Four Page Colored 12 Pages Today < Two Sections Comic Section PRICE THRKE CENTS WOODHRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, li):>2 XUI, No. 50 LEGION MEETINGS ANNUAL CONCERT The annual concert of the Wood- Miss Ruth Howell To The American Legion, Pout 87, Love Favors Retention WorkOf Woodbridge Man Accepted idgft-Wirfi school orchestra will he will meet in School No. 11 on Tuos- Kiven in the auditorium of the school dny and Fridfy evening hereafter on Harron avenue, Friday evening, Enact Leading Role for drum and bugle corps practice, By GovernmenthrUse On New Coin Mnrch 4, at 8:15 o'clock. There will due to many social events for which Of Manual Training In lie dancing after the concert with In Senior Play, 'Oh, Professor' it must prepare. The corps will play . Cavallito, 26, Of Churjh Street, One Of Country's Lead^ Harry Brown and his Laurence Har- Ht West New York, N. ,]., on May 15. lbino bor Casino orchestra in attendance. Which Will Be Presented designers aiid Sculptors, Has Made Exact Reproduction Tonight — Excellent Cast. Township School System Of Houdon Bust Of George Washington For Use On Bi- centennial Coin To Be Issued Soon-Has N. Y. Studio. Cast in the role of "Patty Patter- Fire Commissioners Supervising Principal Says He Hopes Citizen* Of Community Cripples Dependable son", a young American woman who Will Not Fail Children At Election Tomorrow Night— mnn will maintains studios in New York ba- is constantly pursuing a Parisian ac- youllf„„«i• quaintance, Miss Ruth Howell, pretty In Woodbridge Pare Declares That Elimination Of The Arts Would ,. honor of having the w8lk of Woj'k of the Woodbridga man Ws And Loyal Employees Wnodbtidge high school senior, will Have tittle Effect On General Tax Rate klH,.d bands reproduced on a been on exhibition in every art show play the lead in the three-act Comedy, "Oh, Professor!" to be pre- 1932 Appropriation —State Pays Half t0 |,c issued by the United in the United States. The copyright on a plaque of Says Rotary Speaker sented by the senior class tonight in , government in the near fu- the high school auditorium at 8:1 !i - M;-II A I CI QAn 1 ... TW.n , , ., , . „ . .. _ . Professor Love pronounced himself George Washington, commemorat- heartily in favor of the retention of ing the 200th anniversary of his . V. Bleeker, Field Manager o'clock I1 Will Ask $4,301) Less than it ,s thohne hope Lovtrf Supervisine 0 h< g Pnn- Albino Cavillito• „•. , M,oft ott Last Year In District No. 1—, W { ": , . M, ; *\°J?- manual training and the household • — ., . birth,' (1732-11)32), designed by Mr. Of Commission For Rehabil- _ , . ; bridge township schools, that at the arts in the schools. He said that both ,-,h street.>It was his design, an raVallho, has been issued to Erneft Few Contests In township. • election tomorrow night to determine _»re of a distinct value to the school i ii itation Of Cripples Gives (•production of the famous G, Schumann of Ford's. '.the retention or the rejection of children and that the cost ot main- . '' ' - ' Mr. Schumann, who Is manufac- Fine Talk. With very few contents and with | manual training and the household .tajtiihg the arts irt the township Is ,,',,,|,,„()n„ bust of GeorgGeorgee ««•»>»»«"•• tu^g the pla»ue said this.morning appropriations placed at the lowest j ^rts as a part of the schoo) currjgft- B comparatively small. ,, has been formally adopted by that' they arfl beinp 8Oid by. leading "The average cripple Is more de- I possible levels, it is expected that the. ium "tj,at tj,B citizens of our com* elections for fire and light commis-1 unity will not fall the children". 'In the Woodbridge schools," said officials of the United States ^ f)];mfirmss mo n FirtFiftj,h aveavenuenue, , New York anil icndable and ambitious than the phy- m Mr. Love, "wo have the plants for in Washington, in addition to a num- .ically perfect employee," said Mr. iioners throughout^ the entire town-1 Tn an interview with an Indepen- ft im-ury for use on a coin to be ia- '"'" dent reporter yesterday afternoon manual training. The initial cost of ber of New Jersey dealers ',',. Vict«» Bleeker, field manager of ship tomorrow, will be comparative- it? introduction was met longajo. 11| in connection with the bl-cen- ly quiet. There are few new candi-' r.iiiul celebration for the. first pres- ;he New Jersey Commission for the Fifty per cent of its annual opera- Rehabilitation of Cripples in the dates in the field and most of the tion is carried by the state of New budgets have been pared. ent. course of a talk to the Woodbridge Prosecutor's Men Jersey, the other fifty per cent ba- I he Houdon bust, made from real In Woodbridge proper, the appro- raitied by local taxation. Medical Reports Rotary club yesterday noon, at its priation asked by the fire commis- , at Mount Vernon in 1785, has regular weekly luncheon in the Mid- 'The amount that would be saved sioners of District No. 1, which in- Raid Two Places to the district by its elimination rii selected by the Portrait Com- dlesex Hotel. Mr. Bleekvr's talk was cludes Woodbridge and Sewartm, will iii-i' of the Bicentennial Commis- At Board Meeting would be BO small that in the general illustrated with a short talking film. be $4,300 less than last year. The tax rate it would be negligible. The iii- as the official picture of the "Fa- "The three major objects of the Alleged Speakeasy In Sewaren President Of School Board voters will be asked to pass on the children who profit most by the work r of his country", commission of which I am a mem- following budget: current expenses, and One In Woodbridge are those who cannot go to college Mr. C'avallito, at present ranked as Surprised When Physician* ber," said Mr. Bleeker, "are to at- !f20,000; tires for fire trucks, $300; but who enter the ranks of industry • third leading sculptor in the Visited — Liquor Found In Submit Record Of Work tempt to restore physical condition, supplies, including a smoke mask, and become the backbone of the HW'I) States, has, despite his years, to train in an adapted field for em- $500, The total appropriation will be Each. country," stated Mr. Love. !in veil many notable successes in Done. ployment and to secure placement $20,800. "There are only certain years in field. in industry. At present, the commis- William Treen and William All- Two places in Woodbridge were 1 which the great majority of children Hi wns the designer and sculptor Reports received from two medsion is caring for 1,200 adult cases ah , present incumbents are running raided by men from the prosecutor's eim attend school aWd their oppor- the outstanding work on the Me-j MpuiB lvvv.,^« throughout the state. Three hundred for re-election. .'tinnno will'office on Wednesday. Liquor was tunities shouffl not be curtailed in n ml Continental Hall of the \ \ inspectors of the public school (MHi;e Ull UVUIIbauuj. j c& and fifty nine of these are being An iinnroDnation of ?it>,vuy win.. obtaine„. ._.__dj i•n eac..,,1h. nplaceiBee. , accordinaccording tto the slightest degree," said Mr. Love, ;intfhti'rs of the American Revolu, j ut the meeting of the Board of Edu he asked hy the think a tremendous mistake is • n in Washington, D. C, The np- . ti n Monday night occasioned at trained for some "particular branch the prosecutor's office. The raids, Washington, D. d h p ((rauua Ou »(i.i™, ...o..r crs of District No. 1. B. it is said, were made as a result of | i ipaUties h to the tomb of the Unknown of work." it is said, were made as a result of b made by thogo mun c expression of surprise from Presi- pan, Henry A, Dunham and John complaints that had been made w ( ^ ,nteregts of economy are Mr. Bleeker urged the Rotariana p had two i mai in me imprests oi economy lior in Arlington cemetery wan dent Melvin Clum who remarked IU., n».,«ofntnr rpffardine tne two, _, ... _ , ,. ... .. .» ti.. .uiu designed and sculptored by Mr.that it was the first time he had seen the prosecutor regarding attacking the birthright of the child :illito. These two pieces of work reports from the inspectors. D. C. places. which, in every democracy, is the his foremost achieve- H. Rothfu") reported inspections One of the places visited is Paul best aand the fullest education possi- :,rr among perfect man or woman, he ; audience. The possessor of a rich, Ttwek''s placl e in SewareSrenn at-the old blebl . in. lllS. made at the schools in Reading and sneaker told the Rotarians clear voice and unusual stage pres- Acker\ Beach. County Detectiv« 'cavallito attended Woodbridge j jn Avenel, and Rr. Joseph Mark sub- ! ap- "I am a disbeliever in 'fads and Mr cost of rehabilitating the oncet. Miss Howell is cast in a role Port Reading ami ona^ ... CollinsXvisited the Turek place and m|[afrills' . Dubutt x T a amm no noi gurt sure eine they yBre are> . •-V.U.ichool.. ...H«e i.s. -a .graduate of ; mitted a' report of inspections made that ththee cost ot renaDiiiiaiinR ui^t,llw,,,o, ..„.— ... ... _. propriation of $9,500 will be asked. .after it\was searched a cnarge oi Corned beef and cabbage are go^ i mi,..., Art School and the Fonten at the high school. average case is $250, while correct-[that is entirely suitable to her.
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