Volume X, Issue-12, December 2020 December in History Pakistan’s standing in the global rankings December 24, 1952: Overview UN Security Council adopts the Anglo- = American Resolution on Kashmir m~âáëí~å = çÄëÉêîÉÇ=~=ëäáÖÜí=áãéêçîÉãÉåí=áå=íÜÉ=çîÉê~ää=áåíÉêå~íáçå~ä=ê~åâáåÖë=áå=OMNU=ÅçîÉêáåÖ=ëçÅáçJÉÅçåçãáÅ=~åÇ=========== urging immediate demilitarization talks éçäáíáÅ~ä=çìíÅçãÉë=çÑ=íÜÉ=ÅçìåíêóK=pÉîÉê~ä=ÉäÉãÉåíë=ÅçãéäÉãÉåíÉÇ=íÜÉ=éêçëéÉÅíë=áåÅäìÇáåÖ=ëìÅÅÉëëÑìä=ÇÉãçÅê~íáÅ======== between India, Pakistan. íê~åëáíáçåIÉÑÑáÅáÉåí=ÅçìåíÉêJíÉêêçêáëã=ãÉ~ëìêÉë=äÉ~ÇáåÖ=íç=ÉåÜ~åÅÉÇ=éÉ~ÅÉ=~åÇ=ëÉÅìêáíóI=~åÇ=ÑçêÉáÖå=ÇáêÉÅí=áåîÉëíãÉåí= áåÑäçïë=ìåÇÉê=`mb`I=~ãçåÖ=çíÜÉêëK=^äÄÉáíI=ÇÉÅçìéäáåÖ=ÉÅçåçãáÅ=ÖêçïíÜ=Ñêçã=Üìã~å=ÇÉîÉäçéãÉåí=ëìÖÖÉëíë=íÜ~í=íÜÉ= December 31, 1952: Åçìåíêó=åÉÉÇë=íç=ÉåÜ~åÅÉ=áíë=ëÅçêÉë=áå=ÜÉ~äíÜI=ÉÇìÅ~íáçå=~åÇ=ëí~åÇ~êÇ=çÑ=äáîáåÖ=Äó=ÉåëìêáåÖ=éçäáíáÅ~ä=ïáääI=Éèìáí~ÄäÉ============ Pakistan National Scouts instituted. 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Awami = =íç=QKOS=áå=OMNTK=== fåÇÉñ=Ñêçã=M=E~ìíÜçêáí~êá~å=êÉÖáãÉ League and Pakistan People Party = F=íç=NM=EÑìää=ÇÉãçÅê~ÅóF= emerge as leading parties in East and `çãéáäÉÇ=Ä~ëÉÇ=çå=áåÇáÅ~íçêë=ÅçîÉêáåÖW=bäÉÅíçê~ä=éêçÅÉëë=~åÇ=éäìê~äáëãI=`áîáä=äáÄÉêíáÉëI== West Pakistan. cìåÅíáçåáåÖ=çÑ=ÖçîÉêåãÉåíI=mçäáíáÅ~ä=é~êíáÅáé~íáçåI=~åÇ=mçäáíáÅ~ä=ÅìäíìêÉK== = December 19, 1970: HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX= Pakistan wins gold medal in Asian = Games hockey, beating India 1-0. m~âáëí~å=ê~åâÉÇ=NRMíÜ=çìí=çÑ=NUV=ÅçìåíêáÉë=áå=íÜÉ=eìã~å=aÉîÉäçéãÉåí=fåÇÉñ=ëÅçêáåÖ== MKRSO=çìí=çÑ=NKMMM=áå=OMNU=Åçãé~êÉÇ = =íç=MKRSM=çìí=çÑ=NKMMM=áå=OMNTK=== December 20, 1971: fåÇÉñ=Ñêçã=M=Eäçï=ÇÉîÉäçéãÉåíF=íç=N=EîÉêó=ÜáÖÜ=ÇÉîÉäçéãÉåíF= General Yahya Khan hands over power = `çãéáäÉÇ=Ä~ëÉÇ=çå=áåÇáÅ~íçêë=ÅçîÉêáåÖW=äáÑÉ=ÉñéÉÅí~åÅóI=ÉÇìÅ~íáçåI=~åÇ=éÉê=Å~éáí~=áåÅçãÉ= to Z. A. Bhutto, who takes over as = President and Chief Mar- tial Law PRESS FREEDOM INDEX Administrator. = December 30, 1973: m~âáëí~å=ê~åâÉÇ=NPVíÜ=çìí=çÑ=NUM=ÅçìåíêáÉë=áå=íÜÉ=mêÉëë=cêÉÉÇçã=fåÇÉñ=ëÅçêáåÖ== QPKOQ=çìí=çÑ=NMM=áå=OMNU=Åçãé~êÉÇ Z. A. Bhutto lays foundation stone of = =íç=QPKRR=áå=OMNTK=== fåÇÉñ=Ñêçã=M=Eãçëí=éêÉëë=ÑêÉÉÇçã Pakistan Steel Mills. = F=íç=NMM=EäÉ~ëí=éêÉëë=ÑêÉÉÇçãF== `çãéáäÉÇ=Ä~ëÉÇ=çå=áåÇáÅ~íçêë=ÅçîÉêáåÖW=éäìê~äáëãI=ãÉÇá~=áåÇÉéÉåÇÉåÅÉI=ÉåîáêçåãÉåí== December 27, 1975: ~åÇ=ëÉäÑJÅÉåëçêëÜáéI=äÉÖáëä~íáîÉ=Ñê~ãÉïçêâI=íê~åëé~êÉåÅóI=~åÇ=áåÑê~ëíêìÅíìêÉK== 1976 is declared Quaid's Century year. = TERRORISM INDEX December 31, 1985: = Martial Law is lifted, amended 1973 m~âáëí~å=ê~åâÉÇ=RíÜ=çìí=çÑ=NSP=ÅçìåíêáÉë=áå=íÜÉ=qÉêêçêáëã=fåÇÉñ=ëÅçêáåÖ= =UKNU=çìí=çÑ=NM=áå=OMNU=Åçãé~êÉÇ Constitution revived. = =íç=UKQM=áå=OMNTK=== fåÇÉñ=Ñêçã=M=EäçïÉëí=áãé~Åí = F=íç=NM=EÜáÖÜÉëí=áãé~ÅíF= December 2, 1988: `çãéáäÉÇ=Ä~ëÉÇ=çå=áåÇáÅ~íçêë=ÅçîÉêáåÖ=W=qçí~ä=åìãÄÉê=çÑ=íÉêêçêáëí=áåÅáÇÉåíë=áå=~=ÖáîÉå=óÉ~êI=íçí~ä=åìãÄÉê=çÑ== Benazir Bhutto is sworn in as first Ñ~í~äáíáÉë=Å~ìëÉÇ=Äó=íÉêêçêáëã=áå=~=ÖáîÉå=óÉ~êI=íçí~ä=åìãÄÉê=çÑ=áåàìêáÉë=Å~ìëÉÇÄó=íÉêêçêáëã=áå=~=ÖáîÉå=óÉ~ê== woman Prime Minister of Pakistan. ~åÇ=íÜÉ=~ééêçñáã~íÉ=äÉîÉä=çÑ=íçí~ä=éêçéÉêíó=Ç~ã~ÖÉ=Ñêçã=íÉêêçêáëí=áåÅáÇÉåíë=áå=~=ÖáîÉå=óÉ~êK= December 12, 1990: ECONOMIC FREEDOM INDEX Pakistan becomes 37th country to send = expedition to Antarctica. m~âáëí~å=ê~åâÉÇ=NPNëí=çìí=çÑ=NUM=ÅçìåíêáÉë=áå=íÜÉ=bÅçåçãáÅ=cêÉÉÇçã=fåÇÉñ=ëÅçêáåÖ== RQKQ=çìí=çÑ=NMM=áå=OMNU=Åçãé~êÉÇ = =íç=ROKU=çìí=çÑ=NMM=áå=OMNTK=== December 4, 1994: fåÇÉñ=Ñêçã=M=EêÉéêÉëëÉÇF=íç=NMM=EÑêÉÉF= Pakistan regains World Hockey = Championship title after 12 years, `çãéáäÉÇ=Ä~ëÉÇ=çå=áåÇáÅ~íçêë=ÅçîÉêáåÖW=j~êâÉí=çéÉååÉëëI=oÉÖìä~íçêó=ÉÑÑáÅáÉåÅóI== beating Holand 4-3. dçîÉêåãÉåí=ëáòÉ=~åÇ=íÜÉ=êìäÉ=çÑ=ä~ïK= Positive Post is a strategic effort to project achievement and contributions of Pakistan. While showcasing Greenwich University’s cultural diplomacy initiatives, it also encapsulates a compilation of different developments complementing Pakistan’s socio-cultural, economic and Political outcomes. Google pays tribute to Bano Qudsia Exclusive: Stunt biker Marina Syed’s journey on 92nd birthday to the big screen Google is celebrating Pakistani Naam. novelist, playwright and spiritualist Bano Qudsia’s 92nd Birthday, on Qudsia graduated from the Saturday with a doodle. Kinnaird College in Lahore and then joined the Government Soon after the September 9 injuries because no one taught me how Born on November 28, 1928 in College University (Lahore) gang-rape of a woman on the to do it,” she told SAMAA Digital. Firozpur, British India, She was (GCU) to do her masters in Urdu Lahore-Sialkot Motorway, people Five months later, she travelled from popularly known as Bano Aapa, literature which she completed began victim blaming and said the Karachi to Kashmir on a 200cc which means Elder Sister. in 1951. woman shouldn’t have left her house motorcycle. “When my confidence at night. grew, I thought I should train other Renowned for her message of love She married writer Ashfaq Ahmed whom she had met at the Govern- Director Abu Aleeha’s response to girls as well.” and hope, Qudsia earned enormous ment College University in Lahore. those people is his newest project acclaim for Urdu classics like So how did she reach the silver The couple was considered insepa- Sheenogai. her television play Aadhi Baat and screen? According to Syed, one of her novel Raja Gidh. rable in their social lives. The film has been written and di- students was a make-up artist and She was awarded Sitara-e-Imtiaz in rected by Abu Aleeha and stars new- recommended her name for the film. She wrote 25 novels and founded 1983 and Hilal-e-Imtiaz in 2000 comer Marina Syed, who rose to her own magazine called “She told me that I just had to ride for her literary achievements fame as a stunt biker. Dastango. Some of her famous sto- a motorcycle in the film,” Syed said, ries include Aatish-i-Zer-i-Paa, Bano Qudsia died at the age of 88 She is a member of an all women adding that she made it clear she Aik Din, Amer Bail, Asay Pasay, on February 4, 2017, at the Ittefaq biker club in Karachi called Rowdy didn’t know how to act. “I didn’t Chahar Chaman, Chotaa Sheher Hospital in Lahore. Riders, where she teaches women know what to do, but when I read Baray Log, Footpath ki Ghaas, Courtesy: Saama how to ride motorcycles. the script, I realised that if I had to Haasil Ghaat, and Hawa Kay do it, I would have to understand the Her biking journey began in 2017, character,” she explained. Sindh increases total marks for matric when she bought her first scooter on installments. She faced fierce oppo- Abu Aleeha and the film crew board exams to 1,100 sition from her family, who sold the worked tirelessly for a month to bike. She had to pay Rs30,000 to make Syed understand the intrica- buy it back. cies of acting. Syed then learnt to ride motorcycles In this video, Syed talks in detail without an instructor. “I have about her journey from biking to experienced so many physical being a movie star. Courtesy: Saama The Sindh education board has the matric board chairman, the increased the total marks for ninth model papers will help students and and matric exams to 1,100 from teachers in the preparation of exams. 850. The papers have been prepared after consultations with senior private There will be 550 marks for each and government school teachers. grade now. The new policy will be applicable for The matric board’s research scheme ninth grade from 2021, and from of studies has prepared the model 2022 for 10th grade. papers for both grades. According to Courtesy: Saam 2 Pakistani author explores types of trauma in new book The lack of conversation in society prose with discussions between two holds the power he once cherished. about people’s fears, realities, past characters. Samejo believes that this experiences, and mental health has style of prose is what makes the Talking about the publishing indus- inspired a Pakistani author to book different. try in Pakistan, Samejo said that as explore the topic in his new book, far as fiction is concerned, making a Damaged. It features 30 characters that have career out of it is difficult, but not been given the same amount of time impossible. The 200-page anthology is an hon- and space to convey their stories. est conversation about how our These characters could be your next- “Publishers hardly consider new au- traumas never really escape us. “The door neighbour, a morning show thors even when they have a com- fact that we don’t have conversations host, or a man you saw sitting in a pelling story,” he said. “Having about our traumas is what inspired café, with their own ways of coping yourself an audience at hand may me to write these stories,” said with the damage. There are no right lead to publishers to notice your po- Muhammad Ali Samejo while solutions, but only the best deci- tential.” speaking to SAMAA Digital.
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