January 13, 2020 Nematode Certification CERTIFICATION LIST Expires: January 13, 2021 TYPE III No. 1180 (All States) Negative for burrowing, reniform and guava root-knot nematodes Florida Aquatic Nursery, Inc. Bradford McLane (954) 472-5120 [email protected] Nursery Registration: 01162000 1. Acorus calamus variegatus - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 2. Acorus gramineus ‘Variegatus’ -2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 3. Acrostichum spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 4. Aeschynomene fluitans - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 5. Alisma plantago major rubrifolia - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 6. Alisma spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 7. Alocasia spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 8. Alternanthera ficoidea - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 9. Alternanthera reineckii ‘Mini’ - tissue culture 10. Alternanthera reineckii ‘Roseafolia’ - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings; tissue culture 11. Ammannia spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 12. Anubias afzelli - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 13. Anubias barteri - 2”,4” pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings; tissue culture 14. Anubias coffeefolia - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 15. Anubias congensii - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 16. Anubias frazeri - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 17. Anubias hastifolia - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 18. Anubias lanceolata - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 19. Anubias minima - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 20. Anubias nancon - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 21. Anubias nangi - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 22. Aponogeton spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 23. Arundo spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 24. Asclepsias incarnata – 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 25. Azolla caroliniana - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 26. Bacopa australis - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 27. Bacopa caroliniana - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings; tissue culture 28. Bacopa monnieri - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 29. Bacopa myriophylloides - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 30. Barclaya longifolia - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 31. Baumea spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 32. Blixa sp. - 2”, 4” pots; bare root; un-rotted cuttings 33. Bolbitis spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 34. Bucephalandra sp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 35. Butomus spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 36. Cabomba caroliniana - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 37. Cabomba furcata – 2”, 4” pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 38. Cabomba pulcherrima - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 39. Caltha spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 40. Canna spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 41. Cardamine lyrata - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 42. Carex spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 43. Ceratophyllum demersum - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 44. Ceratopteris thalictroides - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 45. Cladophora spp - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 46. Colocasia spp - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 47. Crinum spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 48. Cryptocoryne sp. - 2”, 4” pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings: tissue culture 49. *Cyperus spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings; tissue culture 50. Dichromena spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 51. Didiplis diandra - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 52. Echinodorus spp - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings; tissue culture 53. Echinodorus tenellus green - tissue culture 54. Egeria spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 55. Eichornia crassipes - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 56. Eleocharis spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings; tissue culture 57. Equisetum spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 58. Fissidens nobilis - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 59. Eusteralis stellata - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings. 60. Fontinalis antipyretica - tissue culture 61. Glossostigma eletinoides - tissue culture 62. Glossostigma spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 63. Gymnocoronis spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 64. Hemianthus callitrichoides ‘Cuba’ - tissue culture 65. Hemianthus spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 66. Hemigraphis spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 67. Heteranthera spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 68. Hibiscus spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 69. Houttuynia spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 70. Hydrocleys nymphoides - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 71. Hydrocotyle spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings; tissue culture 72. Hydrocotyle tripartite - tissue culture 73. Hydrotriche hottoniiflora - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 74. Hygrophila araguaia - tissue culture 75. Hygrophila siamensis 53B - tissue culture 76. Hygrophila spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 77. Hymenocallis spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 78. Iris fulva - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 79. Iris kaempferi 'Variegata' - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 80. Iris laevigata - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 81. Iris pseudacorus - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 82. Iris pseudacorus 'Variegata' - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 83. Iris spp. 'Louisiana hybrids and fulva' - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 84. Iris versicolor - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 85. Isoetes lacustris - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 86. Juncus spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 87. Lemna spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 88. Lilaeopsis spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings; tissue culture 89. Limnobium spongia - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 90. Limnophila aromatica – 2”, 4” pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 91. Limnophila indica - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 92. Lobelia cardinalis - tissue culture 93. Lobelia spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 94. Ludwigia palustris - tissue culture 95. Ludwigia spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings; tissue culture 96. Lysimachia spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 97. Marsilea hirsute - tissue culture 98. Marsilea spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 99. Mayaca spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 100. Mentha spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 101. Menyanthes spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 102. Micranthemum ‘Monte Carlo’ - tissue culture 103. Micranthemum spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 104. Micranthemum tweediei - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 105. Micromeria spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 106. Microsorium pteropus - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 107. Mimulus ringens - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 108. Monosolenium tenerum – 2”, 4” pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 109. Musa sumatrana - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 110. Myriophyllum spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 111. Nelumbo spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 112. Neptunia spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 113. Nesaea spp. – 2”,4” pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 114. Nuphar lutea - 2”, 4” pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 115. Nymphaea capensis 2”, 4” pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 116. Nymphaea cerulea - 2”, 4” pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 117. Nymphaea colorata - 2”, 4” pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 118. Nymphaea gigantea - 2”, 4” pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 119. Nymphaea Mexicana - 2”, 4” pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 120. Nymphaea micrantha - 2”, 4” pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 121. Nymphaea odorata - 2”, 4” pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 122. Nymphaea spp. - 2”, 4” pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 123. Nymphaea tetragona 2”, 4” pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 124. Nymphoides hydrophylia ‘Taiwan’ - tissue culture 125. Nymphoides spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 126. Oenanthe spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 127. Ophiopogon japonicus - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 128. Orontium spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 129. Peltandra spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 130. Phalaris spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 131. Phragmites spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 132. Physostegia spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 133. Pilea cadierei - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 134. Pistia stratiotes - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 135. Pogostemon helferi - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings; tissue culture 136. Pogostemon stellata - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 137. Pogostemon stellatus ‘Broad Leaf’ - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 138. Pontederia spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 139. Potamogeton gayi - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 140. Proserpinaca spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 141. Riccardia chamedryfolia - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 142. Riccia fluitans - tissue culture 143. Riccia spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 144. Rotala ‘Bonsai’ - tissue culture 145. Rotala rotundifolia - tissue culture 146. Rotala spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 147. Ruellia spp. - 2", 4" pots; bare root; un-rooted cuttings 148.
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