u committee member for "Hl-H o! Come to the Fair,” to be held Saturday at GET THE CASH YOU NEED AT LOW BANK RATES caused by delayed Ignition in a will be dancing from 8 to mid­ BASE, Calif. (AP) — A strange guerrillas overran the position. described as light. smashed. Parents through the night. Tickets may be obtained mother of Mrs. Fred Pontlcel- South Methodist Church campus from 10 a.m . to 4 p.m., combine business with pleasure caused by delayed Ignition in a Previously 84 Viet Oong had • 1 AMOUNT YOU MONTH LY REPAYMENT TERMS looking satellite, billed as the He was shot In the neck. The spokesman said the num­ Catholic Family Serv­ from the club steward. lo, a member of the club. they gather decorations for the fair. They ar e, left to right, Sandra, 18 months; Linda, age early today to the Church been reported killed and US 1 RECEIVE 12 ptymints 24 payments SSpiymintt Vietnamese sources said 60 ber of dead Viet Cong "was not ices, the Children’s Anita (standing) 4; and Brenda, 5; daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Perry, 6 Pei of Our Lady of the Assumption. most versatile unmanned space­ The Guard Club of the Wom­ Fire Chief Joeeph Stopa said Viet Cong were killed In the substantial’’ and It was appor- Bee Page EIgtat Services of Conn, The event is sponsored by the Women's Socie ty of Christian Service and Methodist 1 $ 60(^ $ 53 $28 craft yet, was flred Into polar VFW-Stein Club will meet to­ an's Benefit Association will Supper will be served in Cooper Hall at the c hurch at 6 p.m.
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